Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 250 August 05, 2019 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

While climate change becomes a bigger and bigger topic in public discourse, recent research points to the severe implications climate change is going to have on actual living conditions of human beings (see, for instance, here and here). In this context, I think it's worth illustrating why my regrets about our collective inability to tackle this challenge are intimately related to my views on paradigmatic division in economics. I'll try to do so in the following.

Several years ago, I visited an interdisciplinary conference mainly populated by natural scientists (this one here). At one evening I had dinner together with some other researchers and we talked about our different disciplinary origins. Revealing that I am an economist by training got me some grim looks by the physicists at the table. They were obviously skeptical about something and asked me a straightforward, diagnostic question, namely: "What do you think, how can we stop climate change?" My answer was equally straightforward, basically stating that very strong forms of regulation would be required to reach emission targets, which are unlikely to be put in place given current political and economic circumstances. This answer astonished my natural science colleagues on the table - they even told me that they never have received this answer from someone, who is an economist by training.

Their observation is unsurprising against the backdrop that most studies on 'consensus in economics' find that an overwhelming majority of economists opts for 'market-based' solutions like taxes or emission licenses as opposed to direct regulation (see, for instance, here). Nonetheless, my answer seemed to have a large overlap with the views of my colleagues at the dinner table. What united us in this moment was a similarity in paradigmatic perspective: I, as a heterodox economists, followed broad arguments on the embeddedness of economic activities in a broader social and ecological context, which serves as an ultimate foundation for the former. They, as physicists, followed a thermodynamic perspective (like, for instance, in this classic book). Both starting points, led us to emphasize the ultimate scarcity of ecological capacities and, hence, to put greater weight on concerns of sustainability and conservation.

In more economic terms, our view on the problem as coined by the belief that either self-sustaining technologies or adequate substitutes for ecological services will not become available endogenously within the capitalist process. Hence, the basic divergence in the economic treatment of nature can be framed two related ways: either as being about the ultimate relevance and necessity of ecological foundations or, more practical, as a decision between technological optimism and technological pessimism, where the former is coined by the belief that the 'ultimate' character of ecological constraints will never materialize. In my teaching, I typically assign a very short, thirty year old paper on this by Robert Costanza from the inaugural issue of the Journal Ecological Economics, which pins down this crucial paradigmatic cleavage in a few pages (you can find this article here). Today, students typically grasp the immediate connection between this general argument and science and society's capacity to confront climate change - they will typically ask me, why we are currently so badly prepared, while these issues had been illuminated for so long.

One part of the answer to this question is again paradigmatic division in the social sciences: In my view the paradigmatic perspective of mainstream economics, which always opts for market-based solutions, enshrines technological optimism and abstracts from the ultimate character of ecological constraints, has long served to obscure the issues at stake. It's dominance within the sphere of economics has confined alternative views, which assign a prior role to nature in analytical contexts, to other disciplines and fields, where they had much less impact on economic and environmental policies. Hence, I see a deeper relationship between the young generation's legitimate astonishment with regard to the errors of their parents and grandparents, and the partial inability of the older generations to decipher what is really at stake.

All the best,


© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

15th Italian Society of Law and Economics conference (Milan, Dec. 2019)

19-21 December 2019 | Milan, Italy

The Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE-SIDE) invites contributions on all aspects related to Law and Economics, such as Bankruptcy, Behavioural Law and Economics, Competition Policy and Antitrust Law and Economics, Corporate Governance and Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Environmental Law and Economics, Constitutional law, Costitutional Political Economy & Social justice, Family Law and Economics, History of Law and Economic Thought, Institutional and New-Institutional Economics, Intellectual Property, Judicial Decision-Making, Law & Social Norms, Law and Finance, Regulation, Securities Law, and Taxation, Labour law & economics, Economic institutions for Sustainable Development, Human rights, International law and economics, the Institutional Economics of Inequalities, New theoretical approaches to law and economics. People from the Local Organizing Committee and the Advisory Board will select the papers to be presented at the Conference. Priority will be given to completed papers. Given the growing number of international scholars participating to the conference, we strongly encouraged scholars to submit their work in English. A draft or completed paper shall be submitted online through the website.

Dates and deadlines

Paper submission deadline: September 15, 2019 | Communication of acceptance: September 27, 2019 | Final papers due by: November 10, 2019 | Early Registration: November 10, 2019

For further information please visit the website.

Submission Deadline: 15 September 2019

Call for Book Chapters: Rethinking economics - experiences from plural socio*economic higher education

A new generation of lecturers in plural socio*economic higher education faces a major challenge: initiating education processes which enable students to reflect on urgent social problems, to contextualize them, to discuss them scientifically or even to solve them. This seems to be more urgent than ever, since in particular economists and their faculties are sticking to a one-sided teaching canon that has hardly changed for decades, despite the far-reaching consequences of the financial and economic crisis of 2008, the growing inequalities in income and wealth, and the reality of climate change. In addition to a theoretical and methodological one-sidedness, low-discussion and purely reproductive teaching and examination formats hamper the development of students' reflective and creative skills. In spite of these developments, more and more scholars and didacticians are working on pluralistic goals, innovative contents and forms of socio*economic higher education. Their proposals range from a mild modernisation of curricula with more realistic models and more up-to-date research results, to fundamentally new forms of teaching and learning with objectives that go beyond a mere transfer of knowledge. This edited volume is dedicated to the concrete experiences of lecturers in socio*economic higher education and aims to pool and share them. The aim is to identify and offer teaching opportunities for the concrete realisation of innovative, plural, socio*economic education. In addition to plural teaching content, plural teaching forms shall also be acknowledged and discussed. The guiding question is how a socio*economic education should be structured that can take on an orienting, reflective and responsible function in society, politics and the economy.

Submissions in German or English should be made by 31.08.2019 to janina.urban@fgw-nrw.de (max. 25,000 characters incl. spaces and literature index). The anthology is edited by Janina Urban (FGW, Düsseldorf), Harald Hantke (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Lisa-Marie Schröder (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) and Lukas Bäuerle (Cusanus Hochschule, Bernkastel-Kues). Cooperation partners of the publication are the FGW Düsseldorf and the section for socioeconomic higher education of the Association Socioeconomic Education and Research (ASEER). A scientific advisory board from the ASEER environment will be set up for the review process. The advisory board is headed by Prof. Dr. Udo Hagedorn (University of Bielefeld). The publication will be published by a scientific publisher and on the online learning platform Exploring Economics under a Creative Commons License and is planned for spring 2020.

For further informations click here.

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2019

Challenging the Work Society: An Interdisciplinary Summit (London, Sept. 2019)

27-28 September 2019 | London

This September, Chase and Autonomy will hold a two-day conference on the future of work. We invite contributions from across disciplines that relate to the critique of work, the reduction of working time and the post-work project. We want to contribute to analyses of the current crisis of work in all its facets - reproductive, waged, unwaged, automatable and non-automatable - as well as engage with utopian proposals for a future emancipated from toil. To this end we are bringing together early career researchers, political activists and prominent post-work theorists for two days of debate, discussion and collaboration. Applications of papers to be presented in 20 minutes slot and shorter are welcome - more preliminary or more provocative - presentations for the poster session. Potential contributors are encouraged to submit abstracts of up to 500 words by 09.8.2019 to conference2019@autonomy.work. Accepted papers will be notified by 31.8.2019. We particularly welcome contributions from women, people of colour, and other underrepresented groups.

Key Questions:

For further information please visit the website.

Submission Deadline: 9 August 2019

Conference on "Financialization and Development in the Global South" (Buenos Aires, Nov. 2019)

26-28 November 2019 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Studies of the multidisciplinary concept financialization have multiplied in recent years, covering a growing range of topics. The principal focus, however, was largely on developed economies – first within the Anglo-American heartlands, then comparatively broadening towards Europe, exposing the workings of finance-led capitalism in a context of large, diverse and sophisticated bank- and market-based financial systems. The uneven nature of the finance-dominated regime, and particularly the subordinate integration of developing countries into global financial and monetary circuits, received far less attention. This conference aims to bridge this lacuna, by opening up an interdisciplinary exchange among scholars, policymakers and civil society organizations studying financialization in developing countries.

Contribution focusing on the following questions are especially welcomed:

Submission procedure

Please find the original call here.

Submission deadline: 16 August 2019

Conference on "Power – Conflict and Contradictions" (Copenhagen, Oct. 2019)

4-5 October 2019 | Copenhagen, Denmark

The Danish Society for Marxist Studies invites you to an annual conference. This year's theme is "Power – Conflict and Contradictions" and the keynotes will be given by Marius S. Ostrowski (Oxford University) and Sara R. Farris (Goldsmiths, University of London). The conference will take place on the 4-5 October at the Danish School of Education (DPU) in Emdrup, Copenhagen. The aim of the conference is to interrogate Marxist perspectives on power. The power of capital relies on and reproduces a wide array of social contradictions and antagonisms relating to class, gender, race, sexuality, body forms, culture, nationality. That domination and exploitation historically have gone hand in hand seems beyond questioning, so instead we will ask how and through which mechanisms the two have been linked. How can we best understand the ways in which capital has produced or reshaped and utilized identity markers as class, race and gender? If capital is 'the command over unpaid labour' (Marx, Capital), what does that mean for our understanding of the relation between economic and political power? Is there a distinctive Marxist perspective on power, and if so, how should we define it? Is 'capital' something that can exercise power, and what is the relation between Marxist and non-Marxist (mainstream and critical) conceptions of power? Is power something that can or should be 'taken', and if so, what would that mean in the current conjuncture?

Dates and deadlines
Papers which reflect on these questions in the context of contemporary capitalism as well as in the different historical constellations of capitalist societies and from historico-political as well as abstract-theoretical perspective are welcome.The Abstract of no more than 300 words in Danish or English should be emailed.

Please find the original call here.

Submission Deadline: 15 August 2019

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Call for "case studies on impact investments for sustainable development in Brazil"

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through its Office in Brazil, invites researchers, private sector professionals, entrepreneurs, representatives of civil society, policymakers and civil servants to submit case studies on impact investments for sustainable development in Brazil, which will be part of the "Big Push for Sustainability in Brazil" project.

Experiences and examples of actions, measures, plans, strategies, programs, policies, etc. that help to boost a set of investments destined to give greater socioeconomic and environmental sustainability to the prevailing local, regional or national development path will be understood as case studies of the "Big Push for Sustainability". To be eligible, case studies should be able to report at least one indicator of each dimension of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) detailed in the rules of this call.

All studies considered eligible as case of "Big Push for Sustainability in Brazil" will be part of a repository. Selected most transformative case studies will be recognized and will compose a publication, to be presented in parallel to the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25 of the UNFCCC) in Santiago, Chile, in December this year. This selection of the most impactful case studies aims at giving visibility and opportunity to showcase the experiences and initiatives that have generated concrete results towards the sustainability of development.

Please find the original call here.

Submission Deadline: 11 August 2019

Forum for Institutional Thought: "Institutions and Survival: Social Order for the 21st Century" (Kraków, Feb. 2020)

WINIR is pleased to sponsor the Second Conference of the Forum for Institutional Thought on "Institutions and Survival: Social Order for the 21st Century" to be held at the Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland, on 20-21 February 2020. The conference provides a platform for discussion about economic, legal and philosophical challenges and threats concerning the design and implementation of institutional solutions aimed at achieving better life standards in the 21st century. The conference languages are English and Polish, according to the needs of the participants.

The conference will feature two panel discussions on "Socio-Economic Reasons for Democracy in Retreat" and "Hybrid Institutional Arrangements of Governance: Networks and Beyond" with the following panellists: Wojciech Czakon (Jagiellonian University), Marcin Gorazda (Copernicus Center for Interdisiciplinary Research), Janusz Grygieńć (Nicolaus Copernicus University),Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Andrzej Szahaj (Nicolaus Copernicus University) and Jerzy Wilkin (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Science). Selected papers will be published in Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities - Web of Science and Springer Proceedings In Business and Economics – Springer, as well as in International Journals indexed in Scopus or ESCI databases (after positive double-blind review process).

Dates and deadlines

1 May 2019 to 30 November 2019 - Registration open | 30 July 2019 - Abstract submission deadline | 16 September 2019 - Notifications of acceptance | 1 November 2019 to 30 November 2019 - Deadline for payment | 31 December 2019 - Full paper submissions

Abstract and queries should be send in per email.

For further information about this event please visit the conference website.

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2019

Journal of Public Policy Studies: Special Issue on "Public Policy: Experiences and Policy Transfers among Various Cultural Backgrounds"

We start from a basic assumption that the policy sciences within many regions are under intensive development in various policy domains. For the academic community, it is crucial to analyze the key processes which intersect with the ongoing political and socio-economic developments and challenges around the world in many vertical (sectoral) and horizontal policies. We appreciate every manuscript whose author makes a successful attempt to deal with the crucial elements of the complex nature of the public policy.

The Journal accepts the following types of papers focused on both theoretical and practical considerations: original research, systematic review, methods paper, policy and practice review, hypothesis and theory paper, perspective article, case study, conceptual analysis, data report, policy brief, and brief research report (please note that we are especially interested, but not limited to, papers based on the use of comparative approaches and studies).

The Journal welcomes papers that provide answers related to the exemplary questions:

The authors should submit abstracts with the paper proposals as well as the manuscripts of papers to the Editorial Office. The full papers should be submitted in the MS-Word (.docx) format and consist of up to 10 000 words.

Processing and publication in the Journal are free of charge, and fees are not requested from authors at any point of the peer review and publication.

We are also supporting Open Access, and authors retain the copyright to their due to the use of CC BY-ND 3.0 licenses.

The abstract submission deadline is December 31, 2019.

The manuscript submission deadline is February 20, 2020.

Review of Economics and Economic Methodology: Special Issue on "Economic Methodology: How Mathematicians Explain – Or Should They?"

In 1980, Mark Blaug published a memorable treatise on economic methodology, The Methodology of Economics: Or How Economists Explain? His book was an examination of the nature of economic explanation, based on philosophy of science and troublesome question of the logical status of welfare economics, followed by a series of case studies, showing how controversies in economics may be illuminated by paying attention to questions of methodology. In last decade, an influential strand of thought called Social Ontology arose from the work of Prof. Tony Lawson (a trained mathematician) warning against an epistemic fallacy in methodological debates in economics and pointing to an inherent ontological failure in the explanation of economic phenomena by means of mathematical modelling.

The special issue will, therefore, be devoted to the present state-of-the-art of methodology in economics. Are mathematical models an inevitable »curse« of economics? Can they be improved for the purposes of modelling economic phenomena? And how – in which directions? Could contemporary mathematics, say analysis of several complex variables, algebraic and differential topology and geometry, category theory, partial differential equations and other strands provide a place for improved mathematics of economics? Is Tony Lawson right in warning about inherent atomistic approach in mathematical modelling of the economy? Are there other paths of methodological solutions not tried yet? Is a resort to theoretical reasoning a panacea for problems of quantitative modelling in economics? What does this mean for the place of economics in contemporary society? And how about its pragmatic and policy aspects?

Papers should be send in per email.

For further information about the call click here, for further information about the Requirements here.

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2019

Call for Participants

Conference "Michal Kalecki and the Problem of International Equilibrium" (OECD/Paris, Sep. 2019)

26 September 2019 | Paris, France

The preliminary program for the upcoming Conference "Michal Kalecki and the Problem of International Equilibrium" is now available online.

On 26th September, Poland’s Delegation to the OECD and the Polish Economic Society organize the conference (at the OECD’s premises in Paris) on Michal Kalecki’s theory and his economic legacy: "Michal Kalecki and the Problem of International Equilibrium".

The main issues to be raised during the Event are: International Equilibrium, international dept problem and achieving maximum employment in economy.

Conference on "Uneven and Combined Development for the 21st Century" (Glascow, Sep. 2019)

5-7 September 2019 | Glascow, UK

As recently as the early 1990s, anyone predicting that Trotsky’s ‘law’ of uneven and combined development (UCD) would soon become a key theoretical reference point across several academic disciplines would have been treated with a great deal of scepticism. Yet, less than three decades later, UCD is regularly deployed in the fields of international relations, historical sociology, political economy, social geography and–perhaps most surprisingly–world literature. Not since the vogue for Gramsci’s notion of hegemony in the 1970s and 1980s has a concept from the classical Marxist tradition enjoyed such widespread academic diffusion. Controversies have of course abounded: adherents have disagreed over whether UCD is a trans-historic or trans-modal process, or whether it is one which can only be found in the era of industrial capitalism; critics have alleged that UCD is simply a more sophisticated form of Eurocentrism; Trotskyist activists have complained–with some justification–that UCD has been detached from the political context in which it was first deployed. Yet, in spite of the rapidly multiplying literature, there has not been an international event bringing together representatives from all the relevant areas of scholarship to engage in inter-disciplinary discussion. This conference will finally provide such an opportunity. The event has been organised by members of the University of Glasgow’s Socialist Theory and Movements Research Network–Neil Davidson (School of Social and Political Sciences), David Featherstone (School of Geographical and Earth Sciences) and Vassiliki Kolocotroni (School of Critical Studies)–in association with Historical Materialism (HM). Although its main focus will be on UCD, it will also involve discussion of two important related topics, the earlier theory of uneven development and the strategy of permanent revolution, the conditions for which UCD was of course originally intended to explain. The conference will feature over 50 speakers from every continent, with 18 panels, 3 keynote addresses and concluding reflections. Subjects range from the contemporary relevance of permanent revolution to the impact of UCD on the emergence of literary Modernism. In particular, the second full day (Saturday 7th September) will be mainly devoted to case studies of the experience of UCD – the majority from across the Global South, but also in metropolitan heartlands of global capitalism, including Scotland itself.

Please find a link to the Program here.

Please find the original posting with further information here.

Webinar: Emerging economic narratives from Latin America

Dear fellows, YSI Latin America, Economic Development and Financial Stability Working Groups would like to invite you to participate in our webinar of: Emerging economic narratives from Latin America. This Series aims to show the heterodox economic thinking of the borders of the countries of Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina and Latin America in general. The webinar series will be held in Spanish.

I. “Consideraciones sobre el estructuralismo y el neoestructuralismo Latinoamericano” by Prof. Monika Meireles (UNAM-México)

Wednesday, August 7th, 10:00 AM (EST)

Document available in: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jq0L6C7JyexOf_frMXKmETBz9Zg2sbx9?usp=sharing

México 9am / Chile 10am / Argentina 11am

II. "La ley general de la acumulación capitalista: una reinterpretación" by Prof. John Cajas-Guijarro (UCE- FLACSO-Ecuador)

Wednesday, August 14th, 17:00 PM (EST)

Document available in: http://bit.ly/2CkFFi0

México 16 pm / Chile 17 pm / Argentina 18 pm

III. “Supermultiplicador clásico y crecimiento económico dirigido por la demanda en la Argentina “ by Prof. Alejandro Fiorito (UBA-Argentina)

Saturday, August 24th, 10:00 AM (EST)

Document available in: http://bibliotecadigital.econ.uba.ar/download/tpos/1502-1188_FioritoA.pdf

México 9am / Chile 10am / Argentina 11am

You can find the link to the Webinar Series here and the related Facebook Event here.

Job Postings

Université Côte d’Azur, France

Job titel: Post-doc research position in History of Economic Thought

The Université Côte d’Azur (UCA) is offering a post-doctoral scholarship to outstanding PhD Students (6 months, renewable once). The goal is to recruit and support one or several highly academically qualified young researchers who have recently defended their PhD. The candidate will collaborate on a research program on the history of recent macroeconomics within the H2P2S (Histoire de la pensée et Philosophie des Sciences Sociales) project of the GREDEG CNRS.
His/her research will examine the contributions of complexity tools and theories to the development of macroeconomic approaches. The selecting committee is open to different historiographic approaches (history of economic thought, history of ideas, bibliometrics, network analysis, history of sciences...).

Eligibility requirements and selection criteria

The candidate can be:

Application material

Applications should include the following elements:

NB: For publications under revision, or forthcoming, please attach the abstract as well as the editor’s letter.


Post-doctoral candidates are invited to apply before the following deadline:

The application must be sent directly to Muriel Dal Pont Legrand.

Application deadline: 6 September 2019

Roskilde University, Denmark

Job titel: Assistant Professor in Global Studies

The Department of Social Sciences and Business (ISE), Roskilde University, invites applications for a position as assistant professor in Global Studies from January 1 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is limited to 3 years.

ISE calls for an assistant professor to join the vibrant, interdisciplinary Global Studies research community. The applicant must be skilled and committed to develop research and teaching in global political economy as it pertains to climate change and/or military security. The department seeks for a person who will contribute to the intellectual life of the Department by engaging in novel research, in high quality teaching, and by taking part in the academic activities of the Department.

Responsibilities and tasks

It is expected of new assistant professor to develop a field of expertise by adding new significant elements to the doctoral thesis and to publish in leading journals within the relevant field, furthermore to contribute to the research culture in the department (academic citizenship). The daily work will primarily include research and research-based classroom teaching and project supervision with associated examination obligations within International Studies at BA level and Global Studies at MA level and in one or both of our Social Science BA programmes. In addition to research and research-based teaching, the position involves sharing knowledge with the rest of society including participation in the public debate.



Applicants must hold a relevant social science PhD degree. The ideal candidate matches the following characteristics:

In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:


To apply for the position and for further information click here.

Application deadline: 1 September 2019


RHETM Students’ Work-In-Progress Competition

The Students’ Work-In-Progress Competition sponsored by Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (RHETM) provides an opportunity for students to work with RHETM’s esteemed editors and editorial board members to bring an in-progress draft to fruition and to publish the final manuscript in RHETM, one of the leading outlets in the fields of methodology and history of economics. RHETM’s editorial team will select up to three promising submissions and then work with the authors to bring their essays up to the journal’s exacting publication standards.


Only papers authored by students. Authors with their PhD in hand at time of submission are not eligible. All authors on a co-authored paper must be students. Any and all topics related to economic methodology, the history of economics, or the philosophy of economics, all broadly construed, are eligible. Papers must be true works-in-progress. We will consider papers that have been presented at conferences. However, papers that have been previously submitted (anywhere) for possible publication are not eligible, i.e., papers cannot have benefitted from a previous round of refereeing.


Up to three prizes will be awarded. All winning papers will eventually be published in RHETM. In addition, the first- and second-place winners will receive, respectively, $500 and $250 stipends for research-related use (i.e., travel to a conference to present the paper or to an archives to do research).

Review Process:

As with our standard review process, we will perform an initial internal review in order to come up with an initial list of candidates. We will then work with the members of our editorial board to determine those papers worth dedicating close attention and care to bringing to fruition. Then we will work with the remaining authors to make their papers publishable. The winners of the competition will be determined at the end of this process. Thus, the winners will be the best papers that survive this gauntlet.

Submit your works-in-progress to one of the editors of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology:

Luca Fiorito - luca.fiorito.1967@gmail.com

Scott Scheall - scott.scheall@asu.edu

Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak - cesuprinyak@gmail.com

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2019

URPE Dissertation Fellowship: Winner Announcement 2019

The 2019 URPE Dissertation Fellow is Ivan Rubinić, doctoral candidate, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (Republic of Slovenia). Mr. Rubinić is awarded this Fellowship and $5,000 (USD) in support of his dissertation “The Dynamics of Economic Inequality in Euro Area Based on the Marxist Theory of Exploitation.” His dissertation is being supervised by Dr. Maks Tajnikar, University of Ljubljana.

Mr. Rubinić’s dissertation studies euro area economic inequality from a Marxian perspective. It investigates outcome inequality and inequality of opportunity, both the within-country and between-countries. Mr. Rubinić argues that within-country inequality results from differential ownership of means of production and exploitation, while between-country inequality arises from trade, which gives rise to unequal labor exchange. The dissertation investigates these euro area inequalities theoretically and empirically. It develops a model demonstrating that inequalities are the root cause of the euro area's disintegration bias. This model also indicates that a Marx-based model has high explanatory power and is, therefore, an important tool for the investigation of economic inequalities. The empirical application illustrates the underlying economic factors that govern the euro area's asymmetrical distribution of benefits, and allows the uncontrolled imperatives of international markets to overwhelm national decisions, efforts, and policies. This study will provide a basis for redefining the current, sub-optimal, policy decisions, with the final purpose of restoring the sustainability of the European social project and creating the source for advancement of integrational wellbeing.


Accounting, Organizations and Society 76

Stephen P. Rowe: Auditors’ comfort with uncertain estimates: More evidence is not always better

Afshin Mehrpouya, Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic: Seeing like the market; exploring the mutual rise of transparency and accounting in transnational economic and market governance

Frances A. Kennedy, Sally K. Widener: Socialization mechanisms and goal congruence

Dean Neu: Accounting for extortion

Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 53 (2)


Matthew Evangelista: Globalization and International Conflict: An Introduction

Jennifer M. Welsh: The Individualisation of War: Defining a Research Programme

Neta C. Crawford: The Globalization of American War in the 21st Century: Militarism and Imperial Renaissance or Decline?

Elisabetta Brighi: Globalisation, Individualisation and the Changing Politics of (In)security

Fabio Armao: Militarism and Hegemonic (In)stability in the Age of Private Wars

Marco Boggero: Complex Norms and Technological Transition: Reflections on the Responsibility to Protect and Norms Governing Private Military and Security Companies

Francesco Gallino: 'All but the Form is Serious'. Slavery, Racism and Democracy in Gustave de Beaumont’s 'Marie'

Francesco Cassata and Sara Lorenzini: Science, Technology and Europeanization: An Introductory Note

Sara Venditti: Europeanization of Space: The Ariane Project between Europeanization and Independence

Marianne Noel: 'Made in Europe for the World': Making a Claim for a European Chemistry in Publication Programs. The Case of the Supramolecular Chemistry (1987-2005)

Alfonso Iozzo: Welfare for the European Union in the Age of Globalisation

Lino Sau: Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz, 'Globalization and its Discontents Revisited: Anti-globalization in the Era of Trump', New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018

Cambridge Journal of Economics 43 (4)

Giuseppe Fontana, Christos Pitelis, Jochen Runde: Financialisation and the new capitalism?

Matthieu Montalban, Vincent Frigant, Bernard Jullien: Platform economy as a new form of capitalism: a Régulationist research programme

Charilaos Mertzanis: Financialisation, institutions and financing constraints in developing countries

Michael J McCormack: Financial markets and the working class in the USA: an empirical investigation of financial stress

Stephen F Diamond: Exercising the ‘governance option’: labour’s new push to reshape financial capitalism

Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, Andrea Pacella, Angelo Salento: Financialisation in context: the case of Italy

Karsten Kohler, Alexander Guschanski, Engelbert Stockhammer: The impact of financialisation on the wage share: a theoretical clarification and empirical test

Eckhard Hein: Financialisation and tendencies towards stagnation: the role of macroeconomic regime changes in the course of and after the financial and economic crisis 2007–09

Ewa Karwowski: Towards (de-)financialisation: the role of the state

Eugenio Caverzasi, Alberto Botta, Clara Capelli: Shadow banking and the financial side of financialisation

Robert Sweeney: Transformation of banking reconsidered: how feasible is ‘de-financialisation’?

Riccardo Pariboni, Pasquale Tridico: Labour share decline, financialisation and structural change

Nicole Cerpa Vielma, Hasan Cömert, Carmela D’Avino, Gary Dymski & Annina Kaltenbrunner: Too big to manage: US megabanks’ competition by innovation and the microfoundations of financialization

Priya S Gupta: The entwined futures of financialisation and cities

Ecological Economics 164

Herman Daly: Some overlaps between the first and second thirty years of ecological economics

Leah Temper, Dylan McGarry, Lena Weber: From academic to political rigour: Insights from the ‘Tarot’ of transgressive research

Jordi Teixidó, Stefano F. Verde, Francesco Nicolli: The impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on low-carbon technological change: The empirical evidence

Miroslav Syrovátka, Martin Schlossarek: Measuring development with inequality: How (should) aggregate indicators of development account for inequality?

Zengkai Zhang, Yuwan Duan, Wei Zhang: Economic gains and environmental costs from China's exports: Regional inequality and trade heterogeneity

Marion Dupoux: The land use change time-accounting failure

Benjamin Ouvrard, Jens Abildtrup, Göran Bostedt, Anne Stenger: Determinants of forest owners attitudes towards wood ash recycling in Sweden - Can the nutrient cycle be closed?

Alessio D'Amato, Matilde Giaccherini, Mariangela Zoli: The Role of Information Sources and Providers in Shaping Green Behaviors. Evidence from Europe

Christin Hoffmann: Estimating the benefits of adaptation to extreme climate events, focusing on nonmarket damages

Louise Lambert, Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marthe Nyssens, Elisabetta Severi, Olivier Brolis: Unpacking the organisational diversity within the collaborative economy: The contribution of an analytical framework from social enterprise theory

Blanca González-Mon, Örjan Bodin, Beatrice Crona, Mateja Nenadovic, Xavier Basurto: Small-scale fish buyers' trade networks reveal diverse actor types and differential adaptive capacities

Sarah Joseph, Irene Peters, Hanno Friedrich: Can Regional Organic Agriculture Feed the Regional Community? A Case Study for Hamburg and North Germany

Jouni Paavola, Eeva Primmer: Governing the Provision of Insurance Value From Ecosystems

Luke Fitzpatrick, Christopher F. Parmeter, Juan Agar: Approaches for visualizing uncertainty in benefit transfer from metaregression

Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Marielle Brunette, Hendrik Davi: An Economic Comparison of Adaptation Strategies Towards a Drought-induced Risk of Forest Decline

Gibran Vita, Johan R. Lundström, Edgar G. Hertwich, Jaco Quist, Diana Ivanova, Konstantin Stadler, Richard Wood: The Environmental Impact of Green Consumption and Sufficiency Lifestyles Scenarios in Europe: Connecting Local Sustainability Visions to Global Consequences

Bertram F. de Boer, João F.D. Rodrigues, Arnold Tukker: Modeling reductions in the environmental footprints embodied in European Union's imports through source shifting

Mona Ahmadiani, Susana Ferreira: Environmental amenities and quality of life across the United States

Lucas A. Garibaldi, Néstor Pérez-Méndez: Positive outcomes between crop diversity and agricultural employment worldwide

Adrien Fabre: Evolution of EROIs of electricity until 2050: Estimation and implications on prices

Klaus Moeltner, Jessica A. Balukas, Elena Besedin, Ben Holland: Waters of the United States: Upgrading wetland valuation via benefit transfer

Julia Talbot-Jones, Jeff Bennett: Toward a property rights theory of legal rights for rivers

Lei Wang, Lianqing Li, Kun Cheng, Genxing Pan: Comprehensive evaluation of environmental footprints of regional crop production: A case study of Chizhou City, China

Philip Schleifer, Matteo Fiorini, Luc Fransen: Missing the Bigger Picture: A Population-level Analysis of Transnational Private Governance Organizations Active in the Global South

Ida Kubiszewski, Diane Jarvis, Nabeeh Zakariyya: Spatial variations in contributors to life satisfaction: An Australian case study

Niki Frantzeskaki, Sophie Buchel, Charlie Spork, Kathrin Ludwig, Marcel T.J. Kok: The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance

Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach, Julia Tschersich: Overcoming the process-structure divide in conceptions of Social-Ecological Transformation

Beatrice Petrovich, Stefanie Lena Hille, Rolf Wüstenhagen: Beauty and the budget: A segmentation of residential solar adopters

Jahson Berhane Alemu I, Peter Schuhmann, John Agard: Mixed preferences for lionfish encounters on reefs in Tobago: Results from a choice experiment

Markku Lehtonen, Laurence de Carlo: Community energy and the virtues of mistrust and distrust: Lessons from Brighton and Hove energy cooperatives

Marco d'Errico, Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano, Rebecca Pietrelli: Resilience Thresholds to Temperature Anomalies: A Long-run Test for Rural Tanzania

Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain, Muhammad Arshad, Lu Qian, Minjuan Zhao, Yasir Mehmood, Harald Kächele: Economic impact of climate change on crop farming in Bangladesh: An application of Ricardian method

Sujoy Chakravarty, Rajan Mishra: Using social norms to reduce paper waste: Results from a field experiment in the Indian Information Technology sector

Apollonia Miola, Fritz Schiltz: Measuring sustainable development goals performance: How to monitor policy action in the 2030 Agenda implementation?

Thadchaigeni Panchalingam, Chian Jones Ritten, Jason F. Shogren, Mariah D. Ehmke, Christopher T. Bastian, Gregory M. Parkhurst: Adding realism to the Agglomeration Bonus: How endogenous land returns affect habitat fragmentation

Jeffrey P. Prestemon, Frank H. Koch, Geoffrey H. Donovan, Mary T. Lihou: Cannabis legalization by states reduces illegal growing on US national forests

Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Kristoffer Wilén, Marko Ulvila: The Anthropocene exit: Reconciling discursive tensions on the new geological epoch

Barbara Smetschka, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Claudine Egger, Edeltraud Haselsteiner, Daniel Moran, Veronika Gaube: Time Matters: The Carbon Footprint of Everyday Activities in Austria

Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Justin Leroux: Tradable climate liabilities: A thought experiment

Ing-Marie Gren, Frederic Ang: Stacking of abatement credits for cost-effective achievement of climate and water targets

Rui Pedro Mota, Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá: The Role of Technological Progress in Testing Adjusted Net Savings: Evidence from OECD Countries

Vandana Subroy, Asha Gunawardena, Maksym Polyakov, Ram Pandit, David J. Pannell: The worth of wildlife: A meta-analysis of global non-market values of threatened species

Ram Ranjan: Deriving double dividends through linking payments for ecosystem services to environmental entrepreneurship: The case of the invasive weed Lantana camara

Daniel Grainger, Natalie Stoeckl: The importance of social learning for non-market valuation

Y. Schaeffer, M. Tivadar: Measuring Environmental Inequalities: Insights from the Residential Segregation Literature

Raul P. Lejano, Nicola Newbery, Maegan Ciolino, David Newbery: Sustainability and incommensurability: Narrative policy analysis with application to urban ecology

Janne Artell, Heini Ahtiainen, Eija Pouta: Distance decay and regional statistics in international benefit transfer

Economy and Society, 48 (2)

Christian Frankel, José Ossandón, and Trine Pallesen: The organization of markets for collective concerns and their failures

José Ossandón, and Sebastián Ureta: Problematizing markets: market failures and the government of collective concerns

Thomas Reverdy and Daniel Breslau: Making an exception: market design and the politics of re-regulation in the French electricity sector

Liliana Doganova and Brice Laurent: Carving out a domain for the market: boundary making in European environmental markets

Daniel Neyland, Véra Ehrenstein, and Sveta Milyaeva: On the difficulties of addressing collective concerns through markets: from market devices to accountability devices

Edward Nik-Khah and Philip Mirowski: On going the market one better: economic market design and the contradictions of building markets for public purposes

Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics 12 (1)

Michael Weber: The Persistence of the Leveling Down Objection

Erik W. Matson: Reason and Political Economy in Hume

Sveinung S. Sivertsen: On the Practical Impossibility of Being Both Well-Informed and Impartial

J. Paul Kelleher: Reflections on the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize Awarded to William Nordhaus

Historical Materialism Issue 27 (2)

Panagiotis Sotiris: Is a ‘Left Populism’ Possible?

William Clare Roberts: Marx’s Social Republic: Political not Metaphysical

Juan Grigera, Jeffery R. Webber, Ludmila Abilio, Ricardo Antunes, Marcelo Badaró Mattos, Sabrina Fernandes, Rodrigo Nunes, Leda Paulani and Sean Purdy: The Long Brazilian Crisis: A Forum

Cat Moir: In Defence of Speculative Materialism

Andreas Malm: Against Hybridism: Why We Need to Distinguish between Nature and Society, Now More than Ever

David Ireland: What Marxist Tax Policies Actually Look Like

Martin Deleixhe: Marx, the Irish Immigrant-Workers, and the English Labour Movement

The Intellectual Trajectory of Wolfgang Streeck Jerome Roos: From the Demise of Social Democracy to the ‘End of Capitalism’

Alberto Toscano: Last Philosophy: the Metaphysics of Capital from Sohn-Rethel to Žižek

Rick Kuhn: Introduction to Henryk Grossman’s ‘A New Theory of Imperialism and the Social Revolution’

Henryk Grossman: A New Theory of Imperialism and the Social Revolution

Industrial and Corporate Change 28 (4)

Maria N Ivanova: Inequality, financialization, and the US current account deficit

Angeloantonio Russo, Clodia Vurro: Alliance management knowledge and alliance performance: unveiling the moderating role of the dedicated alliance function

Giulio Cainelli, Roberto Ganau, Donato Iacobucci: Vertical relatedness and services outsourcing: a firm-level analysis

Solon Moreira, Goretti Cabaleiro, Toke Reichstein: Licensing decision: a rent dissipation lens applied to product market competition, openness to external knowledge and exogenous sunk costs

Francesco Crespi, Dario Guarascio: The demand-pull effect of public procurement on innovation and industrial renewal

Maryann Feldman, Donald S Siegel, Mike Wright: New developments in innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems

Siddharth Vedula, Phillip H Kim: Gimme shelter or fade away: the impact of regional entrepreneurial ecosystem quality on venture survival

Shiri M Breznitz, Qiantao Zhang: Fostering the growth of student start-ups from university accelerators: an entrepreneurial ecosystem perspective

Yanzhao Lai, Nicholas S Vonortas: Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems in China

Mary Donegan, Allison Forbes, Paige Clayton, Alyse Polly, Maryann Feldman: The tortoise, the hare, and the hybrid: effects of prior employment on the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem

Sohvi Heaton, Donald S Siegel, David J Teece: Universities and innovation ecosystems: a dynamic capabilities perspective

David Johnson, Adam J Bock, Gerard George: Entrepreneurial dynamism and the built environment in the evolution of university entrepreneurial ecosystems

Fei Qin, Mike Wright, Jian Gao: Accelerators and intra-ecosystem variety: how entrepreneurial agency influences venture development in a time-compressed support program

International Journal of Political Economy 48 (2)

Orsola Costantini: Cryptocurrencies: Will Machines Replace Your Banker?

Luca Fantacci: Cryptocurrencies and the Denationalization of Money

Léo Malherbe, Matthieu Montalban, Nicolas Bédu & Caroline Granier: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain: Opportunities and Limits of a New Monetary Regime

Sheila Dow: Monetary Reform, Central Banks, and Digital Currencies

Marco Fama, Andrea Fumagalli & Stefano Lucarelli: Cryptocurrencies, Monetary Policy, and New Forms of Monetary Sovereignty

New Political Economy 24 (5)

Manuel Larrabure: Post-capitalist Development in Latin America’s Left Turn: Beyond Peronism and the Magical State

Tami Oren & Mark Blyth: From Big Bang to Big Crash: The Early Origins of the UK’s Finance-led Growth Model and the Persistence of Bad Policy Ideas

Jacqueline Best: The Inflation Game: Targets, Practices and the Social Production of Monetary Credibility

Florence Dafe: Fuelled Power: Oil, Financiers and Central Bank Policy in Nigeria

George Liagouras: Economic Growth, Happiness and Socialism: Durkheim’s Critique of Economic Reason and Beyond

Douglas Voigt: Social Justice in Comparative Political Economy: Lessons from Habermas and the Contemporary German Case

Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart & Brian Petersen: The Political Economy of Geoengineering as Plan B: Technological Rationality, Moral Hazard, and New Technology

Carlos Ferreira & Jennifer Ferreira: Failure to Expand? Socio-Technical Practices and Moral Judgement in Markets for Biodiversity Offsets

Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Economia, 197

Mary Villeda-Santana and Isalia Nava-Bolano: Life-Cycle Hypothesis in Mexico: An Analysis of Income by Gender

German Alarco, Cesar Castillo and Favio Leiva: Factorial, Personal, and Wealth Inequality in Peru, 1950-2016

Wilson Santiago Albuja-Echeverria: Productive and Social Inclusion in Ecuador

Nikos Astroulakis: The Applied-Ethical Structural Synthesis of International Development

Victor Rodriguez-Padilla: Evaluating Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts in Mexico, 2015-2017

Maria Eugenia: Castelao-Caruana: Renewable Energy in Argentina as an Energy and Industrial Policy Strategy

Ruth Robles and Guillermo Foladori: A Historical Review of Mining Automation in Mexico

Review of International Political Economy 26 (4)

Amaney Jamal, Helen V. Milner: Economic self-interest, information, and trade policy preferences: evidence from an experiment in Tunisia

Caroline Granier, Nicolas Bedu: The role of banks and the state in the shaping of the French fund industry

Jennifer Clapp: The rise of financial investment and common ownership in global agrifood firms

Huw Macartney, Paola Calcagno: All bark and no bite: the political economy of bank fines in Anglo-America

Mark P. Dallas, Stefano Ponte, Timothy J. Sturgeon: Power in global value chains

Igor Logvinenko: Before the interests are invested: disputes over asset control and equity market restrictions in Russia

Jonas Gamso: China’s rise and physical integrity rights in developing countries

Thomas Dietz, Marius Dotzauer, Edward S. Cohen: The legitimacy crisis of investor-state arbitration and the new EU investment court system

Review of Keynesian Economics, 7 (3)

Buchreviews nicht dabei/Links richtig gesetzt?

Won Jun Nah and Marc Lavoie: Convergence in a neo-Kaleckian model with endogenous technical progress and autonomous demand growth

Antonio Soares Martins Neto and Rafael Saulo Marques Ribeiro: A Neo-Kaleckian model of skill-biased technological change and income distribution

J. E. King: Some obstacles to wage-led growth

Shinya Fujita: Who should bear the pain of price competition? A Kaleckian approach

Ryunosuke Sonoda and Hiroaki Sasaki: Differences in wage-determination systems between regular and non-regular employment in a Kaleckian model

Sebastian Dullien: Risk-sharing by financial markets in federal systems: a critique of existing empirical assessments

Luis Alfredo Castillo Polanco and Ted P. Schmidt: The process of endogenous liquidity in developing economies: the case of Mexico

Hongkil Kim: Interest-rate causality between the federal funds rate and long-run market interest rates

Gracjan Robert Bachurewicz: The Post-Keynesian endogenous-money supply: evidence from Poland

Review of Social Economy 77 (3)

Edward B. Barbier: Overcoming environmental scarcity, inequality and structural imbalance in the world economy

Saeed Solaymani, Ebrahim Aghamohammadi, Ali Falahati, Saeed Sharafi & Fatimah Kari: Food security and socio-economic aspects of agricultural input subsidies

Bartholomew Armah & Seung-Jin Baek: Prioritising interventions for sustainable structural transformation in Africa: a structural equation modelling approach

Christian E. Weller & Jeffrey B. Wenger: Divergent fortunes: growing wealth inequality and widening entrepreneurship by age

Maryam Dilmaghani: The evolution of the gender religiosity gap among the Canadian-born

Emil B. Berendt: The housing bubble: an application of the just price

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26 (3)

Joseph Persky and Kirsten Madden: The economic content of G.D.H. Cole’s guild socialism: behavioral assumptions, institutional structure, and analytical arguments

Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi: Adolph Wagner’s economic thought in Brazil: money and public finance in the turn of the 20th century

Elodie Bertrand: Much ado about nothing? The controversy over the validity of the Coase theorem

Giuseppe Freni and Neri Salvadori: Ricardo on machinery: an analysis of Ricardo's examples

Enrico Petracca: The rejection of Andrew G. Pikler from postwar American economics

Pierre-Hernan Rojas: The structural asymmetry of the international gold standard in Hawtrey’s works

Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus: Decision and time from a Humean point of view

World Review of Political Economy 10 (1)

Feng Zhao and Shenxiao Ma: Competition and Cooperation between Financial Capital and Functional Capital in the Era of Financialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of US Financialization

Shinjiro Hagiwara: Why Did the World Economic Crisis of 2008-2009 End in the Great Recession? A Critical Comparison of the Great Depression and the Great Recession

Kalim Siddiqui: Government Debts and Fiscal Deficits in the United Kingdom: A Critical Review

Paul Cockshott: Did Marx Have a Labour Theory of Value?

Hiroshi Onishi: A Proof of Labor Theory of Value Based on Marginalist Principle

Romar Correa: The Value Theory of Labor Based on Marginalist Principles

Fred Moseley: A Continuation of the Debate over Money and Totality

Peter Herrmann: For Him, Art, Research, Creation and Politics Were the Same Thing: In Memory of Paul Boccara

Books and Book Series

Crisis, Movement, Strategy: The Greek Experience

edited by Panagiotis Sotiris | 2018, Brill

In 2010 Greece entered a period of extreme austerity measures, but also of intense struggles and protests. Social and political crisis led to tectonic shifts in the political landscape and the rise to power of SYRIZA. However, despite the impressive expression of resistance in the 2015 referendum, the EU-IMF-ECB ‘Troika’ managed to impose the continuation of the same politics of austerity, privatisations, and neoliberal reforms. This social and political sequence poses important theoretical and analytical questions regarding capitalist crisis, public debt, European integration, political crisis, the new forms of protest and social movements, and the rise of neo-fascist parties. It also brings forward all the open questions regarding radical left-wing strategy today. The contributions in this volume attempt from different perspectives to deal with some of these theoretical and strategic questions using the Greek experience as a case study. Contributors include: George Economakis, Stavros Mavroudeas, Ioannis Zisimopoulos, Alexios Anastasiadis, Maria Markaki, George Androulakis, Despina Paraskeva-Veloudogianni, Eirini Gaitanou, Alexandros Chrysis, Euclid Tsakalotos, Spyros Sakellaropoulos, Panagiotis Sotiris, Giannis Kouzis, Yiorgos Vassalos, Christos Laskos, Angelos Kontogiannis-Mandros.

Please find a link to the book here.

Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction

by Martha E. Giménez | 2018, Brill

In Marx, Women and Capitalist Social Reproduction, Martha E. Gimenez offers a distinctive perspective on social reproduction which posits that the relations of production determine the relations of social reproduction, and links the effects of class exploitation and location to forms of oppression predominantly theorised in terms of identity. Grounding her analysis on Marx’s theory and methodology, Gimenez examines the relationship between class, reproduction and the oppression of women in different contexts such as the reproduction of labour power, domestic labour, feminisation of poverty, and reproductive technologies. Because most women and men, whether members of dominant or oppressed groups, are working class, she argues that the future of feminist politics is inextricably tied to class politics and the fate of capitalism.

Please find a link to the book here.

Marx’s Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity


by Guido Starosta | 2015, Brill

In Marx´s Capital , Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity, Guido Starosta develops a materialist inquiry into the social and historical determinations of revolutionary subjectivity. Through a methodologically-minded critical reconstruction of the Marxian critique of political economy, from the early writings up to the Grundrisse and Capital, this study shows that the outcome of the historical movement of the objectified form of social mediation, which has turned into the very alienated subject of social life (i.e., capital), is to develop, as its own immanent determination, the constitution of the (self-abolishing) working class as a revolutionary subject. A crucial element in this intellectual endeavour is the focus on the intrinsic connection between the specifically dialectical form of social science and its radical transformative content.

Please find a link to the book here.

Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India Popular Mobilisation in the Long Depression

by Jörk Nowak | 2019, Palgrave Macmillan

This book explores new forms of popular organisation that emerged from strikes in India and Brazil between 2011 and 2014. Based on four case studies, the author traces the alliances and relations that strikers developed during their mobilisations with other popular actors such as students, indigenous peoples, and people displaced by dam projects. The study locates the mass strikes in Brazil’s construction industry and India’s automobile industry in a global conjuncture of protest movements, and develops a new theory of strikes that can take account of the manifold ways in which labour unrest is embedded in local communities and regional networks.

Please find a link to the book here.

Microeconomic Principles and Problems A Pluralist Introduction, 1st Edition

by Geoffrey Schneider | 2019, Routledge

Microeconomic Principles and Problems offers a comprehensive introduction to all major perspectives in modern economics, including mainstream and heterodox approaches. Through providing multiple views of markets and how they work, it will leave readers better able to understand and analyse the complex behaviours of consumers, firms, and government officials, as well as the likely impact of a variety of economic events and policies. Most principles of microeconomics textbooks cover only mainstream economics, ignoring rich heterodox ideas. They also lack material on the great economists, including the important ideas of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek. Mainstream books neglect the kind of historical analysis that is crucial to understanding trends that help us predict the future. Moreover, they focus on abstract models more than existing economic realities. This engaging book addresses these inadequacies. Including explicit coverage of the major heterodox schools of thought, it allows the reader to choose which ideas they find most compelling in explaining modern economic realities. Written in an engaging style focused on real world examples, this ground-breaking book brings economics to life. It offers the most contemporary and complete package for any pluralistic microeconomics class.

Please find a link to the book here.

Social Inequality, Economic Decline, and Plutocracy: An American Crisis

by Dale L. Johnson | Palgrave Macmillan 2018

Gross social inequalities, persistent economic decline, and political rule by moneyed plutocracy create a crisis of human existence. The upper echelons of capital, led by the financiers, impose degenerative development, instill their class privileged ideology in the populace, subject agencies of state to their agenda, pursue a divide and conquer strategy for the stratified population, promote the interests of capital and neoliberal policy on a global scale, and exercise unchecked repression and war. The book explores a counter-hegemony to the rule of capital.

The first chapters of the book explore the political economy of finance capital, secular stagnation, and chronic crisis and its consequences for the populations of the United States and worldwide. Sociological analysis focuses on the restructuring of social class relations, workers are being increasingly subordinated, vast populations are being pushed into an immiserated under class, and the middle class is losing its privileges. Capital rules in part by divide and conquer, the creation of social-cultural divisions by race and ethnicity, gender, and social stratifications of privilege and deprivation. Capital imposes its ideology of Social Darwinism, generalized fear in the culture, its notions of American Exceptionalism. Plutocracy reigns in the political sphere, molds a privatized State of National Insecurity, wages war, searches for total hegemony. Together the inexorable workings of political economy and plutocratic rule result in gross inequalities and injustices. These are the structural forces shaping an American Dystopia, generalized worldwide, that are being and will continue to be resisted by victims, as active subjects of change in a search for counter-hegemony.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: A Radical Perspective on the Role of Law in the Global Political Economy

by Grietje Baars | 2019, Brill

In "The Corporation, Law and Capitalism", Baars offers a radical Marxist perspective on the role of law in the global political economy. Closing a major gap in historical-materialist scholarship, they demonstrate how the corporation, capitalism’s main engine from city-state and colonial times to the present multinational, is a masterpiece of legal technology. The symbiosis between law and capital becomes acutely apparent in the question of ‘corporate accountability’. Baars provides a detailed analysis of corporate human rights and war crimes trials, from the Nuremberg industrialists’ trials to current efforts. The book shows that precisely because of law’s relationship to capital, law cannot prevent or remedy the ‘externalities’ produced by corporate capitalism. This realisation will generate the space required to formulate a different answer to ‘the question of the corporation’, and to global corporate capitalism more broadly, outside of the law.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Making of Capitalism in France Class Structures, Economic Development, the State and the Formation of the French Working Class, 1750-1914

by Xavier Lafrance | 2019, Brill

Very few authors have addressed the origins of capitalism in France as the emergence of a distinct form of historical society, premised on a new configuration of social power, rather than as an extension of commercial activities liberated from feudal obstacles. Lafrance offers the first thorough historical analysis of the origins of capitalist social property relations in France from a 'political Marxist' or ( /Capital/-centric Marxist) perspective. Putting emphasis on the role of the state, 'The Making of Capitalism in France' shows how the capitalist system was first importedinto this country in an industrial form, and considerably later than isusually assumed. This work demonstrates that the French Revolution was not capitalist, and in fact consolidated customary regulations that formed the bedrock of the formation of the working class.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Origins of Globalization: World Trade in the Making Of the Global Economy, 1500-1800.

by Pim de Zwart and Jan Luiten van Zanden, | November 2018, Cambridge University Press

For better or for worse, in recent times the rapid growth of international economic exchange has changed our lives. But when did this process of globalization begin, and what effects did it have on economies and societies? Pim de Zwart and Jan Luiten van Zanden argue that the networks of trade established after the voyages of Columbus and Da Gama of the late fifteenth century had transformative effects inaugurating the first era of globalization. The global flows of ships, people, money and commodities between 1500 and 1800 were substantial, and the re-alignment of production and distribution resulting from these connections had important consequences for demography, well-being, state formation and the long-term economic growth prospects of the societies involved in the newly created global economy. Whether early globalization had benign or malignant effects differed by region, but the world economy as we now know it originated in these changes in the early modern period.

Please find a link to the book here.

Voices On The Economy, Vol. I: How Open-Minded Exploration of Rival Perspectives Can Spark Solutions to Our Urgent Economic Problems.

by Amy S. Cramer and Laura Markowitz | 2019, Voices On The Economy Inc.

The book "Voices On The Economy, Vol. I: How Open-Minded Exploration of Rival Perspectives Can Spark Solutions to Our Urgent Economic Problems" is dedicated to the award winnig VOTE Program, a curriculum to presenting the conservative, liberal, and radical economic perspectives in a fair and accurate way, without a bias toward any point of view.It is written to be entertaining, engaging, and accessible, while tracing the ideas of the great economic thinkers of the past to today’s ongoing and controversial debates about the issues that affect our lives. In it, readers learn practical methods for engaging in passionate advocacy, respectful listening, and intelligent debate, and become fluent in multiple points of view. It is an antidote to limited thinking in the classroom, media, and wider society, and our hope is that the VOTE Program will ultimately inspire the next great economic thinkers.

Please find a link to the book here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

Call for Applications: William R. Waters Research Grant

The purpose of the William R. Waters Research Grant Program is to inspire scholars to organize their research in social economics and social economy along the lines suggested by William Waters in his 1988 presidential address to the Association for Social Economics (ASE). The research grant is for promising graduate students in Ph.D. programs who have not yet completed their dissertation, those holding post-doctoral positions, and for new faculty members who have not yet been granted tenure or who are tenured but have not yet achieved the rank of Associate Professor (or its equivalent outside the US). Possible topics include, but are not limited to: the role of social values in economic life, economic policy and social wellbeing, social capital, social norms, social networks, human capabilities, workplace policies and social justice, corporate social responsibility, socially responsible investment, microfinance, ethics and economics, poverty, inequality, and policies related to health, education, and welfare.


  1. A completed application form (Please click here for the document)
  2. A 4 to 5 page narrative (in 12 pt Times New Roman font single-spaced) explaining the following:
    1. The purpose of the project: What will be learned from the research to be undertaken, and what will be its contribution to knowledge? What are the expected outputs from the work?
    2. A description of the research project to be undertaken, including the issues to be examined, the research methods to be employed (this needs to be sufficiently detailed), and why this constitutes innovative work in comparison to the available evidence in the field.
    3. The relationship of the project to social economics: What conceptual frameworks, topical concerns, and/or empirical methodologies drawn from social economics will be used in the present project? How is the project expected to contribute to social economics?
    4. The plan of work: Include a time-table for the project, resources to be used, travel plans, etc.
    5. The estimated budget: Indicate all costs that would be covered by the grant (e.g. travel expenses, research costs, summer stipend, etc.)
  3. An up-to-date curriculum vitae
  4. Two letters of recommendation: For students, one letter should be from their dissertation advisor.

Please find further information here.

Application Deadline: 25 October 2019

Call for Book Proposals: New Scholarship in Political Economy

The 21st century has been haunted by increasing inequality, both within countries and between countries, across multiple dimensions. There is an increasing need for serious scholarship that questions mainstream perspectives and points towards a more equitable world. The New Scholarship in Political Economy series is designed to showcase the research of recent scholars working in any field of the social sciences whose research is informed by the work of Karl Marx. We seek interesting proposals for monographs, edited volumes, or recent PhDs that could be transformed into a monograph for publication. Authors should be in the early stages of their careers, with the expectation that a publication in this series will help promote their work while bringing attention to the latest scholarship within a critical political economy perspective.

New Scholarship in Political Economy seeks contributions from early career scholars whose research is broadly located in the Marxist traditions in the social sciences. This includes heterodox economic analysis, critical social science research, and an array of inquiries ranging across cultural studies, gender, race and ethnicity research, and more. By early career, we mean scholars in the beginning of their academic or intellectual trajectory who can benefit from having their work appear in print. More established scholars should submit their proposals to the main series: Studies in Critical Social Sciences. For consideration in New Scholarship in Political Economy, authors should send the following: a) working title, b) a precise outline of the scope and focus of their work, and c) a tentative table of contents with a brief annotation describing each chapter. Please do not send full manuscripts until asked to do so. Once a contract has been issued, contributors will receive guidelines and specific instructions on submitting their work.

For further information visit the website or contact the series editors David Fasenfest and Alfredo Saad-Filho

For Your Information

Call for Applications for Editor(s), Forum for Social Economics

Job titel: Editor for Forum for Social Economics

The Association for Social Economics seeks a new editor or editorial team for the Forum for Social Economics to begin in January 2020. The Forum is a refereed economics journal started in 1971 and published four times a year. The Association is looking for an individual or individuals who have a vision for the journal, and seek to further develop it as a heterodox social economic voice. Inquiries and proposals, which should include a letter of interest describing a vision for the journal as well as CV(s) of the potential editor(s), should be sent to ASE President Julie Nelson.

Application Deadline: 31 August 2019