Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 293 March 07, 2022 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

These days are somewhat painful for me as I still have difficulties to digest that there is a very serious military conflict going on between Russia and the Ukraine – two countries that are actually quite close to each other in terms of language, culture and economy. When I still was in school I picked Russian as my second foreign language and travelled to all those countries now involved in this conflict – Ukraine, Russia and also Belarus. Surely I am telling my story from a privileged European position – we have seen only a few wars in the last decades and armed conflicts are mostly perceived as something distant that takes place somewhere else in the world. Nonetheless, I had tears in my eyes these days when reading that some large rocket has hit Bila Tserkva, a city I visited twice in the context of some pupils' exchange between Austria and the Ukraine. I still remember how exceptionally kind we were treated there, how quickly we became friends with the local kids and how rich the history of this city is.

Actually Bila Tserkva is a city that has existed for more than one-thousand years, it has had a great cultural capacity and a quite diverse population. It was next to totally destroyed and its large Jewish community massacred by the forces of Nazi-Germany in the 1940s, before being liberated by the Red Army and rebuilt by the Soviet Union. I admit I can hardly believe that the grandsons of those people who liberated and rebuilt this city now shoot rockets into it. And I am strongly convinced that many of those grandsons, who are now serving in the Russian army, also do not understand, why this has to happen. This is to a large degree Putin's personal war and not one of the 'average' Russian citizen or soldier.

Let me make clear that I am surely not naive here: I see that the US basically cornered Russia in the last three decades and was never truly willing to give up the imaginary of Russia as something akin to an eternal antagonist. I am also aware that Ukraine turning towards the West is a military game-changer, not only because of its geographic position, but also because of the strategically crucial and historically loaden role of Sevastopol. And I am surely acknowledging that Russia and its people have for decades been unfairly and pejoratively represented in Western media and culture. However, while all this surely fuels conflict and antagonism, it can never justify a large-scale attack on a neighbouring country.

But still, the US and its European partners have made many mistakes in the past and cornering Russia by successively expanding NATO was surely one of them. But in my view more important mistakes happened thirty years ago, when Russians actually reached out for help from the West to transform their communist structures towards a democratic society with a market-based economic system. Back then our economic experts proceeded on the assumption that free markets will automatically bring forth a free society, while it is actually the other way round: In an 'open society' it is possible to tame market forces by means of democratic mechanisms and thereby create inclusive forms of progress, while markets and the profit-motive as such are not tied to democratic institutions and can also strive under a more authoritarian take on political leadership.

The naive conviction that economic freedom has to be understood as the foundation of all other freedoms was powerful back then – and undermined most efforts to create strong democratic institutions in Russia as a foundation for futher peaceful forms of international integration. If you want to catch up on these issues to better contextualize current events, I can recommend Katharina Pistor's short take on the subject, which clearly spells out some obvious errors made in the past.

As has often been said: Economic ideas can be powerful, especially in the long-run, and Russia's missed opportunity for creating stronger democratic institutions is an especially tragic example for this. As academics we cannot provide much guidance in times of gunfire, but in my humble view, it is our job & duty to sharply remember those critical historical junctures that led us into this mess. Maybe we all can do better next time.

With hope,


PS: Surely many of you noticed the bitter irony that super-frugal, pro-austerity, debt-brake-enthusiastic Germany has just promised to spend 100 billion € to improve military capacities. So it seems that, after all, the Germans can do debt, but the specific reasons that induced them to do it, leave me speechless in the face of painful historical analogies to WW I ...

© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

21st Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP) (Montpellier, July 2022)

6-8 July 2022 | Montpellier, France

The International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP) gathers scholars dedicated to exploring the economics of democratic and participatory organizations, such as labor-managed firms, cooperatives and firms with broad-based employee share-ownership, profit sharing and worker participation schemes, as well as democratic nonprofit, community and social enterprises. The IAFEP Conference, which take place every two years, provides an international forum for presentations and discussions of current research on the economics of participation. The 2022 IAFEP Conference will be held in Montpellier (France).

This year’s conference will focus on the impact of participatory economic organizations on local development. The advantages of globalization have been partially reconsidered in the recent years, for conjunctural reasons with supply chain crisis due to Covid-19, but also for structural reasons including the environmental cost of transportation and increasing inter-regional inequalities. In this context, we want to question the connection between locally committed firms and the economics of participation. Are firms more likely to generate local development when workers are more involved in terms of profit-sharing and/or decision-making? What kind of local development is encouraged by economic participation? Are firms less likely to be relocated or closed down? Are stakeholders likely to be more involved at the local level? Is there a correlation between economic participation and political participation? What are the expected consequences on the environment? And on inequality, both intra and inter-regional? Can participatory economics play a role against social exclusion?

A special session will also be organized on employee participation and diversity. Hansmann’s theoretical work in the 1990s raised the issue of the cost of diversity for workplace democracy. A broader approach has emerged in recent empirical work: while the cost of decision-making is still an important question, researchers are also analyzing the effect of employee participation on gender and race inequalities, the representation of different“minorities” in position of powers, the dynamics leading to the inclusion or exclusion of different categories of workers, etc. This seems like a promising field for research as results so far are still scarce and contrasted. This conference session on employee participation and diversity will lead to the publication of a special issue of the Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership with the best papers of the conference participants. We also invite proposals for broader traditional themes of the IAFEP.

Key themes:

Submission Procedure

Submissions for the 2022 conference, are invited from all relevant fields of study,including comparative economics, industrial and labor economics, organizational studies, social economics, management studies, institutional economics, evolutionary economics, development economics, sociology, psychology, political science, geography, law, and philosophy. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcomed. We also invite proposals for complete sessions.

Extended Abstracts(max. 1000 words) in English should be sent by e-mail to Nathalie Magne at nathalie.magne@univ-montp3.fr by March 14, 2022. Abstracts should include full details of institutional affiliations and e-mail addresses. Proposals for complete sessions should include a brief description of the theme of the session and an abstract for each paper. Authors will be notified by April 29, 2022 whether their papers are accepted for presentation. Complete drafts should reach us by June 15, 2020 in order to be handed out to Conference participants.

Horvat-Vanek Prize

The Horvat-Vanek prize is awarded every two years for a research paper of exceptional quality written by a young scholar in one of the areas of interest to IAFEP. The prize, of a value of US$ 1,000, will be awarded during the conference. In order to be considered for the prize, researchers and doctoral students aged 35 or under should submit one research paper in English (maximum length 10,000 words) byMay 20, 2022tonathalie.magne@univ-montp3.fr. Please, include your institutional affiliation and an abstract, and indicate clearly on the paper that you wish it to be considered for the Horvat-Vanek prize (the recipient will be requested to provide a passport or other official evidence of their date of birth in order to receive the prize.

Submission Deadline: 14 March 2022

24th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (London, July 2022)

6-8 July 2022 | London, UK

co-organizer: SOAS University of London

Conference Theme: "Crises in capitalism or crises of capitalism: Current issues and transformative solutions"

The 2008 financial crisis generated deep and rich debates on the feasibility of the current economic order, with many prophesying the death of neo-liberalism. More than a decade since, the world is gripped in a much larger economic, social, and ecological crisis, with little change in the existing social order and the debates about systemic change again gaining traction. However, what will emerge out of this moment that is caught in a flux of several interacting inequalities still remains unknown. While some view the current economic crisis as an aberration that can be corrected with existing policy tools, some view it as a reflection of the urgent need to revive comprehensive welfare states, and others yet view this as a moment of significant churning that opens possibilities for a systemic shift. Despite the difference in positions, this moment warrants a serious reflection on the current conjuncture of capitalism – how it came into being, what characterizes this moment, what is the likely impact of this, where do we go from here?

In this context, AHE 2022 provides a space for engaging with various intersecting inequalities, specifically in the domains of labour, identity, and climate change, that characterise the current crisis-ridden moment of global capitalism, and how these inequalities shape and are, in turn, shaped by a stratified global order. The conference will also provide a platform to explore the possibilities for struggles in these domains to be engendered towards systemic shift. We seek to enrich theoretical frameworks in economics and political economy that study these intersecting inequalities, and to explore possibilities for political activism geared towards a sustainable and just society. Questions we seek to engage with include: How to think and act given the urgency of the situation? What is required to break free from unjust economic, social, and ecological relations? How can the heterodox community inspire solutions to intersecting crises and where does heterodoxy fall short? How can heterodox economists form alliances with others undertaking transformative action?

The conference is organized in a hybrid format. The in-person venue for the 2022 conference is SOAS University of London. Limited travel support is available for selected early career scholars. Early career scholars include PhD students as well as those who received their PhD no more than 5 years prior to the date of the conference.

We welcome contributions in the following formats:

Make a submission to the conference here. For any questions about the CfP or the conference, please write to us heteconevents@gmail.com. Visit the AHE website here.

Submission Deadline (extended): 10 March 2022

34th Annual EAEPE Conference 2022 (Naples, Sept. 2022)

7-9 September 2022 | Naples, Italy

Conference Theme: "Tackling inequalities: New paradigms in policy and technology for a just transition and vaccine equity"

Concerns about growing and changing inequalities are gaining momentum in public debate. The Covid-19 pandemic has spotlighted inequalities by showing how deep and multifaceted they are in our economic systems, encompassing dimensions such as access to care, digital technologies, and infrastructures. Furthermore, while massive interventions by governments contained somewhat the explosion of inequalities in the first waves of the pandemic, concerns about rising inequalities in the medium term are pressing due to likely long-term damages of Covid-19 and the risk of a too-rapid withdrawal of these policies, for example in response to inflationary pressures or concerns about excessive public debt. The lack of appropriate social safety nets can also exacerbate gender and racial inequalities in the post-Covid era.

At the international level, the pandemic has once again reminded us of how diverse the impacts and opportunities are between advanced and low-income countries. The ability of countries in the Global South to use fiscal and monetary policies in response to the pandemic has been much lower than that of advanced countries, and so their degree of resilience. Furthermore, the worldwide distribution of vaccines is emblematic of the inequality between the Global North/South divide. So far, indeed, this distribution has been very uneven, despite unprecedented efforts, such as the international Covax program. The on-going debate about vaccine equity highlights that "vaccine nationalism” can severely hamper the recovery not only of developing countries but also of developed ones, as "no one is safe until we are all safe”.

To achieve emergency responses, some of the supply chains are operating at the expense of huge energy utilization and growing emissions further exacerbating and increasing global inequalities in access to fundamental energy services. The post pandemic recovery programmes provide an opportunity to accelerate the green transition by aligning public policies with climate goals and attenuate the risk of future inequalities based on locking-in carbon-intensive infrastructures. Specifically, the dimensions of the required structural changes, however, together with the need for these to take place quickly, raise concerns about possible risks, imbalances, and new forms of inequalities arising from this epochal transformation (transition risks). In response to these concerns, the concept of a just transition is rapidly emerging. At the same time, there is an urgent need to increase investment in climate adaptation, primarily in countries in the Global South that are suffering disproportionately from climate-related events. The digital transformation has also emerged as an essential goal because of the pandemic. Accelerating the digital transition in specific countries and regions, in particular, appears crucial for reducing the digital divide, which has proved to be a significant dimension of inequality in the current pandemic crisis.

Thus, old and new forms of inequality raise enormous challenges and call for robust and cogent explanations and policy-making responses. Alternative theoretical and methodological approaches capable of representing and interpreting these disequilibria are required to prescribe policies for economies to escape the triple crisis of our times (economic, health and climate crisis).

In the 40th anniversary of Nelson and Winter's "An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change" and Dosi's first article on technological paradigms and trajectories, the 2022 conference will provide unique opportunities to revisit and reconsider the foundations of inequalities and structural change, to discuss alternative theories at the macro, meso and micro levels, and to enrich the evolutionary background with insights from diverse fields such as complexity science, biology, political and international studies, development, gender and labour studies, physics, philosophy, sociology, and management science among others.

The aim is to provide new empirical evidence and fresh insights for policy makers to understand and build a more equal, safe, cohesive, resilient and green economy. In doing so, we invite scholarly contributions that reconsider the foundations of economic policy in relation to relevant social goals such as health, cohesion, and sustainability; to shape new economic and political institutions to manage structural change; and to investigate new models of production, consumption, finance, trade, and socio-economic interaction and organisation. In this regard, contributions are particularly welcome on (but not limited to):

Submission Process

You are invited to submit an abstract no later than 1st April 2022 on the conference website. Following the usual format, prospective participants are invited to submit a proposed paper related either to the theme of the conference or one of the diverse EAEPE Research Areas (RA) as well as the Special Sessions. Abstracts (300-750 words) for proposed individual papers or for a RA or Special Session should include the following information: authors’ names, email addresses and, affiliations, and name and code of the relevant RA. Following notification of acceptance, you will be invited to submit the full paper. Please note that only one presentation per author is permitted; additional papers can be submitted by the same author but will need to be presented by a registered co-author, if accepted by the scientific committee.

Please use this link for abstract submission, and visit the official website for further information.

Submission Deadline: 1 April 2022

Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi: Special Issue on "The 1972 Stockholm Conference, Fifty Years Later: What Legacy?" (March, 2022)

The 1972 Stockholm Conference, Fifty Years Later: What Legacy?

The editors of the international journal The Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science are calling for proposals for a special section on “The 1972 Stockholm Conference, Fifty Years Later: What Legacy?” to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal.

The special issue is meant to commemorate the 50 years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, universally known as the birthplace of global environmentalism. The Stockholm conference hosted 112 national delegations, UN specialized agencies, international NGOs, and a counter-conference organized by environmental activists. It established a range of institutional, political, intellectual, and cultural developments that made the environment a pressing global issue. Participants adopted instruments such as the Stockholm Declaration and Action Plan for the Human Environment and prepared the ground for the United Nations Environment Programme. This special issue wants to explore the conference and its legacy. The Stockholm Conference established international political goals and legal principles that have underpinned environmental discourse and law-making for a half-century. By stressing that environmental issues are inherently political – and not just scientific and technical – it devised systems for data research and monitoring. It also catalysed multilateral cooperation and treaty-making and the setup of national environmental ministries and environmental laws. Moreover, it contributed to the democratization of environmental debate and policy-making, opening to non-governmental organizations previously not included in the UN system.

Possible topics include, but are not restricted to:

The special issue of The Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi will include approximately 10 contributions. The selected papers (about 7000 words) will undergo peer review. The editors of this special issue are Sara Lorenzini (University of Trento, member of the Editorial Board of the Annals) and Francesco Cassata (University of Genoa, editor of the Annals).

If interested, please send your abstracts (300 words, 6 to 8 keywords) by 30 March 2022 to editors@annalsfondazioneluigieinaudi.it, francesco.cassata@unige.it and sara.lorenzini@unitn.it

Final papers are due on 1 September 2022.

For further information (including aim and scope of the Journal), please consult the Journal’s webpage.

Deadline: 30 March 2022

EJHET: Special Issue on "Coordination Issues in Historical Perspective"

Theme: "Coordination Issues in Historical Perspectives: Research programs, debates and the fate of a protean concept"

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thoughtinvites submissions for a special issue.

Since the days of Adam Smith (at least), economists have considered the price mechanism as a constitutive device for coordinating activities in complex market systems. Yet, it has also been noted that the price mechanism, as envisaged in ‘pure theory’, fails in many cases to coordinate intratemporal and intertemporal decisions, and that different mechanisms and modes may then (have to) come to operate in a substitutive or a complementary fashion. Issues of coordination failures and alternative mechanisms have received variable attention over time. They have sometimes been at the very heart of research programs and sometimes been totally bypassed. Intertemporal coordination failures, in particular, have been at the core of macroeconomics. While (neo-)classical economics argued that persistent unemployment has its roots in exogenous restrictions of price flexibility, Keynes (1936) questioned the role of price and wage adjustment as forces of self-correction, showing that wage and price flexibility could in fact have destabilizing effects (Howitt 2001). Keynes’ ideas paved the way for a long-term research program, making other economists think about coordination failures of the price mechanism in terms of disequilibrium adjustments. Lucas (1972), on the other hand, offered a framework based on Walrasian general equilibrium theory in which coordination issues were reduced to transitory problems resulting from informational imperfections. When Keynesian approaches regained attention in the 1980s and 1990s, the reference to disequilibrium dynamics had disappeared. Coordination issues came to be addressed in terms of multiple equilibria analysis. While microeconomics underwent profound changes through work in behavioral economics, experimental economics, agents-based modelling and other approaches that permit to investigate coordination issues in its realm, modern standard macroeconomics appears to leave many of the systemic coordination failures that were considered as relevant in the past out of its focus, if not its scope.

Following the award of an honorary doctorate from the University of Côte d'Azur (CNRS GREDEG) to Professor Peter Howitt on 8 September 2022, a workshop will be organised in cooperation with EJHET, the European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, on 9 and 10 September 2022. The workshop will bring together contributions that offer historical perspectives of the treatment of coordination issues in micro- and macroeconomics. Papers on specific research programs and modelling strategies or on debates and controversies in their historical context are welcome. A selection of the papers will be published in an EJHET special issue in 2023.


Proposals for papers (between 700 and 1000 words) should be submitted by email to muriel.dal-pont-legrand@univ-cotedazur.fr no later than 15 March 2022. Authors whose proposal is accepted (by the end of March / early April) will be expected to send a full paper by 15 August 2022. A selection of papers will be discussed during a workshop at Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS GREDEG (Nice, France) on 9-10 September 2022. The Editorial Committee for the EJHET special issue on Coordination Issues in Historical Perspectives: Muriel Dal Pont Legrand (muriel.dal-pont-legrand@univ-cotedazur.fr) and Hans-Michael Trautwein (michael.trautwein@uol.de).

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2022

Gender & Development: Special Issue on "Women, Work and the Digital Economy"

Gender & Development (G&D) is a unique journal, offering a forum for the sharing of experiences and analysis between feminist activists, scholars and women leaders across the globe working in research, policy, and practice. The final issue of G&D in 2022 will be published in November, focused on women, work and the digital economy.

In 2016, the digital economy was valued at USD 11.5 trillion, or 15 per cent of the world’s GDP, and it is projected to grow rapidly – but are women and other socio-economically marginalised groups able to reap the benefits of this growth? Globally, there is a glaring gender digital divide, especially in the Global South, that manifests at the intersections of gender, race, and caste with serious social and economic fallouts for women who belong to some of the world’s most socially and economically excluded groups. This came into sharp focus during the pandemic, when a majority of informal workers, businesses, banks, schools, health services, and importantly, government relief measures and social protection services had to be accessed digitally, and women, especially socio-economically marginalised women, lost their livelihoods and fell out of the social security net. This divide has distanced women, girls and other socio-economically marginalised groups from their livelihoods and vital services like education, health, financial inclusion and government schemes. Conversely, however, digital labour markets have emerged as significant avenues for income generation for women, people with disabilities and migrant workers or refugees. However, only a few women in the Global South are able to benefit from these opportunities, and many have become part of the invisible workforce on online digital platforms. Moreover, the digital economy treats women – those working in digital labour platforms as well as location-based platforms – unfairly and provides them with scant benefits, even though their labour is substantial. For this issue of Gender and Development, we want to do two things – explore the impact of the rapid digitisation of work, and identify solutions to make the digital economy more inclusive. We want to hear from women’s rights activists, community and grassroots leaders, civil society organisations and networks, feminist economists and researchers, academics, policy makers, and development and humanitarian practitioners from all generations, identities and backgrounds who are directly involved in challenging existing inequities.

For this issue of Gender and Development, we will explore the impact of the rapid digitisation of work, and identify solutions to make the digital economy more inclusive for marginalised groups, including women, LGBTQI persons, and persons living with disabilities. We invite articles that propose ideas and share best practices on how we can enable equitable digital literacies and resources between the global north and south, as well as within the global south, and reduce digital inequities on the basis of gender, race, caste and ability. How have women and other marginalised groups navigated, questioned and challenged these inequities and discriminations? And, how can we ensure that the benefits of the digital economy reach the most vulnerable groups? Together, these concerns and questions comprise the thrust of this Issue’s call for contributions.

Some of the themes that could be pursued in addressing these questions include:

This issue strongly encourages scholars and practitioners to share innovative local measures, programmes and research that could inform digital policies and labour laws, and shape a more gender equitable digital economy, one that could aim to:


We want to hear from women’s rights activists, community and grassroots leaders, civil society organisations and networks, feminist economists and researchers, academics, policy makers, and development and humanitarian practitioners from all generations, identities and backgrounds who are directly involved in challenging existing inequities on the basis of gender, race, caste or other markers of difference in the digital economy. Overall, this issue will publish articles that highlight innovative technological, programmatic and policy solutions to help move towards a more gender equitable digital economy.

Please send your abstract of 100 words or less, in an email attachment to genderanddevelopment.south@gmail.com. Please include your name, contact details as well organizational affiliation, if relevant. We will contact you by the end of March if we would like you to develop your abstract into a full article (of around 7,000 words plus references). Please read the Guidelines for contributors carefully before sending through your abstracts. Send your ideas to genderanddevelopment.south@gmail.com.

Submission Deadline: 10 March 2022

Historical Materialism Melbourne (Melbourne, March 2022)

30 April - 1 May | Melbourne, Australia

The last two years have laid bare the consequences of four decades of neoliberalism. The pandemic has magnified inequalities between nations and within them. In managing Covid-19, states have demonstrated a remarkable capacity to intervene on a large scale, despite leaving their social-welfare institutions to waste. The hoarding of vaccines by rich countries at the expense of those in the Global South is the latest demonstration of the inequality produced by narrow-minded nationalism. All the while, these same wealthy governments have abnegated their responsibility to respond to the environmental crisis that is in any way adequate to its scale.

For years now, the left has declared neoliberalism dead but the viable alternatives to it remain abstract, undeveloped and politically impotent. Arguably, the left is enjoying a revival on a larger scale than any time since the 1970s as a new generation comes to realise that it can expect a future of declining living standards, political dysfunction and ecological catastrophe. Intellectually, the left still thinks through traditions, theories and movements inherited from the twentieth century. This furnishes a wealth of knowledge while raising the danger of nostalgia; the task is to situate our analysis in the specificity of our time and place.

The pandemic has further isolated Australia’s political culture, and the left here has lessons to draw from our neighbours in Aotearoa as well as further afield. The socialist movement in Chile is poised to rewrite the Pinochet-era constitution; a democratic uprising has rocked Myanmar and feminists in Argentina have won a historic battle for reproductive rights. At the same time, we must develop perspectives in solidarity with those fighting reactionary governments and oppression — for example in Palestine, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong — while also drawing attention to Australia’s coercive and exploitative role in our region and on the world stage.

In Australia, as in the majority of the developed world, the gulf between the workers’ movement and the political left remains unbridged. We need new political-economic analyses of changing work technologies, workplace conditions and the forms of union organising they necessitate. At the same time, as protest movements challenge the status quo, the left is developing a deeper and more nuanced consciousness of the dynamics of racial, gendered and sexual oppressions. There’s a specificity to these questions in Australia as we face up to the ongoing genocide of indigenous people and as the Aboriginal sovereignty movement grows and challenges the foundation of white Australia.

The pandemic has also exposed the extent to which Australia is reliant on the hyper-exploitation of precarious workers, many of whom are migrants. The degradation of working conditions and living standards has impacted younger workers and women disproportionately. As working-class incomes decline, Australia’s billionaires have increased their profits at a record rate, even in comparison to other economies like the United States. Commensurately, the long-term hollowing out of politics that began with the Prices and Incomes Accord leaves us at a political impasse whereby there is no political or social force that can articulate a social-democratic, let alone socialist, program for a more just and equal society. It is precisely this impasse and the narrowness of our society’s political and economic horizons that necessitates a re-engagement with radical history. And these questions can only be answered adequately with the aid of a broader perspective informed by radical philosophy, aesthetics, literature and cultural criticism.

These and other questions call for a pluralistic convergence of leftist activists, union organisers, writers and intellectuals. Historical Materialism Melbourne 2022 aims to be a forum within which the Australasian left can share knowledge, develop ideas and criticism, and generalise lessons from struggles and campaigns. It will take place on the 30 April and 1 May.

We welcome papers addressing these broad themes, and are particularly interested in papers examining the following issues:

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. Panel proposals are welcome and should have individual abstracts of no more than 200 words.

We welcome contributions from researchers and activists working outside the academy. Perspectives informed by union struggle, movement activism and other forms of non-academic theory and practice are warmly encouraged.

Please submit abstracts and panel proposals to email.

Deadline: 21 March 2022

New Journal "Degrowth" (May 2022)

Degrowth, as an academic field, has been connected to many other fields, topics, and discourses. It is a thriving field with several hundreds peer-reviewed publications. Yet, thus far it is lacking its own specialised journal. We believe that a journal with a focus on degrowth will help to further empirically and theoretically develop the field without the need to always start from zero or connect it to another specialised topic. We talk more about our reasoning in the journal’s manifesto here.

Welcome to the journal Degrowth and its first open call for contributions. Degrowth is an academic, open-access, international, transdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that focuses on contributions in and around the topic of degrowth. The journal will be published online following calls for open issues and special-issues, and later, rolling submission. Articles will be published online on a rolling basis, without having to wait for a full and complete issue. For the inaugural issue of the journal, we are looking for academic contributions that contribute to degrowth scholarship. That is contributions can include but are not limited to:

We are looking for contributions in the following formats:

General guidelines for submissions

All (if not specified) submissions should fulfil the following criteria in one single document:

Submissions should be send to email.

Deadline (for the inaugural issue): 31 May 2022

New Journal: "Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power"

Editors-in-Chief: Francesca Congiu and Margherita Sabrina Perra

Individuals are eligible for free access to Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power until 31 December 2022, using access token POWR4U. Click here for more information.

Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power is an academic, peer-reviewed publication intended to serve as a dialogue-generating conduit for research on power. Power is a complex phenomenon and can be defined in multiple ways. For the purposes of this journal, power implies submission either by consent or by coercion. This means that, apart from being exercised through violence, power can be exercised through hegemony produced by “common sense”. However, power still implies exploitation. Exploitation, via the exercise of hegemonic power, occurs in many domains: global politics, institutional administration, the state, legal systems, social dynamics, family, the workplace, education, economic mechanisms and socioeconomic relations, language, media, communications, and more.

Notebooks is interested in why and how power is exercised, preserved, and contested. The journal documents processes whereby certain ideas and types of knowledge achieve dominance and are variously expressed via not only coercion but also consent. The journal incorporates case studies within the broader antagonism of hegemony and counter-hegemony. Notebooks, being a quintessentially inter-/transdisciplinary enterprise, encourages different methodological approaches and welcomes studies from all disciplines, to include but not limited to: sociology, economics, political studies, psychology, biology, history, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, international relations, criminology, municipal law, and international law.

Notebooks opposes the fragmentation and overspecialization of knowledge. Its aim is to serve as a forum for critical dialogue between the humanities, social sciences, law, and even the natural sciences. In line with global studies, there is no prescribed specific unit of analysis, and this includes individuals, formal and informal groups, institutions, societies, and various combinations of these units. The journal also encourages contributions from outside academia.

The journal welcomes the following types of submissions:

For editorial queries and proposals, please contact the Notebooks Editorial Office.

For book review queries, please contact the book review editor, Francesco Pontarelli.

Notebooks is published in cooperation with the GramsciLab and the Istituto Gramsci della Sardegna.

Public Policy Studies: Special Issue on "The Current Challenges of Urban Policy"

The scientific journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies” published at the Collegium of Socio-Economics of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, announces the Call for Papers for the Thematic Issue: The Current Challenges of Urban Policy

The scope of this Call for Papers

The COVID-19 pandemic was and is global, but its impact is felt more acutely in urban than in rural areas. This is due to the concentration of people (population density) in a relatively small area, the use of public places such as enclosed buildings and squares by many people at the same time, and the need to travel by transport – distances in cities rarely allow the necessary distances to be covered on foot. The pandemic has resulted in the emergence of new problems that should be addressed by urban policies.

Moreover, the previously diagnosed challenges related to, inter alia, counteracting spatial chaos, suburbanization, adaptation to climate change, and depopulation have meant that urban policy should take new objectives into account. They result from conditions at various levels:

The Thematic Issue is expected to include papers focusing on theoretical issues, comparative studies of cities from various parts of the world, empirical research, and case studies on policies in and by cities as well as towards cities (e.g., from the national level). The list of potential topics includes, but is not limited to:

Submission Procedure

The deadline for interested authors to submit paper proposals/abstracts will expire on March 25, 2022, and for the full manuscripts on September 15, 2022. Proposed topics should be sent to the Thematic Editors of the issue (dr Paulina Legutko-Kobus, and dr hab. prof. ZUT Maciej Nowak) and the journal’s Editorial Secretary (dr Andrzej Klimczuk).

Authors should submit manuscripts to the journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies” only via the Open Journal Systems website.

Texts should be in Word (.docx) format and consist of up to a max 40 000 characters. All texts undergo a review process (double-blind peer-review). Articles are published in Open Access under the CC BY 4.0 licence (authors retain the copyright). Editing and publication of articles in “Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies” journal are free of charge. Fees or Article Processing Charges (APCs) are not requested from the authors at any point of the peer review and publication.

The journal is indexed, among others in the databases: BazEkon, CEEOL, CrossRef, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ERIH PLUS, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (PBN), Lens, Dimensions, Scite, Scilit, Baidu Scholar, NAVER, KOAR, Informationsdienst Politikwissenschaft (POLLUX), International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA), J-Gate, Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), BASE, Gale Academic OneFile.

Manuscripts should include the following elements

We encourage authors to use the article template (in Polish or in English). More information for authors is available on the journal’s website.

Application Deadline: 25 March 2022

Rivista di Filosofia: Special Issue on "Decision, Uncertainty, and the History of Philosophy"

Focus of Rivista di Filosofia on "Decision, uncertainty, and the history of philosophy"

editors: Vincenzo Crupi and Malvina Ongaro

From the perspective of intellectual history, decision theory is a very recent discipline. While having some notable antecedents, its main developments come from the Twentieth Century. Since then, theories about rational decision-making have had an enormous impact on economics, psychology, and philosophy.

Even though concepts like decision and uncertainty may have a short philosophical lineage, reflections on them can be found throughout the history of Western philosophy. In Protagoras, Plato claims that wisdom can be sufficient for virtue, if it takes into full account future sensations – in contemporary terms, this would support a utility calculus with no discount rates for the future. Framed in this way, Plato’s view can enter into modern debates about inter-temporal decisions and biases, just as these debates can help the scholar who wants to understand classical ideas about wisdom and virtue. More recently, political philosophy has provided important material for decision theorists. Nineteenth Century utilitarianism has found new arguments in Harsanyi’s and Broome’s formalisations, and social contract approaches to society have been revived and enriched with game-theoretical models. Finally, a famous example of the type of contribution that historians can find in decision theory is provided by Hacking’s (1972) influential formalisation of Pascals’s wager on the opportunity to believe in God.

Scattered as they may be, examples like these show how a historical perspective could provide important insights on decision-making to our modern theorising, just as formal clarity and the interdisciplinary tools of decision theory can deepen our understanding of crucial aspects in the history of thought. And yet, the dialogue between these two traditions – decision theory and history of philosophy – has been no more than casual so far. This call for papers is intended as a first step to bridge this gap and allow decision theorists to re-discover historical reflections on decision, while providing historians with new instruments to interpret classical debates.

Selected contributions will appear in a dedicated section in Rivista di filosofia, one of the oldest Italian philosophical journals (founded 1909). In addition to theoretically-oriented studies and investigations, with particular attention to analytic philosophy, Rivista di filosofia offers reflections and documentation about the status of philosophy and its relations to scientific thought, its history and institutions, and its methodologies.

Articles can be in English or in Italian and must not exceed 55,000 characters. Further guidelines can be found in the file attached.


Manuscripts to be submitted should be suitable for blind review and sent to: hist.decisions@gmail.com. For more information please visit the official website.

Submission Deadline (extended): 30 June 2022

Silent Springs: Global Histories of Pesticides and our Toxic World (Germany, October 2022)

16–18 October 2022 | Tutzing, Germany

How many “silent springs” have there been since Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1962? Chemists have invented more and more formulas, generations of pesticides have compounded into the earth’s lands and waters, and their use has grown exponentially. Synthetic molecules have continued to accumulate in the fabric of life—from soils and earthworms to the bodies of farmers and consumers—to the point that researchers now consider pesticides potential “agents of global change” in a similar way that CO2 is an agent of global warming. The environmental and health catastrophe associated with the chemical intensification of agriculture has steadily increased since Carson’s best-selling book was published, as toxicants have followed the trajectories of international trade and power asymmetries. Sixty years after the publication of Silent Spring, this conference will explore its resonance and impact, both acute and muted, but will also address issues that the book overlooked. In the context of agro-industrial infrastructure, it aims to follow the molecular level up to the trophic chains. This conference intends to pay attention to intertwined processes at different scales, from the transformation of regional economies to the proliferation of pests or invasive species.

Silent Spring has often been considered the starting point of the environmental movement in the US and beyond. But has Rachel Carson’s classic really changed the world we live in? It has long been argued that the book’s western worldview obscured environmental justice issues in the Global South. How has the debate about chemical poisons unfolded internationally since the 1960s? Critics such as French psychiatrist and political philosopher Franz Fanon, American eco-anarchist Murray Bookchin, Soviet physicist and dissident Andrei Sakharov, and Indian environmental activist Vandana Shiva are only a few examples that suggest a multiplicity of registers of indignation, narratives, and revolts confronting the social and environmental damages of pesticides.

How can scholars in environmental history and the environmental humanities tell the stories of post-Carson forms of “toxic colonialism” as they happened both in the Global South and behind the Iron Curtain? How have new generations of pesticides and new actors in the global trade and governance of toxicants, such as China, contributed novel challenges and solutions to human health and the environment? What role have agrochemical companies played in the dilution of regulations? What mechanisms in the production of knowledge have helped to spread doubt about the long-term impacts of their products on human bodies and the global web of life? To what extent has this renewed geographical, social, gender, racial, and generational asymmetries in the “contamination of the Earth”?

The conference will address some of the above queries and explore issues arising from the following larger, and overlapping, thematic fields:

We welcome proposals with a historical approach but also from diverse disciplines such as environmental studies, anthropology, political science, and others. Collaborative projects and proposals with alternative writing formats are also welcome. Please send a proposal of no more than 500 words and a one-page CV to: conferences@carsoncenter.lmu.de.

The conference is a joint initiative of Le RUCHE (Réseau Universitaire de Chercheurs en Histoire Environnementale) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at LMU Munich. Held in English and French, it will focus on the discussion of pre-circulated papers of 6,000 to 8,000 words, including footnotes (due by 15 September 2022). The RCC and Le RUCHE will cover travel and accommodation costs.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conveners: Marin Coudreau, Christof Mauch, and Céline Pessis with Eve Bureau-Point, Malcom Ferdinand, and Simone Müller

Deadline: 15 May 2022

Special Issue: RHETM Symposium on "Diversity in History of Economic Thought"

Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (RHETM) and the History of Economics Diversity Caucus are now considering submissions for a symposium on issues related to diversity in the history of economics. We seek contributions that address topics, themes, personae, and institutions that typically, and too often, go unaddressed in professional forums. We are especially interested in contributions that explore the meaning of diversity for the history of economic thought and related fields, and its significance for practitioners in these fields.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Submission Process

Please send your manuscript to scott.scheall@asu.edu. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Submission Deadline: 1 April 2022

The Economic and Labour Relations Review: Special Issue on "The political economy and labour relations of Sport Mega-Events"

Guest Editors: Terri Mylett, Carlos Rabasso, Javier Rabasso and George Lafferty

This special issue is timed for publication after the 2020 Summer Olympics (held in Tokyo, 2021), the 2022 FIFA Men’s World Cup (Qatar) and the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup (Australia and New Zealand), during the lead-up to the 2024 Summer Olympics (Paris). It engages with the political economy and labour relations of mega-events, complementing previous interdisciplinary research (e.g. Roche, 2000; Wenner and Billings, 2017) to explore how these events constitute focal points at which global, national and local forces intersect, generating distinctive patterns of political-economic inclusion and exclusion.

As sites of massive capital expenditure and accumulation, mega-events attract major corporations, international sports federations, media organisations, politicians and property developers; yet often to the exclusion of less powerful bodies, such as local communities and environmental action groups. Nations and cities compete to host mega-events which also frequently attract opposition around issues such as environmental impacts, public finance, community disruption and human rights. Mega-events have the capacity to reconfigure power relations between national and sub-national governments; for example, city-based Olympics can have very different outcomes from nation-based World Cups. Mega-events can also galvanise action on employment issues; for example, the 2019 Women’s FIFA World Cup (France) brought collective attention to the extraordinary unequal pay by sex for national sporting teams.

The legacies of sport mega-events are often highly contentious, with critics highlighting such problems as disruption to host communities, budget overruns and corruption (Horne, 2015; Kennedy, and Watt 2012; Scheu, Preuβ and Könecke, 2021; Toohey, 2019). Therefore, this special issue raises such questions as: Is there evidence that hosting a mega-event pushes countries to embrace international standards for workers’ rights and human rights? Does hosting a mega-event help raise living standards or reduce public financial capacity to address pressing social needs? Do mega-events leave behind infrastructure that facilitates productivity growth or merely ‘white elephants’ and diminished social housing (Nobre, 2017; Rowe, 2011)?

Indicative topics that papers may address include:

We hope that researchers from many different countries will consider contributing to this special edition. The journal is English-language but authors beyond the Anglosphere are encouraged to contribute, consistent with The ELRR’s commitment to internationalism and the global concerns of this topic. This call for papers is being distributed in English, French and Spanish versions. The special issue is also open with respect to theory and methodology, while being mindful that submissions should be accessible to a reasonably wide audience.

Submission Process and Timelines

The guest editors

Terri Mylett is a Lecturer in the School of Business, Western Sydney University, with research interests in work health and safety and labour market segmentation.

George Lafferty is Professor, Employment Relations, in the School of Business, Western Sydney University, with research interests in social and political theory, service sector employment, industrial relations and the role of unions.

Carlos and Javier Rabasso have researched cross-cultural thinking and corporate responsibility from a critical thinking perspective for more than 15 years, with a particular focus on cultural diversity and management education.

WEA and IDEAs Conference on Feminist Economics (online, April-May 2022)

20 April - 20 May 2022 | online

Conference Theme: "Feminist Economics: Contributions and Challenges"

This World Economics Association (WEA) - International Development Economic Associates (IDEAs) Conference, led by the Professors Alicia Puyana and Maria Alejandra Madi, calls for a pluralist reflection about current knowledge in Feminist Economics in terms of theories, empirical research and policies. This Conference aims to discuss new contributions to Feminist Economics while bridging the gap between different theoretical approaches, the practical applications of economic theories and the policy-making process.

This conference will also be supported by IDEAs. WEA and IDEAs share mutual goals and interests, such as opening spaces for inclusive economics and the advancement of social justice and equality, and recognise the importance of collaboration for enhancing the impact and the reach of their work.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Foundations of feminist economics
  2. Gender and work
  3. Intersectional inequalities
  4. Gender, macroeconomic and trade policies.
  5. The Covid-19 pandemic – impacts and recovery

Submission Process

Therefore, we invite you to submit a short paper (up to 2000 words plus references) in order to facilitate further dialogue about Feminist Economics more widely. The papers should be submitted to feministeconomics2022@gmail.com

Before submitting for the Conference, please check:

After this WEA- IDEAs Online Conference, the short papers could be expanded to be published in a book. To Register: click here.

Contact the conference leaders at any time feministeconomics2022@gmail.com or visit the official website.

Submission Deadline: 10 April 2022

Workshop on "Rankings and the structure of the economic sciences" (Linz/online, July 2022)

20-22 July 2022 | Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Austria

The workshop is organised by: Stephan Pühringer (host, Univ of Linz), Jens Maesse (Univ of Giessen), Thierry Rossier (LSE)

Discourses around research excellence and quality are predominant within the economic sciences. Here, different forms of rankings play a central role. They make “excellence” in research and teaching visible, but they also form hierarchical orders among researcher, institutions, publication outlets and countries. Rankings operate in different directions: on the one hand, rankings evaluate ex post the outcome of research, teaching activities, and media visibility of the past – for example the Handelsblatt Ranking in Germany or the many rankings of economists in widely printed newspapers; on the other hand, rankings sketch out and anticipate ex ante what “good research” (and teaching) might be by setting standards by Journal Rankings and teaching concept evaluations (e.g., the Research Excellence Framework – REF – in UK universities). Moreover, impact rankings based on publications in a few “top economic journals” also play a decisive role for career trajectories of young economists. Within the social sciences many scholars have analysed the role and far-reaching implications of rankings. Some studies have criticised the validity of existing rankings and proposed more elaborated concepts and criteria on how to better reflect real quality in terms of societal and academic impact. Other studies argued that rankings do not reflect academic quality, they rather change academic life according to their proposed criteria. Additionally, critical studies have shown that rankings incentivize strategic behaviour of researchers and academic institutions alike and thus hinder knowledge evolutions. However, today there are many other research perspectives on the role of rankings within and for academia in general, and in the economic sciences in particular. This workshop invites papers focussing on questions related to the study of the role of rankings in the formation of economic sciences. These papers might want to address one of the following topics:


We welcome submissions that address one of these topics or related research questions. Please send your abstract (300-400 words) to: stephan.puehringer@jku.at; jens.maesse@sowi.uni-giessen.de, thierry.rossier@unil.ch

The workshop will be organised as hybrid workshop (including up to 30% online presentations)

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2022

Call for Participants

13th Annual Post-Keynesian Economics Society: PhD Student Conference (London, May 2022)

13 May 2022 | University of Greenwich, London, UK

The Post-Keynesian Economics Society (PKES), in collaboration with the Institute for Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability (PEGFA) at the University of Greenwich, is organising its 13th annual PhD student conference on 13 May 2022, 10:00-18:00. This year’s conference will be held in person, at the University of Greenwich, London. The conference gives students the opportunity to present a chapter of their PhD dissertation and receive detailed and structured feedback from a senior researcher from PKES.

We invite applications from students who are in a later stage of their PhD and who work on topics relevant to Post-Keynesian and heterodox economics. We encourage submissions of completed dissertation chapters in the format of working papers, that qualify as a novel contribution to the literature and are at the stage of pre-publication. We usually do not consider dissertation proposals, literature reviews, or papers based on a master’s thesis.


Please submit your working paper and a cover letter of up to 300 words describing your research interest and how your dissertation topic relates to heterodox economics. Please send your application materials to pkes.phd.conference@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions to present at the conference is 01 April 2022. We will inform you about acceptance by the 11 of April 2022 and assign a reviewer to you. (You will be able to submit an updated version of your paper at this point).

Mark Hayes Prize

We are particularly excited to introduce the Mark Hayes Prize this year for the first time. The Mark Hayes Prize will be awared to an outstanding paper presented at the PhD conference, that furthers the advancement of post-Keynesian and heterodox economics. The prize is named after Mark Hayes (1956-2019), an exemplary Keynes scholar and former Secretary of PKES.

The winner of the prize will receive a £200 stipend and will be announced at the end of the conference. If you would like your submission to be considered for the Mark Hayes prize, you must submit your paper in advance of the general deadline, by Friday, 18 March 2022. The prize selection committee consists of PKES committee members. There is no participation fee for the conference. Lunch and refreshments will be provided thanks to generous funding by PEGFA.

Application Deadline: 1 April 2022

15th EAEPE Summer School: Labour and Welfare in the post COVID-19 era (Rome, July 2022)

4-8 July, 2022 | Rome, Italy

The EAEPE Summer School is back in Rome. Please share this call with your colleagues and research networks.

The Summer School is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in particular in the field of institutional and evolutionary analysis, with a special focus this year on: "Labour and Welfare in the post COVID-19 era"

Apply here.

Organizing and Scientific Committee:

Detailed Call for Participation.

Download as pdf

Contact and more information to next email.

Sent on behalf of the organizers!

Application Deadline: 6 June 2022

8th International FMM Summer School: "Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies" (Berlin, July 2022)

The summer school aims at providing an introduction to Keynesian macroeconomics and to the problems of European economic policies to interested graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers. It will consist of overview lectures, a panel discussion, student study groups, an SFC lab, and a poster session. The summer school will feature leading international researchers such as Robert Blecker (US), Yannis Dafermos (UK), Sebastian Gechert (Germany), Eckhard Hein (Germany), Heike Joebges (Germany), Annina Kaltenbrunner (UK), Marc Lavoie (France/Canada), Maria Nikolaidi (UK), Miriam Rehm (Austria) and Mark Setterfield (US), covering the following areas:

The summer school language is English. There is a fee of EUR 100 for each participant for accommodation and meals, payable after acceptance.

The application form will ask for a short CV (as a list), a short letter of motivation (max. 400 words), in particular on how the Summer School relates to your study and research interests, and the name and e-mail address of one academic adviser who may be contacted for reference. Applicants will be informed by mid-May and participants will be provided with a reading package.

Please find further information here.

Application Deadline: 31 March 2022

AHE: Online postgraduate workshop on advanced research methods (Online, April 2022)

26-28 April, 2022 | Online (UTC+1)

Applications are open for places at the annual Association for Heterodox Economics postgraduate workshop on advanced research methods in economics. The workshop covers topics in research not typically covered in economics training. The workshop will be conducted in English.

The workshop is open to anyone studying a Ph.D. on any economic topic, from anywhere in the world.

Please do not apply if you are not currently registered on a PhD programme. Students who have previously attended are not eligible to apply.

Last year we held the workshop entirely online over three short days, running from 1030-1530 UTC+1. This format was well-received by participants and allowed us to invite more of them. For these reasons, we are again holding the workshop online.

Learning in our interactive sessions will be supported by pre-reading and dedicated video recordings by leading scholars.

Workshop topics include:

Session leaders (alphabetical by family name):
Dr. Ariane Agunsoye (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Professor Andrew Brown (University of Leeds)
Professor Bruce Cronin (University of Greenwich)
Professor Paul Downward (University of Loughborough)
Dr. Annina Kaltenbrunner (University of Leeds)
Professor Don Webber (University of Sheffield)

Please direct any queries to Dr. Andrew Mearman, University of Leeds.

To apply directly online, please complete the form here.

Application Deadline: 26 March 2022

Common Ecologies School (Online, April 2022)

We launched the Common Ecologies School, a platform for movement learning with two first online courses and a summer school. We're very excited that this project finally took off after many years of conversations. The school's aim is to facilitate conversations across different struggles, grappling with our present context of socio-ecological crisis by learning from different practices and debates - to build the transversal & translocal power and care we need. Check out our website http://commonecologies.net/ and first courses, which are now open to registration: Channeling the Forces of Reproduction, and Climate and the Social Question. Feel very encouraged to forward to your comrades, students, colleagues and collectives. This here is our first course, starting 27th april:

Channeling the Forces of Reproduction: why & how struggling for Earthcare is a matter for everyone

With Stefania Barca (Uni Santiago de Compostela, ES), Pastora Filigrana (SAT, Red Antidiscriminatoria Gitana, ES), Jornaleras de Huelva en Lucha (ES), Sezonieri (AT), Widerstand am Tellerrand (CH), Yolanda del Carmen Areas Blas (ATC, CLOC-Via Campesina, NI), Amaranta Herrero (Barcelona City food strategy, ES), Manuela Zechner and Bue R Hansen (AT)

Wednesdays, 18.30h - 20.30h CET, 27 April – 1 June 2022

Register here

Content: This online course sets out to channel radical forces of care for the earth, by learning from&with feminist, agrarian, ecological and labour struggles. It’s a space of sharing experiences, concepts, and alliances, rooted in practice. We look to forge new common notions - earthcare labour, feminist and anti-racist social syndicalisms, agroecology, popular peasant feminisms and ecofeminism for example. These help us address why&how socio-ecological transformation and climate justice must pass through thinking earth and care together. We need Earthcare to avert the sectioning off of ‘nature’ from (agri)culture, to build and repair soils, defend communities and territories, align the struggle against exploitation of with the struggle against the exploitation of the land, to grow food commons as spaces of solidarity and resilience, and fight segregation by borders and capitalist migration regimes. This course will provide a space for learning and networking across different places and struggles - talking about the knowledges, alliances and strategies we need - and draws on Spanish, English and German language contexts.

Practical info: The course takes place online (via Zoom) and is open to 20 participants. Our working language will be English, with ample scope for translation. Each session comes with at least one reference text. There is no participation fee, but we expect engagement with the overall course - inputs will be recorded for participants who miss a session. At the end of the course, we will discuss conclusions, and possible next steps.

Who is this for: The course is open to anyone, but is likely of particular interest to activists, groups and organisations struggling for ecosocial justice (sign up with your mates!), as well as researchers and students. We welcome you bringing your own questions and concerns - alongside the main inputs, there will be much open space for conversation. Our aim is to use knowledges to strengthen our practices, mutually support each other in community and political work, and build towards a common vocabulary - for channelling the forces of reproduction in times of crisis and destruction.

To register, please fill in the form HERE - with a paragraph or two introducing yourself and your activity, as well as your questions and needs: we'll get back to you asap!

Course facilitation: Manuela Zechner and Bue Rübner Hansen


Session 1 - 27 April 2022

The transformative potential of Earthcare labour and the Forces of Reproduction. With Stefania Barca.

In this introductory session we set out some key concepts of this course via the work of Stefania Barca, who has recently published a book about how we might channel the forces of reproduction. We will speak about the labours of environmental defenders, peasant farmers, climate activists, urban social movements and other actors of Earthcare – and about what connects them. We’ll speak about the labours this implies, how these challenge our ideas of work and environmentalism at the same time, and point to urgent alliances. We’ll talk about what relations and articulations we may need to forge to make Earthcare labour a force to reckon with, to build power across different struggles that seek to value and sustain life in our communities and on the planet.

Stefania Barca is an activist, ecofeminist researcher focussing on the intersections of social justice, labour environmentalism, agrarian history, food politics and feminism, currently a professor at Universidad Santiago de Compostela in Spain. She has recently published Forces of Reproduction (Cambridge, 2020) and this co-reflection on ‘Ecofeminist Horizons’. See also our Earthcare fieldcast episode with Stefania.

Session 2 - 4 May 2022

New anti-racist and feminist social syndicalisms: learning from struggles across agricultural fields and domestic care work in Spain. With Pastora Filigrana.

This session is based on the new book "Del Campo a los Cuidados: el Sindicalismo Feminista y Antiracista que viene" (available for free download) which explores the potentials and challenges of feminist organizing across different spheres of social reproduction. Pastora will tell of the feminist struggles emerging across agricultural workers and domestic care worker’s organizing in Spain. We’ll talk about how these fight for social rights and build solidarities and alliances where unions fail, constituting new forms of biosyndicalism that place life at the centre of politics. From such alliances, conceptualizations, and strategies we can learn ways out of the deadlocks of precarization and violence against women, gender-diverse people and migrants. Pastora is doing her research in the context of the feminist action and co-research platform La Laboratoria that links feminist struggles across Latin America and Spain, and we're excited to provide a first and unpublished English translation of her writing as part of this course.

Pastora Filigrana is a lawyer specialising in labour and union law, and immigration law. She is a member of the Andalusian Men’s and Women’s Workers Union (SAT) as well as of the Red Antidiscriminatoria Gitana, and has recently published Del Campo a Los Cuidados (La Laboratoria and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2021) and El pueblo gitano contra el sistema-mundo. Reflexiones desde una militancia feminista y anticapitalista (Akal, 2020).

Session 3 - 11 May 2022

Knowledge exchange & networking session: feminist & anti-racist organizing in industrial agriculture. With Jornaleras de Huelva en Lucha (ES), Sezonieri (AT) and Widerstand am Tellerrand (CH).

This session brings together vibrant feminist campaigns for agricultural worker’s rights, be they seasonal or day labourers, local or migrant, undocumented or regularized. We learn about the regimes of importing agricultural workforces to the EU from abroad, the exploitation and sexual abuse that women face as they work the fields and pick berries, and the stories of solidarity and mutual aid that led to these campaigns and brings them to build alliances within the broader labour movement and new social syndicalisms. We’ll also discuss how agricultural workers campaigns link with movements of food sovereignty, agroecology, and climate justice, working towards common horizons and demands. And not least, we will talk about the meaning and realities of care at the base of these three campaigns. This session translates across contexts and experiences in Spain, Austria and Switzerland, looking towards translocal solidarity and building broad support.

Jornaleras de Huelva en Lucha is a collective of women strawberry pickers from Spain and beyond, organizing in the agri-industry fields of Huelva, Spain. https://jornalerasenlucha.org/ Hear also our Earthcare fieldcast episode with them.

Sezonieri is a campaign for the rights of seasonal agricultural workers in Austria, a common initiative of the PRO-GE union, the Nyéléni forum for food sovereignty, the UNDOK alliance for union-based support of undocumented workers and other platforms for migrant, global and labour solidarity. https://www.sezonieri.at/ Hear also our Earthcare fieldcast episode with them.

Widerstand am Tellerrand is a Swiss-based campaign for the rights of migrant agricultural workers and for solidarity-based agriculture. https://www.widerstand-am-tellerrand.ch/ Hear also our Earthcare fieldcast episode with them.

Session 4 - 18 May 2022

The Popular and Peasant Feminisms of La Via Campesina: global feminist perspectives on agroecology and the need to join struggles. With Yolanda del Carmen Areas Blas.

In this session we hear from some of the editors of the new publication on Popular and Peasant Feminisms of La Via Campesina, just out as report and graphic book. We speak about the global struggle to put women at the forefront of agroecological change, the kinds of processes this has implied within La Via Campesina, and how emerging horizons of ecology, earthcare, and ecofeminism need to look to and ally with peasant farmers for transformation. This is not just a matter of who feeds the world – we’ll hear about peasant’s and women’s key role in global food production – but also of how we must transform landscapes, territories, and soils in a just and sustainable way to face climate crisis. Hint: this is not done by separating nature from agriculture, but by struggling over land and property, to transform our mode of production.

Yolanda del Carmen Areas Blas is national coordinator of the Movimiento de Mujeres del Campo de la Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo ATC-Nicaragua, and is part the women’s cluster of CLOC-La Via Campesina, with more than 20 years experience working with women peasants in Nicaragua.

Session 5 - 25 May 2022

Ecofeminist perspectives across food webs and the politics of food and climate. With Amaranta Herrero.

How can we reimagine and transform the relations between the city, peri-urban and rural dimensions? What ecofeminist proposals and municipalist public policies can we learn from for transforming our modes of food production and confronting the climate and ecological crisis? How may movements put pressure on institutions, and what demands might we make for food & climate justice? In this session we will get a broad picture of the key stakes and contradictions within food politics, from the concrete perspectives of an activist researcher working within the design of new municipal frameworks. We will also discuss regimes of knowledge production, what knowledges mean for strategies for transformation, and where we put our energies as collectives and individuals. This session leads us towards reflections on action based on our different positionalities and projects, asking some of the difficult questions regarding the production of useful knowledges, knowledge as power, and activist research.

Amaranta Herrero is an ecofeminist sociologist and agricultural engineer who has studied and written about socio-ecological conflicts related to energy and food systems. She is currently coordinator of the Barcelona 2030 Sustainable Food Strategy and works for the Barcelona Strategic Metropolitan Plan (PEMB) of Barcelona City Council. Amaranta is a fellow traveller and advisor of the Common Ecologies school, sharing her long-term activist research experience and cross-institutional experience.

Session 6 - 1 June 2022

Concluding assembly. Facilitated by Manuela Zechner and Bue Rübner Hansen.

Discussing and summing up what we’ve learned, fleshing out the new questions and challenges that have arisen, debating what paths of alliance, action and thinking that implies in our contexts and beyond. From this session, different reflexive texts may emerge for sharing with the broader world and continuing our discussions.

Don't hesitate to write us with any questions, ideas, comments! We're also on Twitter @CommonEcologies

Digital Talk: “Workplace Democracy and Epistemic Justice”

We welcome Professor Dr. Lisa Herzog (Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Groningen) at Karlshochschule on the 31st of March, 5 - 6.30 pm CET for a digital talk as part of the "Pluralist and Heterodox Economics" series organized by students of Karlshochschule with Professor Robert Lepenies. In her talk, Professor Herzog will discuss the idea of workplace democracy and some of the arguments for why workers should be given more voice. While this can be justified on functional grounds, it is also a matter of epistemic justice: workers are often wronged as knowers, and these forms of injustice often go hand in hand with sexist or racist prejudices. She also discusses some of the mechanisms of employee involvement and how they can lead to both higher epistemic functionality and greater epistemic justice. Please register here or contact rlepenies@karlshochschule.org to be added to future event mailings.

Summer School: Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems

18 July - 5 August 2022 | Vienna, Austria.

Applications for the summer school Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS; 5 ECTS) are open. Against the background of the climate crisis, AEMS is an interdisciplinary program focusing on alternatives and reform proposals for our current growth-based economic and financial systems. The program takes place from 18 July to 5 August 2022 in Vienna.

Our current economic system leads to exploitation of natural resources, social problems, such as inequality, and plays a significant role in climate change. The financial system, with its unregulated banking and speculatory practices, as well as the dynamics of compound interest contribute to ecological degradation and a systematic redistribution of wealth to the richest part of the population. The AEMS summer school is a combined effort to create an academically open event for students and professionals from all walks of life: The program takes place annually in Vienna and is organized as a not-for-profit cooperation project between OeAD student housing, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and representatives of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG).

AEMS is an academic program offering a holistic approach to sustainability and the interconnections between economy, society and the environment. The summer school comprises lectures, (panel) discussions and workshops, as well as extracurricular activities and will take place in Vienna from July 18th to August 5th, 2022 - because: There is no alternative for alternative!

To participate at the summer school, apply here. For more information please visit the official website.

Summer School: Green Building Solutions (Vienna, August 2022)

7-16 August 2022 | Vienna, Austria

The “Green.Building.Solutions.” Summer University (GBS, 7 ECTS) is an academic training, specializing on first-hand ecological knowledge and engineering expertise. Participants from all over the world and various backgrounds deepen their knowledge in passive house planning, sustainable urban development, new energy technologies, innovative architecture and ecological design approaches together with experts in workshops, excursions and lectures. In 2022 the program takes place in-person in Vienna from 16 - August 07, 2022.

Learning objectives


The GBS program follows a holistic and modular approach. Based on its curriculum, it comprises 7 ECTS in the form of three main topics:

Workload and timeline

Preparation work: The preparation assignment is handed out a month before the program starts. Each student presents the assignment at the beginning of the program. This work is equal to 40 real hours (1.5 ECTS). In Week 1, you learn about ongoing global challenges and the role of buildings within. You will gain in-depth knowledge on how architecture becomes more sustainable - including topics such as green and regenerative building design, alternative strategies and the passive house standard. Week 2 provides you with insights into material flows and circular economy in the building sector, ecological construction materials, reuse and energy concepts. In building modelling and simulation workshops with experts you learn how to calculate energy use and demand with appropriate tools. Further important contents are the economy and green finance in the sustainable building sector. Week 3 is dedicated to a group design project: Students get to put theory into practice while dealing with a real-life object in the City of Vienna. This allows to immediately apply the relevant knowledge in a multicultural team supervised by experts, together with 5-6 people of different disciplines. The outcomes are presented along with a PowerPoint and a poster on the last day of GBS, which is followed by the handover of the certificates during a public graduation ceremony and final celebrations.

Application process

Please apply through our online application form - you will be asked to register for the website first. Please enter your name and mail-address and choose a password. For a successful procedure you are required to complete all fields in the form and to upload the following information:

We recommend preparing the documents before starting the application. Please also read our General Terms and Conditions before applying. For more information please visit the official website.

Job Postings

Elmhurst University, US

Job title: Lecturer in Economics

Elmhurst University invites applications for a lecturer position in the Department of Business and Economics in the area of Economics. The Lecturer position is a non-tenure position, renewable annually with no limit on successive appointments.

Essential Functions:

A Master’s degree in economics is required, PhD in economics is preferred.Please be aware that as a continued emphasis on keeping our community safe and healthy, we will require all faculty, staff, and students to submit verification of full vaccination for COVID-19.

Application Procedure

Please, submit a letter of application that includes teaching philosophy; a CV; unofficial graduate transcripts (official transcripts will be requested later); evidence of teaching effectiveness; and request three confidential letters of recommendation that address the candidate’s teaching. Additional information about Elmhurst University may be accessed on our website: http://www.elmhurst.edu/hr/. To receive full consideration, please have all application materials submitted by March 25th.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Avraham Baranes, Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Business and Economics, abaranes@elmhurst.edu. For further information, please visit the official website.

Application Deadline: 25 March 2021

European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria

Job title: Social Policy Analyst/Statistician | Vienna, Austria

Are you interested in the tax-benefit microsimulation model EUROMOD and in carrying out in-depth national and international comparative research on social policy and social security systems?

The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, a UN-affiliated intergovernmental organisation in Vienna, has a vacancy for a Social Policy Analyst/Statistician.

We offer the possibility for young researchers to develop and grow in a working environment that emphasises excellence, interdisciplinary co-operation between colleagues inside and outside the European Centre, independence and autonomy at work.

We would welcome candidates to send their application with CV and letter of motivation as soon as possible. Please note that fluency in German is a requirement.

For more information on the job profile, please see the link.

Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Canada

Job title: Professeure ou Professeur en Sciences Sociales (2 positions) | Quebec, Canada

Responsabilities and tasks:

Develop, within the framework of the multidisciplinary and intersectoral orientations of the UMR INRS-UQAR, innovative research activities relating to one or more of the following aspects related to the establishment, development and deployment of digital infrastructures:

Please find further information contact to Michèle Riendeau.

Application Deadline: March 4, 2022

King's College London, UK

Job title: Lecturer in Politics/Political Economy (specialism in Southern Europe and/or Latin America)

The Department of European and International Studies is recruiting a Lecturer in Politics/Political Economy with a specialism in Southern Europe and/or Latin America. The post is open in terms of theoretical and disciplinary background or research topic, the desire is for cutting-edge scholarship exploring Southern Europe and/or Latin America. In particular, the post holder is expected to contribute to the delivery of the BA European Studies, in particular its Spanish pathway, and the BA European Politics. The post holder will contribute to research-led teaching at UG and PGT levels, contribute to advancing the department’s research culture and grant capture efforts, and work well with others in the department and across the School and Faculty. You will be responsible to the Head of Department. More information about the Department, School and Faculty can be found on the King’s website, Department of European and International Studies.

Key responsibilities

The above list of responsibilities may not be exhaustive, and the post holder will be required to undertake such tasks and responsibilities as may reasonably be expected within the scope and grading of the post.

Skills, knowledge and experience

Grade 6 Essential criteria

Grade 6 Desirable criteria

Grade 7 Essential criteria

Grade 7 Desirable criteria


Please use this link to apply. For further information please visit the official website.

Application Deadline: 30 March 2022

The Center for Economic and Policy Research, US

Job title: research and administrative support | Washington DC, US

The Center for Economic and Policy Research, a Washington DC Think Tank, seeks a qualified individual who can assist CEPR’s Co-Director with outreach, research and administrative support. This is a full-time position with the possibility of flexible or remote work schedules. Our organization consists of forty staff, including economists, policy experts, communications and other professionals who conduct research on, and help educate the public about, economic and foreign policy.

Application procedure:

Applicants should have excellent writing and editing skills, intellectual curiosity as well as some knowledge of the policy issues that CEPR focuses on, and a passion for economic and social justice. In addition, applicants should be proactive, good at problem solving, have strong interpersonal abilities and be able to operate in a fast-paced work environment.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will possess most or all of the following qualifications. However, CEPR will consider strong candidates whose experience and capabilities are roughly equivalent.

Compensation: CEPR offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. The minimum starting salary is $61,546 annually; however, the actual salary can be as much as $100,000 depending on experience and qualifications. This position will be represented by the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU).

Closing Date of Position: This position will remain open until filled. Please do not call.

To Apply: Apply directly on Idealist, or send the following, in a single PDF file, to email with the subject line “Outreach Associate”:

Please do not submit additional information apart from the items listed above. If you have any questions, please email. Absolutely no calls.

For further information please see here.

University of Konstanz, Germany

Job title: Doctoral Student on Social Movements & Climate Change | Germany

(part-time 65 %, pay scale E 13 TV-L, 1 + 3 years)

Reference No. 2022/026. The working group of “Sociology & Social Movements” as part of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” invites applications for a doctoral position for a duration of up to 48 months starting in May 2022.

The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up programme, the Excellence Strategy.

The Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” investigates how people perceive inequalities, how they lead to collective mobilization, and how political actors respond to them.

The newly founded research group on Sociology with a focus on social movements (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Koos) is looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work in a planned research project on “Climate Change, Social Inequality and Protest in the Global South”. The successful applicant will be affiliated with the working group and participate in the doctoral program at the Cluster of Excellence and the University of Konstanz’ Graduate School of the Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Your qualifications

We offer

Your application

The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life. As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme (https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/equalopportunities/family/dualcareer/). Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 7531 88–4016).

Interested candidates may contact Jun.-Prof. Sebastian Koos for further information.
We look forward to receiving your application (compiled as a single PDF file) via our Online Application Portal.

Application Deadline: 13 March 2022

Wageningen University, Netherlands

Job title: PhD position in Innovation and Strategy

We are looking for:
Are you inspired to change the way agri-food systems currently operate and do you want to contribute to the transition towards climate-smart agriculture? Have you envisioned an
academic career thriving on close interactions with stakeholders? Are you interested in helping stakeholders to transform their business strategies, co-design alternative business models, and pursue systematic transition towards climate-smart production?
Then we are looking for you!

The European BEATLES project connects 18 organizations and 5 use cases with the aim to develop transformative pathways to encourage transition to fair, healthy and environmentfriendly food systems. The ideal candidate will contribute to BEATELS with identifying sets of business strategies for establishing roadmaps towards climate-smart agriculture. For the interdisciplinary European BEATLES project we are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a background in strategy and innovation studies, particularly with a focus on business model innovation.

As a PhD candidate, you will:

The research is embedded within the chair Business, Management and Organization (BMO - WUR), led by Prof. Wilfred Dolfsma and Wageningen Economic Research. You will be
supervised by Dr. Maral Mahdad (Business, Management and Organization- BMO) and Dr. Gohar Isakhanyan (Wageningen Economic Research- WeCR).

We ask for:

Do you want to apply?
You can apply directly by uploading your CV and motivation letter, using the apply button on the vacancy page on our website which will allow us to process your personal information with your approval. This vacancy will be listed up to and including 30.03.2022. We hope to schedule the first job interviews on 15.04.2022. The preferred starting date for this position is June 2022.


In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will receive a fully funded PhD position and you will be offered a course program tailored to your needs and the research team. The gross salary for the first year is € 2.443,- per month rising to € 3.122,- in the fourth year in according to the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale P).

This is based on a full-time working week of 38 hours. We offer a temporary contract for 18 months which will be extended for the duration of the project if you perform well. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere. You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the Best University in the Netherlands for the 17th consecutive time.

Do you want more information?
For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Maral Mahdad, Assistant professor of innovation and entrepreneruship by e-mail. For more information about the procedure, please contact OR <HR adviser name>, <position>, <contact information>.

Application Deadline: 30 March 2022


Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 15 (1)

Ron Martin, Flavia Martinelli, Judith Clifton: Rethinking spatial policy in an era of multiple crises

Kevin R Cox: Uneven development: convergence, divergence and politics

Danny MacKinnon, Louise Kempton, Peter O’Brien, Emma Ormerod, Andy Pike, John Tomaney: Reframing urban and regional ‘development’ for ‘left behind’ places

Christopher A Hooton: Reframing spatial policy through targeting diagnostic tools: potential and deprivation

Martin Sokol, Leonardo Pataccini: Financialisation, regional economic development and the coronavirus crisis: a time for spatial monetary policy?

Ivan Turok, Andreas Scheba, Justin Visagie: Can social housing help to integrate divided cities?

Paola De Vivo, Caterina Rinaldi: Reacting to the 2008 crisis: Competitiveness performances of Southern Italy and CEE regions

Hipólita Siqueira, Carlos Brandão: Creative strategies for spatial policy making in Brazilian ‘new left regionalism’: fighting inequalities and COVID-19 in the north-east region

A De Ruyter, R Martin, P Tyler: Corrigendum to: Geographies of Discontent: Sources, Manifestations and Consequences

Challenge 64 (5-6)

Vergés-Jaime, J.: International Liberalization: Its Implications for Countries’ Social Wellbeing.

Mary G. Findling, Robert J. Blendon & John M. Benson: Income Differences in Serious Financial Burdens Facing U.S. Households during Covid-19

Howard Sherman & Paul Sherman: The New Working Class: Education, Economics and Politics

James A. Yunker: The Case for a Global Marshall Plan

Richard F. America: Restitution to Africa: Unjust Enrichment and Damages from Imperial, Colonial, and Post Colonial Abuse of Dominance

Sebastian Edwards: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the Emerging Markets: The Currency Substitution Challenge

Dan Fraenkel: Testing for the Virus in the First Year of COVID-19: A Primer and a Plea for the Economists

Junaid B. Jahangir: Amplifying Heterodox Economics With Video Clips

European Journal of Industrial Relations: Special Issue on "China's Influence on industrial relations in Europe and beyond"

Theme: "China’s influence on industrial relations in Europe and beyond"

Editors: Fuk Ying Tse, Elaine Hui, Guglielmo Meardi

The European Journal of Industrial Relations calls for paper submissions for a special issue.

The global rise of China in the last three decades has reshuffled power dynamics in the global economy, including the global balance of power in employment relations. Since 2000, global FDI inflows into China have more than quadrupled, but also, something less noticed by research, China’s FDI outflows have increased more than hundredfold, and by 2015 had overtaken the inward flows (UNCTAD data).

A growing body of research has sought to shed light on the implications of Chinese investments to employment relations in their overseas subsidiaries in both advanced and emerging economies (Cooke et al., 2019; Lee, 2017), leading to challenges to both the management and employees at the company level, in terms of adoption of human resource management practices (Drahokoupil, 2017; Zhang and Edwards, 2007), adaptation to local institutions (Khan et al., 2019), union-management relations (Zhu, 2015) and so on. Despite turbulence in EU/UK-China relations over the past few years, China remains a key trade partner with current and former member states of the EU and an emerging contributor of foreign direct investment within the bloc. Throughout the 2010s, there has been a surge in Chinese multinational corporations setting up European subsidiaries via mergers and acquisitions (Zheng and Smith, 2017) and establishing operations in greenfield sites, especially in technologically advanced and strategic sectors such as ICT and advanced manufacturing (Pawlicki, 2017; Pawlicki and Luo, 2017).

While a ‘light-touch’ and reactive approach to human resource management and conflict resolution have been observed among Chinese investors in European subsidiaries at early stages of acquisition (Bian and Emons, 2017; Miedtank, 2017), longer-term changes to working conditions, employment relations, and power relations at the firm level and beyond caused by the rise of Chinese MNCs need further investigation (Pawlicki, 2017). In addition, how unions and other industrial relations stakeholder respond to the managerial practices of Chinese investors also need deeper investigation. Given the heterogeneity of national contexts across Europe, especially against the background of varying degrees of alignment in economic and political interests with China under the Belt and Road Initiative among different European countries, looking at the dynamics between the states in China and the host countries, Chinese MNCs (whether it be based in mainland China or beyond) and their subsidiaries, and trade unions at firm and industry levels (Andrijasevic et al., 2020) would be crucial for understanding the ways in which Chinese investment would bring significant impacts to employment relations in Europe and beyond.

This special issue welcomes submissions which bring theoretical, empirical and methodological novelties to our current understanding of the Chinese influence on employment relations overseas, with a particular focus on, but not limited to, Europe (including the UK). Papers taking a comparative approach are strongly encouraged. Research questions of interest may cover but are not limited to:

Schedule and submission process

Articles should be submitted via mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ejd , indicating that it is for the Special Issue on China and industrial relations. The Special Issue is expected to be published in 2024. Enquires can be addressed to any of the editors.

SubmissionDeadline: 30 June 2022

Industrial and Corporate Change 31 (1)

Luc Soete; Bart Verspagen; Thomas H W Ziesemer: Economic impact of public R&D: an international perspective

Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello; Nicola Grassano: The EU vs US corporate R&D intensity gap: investigating key sectors and firms

Francesco Bloise; Valeria Cirillo; Michele Raitano; Andrea Ricci: Within-firm inequality in workdays and labor productivity: evidence from linked employer–employee Italian data

Amit S Ray; Abhijit Sengupta: Knowledge exchange under asymmetric information in emerging economies: impact of signals from Indian universities

Johannes Van Biesebroeck; Alexander Schmitt: Testing predictions on supplier governance from the global value chains literature

Mario Benassi; Elena Grinza; Francesco Rentocchini; Laura Rondi: Patenting in 4IR technologies and firm performance

Mariarosaria Agostino; Domenico Scalera; Marianna Succurro; Francesco Trivieri: Research, innovation, and bankruptcy: evidence from European manufacturing firms

Aldo Enrietti; Aldo Geuna; Consuelo R Nava; Pier Paolo Patrucco: The birth and development of the Italian automotive industry (1894–2015) and the Turin car cluster

Diego Ravenda; Maika Melina Valencia-Silva; Josep Maria Argiles-Bosch; Josep García-Blandón: Effects of the award of public service contracts on the performance and payroll of winning firms

Giulio Cainelli; Roberto Ganau; Anna Giunta: Business groups, institutions, and firm performance

Tullio Gregori; Sandro Montresor; Stefania Ps Rossi: External financing of innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs): unpacking bank credit with respect to innovation typologies and combinations

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 45 (1)

Fred Block: Technology and productivity: a critique of aggregate indicators

Hanna Karolina Szymborska: Rethinking inequality in the 21st century – inequality and household balance sheet composition in financialized economies

Samba Michel Cyrille & Mbassi Christophe: The endogenous money hypothesis: empirical evidence from the CEMAC area (1990–2017)

Sebastien Charles, Thomas Dallery & Jonathan Marie: The slowing of growth in France: an interpretation based on Thirlwall’s law

Tanweer Akram: A simple model of the long-term interest rate

David Dequech: Conventions in Keynes’s theory of goods markets: investment and production decisions

New Political Economy 27 (2)

Jean-Christophe Graz: Grounding the Politics of Transnational Private Governance: Introduction to the Special Section

Tim Bartley: Power and the Practice of Transnational Private Regulation

Thomas Dietz & Janina Grabs: Additionality and Implementation Gaps in Voluntary Sustainability Standards

Christian Scheper & Johanna Gördemann: Human Rights and Corporate Reinsurance: From Ensuring Rights to Insuring Risks

Stepan Wood: Local Grounding of Transnational Private Governance Authority: Translation, Contestation, Legitimation and Communities of Practice

Huw Macartney, Jessica Wood & Katarina Dubrova: Collaboration, Adaptation, or Disruption? Wall Street, Fintech and Corporate Bond Trading

Christian Kimmich & Ferdinand Wenzlaff: The Structure–Agency Relation of Growth Imperative Hypotheses in a Credit Economy

Ellie Gore: Understanding Queer Oppression and Resistance in the Global Economy: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Political Economy

Rosie Collington: Disrupting the Welfare State? Digitalisation and the Retrenchment of Public Sector Capacity

Emanuele Ferragina & Andrew Zola: The End of Austerity as Common Sense? An Experimental Analysis of Public Opinion Shifts and Class Dynamics During the Covid-19 Crisis

Magnus Feldmann & Glenn Morgan: Business elites and populism: understanding business responses

Review of International Political Economy 29 (1): Special Section on "Political Economy of Statistics"

Daniel Mügge: Economic statistics as political artefacts

Diane Coyle & David Nguyen: No plant, no problem? Factoryless manufacturing, economic measurement and national manufacturing policies

Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez: White, democratic, technocratic: the political charge behind official statistics in South Africa

Joan van Heijster & Daniel DeRock: How GDP spread to China: the experimental diffusion of macroeconomic measurement

Roberto Aragão & Lukas Linsi: Many shades of wrong: what governments do when they manipulate statistics

Emanuele Ferragina, Alessandro Arrigoni & Thees F. Spreckelsen: The rising invisible majority Bringing society back into international political economy

Jan Drahokoupil & Brian Fabo: The limits of foreign-led growth: Demand for skills by foreign and domestic firms

Alex Yu-Ting Lin & Saori N. Katada: Striving for greatness: status aspirations, rhetorical entrapment, and domestic reforms

Gongyan Yang, Tingfeng Tang, Beibei Wang & Zhen Qi: Money talks?: an analysis of the international political effect of the Chinese overseas investment boom

David Yarrow: Valuing knowledge: The political economy of human capital accounting

Loriana Crasnic: Resistance in tax and transparency standards: small states’ heterogenous responses to new regulations

Liam Kneafsey & Aidan Regan: The role of the media in shaping attitudes toward corporate tax avoidance in Europe: experimental evidence from Ireland

Fritz Brugger & Rebecca Engebretsen: Defenders of the status quo: making sense of the international discourse on transfer pricing methodologies

Jennifer Bair, Daniela Gabor, Randall Germain, Aida A. Hozic, Alison Johnston, Saori N. Katada & Lena Rethel: RIPE 2021 diversity statement

The Economic and Labour Relations Review 33 (1)

Tim Harcourt: Obituary Geoff Harcourt 27th June 1931–7th December 2021

Cameron Roles, Sukanya Ananth, and Michael O’Donnell: Reinforcing managerial prerogative in the Australian Public Service during the COVID-19 pandemic

Sue Williamson, Linda Colley, and Meraiah Foley: Public servants working from home: Exploring managers’ changing allowance decisions in a COVID-19 context

Linda Colley, Shelley Woods, and Brian Head: Pandemic effects on public service employment in Australia

Mihajla Gavin, Scott Fitzgerald, and Susan McGrath-Champ: From marketising to empowering: Evaluating union responses to devolutionary policies in education

Shalini Dananja Wanninayake, Michael O’Donnell, and Sue Williamson: COVID-19 and job demands and resources experienced by nurses in Sri Lanka

Tjasa Bartolj, Nika Murovec, and Saso Polanec: Reported time allocation and emotional exhaustion during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Slovenia

María J Paz, Mario Rísquez, and María E Ruiz-Gálvez: Inter-firm power relations and working conditions under new production models

Nicola Pensiero: The effect of computerisation on the wage share in United Kingdom workplaces

Matthias Haslberger: Rethinking the measurement of occupational task content

Paweł Żuk and Piotr Żuk: The precariat pandemic: Exploitation overshadowed by COVID-19 and workers’ strategies in Poland

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 29 (1)

Gabriel Sabbagh: The first appearances of Quesnay in German: about Sinophilia, Sweden and the politics of physiocracy

Motohiro Okada: Friedrich von Wieser on labour

Kwangsu Kim: Resolving a seeming paradox in Adam Smith’s study of history with regard to inference to the best explanation

Gilbert Faccarello: “I profess to have made no discovery”. James Mill on comparative advantage

Sora Sato: Rethinking Burke and Smith: political economy and foundations of industry

Pavlo Blavatskyy: Lexicographic preferences in Pascal’s Wager

Alexandre Chirat & Thibault Guicherd: Oligopoly, mutual dependence and tacit collusion: the emergence of industrial organisation and the reappraisal of American capitalism at Harvard (1933–1952)

Alexandre Truc: Becoming paradigmatic: the strategic uses of narratives in behavioral economics

The Review of Austrian Economics 35 (1)

William J. Luther: Regulatory ambiguity in the market for bitcoin

Thomas L. Hogan & Daniel J. Smith: War, money & economy: Inflation and production in the Fed and pre-Fed periods

David Glasner: Hayek, Hicks, Radner and four equilibrium concepts: Perfect foresight, sequential, temporary, and rational expectations

Maciej Albinowski: The role of fractional-reserve banking in amplifying credit booms: Evidence from panel data

Anthony J. Evans, Nicolás Cachanosky & Robert Thorpe: The upper turning point in the Austrian business cycle theory

Leonidas Zelmanovitz, Carlos Newland & Juan Carlos Rosiello: The great depression as a global currency crisis: An Argentine perspective

Books and Book Series

Plagues Upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History

by Kyle Harper | 2021, Princeton University Press

Plagues upon the Earth is a monumental history of humans and their germs. Weaving together a grand narrative of global history with insights from cutting-edge genetics, Kyle Harper explains why humanity’s uniquely dangerous disease pool is rooted deep in our evolutionary past, and why its growth is accelerated by technological progress. He shows that the story of disease is entangled with the history of slavery, colonialism, and capitalism, and reveals the enduring effects of historical plagues in patterns of wealth, health, power, and inequality. He also tells the story of humanity’s escape from infectious disease—a triumph that makes life as we know it possible, yet destabilizes the environment and fosters new diseases.

Panoramic in scope, Plagues upon the Earth traces the role of disease in the transition to farming, the spread of cities, the advance of transportation, and the stupendous increase in human population. Harper offers a new interpretation of humanity’s path to control over infectious disease—one where rising evolutionary threats constantly push back against human progress, and where the devastating effects of modernization contribute to the great divergence between societies. The book reminds us that human health is globally interdependent—and inseparable from the well-being of the planet itself.Putting the COVID-19 pandemic in perspective, Plagues upon the Earth tells the story of how we got here as a species, and it may help us decide where we want to go.

Please find a link to the book here.

Advanced Introduction to New Institutional Economics

by Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley | 2022, Edward Elgar

New institutional economics (NIE) is a powerful tool for understanding real world phenomena. This Advanced Introduction explores NIE’s answers to fundamental questions about the organization, growth and development of economies, such as why are some countries rich and others poor? Why are activities organized as firms or markets or through alternative organizational solutions? When are shared resources overexploited?

This Advanced Introduction is an ideal read for advanced students of economics, political science, management, law and sociology interested in learning about new institutional economics. Policy makers, especially those responsible for business and utility regulation and development policy and assistance, will also benefit from this concise yet detailed book.

Please find a link to the book here.

Childcare Struggles, Maternal Workers and Social Reproduction

by Maud Perrier | 2022, Bristol University Press

Spanning the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, this comparative study brings maternal workers’ politicized voices to the centre of contemporary debates on childcare, work and gender. The book illustrates how maternal workers continue to organize against low pay, exploitative working conditions and state retrenchment and provides a unique theorization of feminist divisions and solidarities. Bringing together social reproduction with maternal studies, this is a resonating call to build a cross-sectoral, intersectional movement around childcare. Maud Perrier shows why social reproduction needs to be at the centre of a critical theory of work, care and mothering for post-pandemic times.

Please find a link to the book here.

Community Economies in the Global South: Case Studies of Rotating Savings, Credit Associations, and Economic Cooperation

by Caroline Shenaz Hossein and Christabell P.J | 2022, Oxford University Press

Community Economies in the Global South examines how people who conscientiously organize rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) bring positive changes to their own lives as well as others. ROSCAs are a long-established and well documented practice, especially those organized by women of colour. Members make regular deposits to a fund as a savings that is then given in whole or in part to each member in turn based on group economics. This book spotlights women in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia who organize and use these associations, composed of ordinary people belonging to similar class origins who decide jointly on the rules to suit the interests of their members. The case studies show how they vary greatly across countries in the Global South, demonstrating that ROSCAs are living proof that diverse community economies do exist and have been around for a very long time. The contributors recount stories of the self-help, activism, and perseverance of racialized people in order to push for ethical, community-focused business, and to hold onto local knowledge, grounded theory, and lived experience, reducing the need to rely on external funding as people find ways to finance sustainable, debt-free business ventures. The first collection on this topic edited by two women of colour with roots in the Global South, this volume is a rallying call to other scholar-activists to study and report on how racialized people come together, pool goods, and diversify business in the Global South.

Please find a link to the book here.

Labour Regimes and Global Production

By Edited by Elena Baglioni, Liam Campling, Neil M. Coe, Adrian Smith | 2022, Agenda Publishing Limited

There has been a resurgence in interest in the theorization of labour regimes across various disciplines. This has taken the form of a concern to understand the role that labour regimes play in the structuring, organization and dynamics of global systems of production and reproduction. The concept has a long heritage that can be traced back to the 1970s and the contributors to this new collection seek to develop further this emerging field. Contributions trace the intellectual development of labour regime theory across political economy, development studies, sociology and geography and consider debates around issues of scale, informality, gender, race, social reproduction, ecology and migration. Case studies offer new insights into working conditions within global production chains ranging from Amazon's warehouses in the United States, to industrial production networks in the Global South, or the dormitory towns of migrant workers in Czechia.

Please find further information here.

The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World: Volume II, 1870 to the Present

edited by Stephen Broadberry and Kyoji Fukao | 2021, Cambridge University Press

The second volume of The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World explores the development of modern economic growth from 1870 to the present. Leading experts in economic history offer a series of regional studies from around the world, as well as thematic analyses of key factors governing the differential outcomes in different parts of the global economy. Topics covered include human capital, capital and technology, geography and institutions, living standards and inequality, trade and immigration, international finance, and warfare and empire.

For further information please see here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

Berlin School of Economics and Law: MA programs

MA in International Economics

The Master in International Economics offers an in-depth exploration of international macroeconomic issues and problems, like global and regional imbalances, macroeconomic instability, inequality and ecological constraints of economic activities. It provides students with a critical understanding of current debates in economics, including heterodox economics in particular. The programme has a strongly international approach and aims to integrate an understanding of theoretical controversies, historical developments and contemporary policy disputes. It also contains an interdisciplinary component reflecting the importance that social and political institutions play in shaping economic developments, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and it will equip students with the skills to pursue internationally oriented careers with government and non-government organisations, research institutes, think tanks, trade unions, international organisations and international businesses, as well as to apply for PhD programmes. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 March and ends on 15 May for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree, and it starts on 15 April and ends on 15 June for students with a German Bachelor’s degree. For more information please see the website.

MA in Political Economy of European Integration

The Master in Political Economy of European Integration offers an extraordinary, interdisciplinary Master programme, combining critical research in political sciences and sociology, law, and (heterodox) macroeconomics. The programme covers different dimensions of European integration such as environment and energy, labour and social reproduction, as well as money and trade, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and enables students to participate professionally in the processes of European integration and to pursue international careers with European institutions and with governments as well as business organisations, trade unions, non-governmental organisations and institutions of policy formulation and research in the member states of the EU. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 March and ends on 15 May for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree, and it starts on 15 April and ends on 15 June for students with a German Bachelor’s degree. For more information please see the website.

Calls for Support

Participation in a "Economists and Economics Survey"

We invite you to participate in a new large-scale Economists and Economics Survey, conducted by Professor David Colander (Middlebury College, USA), Dr Francesca Gagliardi (University of Hertfordshire, UK), Dr David Gindis (University of Hertfordshire, UK) and Professor Geoffrey Hodgson(Loughborough University London, UK). The study targets anyone holding a bachelor's or higher degree in economics, or partly in economics, in any part of the world. Respondents are asked to express their views on the economics profession, economics as a discipline, and economic policy. The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete and your participation in this study is strictly voluntary. Your responses will be kept anonymous. Researchers will not be able to link your responses to your identity. The survey design is mobile-friendly.

Follow this link to the survey: Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: https://hertsmarketing.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5148RVxojbKSNqB

The survey will close on Monday 11 April. These links will expire at that point. This study has been approved by the University of Hertfordshire Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority (SSAH ECDA), under the Ethics Protocol number aBUS/SF/UH/05085(2). For further information about this study, please reply to this email or contact Dr Francesca Gagliardi at f.gagliardi@herts.ac.uk.

Survey open until: 11 April 2022

For Your Information

ASE Complimentary Memberships

The Association for Social Economics (ASE) is pleased to announce a new, complimentary membership structure! Based on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) List of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Recipients, members from least developed countries, low income countries, lower middle income countries and territories, and upper middle income countries and territories receive a free, one-year membership with renewal!

The ASE Executive Council (EC) approved this update in December 2021 for a two-year trial period with the possibility of extension upon review of the program. Eligible members will thus receive a complimentary membership for at least two years, but will need to renew their respective membership at the end of the first year into the second year. Closer to the end of 2023, the EC will review the program and make a decision about its continuance.

We hope this program provides some relief from the potential financial resource hurdle associated with joining the ASE. To get started, visit the membership page of the ASE website.

Scroll down to and click on "Complimentary Membership" in the bottom right corner. Based on your location, the landing page on the next screen will alert you to your eligibility status based on your detected location. Should you run into any issues or believe you've reached a particular status in error, please reach out to the ASE Executive Secretary, Chris Jeffords´ email.

Please share this announcement widely and thank you for your continued support of the ASE!

NEA and ASE Announcement of Support for the Federal Reserver Board nomination of Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson

The Association for Social Economics (ASE) stands in solidarity with the National Economic Association (NEA) in its unwavering support and endorsement of Drs. Cook and Jefferson to the Federal Reserve Board.

The National Economic Association (NEA) wishes to express its support for the historic nominations of Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson to serve on the Federal Reserve Board. Drs. Cook and Jefferson are both past presidents of the National Economic Association. The nomination of Lisa Cook is particularly significant as the first Black woman to be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board in its 108-year history. The nomination of two African American economists to serve on the Federal Reserve Board is a welcome recognition of the important role that Black economists must play in determining economic priorities for our nation. Given their academic preparation and professional experience, both Drs. Cook and Jefferson have the economic tools needed to foster financial stability and full employment.

For more information and endorsement please follow this link.

Pre-Call: 2022 Conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE)

It is now 2022 – time to start thinking about our Annual Conference in September, 2022. Under normal conditions we start thinking about the next Annual Conference from the time of the previous one, and send out an initial Call for papers in November. But of course, we are not in normal times.

Current scientific predications indicate that it is possible that the world takes the first steps in a process of a return to “normality” after this spring. On the other hand, that is definitely not assured, especially if by then the virus mutates again into some new highly contagious form.

So this is a pre-Call communication to all of IIPPE members concerning our next AGM. It will be Wednesday September 7 – Friday September 9 (and a “workshop” the day before), and its title/theme is Socio-Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability. While the portal for submitting proposed papers or panels will not be open for 1 – 2 months, this pre-Call is so that people can start thinking about the sort of presentation they might like to make then, including talking with others about focused panels.

We will wait as long as we can to make the big decision – can we return to a live format this year, or will we be forced to have a virtual conference as we did this past September? If we do return to live it will be in Bologna, and local people have already done the basic preliminary work to make that possible if COVID allows it.

We will update everyone again in mid-February. Again, please start now to consider what you, or you in collaboration with a collection of people who work on related topics, might present this coming September.

In solidarity, the Conference Committee