Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 260 March 09, 2020 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

As an open-minded heterodox economist one should always try to be aware of interesting or noteworthy developments in mainstream economics. This task is not easy - simply because of the vast amount of literature produced - but nonetheless important for two reasons: first, one should have some informed intuition about where the larger part of the field of economics is heading. Second, one should be able to identify and utilize contributions that complement or relate to heterodox perspectives.

In this vein, I wanted to make you aware of an upcoming book by Anne Case and Angus Deaton on „Deaths of Despair“ (and the future of capitalism). In this book Case & Deaton emphasize two tenets that I closely associate with Veblen, Myrdal, Polanyi and other proponents of the idea that economic actions and outcomes are „socially embedded“: first, that subjective well-being depends on one’s relative position in society. Second, that economic inequality is mutually related to social inequality in other dimensions as, e.g., health, resource-use or political influence. Touching on these topics Case & Deaton argue that economic polarization in the US is increasing, that this economic polarization translates into a divergence of life-expectancy between the rich and the poor (which actually even reduced average life-expectancy in the US between 2014 and 2017) and that this change in life-expectancy is partially driven by "deaths of despair", that are, suicides and deaths related to the use of drugs.

Case & Deaton support their arguments with an impressive and informative analysis of the available data and argue, in concluding, that the rent-seeking and discriminatory practices inherent to the US health care system are among the root causes of this development. For me the key quote (taken from this video/presentation, which I highly recommend) has been that „life expectancy is falling in the US not in spite of what we spend on healthcare [which is far above what other developed countries spend], but because of what we spend on health care.“ That’s a strong statement indeed and given that it comes from the economic mainstream and not from Bernie Sander’s recent campaign video is a sign of hope for the profession.

All the best,

© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

29th IAFFE Annual Conference on: "Sustaining Life: Challenges of Multidimensional Crises" (Quito, June 2020)

25-27 June 2020 | Quito, Ecuador

Sustaining life requires inclusive and resilient economic and political systems and the sustainability of our environment. Feminist economics continues to offer a vital set of intellectual perspectives and methodologies with which to analyze these issues. Our economic and political systems are failing to address human needs and ecological fragility, particularly with the growing rise of illiberal democracies. Our societies face pressures to divide along lines of race, religion, nationality, gender, and sexual identity. Borders are increasingly shutting people out and walls are being built. Globally, women face threats to their livelihoods and bodily integrity. Against this backdrop, new economic visions and tools are needed and feminist approaches are essential. Feminist economics has long looked beyond the simplifications that are embedded in the categories, methods, and models of mainstream economics and welcomes insights from other disciplines. Our approaches look at activities within the socially constructed categories of households, firms, communities, and the state; we consider economic activity both inside and outside markets; and we seek a more integrated understanding of human well-being in which productive and reproductive activities are valued. The IAFFE 2020 Conference will provide a forum for scholarship and inquiry that recognizes the methodological pluralism of our field. We define our field broadly and welcome research that brings a feminist lens to topics both micro and macro, local and global.


Abstracts (400 words max.) must be submitted online via the IAFFE website. The submission software is available in English and Spanish and submissions may be made in either language. It will be assumed that the language of the abstract will be the language of the presentation. Submissions can be made for individual papers, sessions (3-5 papers), or panels/roundtables. Participants are limited to one paper presentation and one roundtable/panel appearance. Additional co-authored papers are allowed only if they are presented by the co-author. These limitations allow maximum participation by all members wishing to participate. Please see the IAFFE website, www.iaffe.org, for more submission guidelines.

Please find further information on the website.

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2020

7th International Degrowth/16th ISEE International Joint Conference: "Substainable Welfare beyond Growth" (Manchester, Sept 2020)

1-5 September 2020 | Manchester

Come to Manchester in September 2020 to meet with other activists, artists, policy-makers and scholars. We'll explore how we might meet our needs in ways more relevant to the worsening ecological, climate and social crisis: “alternative livelihoods”.

Survival will mean an urgent transformation of the ways we organise, produce and consume. That means a society that knows when to slow down and stop its relentless expansion of production and consumption. In place of economic growth it would value sufficiency: enough, but not too much, for everyone.

How can social and political momentum best be mobilised to bring about those changes democratically and with justice? This conference will discuss these many challenges. There will be workshops, debates and discussions, artistic performances, walking tours and installations on the themes of the conference. It will also seek to contribute to the local political debate. It will strive to demonstrate and explore cutting-edge thinking and practice and also encourage political mobilisation amongst academics, activists, artists and policy practitioners.

Key topics to be explored include:

Please find further details at the Conference website or contact the organizing comitee via email.

Formats of academic submissions

Format of activist sessions

Artistic Sessions

All forms of artistic expression are welcome (e.g. visual art, theatre, dance, music, poetry, performance art, etc etc etc etc etc). A connection to degrowth is not a requirement, but we would like some of these sessions to engage with it or have a political aspect more broadly. Participatory formats are most welcome. We invite local groups to get involved as partners ​in organising artistic events such as:

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2020

Review of Economics and Economic Methodology (REEM): Special Issue on "Inequity, Inequality, Insecurity"

Special issue: Inequity, Inequality, Insecurity (Volume V, Issue 1, November 2020)

There is absolutely no doubt that the homo economicus have set their foot in, or to be more precise returned to, the age of inequality. Massive concentration and centralization of wealth, growing capital-labor antagonism, soaring core-periphery division, expansion of interpersonal inequalities and inequalities of opportunity, restricted inter-class mobility and assortative mating, unequal taxation and across-the-board decline of worker’s living standards, are a few dimensions indicating that inequality has gone awry. There are ample reasons why 2019 can be seen as the year when economic inequality continued to dominate the mainstream theoretical landscape. Besides the deluge in academic writings and public debates, the fact that economic inequality became a matter of general public concern is self-evident once it is acknowledged that the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer, for their experimental approach to poverty. Moreover, the previous laureate, Krugman confessed that the international trade and growth models vastly underestimated the effects on jobs and inequality. Additionally, this year was permeated with numerous works on inequality which can justifiably be labeled as seminal studies. These are, inter alia, Milanović’s “Capitalism Alone”, Piketty’s “Capital and Ideology”, Stilwell’s “Political Economy of Inequality”, Saez and Zuckman’s ”The Triumph of Injustice”, Pistor’s “The Code of Capital”, Cope’s “The Wealth of (Some) Nations”, and Boushey’s “Unbound”. In light of this, it comes as no surprise that our special issue is devoted to the continuation of efforts in raising the awareness of the role that the inequality phenomena has in relation to the “ordinary business of life” and sustainable societal provisioning.

We welcome all contributions within the domain of inequality that question whether the past inequity is the root cause of present-day inequality, and how present-day inequality is determining future insecurity. In addition to the traditional research of outcome and opportunity, a focus will be on work that presents a novel approach to the study of inequality. Accordingly, the editors encourage applications providing an outlook related to the historical development, value theory, property and ownership considerations, environmental issues, social media and technology, and surveillance capitalism. The final objective of this special issue is to furnish a painfully necessary departure from the marginalist narrative which predominantly justifies the excessive inequalities on the grounds of incentives. This volume seeks to investigate the previous shortcomings, analyze the present theoretical frameworks, and propose innovative solutions for tackling the existing, detrimental inequalities. In this sense, the prime concern of this number is to make a case for the pluralist approach to economic inequalities that will confirm and deal with the analytically well-established axiom that extreme inequalities render dysfunctional societies.

Managing Editors of the Special Issue:
Ivan Rubinić, PhD., Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka
Petar Milijić, B. A., Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

For more information please contact as at reemslovenia@gmail.com

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2020

15th Forum of WAPE - Rethinking Economic Analysis, Political Economy vs Economics (Athens, August 2020)

31 July - 2 August 2020 | Athens, Greece

The 15th WAPE Forum will be held 31 July - 2 August 2020 at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. It is co-organised by WAPE (World Association of Political Economy) and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy) and hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

The broad theme of the conference focuses on the controversy between the two main alternative traditions in economic analysis, Political Economy and Economics. Economics (with their myopic understanding of the economy as simply market relations, neglect of social and political factors and class struggle and their almost overt support for capital against labour) has been historically proved incapable of grasping how economies work and forecast and confront competently economic crises. On the other hand, Political Economy (offering a social understanding of the economy, focusing on the sphere of production, linking economic analysis to social and political factors and to class struggle) has been more successful in comprehending the actual workings of the economy and in analyzing economic crises. However, despite their long-standing failures, Economics continue to dominate academia and policy-making centers, especially in the West. Even after the last global economic crisis and its blatant failure to foresee and to resolve it, its dominance remains unwavered as it is supported by strong vested class interests. Nevertheless, there is growing unrest within both the academia and the society with this failed dominance. Political Economy is the main approach towards which all those dissatisfied with Economics turn. This conference aims to juxtapose Political Economy and Economics and contrast their positions on the various fields and areas of economic analysis. Within its broad theme, WAPE 2020 invites all contributions that enrich the perspective of Political Economy and expand the ground for further discussion. Indicatively but not exclusively, proposed papers can touch upon the following issues:

1) Historical anniversaries:2) Curriculum reform in Economics: How Political Economy can challenge Economics’ dominance of university curricula3) Contemporary controversies in Macroeconomics: Neoclassicism, Keynesianism and Marxism4) History of Political Economy5) Economic History6) Theory of stages and periodization of capitalism7) Theories and analyses of economic crisis8) Profitability, crises and economic cycles9) Race, class and gender10) Methodology of economic analysis11) Trends and challenges in contemporary economic policy12) Marxism and the Political Economy of money and finance13) Labour process, markets and the Political Economy of Work14) The Political Economy of poverty and inequality15) Political Economy of education16) Political Economy of health and health policies17) Environmental Political Economy18) Urban and regional economics19) Law and Political Economy20) World economy: globalization or imperialism?21) Political Economy of European integration and the Eurozone crisis22) Development studies at an impasse23) Country case studies

The official language of the Forum is English. All accepted papers will be published as an e-book with ISBN before the conference. Best papers will be considered for publication in the World Review of Political Economy and the International Critical Thought after passing the peer refereeing process

How to apply

Send a paper abstract (500 words) and your full curriculum vitae in English to both politiceconomy@gmail.com and wapemember@vip.163.com. Acceptance letters and instructions for registration will be sent out by 1 April 2020. The structure and the schedule of registration fees are detailed below. Full papers must be submitted by 1 June 2020. Both individual papers and complete panels on the main theme and proposed topics are welcome. You are also welcome to propose other topics on the theme. There is also the option to apply to attend the forum without a paper. In that case, you will be sent an invitation letter for visa purposes etc. upon registration and payment of registration fees.

WAPE Awards

The Distinguished Achievement Award of World Political Economy of the 21st Century, established by WAPE, has been granted annually since 2009 to recognize outstanding books and articles in political economy published since the year of 2001. It is intended to promote research of modern political economy around the world by granting this award to those who have made important innovations in the theories or methodology of political economy. The Marxian Economics Award, established by WAPE in 2011, is given to recognize an outstanding lifetime record of achievement in political economy. Its purpose is to promote the development of research of Marxist economics around the world by granting this award to those who have made important innovations in the research of theories, methodology, and application of Marxist economics. The 2020 WAPE Awards will be granted at the opening ceremony of the 15 th WAPE Forum. Nominations and applications can be sent to wapemember@vip.163.com.

Submission Deadline: 20 March 2020

18th International Conference of the Charles Gide Association on 'Co-operation' (Lausanne, Sept. 2020)

10-12 September 2020 | Lausanne, Switzerland

The 18th international conference of the Charles Gide Association will be held at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), 10-12 September 2020, under the auspices of the Centre Walras Pareto d’études interdisciplinaires de la pensée économique et politique (CWP). The theme of the conference will be on ‘Co-operation’.

‘Co-operation’, i.e. ‘acting hand-in-hand with someone else’ has been, for centuries, central to the way economic and political societies operate. The question of co-operation arises in the 1820s in a number of important and converging ways: in Robert Owen’s shadow it was understood as a way of organizing the economy in such a way that it was rooted in co-operative societies, which were constituted on the basis of collective decision making and an equitable distribution of wealth. From the 1820s onward, many thinkers who were influenced by Charles Gide’s ‘co-operativism’ and the Nîmes School considered the idea of co-operation to be at the centre of their reflections. This gave birth to numerous social and economic experiments. In the British case, these ranged from the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers to the Preston Model.

The topic of co-operation raises many questions, especially, for example, in relation to reciprocity and exchange, oscillates between distinct poles. As a ‘Third Sector’ it differs explicitly from capitalism, liberalism, and socialism. But the boundaries between co-operation and other political ideologies are far from being clearly demarcated – see Marx for a discussion on the relation between capitalism and co-operation. In a broad constellation of concepts, co-operation can be situated next to ‘associationism’ and ‘mutualism’, and gave rise to a Theory of Commons, as well as a social-economy of solidarity. Situated between the spheres of individual actions and transactions and state intervention, it co-ordinates and orientates actors in the political and social spheres.

A number of economic theories today have developed out of the concept of co-operation. It can be deployed in game theory in order to account for modes of social organization, shedding light on how social institutions, which are emerge out of competing private interests, might be made stable.

It is therefore worth studying co-operation’s theoretical foundations, its changing, and many meanings, the debates it has generated in the field of economic, social, political, and philosophical thought, and its numerous historical forms.

Some of the issues raised by co-operation in various fields may provide for fruitful avenues of reflection:

As in previous years, this Gide conference will also host papers on all topics related to the history of economic thought and philosophy of economics. Proposals by doctoral students are highly encouraged as practical research workshops and sessions useful for the pursuit of their careers will be organised for the conference. Please apply on the conference website, for a communication (max. 500 words) and for a session (max. 800 words, collecting 3 communications separately submitted).

You can contact the organizing comitee via gide2020@unil.ch or visit the official website.

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2020

Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) @ ASSA: "Returning Realism in Economics" (Chicago, January 2021)

3-5 January 2021 | Chicago, IL, USA

Returning Realism to Economics

To quote Bill Dugger, “Realism is the touchstone of institutionalism. Institutionalists may differ over many particulars, but on this we agree: economics should be realistic; it should deal with the real world, the world as we find it, not the world we must assume in order to build determinate models. This does not mean that institutionalists wish to be atheorectical. Institutionalism is not opposed to theory. Instead, the quest for realism means that institutionalism starts with history, with human economic experience. It is from experience, not a priori first principles, that institutionalists try to theorize, and we criticize those who take shortcuts that avoid the messy details of the human experience.”

Recognizing the world as we find it is the first step in constructing theories, policies, and institutions to mitigate the problems we find. We are at a turning in the evolution of capitalism, whether we continue the reactionary policies of Trump or move beyond to address the problems at hand, economics must be rooted in the real world. Of course, all papers that fall within the traditions of Veblen, Commons, and Polanyi will be considered. Papers that address the following, however, will receive special consideration.

AFEE at ICAPE: AFEE will continue to sponsor additional panels held in conjunction with the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE). These sessions will begin at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 5 at Roosevelt University, finishing up Wednesday, January 6 by 12:30 pm. Submitters should indicate if they would be available to participate on an ICAPE panel on January 5TH or 6th. Papers presented at the AFEE-sponsored ICAPE sessions will be eligible for publication in the June 2021 issue of the Journal of Economic Issues. AFEE sponsored sessions must be approved by the Committee on Regional and International Conferences (CRIC).

Submission Requirements and Procedures

Membership Requirement: At least one of the authors of any paper must be a member of AFEE by the submission deadline. For registration information, browse to the AFEE website or contact Eric Hake (AFEE Secretary-Treasurer) at erhake@catawba.edu.

Submissions: Please send your proposal as an email attachment to John Watkins (program chair) at jwatkins@westminstercollege.edu and include the following information:

Conference Proceedings: Papers presented at the AFEE meeting in Chicago are eligible for publication in the June 2021 issue of the Journal of Economic Issues. To be considered for publication, the text of your paper cannot exceed 2,850 words, with no more than four (4) pages (total) of double-spaced endnotes, references, tables, and figures. The deadline for submission to the JEI is December 14, 2020. JEI submission details will be circulated to authors whose proposals are accepted. Papers should be sent as an email attachment to William Waller, Editor of the JEI.

Submission Deadline: 4 May 2020

Edinburgh Studies in Urban Political Economy: Call for Book Proposals

The Edinburgh Studies in Urban Political Economy series seeks to publish – on a bigger and more ambitious scale – the kinds of research that appear in journals such as Forum for Social Economics, African Review of Economics and Finance and Journal of Australian Political Economy. Edinburgh Studies in Urban Political Economy (Series Editor Franklin Obeng-Odoom) reassesses the urban political economy from transdisciplinary and marginalised perspectives:

Our world is characterised by cities: their disproportionate share of problems as well as prospects. Seeking to overcome the limitations of mainstream urban economics, this series will help us to better understand, and to address, the challenges posed by cities. The Global South is of particular interest, but it is by no means the only focus. The series emphasises social sustainability of urban transformations, encourages transdisciplinary political–economic approaches to urban economics and welcomes books that are both heterodox and pluralist. Striving to both engage and transcend mainstream urban economics, it places its insights at the disposal of the wider field of urban studies.

Submit your book proposal for the series

Both monographs and coherent edited collections will be considered. Books should be 75–90,000 words in length.

Proposals should be sent to the Series Editor, Franklin Obeng-Odoom, in the first instance: franklin.obeng-odoom@helsinki.fi

You can find our book proposal guidelines here.

History of Economics Society (HES) @ ASSA: Call for Session Proposals (Chicago, January 2021)

3 - 5 January 2021 | Chicago

The History of Economics Society (HES) will sponsor four sessions at the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) meetings. The ASSA offers historians of economic thought an opportunity to present high-quality historical research to a wider audience of professional economists. Given this, preference will be given to proposals that are most likely to interest the broader community.Please remember proposals are invited for entire sessions, rather than single papers.

Please submit session proposals to Ross Emmett, including:

Submission Deadline: 1 May 2020

International Critical Thought (ICT): Special Issue on "the birth anniversary of Engels and Lenin"

International Critical Thought (ICT), an English language quarterly hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and published by Routledge, is now calling for papers for two special issues to be published in 2020. These issues will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Engels (November 28, 1820–August 5, 1895) and the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin (April 22, 1870–January 21, 1924). As revolutionists and theorists, Engels and Lenin through their praxis and writings exerted a profound influence on the historical process of their times, and even transformed it. Although the world may have evolved into a “3.0 version” of the reality they dealt with, the issues we face today are not in essence different, involving human beings and nature; technological progress and social development; the expansion of capital and rebellion by the oppressed; alternatives to capitalism and socialism; roads to revolution and the future of humankind; and so on. In our troubled times we need to reflect more fully on the experiences and ideas of Engels and Lenin, not only to ensure that we are invigorated and kept going, and inspired to seek new directions and tactics, but also to achieve the best possible commemoration of the lives and work of these great figures.

We welcome contributions dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics:
For the special issue on Engels:

For the special issue on Lenin:

To submit a manuscript, please create your ScholarOne account for online submission here. The desired length of your manuscript is 8,000–10,000 words (excluding references and tables/figures). Submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style for in-text citation. Aims and scope, guidelines for submission, and a sample issue of International Critical Thought are available online. For further information, feel free to contact the editorial office via email at ict@cass.org.cn.

Submission Deadline: 1 September 2020

Workshop on „Postcolonial Perspectives on Protest and Reform in the Global Political Economy“ (Kassel, Sept 2020)

15-17 September 2020 | Zierenberg/Kassel, Germany

In response to the worldwide protests in the 1990s against the fatal effects of neoliberal globalization, the policies of international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO) have been under closer scrutiny by activists and researchers alike. Social Science research – in part counterhegemonic – has endeavored to examine the global protests as well as the incipient reform processes in international organizations.

However, an explicit postcolonial perspective on the contested global political economy and its institutions is largely lacking in spite of the proliferation of postcolonial studies in recent decades. Postcolonial studies are united by their focus on colonial continuities and thus on the question of how North-South asymmetries continue on material, institutional, epistemic and discursive terms. While it is clear that international organizations play a central role in these asymmetries, postcolonial concepts such as "othering", subaltern representation and hybridity can open up a different, (self-)critical perspective on global protest, reform processes and the role of the World Bank, IMF, WTO, etc. At the same time, the lack of systematic consideration of both institutional and political-economy contexts has often been the Achilles' heel of postcolonial studies.

We take this complementary deficit of political science and postcolonial studies on one hand as a starting point to substantiate the possibilities and limits of postcolonial protest and reform research and on the other hand, to discuss its political relevance. For it is precisely against the background of the current movement for global climate justice -as illustrated by the "Decoalonize!" campaign for example- that postcolonial questions are being asked with renewed vehemence.

We are therefore looking forward to contributions in a variety of creative formats on (or around) the following topics:

a) The contested relation of protest and reform:

b) (Subaltern) representation in global protests and reforms

c) Silencing, Appropriation, Cooptation in the Reforms of Global Political Economy

d) Colonial continuities of the Global Political Economy and its institutions

e) Possibilities and obstacles of postcolonial political science

Contribution Types:

Please send your contribution ideas on a maximum of one page by April 15, 2020. In addition to articles, short contributions, posters, comics, poems, essays, videos, performances, etc. can also be presented. Your contributions can be ideas, approaches, reports from current research or your practice as well as advanced and completed contributions or research projects. Please keep in mind that the workshop is premised on your participation over the entire duration to make the mutual exchange as productive as possible.

We are making every effort to provide childcare on site. If you would like to bring your children with you, please let us know as soon as possible – with your registration at the latest.The working language of the workshop will depend on the registered participants. Abstracts can be submitted in German or English.

Contact us: The Junior Research Group "Protest and Reform in the Global Political Economy from the perspective of postcolonial political science” can be reached at protestreform@mailbox.org or via the official website.

Submission Deadline: 15 April 2020

YSI@INET: Workshop on "International Circulation of Economic Ideas throughout History" (Eichstätt, July 2020)

29 - 31 July | University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, Germany

Young Scholars Initiative, History of Economic Thought Working Group and Africa Working Group, Zentralinstitut für Lateinamerikastudien (ZILAS), Katholische Universität Eichstätt- Ingolstadt and Network for Latin Amercan and European Political and Social Studies (REDLAE), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung are organizing a Workshop on International Circulation of Economic Ideas throughout History.

Ideas do move. People travel, books travel, networks are built, international meetings are held. And they always have. Historians of economic thought have always, sometimes unconsciously, analyzed these movements. Who reads whom? Who learns from whom? Where do the attendees of a meeting come from? What do they do when they return home? But, more importantly, how does the reception of a foreign text take place? How capable are the ideas of moving, adapting, departing and arriving? We usually think that, under a center-periphery way of seeing the world, the ideas depart from the center and arrive untouched in the periphery. Is it always so? Or can it be the other way around? The history of knowledge and the history of circulation of knowledge have made lots of contributions regarding how general ideas are actually born, move and eventually die.

But, has there been an analysis of the circulation of economic ideas from non-institutional frameworks? It seems that economists and historians of economic thought have a lot to learn from historians of knowledge who specialize in other disciplines. But the question remains: What is specific in the history of economic knowledge? This workshop takes a functional instead of an institutional approach to the history of economic thought. An institutional approach to economic phenomena focuses mainly on the outcomes of processes, and is prone to the mistake of “post hoc, propter hoc”. A functional approach, on the other hand, focuses on the evolution of a process and how certain solutions are offered to certain problems. Applied to the history of economic thought, the workshop aims to focus on the processes of interaction across scholars, intellectuals, institutions and policy-markers over irreversible, historical time - hence, emphasizing largely ignored lock-in effects of knowledge transfer in the methodological, theoretical and conceptual spheres of economics.

This project intends to gather young scholars who have been dealing with issues of circulation, reception, translation, influences, networking and decolonization of economic thinking, ideas and knowledge, even when the core of their researches may not be precisely circulation, but a wider concern on history of economic thought issues. We will gather some historians of knowledge, who will provide a theoretical and methodological background on how to do research on circulation issues with young scholars working on topics related to the history of economic thought or economic history that somehow include the analysis of international circulation of economic ideas.


In order to apply for the workshop, young scholars are expected to submit an extended abstract of their current research. Circulation of economic ideas does not have to be the main topic of the project, but there have to be concerns regarding this issue. They should also submit a short motivation paragraph, explaining why they think the workshop will be useful in their ongoing research projects. Selected young scholars are expected to submit before July 10th 2020:

Please visit the YSI Project Website for further details or contact the organizing comitee via circulation.economic.ideas@gmail.com. For Application, please use the application form.

During the conference, selected young scholars are expected to comment on other young scholars’ papers. Extended abstracts, motivation paragraphs and separate documents must be written in English. Presentations must be in English as well. Full papers can be written in English, German or Spanish. YSI will grant 10 travel and accommodation stipends: 8 for young scholars based in European countries and 2 for young scholars based in other regions of the world. Other stipends, for both young and senior scholars, will be awarded from other funding sources, such as a KU proFOR+ Subsidy. Participation in the workshop is not limited to those scholars receiving stipends.

Submission Deadline: 15 April 2020

YSI@INET: Workshop on "Pluralism and Global South perspectives in economics" (Milton Keynes, July 2020)

2-4 July 2020 | Milton Keynes, UK

The current historical juncture has exposed the need for alternate ways of thinking about several economic issues. In this regard, the community of heterodox scholars have been playing a key role in offering alternative frameworks of analysis for engaging with these issues. On the one hand, there is an increasing need to engage with these alternate frameworks in order to develop a more holistic understanding of various economic issues and how they interact with other aspects of the society. On the other hand, the dominant heterodox traditions also often fall short of engaging with the heterodox strands and insights from a Global South-centric perspective. These strands that use the lens of the Global South offer important insights that either inform and enrich the existing heterodox frameworks or, at times, depart significantly from these to provide an alternate understanding of various economic phenomena, particularly in the field of economic development.

In this context, we invite Young Scholars interested in the History of Economic Thought, mainly with focus on heterodox economics and pluralism, and in the issues of Economic Development from Global South-centric heterodox perspectives to submit their papers on these themes for our YSI (Young Scholar Iniviative) workshop. The workshop is being organised during the Association for Heterodox Economics Conference, which will take place at Milton Keynes, England, July 2-4, 2020. We aim to organize a workshop that will include five sessions within the Conference, which will focus, although not be limited to, these sub-topics:

Interested Young Scholars may submit a 1000 to 2000 word long extended abstract.. Apply here! Each selected young scholar will be required to submit full papers, which they will be presenting at the workshop, before June 10th 2020. Each young scholar will discuss the paper of a fellow young scholar and senior scholars participating at the Association for Heterodox Economics Conference will be invited as discussants.

YSI will provide partial funding for travel expenses and accommodation for the selected participants. The Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE) Conference will be covering the conference registration fee for the YSI participants. However, if a YSI participant presents their paper at the AHE (outside of the YSI workshops), they will need to independently register at the Conference's website. The activities will be coordinated by Ian C S Almeida, Nicolás Dvoskin and and Surbhi Kesar, members of the History of Economic Thought Working Group and Economic Development Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative. If you have any questions, please contact us het@youngscholarsinitiative.org or development@youngscholarsinitiative.org.

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2020

YSI@INET: Workshop on "Rentier capitalism: contemporary forms of rent and its effects on capital accumulation" (Paris, June 2020)

10-11 June 2020 | Paris, France

The States and Markets and Keynesian Economics working groups of the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (YSI/INET), together with the Centre d’Économie de Paris Nord (CEPN), are glad to announce a workshop on rentier capitalism to be held in Paris at the Maison des Science de l’Homme – Paris Nord. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the increasing role of different types of rents (ground, intellectual, financial) on contemporary capitalism, bringing together both young and senior scholars working on these topics. Thus, there is two application process, one for young scholars and a second one for seniors.


The rise of intangible over tangible assets, real estate bubbles and financialisation are among the stylized facts of what has come to be called rentier capitalism. An era within capitalism in which rent-seeking and predatory capital drive increasing inequality and hamper productive investment and innovation. Everywhere in the economy we see various forms of rents becoming increasingly prominent: from ground rents in urban areas and cities, to intellectual and property-rights rents in pharmaceutical and ICT industries (among others) and, to a greater extent, the so-called financialisation of the economy that has relocated the old financial rentierism at the center of the stage. Coming ahead of the resilience of traditional natural resources rents, the expansion of these rising rents considerably drag on the trajectory of capitalism.

What are the overall effects of these rents on global and national economies? Can we clearly differentiate rents from traditional profits? Are these forms of rent changing the nature of contemporary capitalism? What are the similarities and differences with other moments in history? What type of legal measures and policies could revert rentier capitalism? What are –if any- the differential effects of rentier capitalism between core and peripheral regions? These and other questions motivate the organization of this workshop on rentier capitalism. Not only contemporary analysis will be welcomed but also explorations on how the concept of rent has evolved throughout economic thought and in economic history.

This workshop aims at gathering young and senior scholars working on the aforementioned topics in order to present our findings and, by using knowledge stations, build a joint research agenda that will be followed up with a webinar series after the workshop.

Young Scholars Application process and funding

Selected number of young scholars will receive accommodation (4) and a partial travel stipend (6) from YSI/INET based on their application and travel requirements. Interested students should have a valid profile at https://ysd.ineteconomics.org and state in their application their motivation for funding, country of origin and student status (Masters, PhD, PhD completed). There is no conference fee.

Senior Scholars Application process

Neither travel stipends nor accommodation will be provided to senior scholars. There is no conference fee.

Workshop Venue
The conference will take place in the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, 20 Avenue George Sand, 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis.

Questions concerning this call may be sent to the organizers to the email rentiercapitalism@gmail.com.
More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Working Groups may be found at the Young Scholars Directory: https://ysd.ineteconomics.org/workinggroup

Submission Deadline: 9 March 2020

Call for Participants

15th edition of the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth, International Production: Models and Data Analysis (Rome, May 2020)

11-15 May 2020 | Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

15th edition of the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth, International Production. Models and Data Analysis will take place at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome on 11-15 May 2020. The Course is organized by the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, the Sapienza University of Rome and the Scuola Normale Superiore, in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University, and Roma Tre University, and is intended for Ph.D. students, post-docs and young scholars.

Monday, 11 May, Sala Lauree
9.45: Welcome (Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Dean of the Department of Economics and Law - Sapienza University of Rome)
10.00: Presentation of the course (Maurizio Franzini, Sapienza University of Rome; Massimiliano Tancioni, Ph.D. School of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome; Giuseppe Travaglini, Director of the School of Economics, University of Urbino)
10.30-12.15: The engines of inequality (Maurizio Franzini, Sapienza University of Rome)
12.15-14.00: Innovation and employment: an economic analysis (Marco Vivarelli, Catholic University of Milan)
15.00-16.45: Wage inequality and education (Michele Raitano, Sapienza University of Rome)
16.45-18.30: Incomes, wages and inequalities: STATA class on individual data analysis (Francesco Bloise, Roma Tre University, University of Urbino)

Tuesday, 12 May, Sala Lauree
9.00-11.00: Multinational firms and the localization of production and R&D (Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino)
11.15-13.00: Global Value Chains: participation, positioning and performance: a firm level analysis (Anna Giunta, Roma Tre University)
14.15-16.00: The Schumpeterian dynamics: creative response (Cristiano Antonelli, University of Turin)
16.00-18.00: Firms and workers: STATA class on micro-data

Wednesday, 13 May, Sala Lauree
9.00-10.30: ‘Virtuous circles’ economics (Mario Pianta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence)
10.30-12.00: Offshoring, technology and jobs (Rinaldo Evangelista, University of Camerino)
12.15-13.45: Digitalisation, innovation and skills in Italian firms (Dario Guarascio, INAPP Rome)
15.00-16.45: Technology, wages and profits in European industries (Andrea Coveri, University of Urbino)
16.45-18.45: Innovation and economic performance: STATA class on sectoral data analysis (Andrea Coveri, University of Urbino)

Thursday, 14 May, Aula Onida
9.00-10.30: Wage regimes and macroeconomic policy in Europe (Massimiliano Tancioni, Sapienza University of Rome)
10.30-12.00: Structural change and the wage share in Europe: an agent-based macroeconomic approach (Lucrezia Fanti, INAPP Rome)
12.15-14.00: Evolutionary approaches to the economics of innovation (Luigi Marengo, LUISS University of Rome)
15.15-17.00: Schumpeter meeting Keynes (Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)
17.15-19.00: MatLab class on macroeconomic data analysis (Paolo D’Imperio, Sapienza University of Rome)

Friday, 15 May, Aula Onida
9.00-10.30: Innovation and environmental sustainability (Francesco Crespi, Roma Tre University; Elena Paglialunga, University of Urbino)
10.30-12.00: Sources and determinants of responsible innovations (Alessandro Sterlacchini, Marche Polytechnic University)
12.15-13.45: New frontiers in political economy (Roberto Scazzieri, University of Bologna)
15.00-16.30: European economic integration: Economic structures and political economy (Michael Landesmann, WIIW Vienna)
16.30-18.30: Industry 4.0: Firms, Work and Labour (Valeria Cirillo, INAPP Rome; Maria Enrica Virgillito, Catholic University of Milan)

All teaching will be carried out in English.


The Course is oriented to Ph.D. students, post-docs and young scholars. For participants who are not Ph.D. students of the universities that organize the course, a fee of 250 euros is expected for the coverage of organizational costs and teaching materials. The fee should be paid before the course begins with the procedures that will be communicated directly to the participants with the notification of acceptance. Please follow the instructions on the website. Accomodations and meals costs will be covered by participants; support for finding appropriate accomodation will be provided by local organizers if needed. For STATA classes, participants are asked to bring their own laptop computer. A basic knowledge of STATA is assumed (data exploration, basic commands, variable generation and manipulation, multivariate regressions). Some introductive materials to STATA software will be indicated before the start of the Course. Participants are encouraged to request student short-term Stata license at this link before the Course starts. In STATA classes, lecturers will present different databases and will make available data samples on which participants will carry out econometric exercises and interpret the results, in a similar way to the analyses discussed in the lectures. Participants attending the Course and classes will obtain a certificate of attendance that could be used for credits in their own Ph.D. School.

All Course material will be available on the website. For information please contact: innovation-course@uniurb.it

Applications Deadline: 15 April 2020

9th Post Keynesian Economics Society Summer School: Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics and Political Economy

23-26 June 2020 | London, UK

For the 9th time the Post Keynesian Economics Society is organising their summer school on Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy. We have extended the scope of the summer school by an additional day and added two sessions on stock flow consistent modelling and one on endogenous business cycles.

The general purpose of the summer school is to provide an introduction to Post Keynesian Economics. Key assumptions of Post Keynesian models are that individuals face fundamental uncertainty about the future; there is a central role for ‘animal spirits’ in the determination of investment decisions; inflation is the result of unresolved distributional conflicts; money is an endogenous creation of the private banking system; unemployment is determined by effective demand on the goods markets; financial markets are prone to periodic boom-bust cycles.

For the detailed programme and the different ticket options please visit the website.

EAEPE: Young Scholars Pre-Conference on: “A Critical Assessment of the Faces of Inequality” (Bilbao, Sept. 2020)

1-2 September 2020 | Bilbao, Spain

The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) seeks to institutionalize and deepen the involvement of and exchange with young scholars and student initiatives at the association’s annual conference. One of the key forums for young scholars at EAEPE is the annual pre-conference, a series of workshops by distinguished scholars, accompanied by social space to interact and network. Organised by a team of young scholars, pre-conference was first launched in Genova (2015). This year, we invite young scholars to join the 6th pre-conference. The workshops aim at generating interactive discussions and, therefore, the participants are expected to actively contribute to the discussions. This year we will have the honour to host the following invited speakers to discuss various faces of inequality:

Registration to the Pre-Conference 2020

Please register for the pre-conference workshops through the EAEPE website by June 25, 2020. To register, you need to be a paid up EAEPE member. Membership for students and young researchers is €25/year. In order to avoid last minute cancellations and to cover part of the costs (catering, social dinner, conference material and rooms etc.), there is a registration fee of €90 payable upon web registration. This fee gives you access to both pre-conference and main conference. In case of attending only pre-conference (excluding main conference), the registration fee is €30.

Financial support

There is a fee waiver policy for a limited number of students and young researchers without other funding opportunities. Applicants must provide a written statement of their supervisor or a faculty member of their study or PhD program (or similar) confirming that they do not have financial support. In addition, participants with a paper presentation at the main conference need to upload their full paper. Fee waivers will be awarded according to the quality of the papers. Students without paper presentation need to submit a motivation letter, explaining how participation could potentially benefit their academic development. Fee waiver applications are submitted through EAEPE website where you will need to select ‘Young Scholar’ from a drop-down menu by June 25, 2020. In addition, a limited amount of travel stipends will be granted based on a max 200 words motivation letter that indicates affiliation, place of residence, and the reason for lacking financial support from home institution. Please send the letter per email.

Please note that application for pre-conference, fee waiver, and travel stipend imply three separate applications but with the same due date: June 25, 2020.

We are looking forward to your participation and lively discussions in Bilbao! Please check our website for more detailed information and updates about the conference. For any questions, please contact the pre-conference organizing team per email – Merve Burnazoglu, Izaskun Zuazu, Elisa Terragno Bogliacci, and Olga Mikheeva.

Application Deadline: 25 June 2020

Institute of Economics at the University of Campinas: 1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges

3-7 August 2020 | Campinas, Brazil

The Institute of Economics at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) is pleased to host the 1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges. The Institute of Economics at Unicamp has a long tradition of discussing development issues and participating actively in public debate. The School aims to address development concerns of our time by selecting a different topic every year. This first edition will focus on the productive aspects or development, with special attention to the case of developing countries. The School will consist on lectures, debates and study groups on sustainable development, industrialization/deindustrialization, industrial policy and global value chains.

How to Apply

Graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers are welcome to apply. Firstly you have to register on the website. After the registration, you must send the following documents to camilaie@unicamp.br with the subject “Application to Unicamp International School”:

  1. a short CV
  2. a short statement (max. 500 words) of your motivation to participate, particularly addressing how the School relates to your study and research interests
  3. a reference letter

There are no application nor registration fees. Accommodation in shared rooms will be provided for non-residents in Brazil. Traveling costs cannot be covered. Please find more information on the website.

Submission Deadline: 17 April 2020

Rethinking Economics 2020 Conference: "Salvage the future" (London, March 2020)

28 March 2020 | London, UK

The future is uncertain. From ecological breakdown to precarious work, many people feel that business as usual is leading us towards a dead end. However, despite all the pessimism and fear, young people across the globe are demanding change - on the streets and in the classroom.

While dissenting students in economics have raised an unlimited number of questions about the future, answers from the mainstream remain scarce. Is our economics education fit to meet the challenges of the coming decade? What economic issues are behind this sense of decline? And do we need systemic change to salvage the future?

On March 28 2020, Rethinking Economics Greenwich (REG) will host a festival of ideas to tackle these questions. REG is a student society associated with Rethinking Economics, an international network of students, academics and professionals building a better economics in society and the classroom. As a movement of predominantly young students, the questions raised above are not simply academic but existential.

For further information please visit the website of Greenwich University.

Job Postings

American University of Nigeria, Nigeria

Job title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Economics

The Department of Economics at the American University of Nigeria is seeking a motivated Professor of Economics who will be responsible for teaching, research and community service. The post-holder will possess a PhD in Economics from a reputable university, specializing in econometrics and be able to teach at least three of the following subjects: Mathematical Economics, Econometrics. Statistics & Probability, Game Theory, Environmental Economics, Labor Economics, Industrial Organization, and Money & Banking. The candidate should have experience teaching students how to conduct empirical research using statistical software packages such SPSS, Eviews, Stata, or SAS. Preference will be given to candidate who can demonstrate excellence as classroom instructors and as supervisors of student research projects. Candidates should possess a strong record of academic publications in reputable peer-reviewed journals, commensurate with career stage. Candidates with research interests related to Africa are preferred. Candidates can apply by sending an academic CV, two sample publications, recent course evaluations (if available), and a list of 3 referees to the Chairman of the Economics department via email at wasiq.khan@aun.edu.ng. Please find further information on the website.

Application Deadline
20 November, 2019

KU Leuven, Belgium

job title: Postdoctoral Researcher on the research project "The Geography of Corporate Financialization"

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Geography & Tourism at KU Leuven (Belgium) is looking for a full-time Postdoctoral researcher for up to 22 months (or up to 26 months at 0.8 fte). Together with a PhD candidate and partners at the NGO www.somo.nl you will work on the research project "The Geography of Corporate Financialization", which is part of the "Real Estate/Financial Complex" (REFCOM) research group, coordinated by dr. Manuel B. Aalbers. REFCOM is an internationally comparative and transdisciplinary research group looking into the increasing interconnectedness of real estate and finance, and the role of states, politics and institutions. This particular research project is funded by Research Foundation Flanders (see fwo.be).


The financialization of the economy is widely discussed in the literature, especially outside mainstream economics. For several countries, there is evidence of a shift towards finance at the level of the economy at large as well as regarding the financialization of households, but the literature on the financialization of traditionally non-financial firms is less conclusive. The problem is that our understandings—and our statistics—of manufacturing firms versus financial firms are becoming increasingly outdated and new data sources and conceptualizations are needed to understand the contemporary economy. Our first aim is to show to what extent non-financial corporations in different economic sectors across the globe exhibit different signs of financialization in their financial accounts. Our second aim is to arrive at an understanding of the reasons for as well as the workings and the consequences of financialization in non-financial corporations.



How to apply

Please upload your CV includingpublication list and teaching experience, a cover/motivation letter of 1-2 pages including three references (you don’t need to provide references letters yet), and two writing samples (e.g. a published/submitted paper or a dissertation chapter).

For further information about the postdoc position, please e-mail both manuel.aalbers@kuleuven.be and rodrigo@somo.nl. For further information visit the official website.

Application Deadline: 27 April 2020

Positive Money Europe, UK

job title: Senior Researcher

Positive Money is a fast-growing organisation that combines the activities of a think-tank, pressure group, and international movement. Our mission is to reform money and banking so that it enables a fair, democratic, and sustainable economy. The current money and banking system causes a wide range of economic, social and environmental problems; most notably house price bubbles, high levels of debt, and rising inequality.

Positive Money is a recognised thought-leader on central banking, monetary policy and banking reform. Our work is regularly featured in the FT, Times, Telegraph, Guardian, City AM, and Daily Mail. We run high-profile campaignsgrounded in rigorous research,and the senior researcher will work to ensure credible policy positions are formed. As a member of the research team, the senior researcher will contribute to an ambitious research agenda which covers topics from accountability of the Bank of England to sustainable economics. The researcher will help to identify how to broaden Positive Money’s analysis of the dysfunctional money and banking system, and of the role of central banking in a fair, democratic, and sustainable economy.


You’ll have a strong research background, including some economics research. You will have published work demonstrating research and writing ability. You are a clear, creative thinker with developed influencing skills, who can build relationships with and influence key players across academia, private and public sectors. You are able to work in an open-minded way, understanding the complexity of the money and finance system, and being open to different schools of thought.You are innovative and able to think outside of the box to help Positive Money keep ahead of the curve. You are able to learn quickly and understand the core issues behind a range of economic and monetary debates. Ideally you would have some knowledge or be keen to learn in the areas of central banking, banking reform, and digital currencies.You enjoy working in a collaborative and dynamic environment where team members bounce ideas off each other. You want your research to have impact and are able to work with others to make that happen. You have strong project management skills, and understand the importance of working to deadlines. You are happy to take advice and direction from colleagues working in other work programmes, such as influencing/advocacy or supporter network/grassroots organising,in order to see how your work can contribute to our policy and campaigning work.

Key responsibilities

Terms and Conditions Salary

Depending on experience £30,000 -38,000 gross pro-rata + 8% pension contribution; 28-35 hours per week (4-5 days) with some flexibility; the post holder would be expected to work the occasional evening or weekend for time off in lieu. 2 –4 weekends a year may be affected; 25 days per year in addition to statutory holidays. The role is for an initial fixed term of 1 year with a 6-month probationary period. After a year if the contract is extended, a permanent contract will be offered.

Reporting to: Executive Director, Positive Money

Location:The role is based at 303 Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7ET with occasional work away from home and outside normal office hours.

How to Apply

Please download and fill out the Application Form in full (find the website with a link to download here).Please email your completed application form to: recruitment@positivemoney.org.uk

In the ‘Section 4: Personal Statement’ section of the application form please ensure you answer the questions below: Why do you want this role, and why do you want to work for Positive Money? What skills and experience do you have that make you suitable to apply for this role? (please pay particular attention to the skills and experience listed in the person specification) Please note that due to our recruitment practices we cannot accept CVs, or applications received after the deadline.Interview dates: 7th and 8th April

Positive Money is committed to providing equal opportunities for everyone regardless of their background. We welcome applications from everyone irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity but, as women and Black, Asian and minority ethnic people are currently under-represented within the Positive Money network, we would encourage applications from members of these groups.If you have any queries about the role and would like to have an informalchat –we would love to talk to you. Please contact Positive Money’s Fran Boait, fran.boait@positivemoney.org.uk, 020 7253 3235. Please note that Positive Money can only accept applications from individuals with the right to work in the UK.

Application Deadline: 30 March 2020 (8 AM)

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Germany

job title: Executive Director position at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)

The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) is a nonprofit association of scholars working within and across the disciplines of economics, sociology, law, comparative political economy, management and organization theory, anthropology, and business and economic history. The association, which is over 30 years old and has over 1,000 members, attracts scholars from around the world. Our journal, Socio-Economic Review, is among the top-rated journals in multiple fields. The mission of SASE is to advance the understanding of economy and society across a broad range of academic disciplines. SASE is looking to appoint an Executive Director (m/f/d). The Executive Director is responsible for carrying out the policies defined by SASE’s Executive Council, for day-to-day management of the association and for the organization of SASE’s annual and regional conferences.

Duties are described in the SASE bylaws and are carried out by the Executive Director with support of additional SASE staff. Main duties include:

We seek an enthusiastic, proactive and intellectually-engaged person with excellent communication and organizational skills, with the following qualifications:

SASE offers the successful candidate:

The successful candidate is expected to reside in the Cologne area. Starting date: 1 August 2020 Length of contract: 2 years, renewable upon approval of the SASE Executive Council. Please send your application documents in English as a single PDF-file to: SASEinCologne@sase.org

In your application, please include:

For questions please contact: SASEinCologne@sase.org. To learn more about SASE please check the website.

Application deadline: 15 March 2020

Technical University Chemnitz, Germany

Job Title: Professor in Economics - Macroeconomics

The W3-Professorship "Economics - Macroeconomics" (m, w, d) at the Faculty of Economics is to be filled as of April 1, 2021.

The future candidate should represent the subject "Economics - Macroeconomics" in research and teaching. In addition to relevant scientific publications, appropriate professional, methodological-didactic and foreign language knowledge and experience are expected in order to convey macroeconomic issues, especially fiscal policy, in the various Bachelor and Master programmes of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and across faculties. A focus in research on applied macroeconomics is desirable. The future position holder should be involved in the core competence of the University "People and Technology" as well as the research lines of the Faculty "Work" and "Sustainability". Active participation in the promotion of young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) is expected.

The professorship is jointly responsible for the Master's program "Economics". This results in an active participation in the design of the course of studies as well as the teaching offers with corresponding lectures, exercises, projects and seminars and the supervision of master theses. In addition, the professorship is involved in the Bachelor's programme in Economics with lectures, seminars and projects as well as in the professional field of "Associations/International Organisations/Political Consulting" and in the Bachelor's and Master's programme in Industrial Engineering and Management. Furthermore, participation in further interdisciplinary courses of study, especially European Studies, is planned.


Further desired are

The additional scientific achievements required for the position must be proven by a junior professorship, a habilitation or an equivalent scientific activity. The Chemnitz University of Technology assumes that the future holder of the position will relocate the centre of his or her life and that of his or her family to the city/region of Chemnitz, and is willing to provide support. Chemnitz University of Technology aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified female scientists are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons or persons of equal status will be given preferential consideration if they are equally suitable.

Interested parties are requested to send their application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, scientific career, list of publications, list of courses, results of teaching evaluations, overview of lecturing activities, of third-party funds acquired and of supervised doctorates as well as, if applicable, copies of habilitations, proof of qualifications, etc.) in both paper and electronic form to

Chemnitz University of Technology
Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
09107 Chemnitz
e-mail: dekanat@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de

Application Deadline: 31 March 2020

Technical University Vienna, Austria

Job title: Assistant Professorship in the field of “Social Infrastructure Research and Planning”

The Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU WIEN invites applications for an Assistant Professorship - Tenure Track for a Female Researcher in the field of “Social Infrastructure Research and Planning” in form of an initially fixed-term (6 years) tenure track position starting from July 1, 2020. The candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract. The tenure-track position is affiliated to the Institute of Spatial Planning. According to TU Wien’s Plan for Advancement of Women, this announcement invites applications from women only.


Social, economic, demographic and spatial developments are affecting social infrastructures (SI) significantly whilst digitization may rapidly change the planning, provision and governance of services. Given the large variety of social infrastructure, the researcher will deal with at least one of the following fields: education (all levels from child care to adult education), health care, social services, and/or (social) housing. While the basic disciplinary backgrounds of the researcher are open (e.g., spatial planning, architecture, social sciences, economics, management, regional sciences, cultural/urban studies), the successful applicant will show a strong foundation (theory and methods) in one of these disciplines, combined with a proven urban/regional and spatial research perspective at an internationally competitive level, and a clear linkage to spatial (urban/regional) planning. The appointee is expected to carry out research in the above-mentioned fields at an internationally competitive level, develop her own distinctive research record, teach at graduate and undergraduate levels, supervise bachelor and master theses, and generally contribute to research at the Faculty’s Institute of Spatial Planning. Applicants should possess strong academic credentials, academic leadership capabilities, and proven experience in conducting externally funded research projects.

Applicants are expected to have the following essential or desirable qualifications in relation to the above-mentioned fields of research:



The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 3.889,50 (14 × per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment is as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 4.599,60. (14 × per year).

Applications should include:

We look forward to receiving your application! The applications (in German or English) should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Rudolf Scheuvens, in digital form (a single pdf file to: socialinfrastructure@tuwien.ac.at).Please find the full call here.

Application Deadline: 16 April 2020

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Job title: research assistant (Post-Doc)

The newly founded Institute of Socioeconomics at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen is concerned with central economic and social challenges. With its interdisciplinary orientation it offers excellent conditions for innovative research. The University of Duisburg-Essen is looking for a research assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Socio-Economics on the Duisburg campus. The position, which will initially be limited until 31 October 2023, will allow a habilitation.

Main areas of responsibility:
In addition to research on socio-economic issues, the work consists of the coordination of the new, interdisciplinary doctoral program "The Political Economy of Inequality". The college will be funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation from autumn 2020 and includes 12 scholarships for dissertations in interdisciplinary inequality research. With a strong research orientation, the future position is intended to contribute to the profiling of the ifSO in this field. At the same time, the successful candidate will support professors of the Institute in the organization of structured doctoral supervision.

Your profile:

The University of Duisburg- Essen aims to promote the diversity of its members. It aims to increase the proportion of women in scientific staff and therefore strongly encourages women with relevant qualifications to apply.

Please send your application with cover letter, certificates, curriculum vitae by e-mail (as PDF) with reference number 102-20 to Prof. Dr. Till van Treeck. For further questions please contact Prof. van Treeck.

Application deadline: 18 March 2020

Valparaiso University, US

Job title: Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

Valparaiso University’s Economics Department has a one-year non-tenure-track Visiting Assistant Professor position beginning August 2020. Candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching. The annual teaching requirement is 6-7 courses, including a writing-intensive freshman course, introductory, upper-level and graduate economics courses.

Candidates should be interested in working at a university engaged in issues in Christian higher education in the Lutheran tradition. Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to cultural diversity and the ability to work with individuals or groups from diverse backgrounds. In addition to strong academic qualifications and excellence in teaching, the University highly values experience in working across cultural and other significant differences.

Submit application, including cover letter, CV, graduate transcripts, names and contact information of three references, teaching statement, and copies of teaching evaluations, to Professor Niru Devaraj. Preference will be given to applications received by March 15, 2020, and to candidates expecting to complete their Ph.D. by August 2020.

Please find further information on the website.

Application Deadline: 31 July 2020


Accounting, Organizations and Society 81

Richard Pucci, Peter Skærbæk: The co-performation of financial economics in accounting standard-setting: A study of the translation of the expected credit loss model in IFRS 9

David Crvelin, Albrecht Becker: ‘The spirits that we summoned’: A study on how the ‘governed’ make accounting their own in the context of market-making programs in Nepal

W. Robert Knechel, Edward Thomas, Matthew Driskill: Understanding financial auditing from a service perspective

Evelien Reusen, Kristof Stouthuysen: Trust transfer and partner selection in interfirm relationships

American Journal of Economics and Sociology 79 (1)

Alexandra W. Lough: Editor’s Introduction Free Trade: Theory, History, and Practice

Gerard Strange: Debating Free International Trade

Yi Huang, Shuying Tian: Radical Trade Reform: From Industrial to Ecological Civilization

Fred E. Foldvary: True Free Trade Is Still True

Edward J. Dodson: The Role of Land Tenure, Taxation, and Monetary Systems in Achieving and Enjoying Free Trade

Cory Davis: American Commerce, American Empire: Late 19th‐Century Merchant Organizations and Trade Policy

Jennifer Bolan Ulrich: The Free Trade Philosophy of Sir George Paish

Franklin Obeng‐Odoom: The African Continental Free Trade Area

Monica P. Lombana: Free Trade Agreements Between Peru, Colombia, and the United States

Varun Roby: China's Growing Influence in Latin America

Ignacio Bartesaghi, Natalia Melgar: Trump’s New Trade Tariffs: A Response to Voters’ Demands?

Paul S. Ciccantell: Liquefied Natural Gas: Redefining Nature, Restructuring Geopolitics, Returning to the Periphery?

Komal Niazi, Muhammad Shoaib, Song Qiulian: Micro Impacts of a Macro‐Level Trading Partnership: Effects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan

Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 40 (1)

Bruna Coelho Jaeger e Pedro Vinicius Pereira Brites: Geoeconomics in the light of international political economy: a theoretical discussion

João Vicente Novaes Camargo Manna: The convergences between post Keynesian and developmental approaches: the post Keynesianism applied to emerging countries

Luiz Felipe Lopes Milaré: Chinese industrialization from the New-developmental perspective

Andrés Ernesto Ferrari Haines, Fernando Ferrari-Filho and Hernan Neyra:The consequences of the international financial crisis and the great recession in Argentina and Brazil

Waldecy Rodrigues and Nayara Silva dos Santos: Karl Polanyi and substantivism in economic development

João Antonio de Paula, Leonardo Gomes de Deus, Hugo Eduardo da Gama Cerqueira e Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque: New starting point(s): Marx, technological revolutions and changes in the centre-periphery divide

Ecological Economics 170

Christian Dorninger, David J.Absona, Cristina I. Apetreia, Pim Derworta, Christopher D. Ives, Kathleen Klanieckia, David P.M. Lam, Maria Langsenlehner, Maraja Riechers, Nathalie Spittler, Henrik von Wehrden: Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems

Li-Jing Liu, Qiao-Mei Liang, Felix Creutzig, Hauke Ward, Kun Zhang: Sweet spots are in the food system: Structural adjustments to co-control regional pollutants and national GHG emissions in China

Matthias Kalkuhl, Gregor Schwerhoff, Katharina Waha: Land tenure, climate and risk management

Francisco Alcon, Cristina Marín-Miñano, José A. Zabala, María-Dolores de-Miguel, José M. Martínez-Paz: Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach

Elena Marola, Judith Schöpfner, Caleb Gallemore, Kristjan Jespersen: The bandwidth problem in telecoupled systems governance: Certifying sustainable winemaking in Australia and Chile

Anna Genave, Stéphane Blancard, Sabine Garabedian: An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States

Bill Schultz: Resource management and joint-planning in fragmented societies

Corinne Bocci, Brent Sohngen, Frank Lupi, Bayron Milian: Timber or carbon? Evaluating forest conservation strategies through a discrete choice experiment

Timo Goeschl, Sara Elisa Kettner, Johannes Lohse, Christiane Schwieren: How much can we learn about voluntary climate action from behavior in public goods games?

Laurent Gobillon, François-Charles Wolff: The local effects of an innovation: Evidence from the French fish market

Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Leif K. Sandal, Diwakar Poudel: Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea

Elena Zepharovich, M. Graziano Ceddia, Stephan Rist: Perceptions of deforestation in the Argentinean Chaco: Combining Q-method and environmental justice

Luis A. De los Santos-Montero, Boris E. Bravo-Ureta, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Eva Hasiner: The performance of natural resource management interventions in agriculture: Evidence from alternative meta-regression analyses

Yan Xu, Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los: International trade and air pollution damages in the United States

Ruxin Zhang, Shuhao Tan, David Hannaway, Weizhu Dai: Multi-household grassland management pattern promotes ecological efficiency of livestock production

Sangeeta Mangubhai, Helen Sykes, Marita Manley, Kiji Vukikomoala, Madeline Beattie: Contributions of tourism-based Marine Conservation Agreements to natural resource management in Fiji

Kirsten Gallant, Patrick Withey, Dave Risk, G. Cornelis van Kooten, Lynsay Spafford: Measurement and economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Nova Scotian wetlands

Ashutosh Sarker: Economics of underproduction: A polycentric approach for a depopulated commons in Japan

Joe Ament: An ecological monetary theory

Angelos Varvarousis: The rhizomatic expansion of commoning through social movements

Suzanna El Massah, Mahmoud Mohieldin: Corrigendum to “Digital transformation and localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” [Ecol. Econ. 169 (2020) 106490]

Suchita Srinivasan, Stefano Carattini: Erratum to “Adding fuel to fire? Social spillovers in the adoption of LPG in India” [Ecol. Econ. 167 (2019) 106398]

Economy and Society 49 (1)

Laura Bear: Speculation: a political economy of technologies of imagination

Paul Robert Gilbert: Speculating on sovereignty: ‘money mining’ and corporate foreign policy at the extractive industry frontier

Laura Bear: Speculations on infrastructure: from colonial public works to a post-colonial global asset class on the Indian railways 1840–2017

Stefan Leins: ‘Responsible investment’: ESG and the post-crisis ethical order

Elizabeth Ferry: Speculative substance: ‘physical gold’ in finance

Caroline Humphrey: Real estate speculation: volatile social forms at a global frontier of capital

Carol Upadhya: Assembling Amaravati: speculative accumulation in a new Indian city

Stine Simonsen Puri: Speculation on racing odds in India

Environment and Planning A, 52 (1): Theme Issue on "Market Frontiers"

Damien Cahill: Market analysis beyond market fetishism

Shaina Potts: (Re-)writing markets: Law and contested payment geographies

Stefan Ouma: This can(’t) be an asset class: The world of money management, “society”, and the contested morality of farmland investments

Brett Christophers, Patrick Bigger and Leigh Johnson: Stretching scales? Risk and sociality in climate finance

Gareth Bryant and Ben Spies-Butcher: Bringing finance inside the state: How income-contingent loans blur the boundaries between debt and tax

Paul Langley: The folds of social finance: Making markets, remaking the social

Franck Cochoy: Open-display and the ‘re-agencing’ of the American economy: Lessons from a ‘pico-geography’ of grocery stores in the USA, 1922–1932

Siân Butcher: Creating a gap that can be filled: Constructing and territorializing the affordable housing submarket in Gauteng, South Africa

Chris Hann: Marketization and development on a European periphery: From peasant oikos to socialism and neoliberal capitalism on the Danube-Tisza interfluve

Christian Berndt, Marion Werner and Víctor Ramiro Fernández: Postneoliberalism as institutional recalibration: Reading Polanyi through Argentina’s soy boom

Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics 12 (2)

Raul Magni-Berton: A Theory of Joint-Stock Citizenship and its Consequences on the Brain Drain, Sovereignty, and State Responsibility

Joe Blosser: Relational History - Adam Smith’s Types of Human History

Beatrice Cherrier, Aurélien Saïdi: Reflections on the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize Awarded to Paul Romer

Erwin Dekker: Entangled Economists - Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 17 (1)

Marco Guerrazzi: Wage and employment determination in a dynamic insider–outsider model

Hiromasa Takahashi, Junyi Shen & Kazuhito Ogawa: Gender-specific reference-dependent preferences in the experimental trust game

Hideki Fujiyama: Network centrality, social loops, and utility maximization

Charles J. Whalen: Post-Keynesian institutionalism: past, present, and future

Chris Girard: Globalization and the erosion of geo-ethnic checkpoints: evolving signal-boundary systems at the edge of chaos

Dirk Nicolas Wagner: Economic patterns in a world with artificial intelligence

Yasuhiro Sakai: From general equilibrium theory to the economics of uncertainty: a personal perspective

Yuichi Ikeda: Special issue: The 7th International Symposium on Human Survivability “Let’s Work Together Toward Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”

Ilan Chabay: Vision, identity, and collective behavior change on pathways to sustainable futures

Michal Shinwell & Guillaume Cohen: Measuring countries’ progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: methodology and challenges

Yuichi Ikeda: Power grid with 100% renewable energy for small island developing states

Natsuka Tokumaru: Coevolution of institutions and residents toward sustainable glocal development: a case study on the Kuni Umi solar power project on Awaji Island

Tembo Nakamoto, Odile Rouhban & Yuichi Ikeda: Location-sector analysis of international profit shifting on a multilayer ownership-tax network

Ayaka Nomura: The shift of food value through food banks: a case study in Kyoto, Japan

Minako Jen Yoshikawa, Rita Kusriastuti & Christina Liew: An interdisciplinary study: disseminating information on dengue prevention and control in the world-famous travel destination, Bali, Indonesia

Forum for Social Economics 49 (1)

Peter Gardella: Religions and the living wage

Oren M. Levin-Waldman: Refocusing the Minimum Wage Debate: Overcoming Management Failure and Achieving the High Road

Veronika Dolar: Are We Teaching Outside the Box? A National Survey on Teaching the Minimum Wage in Undergraduate Economics Classes

Liam C. Malloy: The minimum wage, bargaining power, and the top income share

Stefan Mann: Individual Utility Effects of Minimum Wages in a New Activity-Choice Framework

Investigación Económica 68 (267)

Penélope Pacheco López: Efectos de la liberación comercial en el crecimiento económico y la balanza de pagos en América Latina

Takao Fujimoto: The concept of exploitation in a general linear model with heterogeneous labour

Francisco López Herrera, Edgar Ortiz and Alejandra Cabello: Las interrelaciones de volatilidad y rendimientos entre los mercados de valores del TLCAN

Juan Gabriel Brida, David Matesanz Gómez and Wiston Adrián Risso: Estructura jerárquica y dinámica en los mercados cambiarios latinoamericanos

Teresa Ghilarducci, Edward Nell, Stefan Mittnik, Eckhard Platen, Willi Semmler and Raphaele Chappe: Memorandum on a new financial architecture and new regulations

Journal of Economic Issues 54 (1)

Mary V. Wrenn: Veblen, Veblenian Social Practices, and Prosperity Theology

Robin Hahnel: Economic Justice: Confronting Dilemmas

Dell P. Champlin & Janet T. Knoedler: Dualistic Discourse and Immigration Policy

Shaianne T. Osterreich: Gender, Decent Work, and Global Production Sharing in Indonesian Manufacturing

Brett Fiebiger & Marc Lavoie: Helicopter Ben, Monetarism, The New Keynesian Credit View and Loanable Funds

F. Gregory Hayden & Erin Johnson: Integration of and Deliveries among the World Zionist Organization, Israel, and Diaspora Countries: System Articulation with the Social Fabric Matrix

Anders Fremstad & Mark Paul: Opening the Farm Gate to Women? The Gender Gap in U.S. Agriculture

Agata Gemzik-Salwach: Institutional Analysis of Banks and Personal Loan Companies: Lesson from Poland

Emre Balikci & Dicle Koylan: Perceiving Urban Transformation from the Perspective of Evolutionary Economics: Renewal of Houses in Bağdat Street, Istanbul

Diogo Lourenço, Carla Sá, Orlanda Tavares & Sónia Cardoso: Enrolling in Higher Education: The Impact of Regional Mobility and Public-Private Substitution Effects

Victor Isidro Luna: The BRICS’s Bank, Institutional Framework, and Other Current Limitations

Laurent Baronian: Digital Platforms and the Nature of the Firm

Igor Matutinović: Autocatalytic Growth and Development and the South-North Convergence

Christopher Cunningham & Sel Dibooglu: Engines of Growth in China: The Limits of Informal Institutions

John F. Henry: In Memoriam: Marc Tool (1921-2018)

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 43 (1)

Rudy Bouguelli: Is shadow banking really akin to banking? A critical analysis in light of monetary theory

Angel Asensio: SFC modeling and the liquidity preference theory of interest

J. E. Woods: New exercises in decomposition analysis

Ante Farm: Pricing in practice in consumer markets

Sylvio Antonio Kappes & Marcelo Milan: Dealing with adaptive expectations in Stock-Flow consistent models

Andres F. Cantillo: Production commitments and the financial foundations of specialized economies

Hongkil Kim: The relationship between public debt accumulation and default risk under the ECB’s conventional vs. non-standard monetary policy: a panel data analysis of 9 Eurozone countries (2000–2015)

Antoine Monserand: A note on “zero growth and structural change in a post Keynesian growth model”

João Sicsú: Keynes and Graham’s intelligent investor

Problemas de Desarrollo 51 (200)

Sebastián Sztulwark: The peripheral condition under new capitalism

Consuelo Ahumada Beltrán: Implementing the peace agreement in Colombia: between "territorial peace" and land disputes

Óscar Rodil Marzábal and Jorge Alberto López Arévalo: Productive fragmentation and economic integration in North America: centrifugal and centripetal forces

Ismael Muñoz Portugal: Collective action and water management in the Moche and Virú valleys of the peruvian coast

María María Ibáñez Martín, María Marta Formichella and Lucas Ezequiel Costabel: Social exclusion: exploring the educational dimension in Argentina

Luis Beccaria and Ana Laura Fernandez: Measuring multidimensional poverty using households surveys

Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 38 A

Claire Silvant, Javier San Julián Arrupe: Introduction: Public Finance in the History of Economics: A Field on Its Own

Nesrine Bentemessek Kahia: British Public Debt Management Operations in the Early Nineteenth Century

Christina Laskaridis: Ricardo and His Contemporaries on Monetary Reform and the National Debt

Claire Silvant, Clément Coste: The French Financial Controversies in the Aftermath of the 1848 Crisis: An Overview of Socialist and Liberal Positions

Javier San Julián Arrupe: An Expansionary Economist Against Fiscal Discipline in Mid-Nineteenth Century Spain: The Lonely Shepherd

Richard Sturn: Public Credit, Capital, and State Agency: Fiscal Responsibility in German-Language Finanzwissenschaft

Samuel Demeulemeester: Would a State Monopoly Over Money Creation Allow for a Reduction of National Debt? A Study of the “Seigniorage Argument” in Light of the “100% Money” Debates

Cosma Orsi: Economic Thought and Social Institutions in Eighteenth Century England

John F. Henry: Reflections on the New Deal: The Vested Interests and Limits to Reform

Matheus Assaf (Memorial): Remembering Gabriel Oliva C. Cunha (1990–2019)

Review of International Political Economy 27 (2)

Nana de Graaff, Tobias ten Brink & Inderjeet Parmar: China’s rise in a liberal world order in transition – introduction to the FORUM

Nana de Graaff: China Inc. goes global. Transnational and national networks of China’s globalizing business elite

Shuhong Huo & Inderjeet Parmar: ‘A new type of great power relationship’? Gramsci, Kautsky and the role of the Ford Foundation’s transformational elite knowledge networks in China

Clara Weinhardt & Tobias ten Brink: Varieties of contestation: China’s rise and the liberal trade order

Christopher A. McNally: Chaotic mélange: neo-liberalism and neo-statism in the age of Sino-capitalism

Colin Hay: Does capitalism (still) come in varieties?

Mark Anner: Squeezing workers’ rights in global supply chains: purchasing practices in the Bangladesh garment export sector in comparative perspective

Pritish Behuria: The domestic political economy of upgrading in global value chains: how politics shapes pathways for upgrading in Rwanda’s coffee sector*

Benjamin Selwyn, Bettina Musiolek & Artemisa Ijarja: Making a global poverty chain: export footwear production and gendered labor exploitation in Eastern and Central Europe

Cédric Durand & Wiliiam Milberg: Intellectual monopoly in global value chains

Review of Social Economy 78 (1)

Duncan Foley: Social coordination problems in classical and Marxian political economy

Stephen A. Marglin: History vs. equilibrium one more time: how Keynes’s General Theory foundered on the rocks of comparative statics

Simone Polillo: Solving the paradox of mass investment: expertise, financial inclusion and inequality in the politics of credit

Mark Setterfield: Managing the discontent of the losers

Lance Taylor & Özlem Ömer: Where do profits and jobs come from? Employment and distribution in the US economy

Revue de la régulation: Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 25 (1)

Thomas Lamarche et Cécile Lefèvre: Déployer les études de genre en économie politique

Carole Brunet et Esther Jeffers: Gender Gap Evolution in Europe During the Great Recession: an Institutionalist Approach

Thi Anh-Dao Tran: The Feminization of Employment through Export-Led Strategies: Evidence from Viet Nam.

Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran et Antoine Rebérioux: Vers un nouveau genre de finance ?

Guillaume Vallet: This is a Man’s world : autorité et pouvoir genrés dans le milieu des banques centrales

Jean-Louis Escudier: Ouvrières agricoles et conventions collectives : de la discrimination à la reconnaissance ? (1950-2018)

Irène Berthonnet et Clémence Clos: Intégrer la division sexuelle du travail au rapport social de travail. Pistes pour l'analyse régulationniste

Anne Bustreel et Martine Pernod-Lemattre: Genre et horaires de travail : un nouveau regard à partir de la théorie de la segmentation

Sylvie Morel, Esther Jeffers, Thomas Lamarche et Cécile Lefèvre: Pour une économie féministe radicalement hétérodoxe

Lena Lavinas, Eliane Araújo et Miguel Bruno: Brazil: from Eliticized- to Mass-Based Financialization

Sustainability 12 (5): Special Issue on: "Sustainable Welfare beyond Growth"

Tuuli Hirvilammi, Max Koch: Sustainable Welfare beyond Growth

Katharina Zimmermann, Paolo Graziano: Mapping Different Worlds of Eco-Welfare States

Kajsa Emilsson, Håkan Johansson, Magnus Wennerhag: Frame Disputes or Frame Consensus? “Environment” or “Welfare” First Amongst Climate Strike Protesters

Jana Brandl, Irina Zielinska: Reviewing the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy’s Potential as an Eco-Social Policy in the Context of Quality of Work and Socio-Ecological Transformation

Katharina Bohnenberger: Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits

Adeline Otto, Dimitri Gugushvili: Eco-Social Divides in Europe: Public Attitudes towards Welfare and Climate Change Policies

Tuuli Hirvilammi: The Virtuous Circle of Sustainable Welfare as a Transformative Policy Idea

Jamil Khan, Roger Hildingsson, Lisa Garting: Sustainable Welfare in Swedish Cities: Challenges of Eco-Social Integration in Urban Sustainability Governance

Martin Fritz, Max Koch: Public Support for Sustainable Welfare Compared: Links between Attitudes towards Climate and Welfare Policies

The Economic and Labour Relations Review 31 (1)

Obituary: Keith Hancock and Russell Lansbury: Joe Isaac (11 March 1922–17 September 2019)

Alan Morris, Andrew Beer, John Martin, Sandy Horne, Catherine Davis, Trevor Budge, and Chris Paris: Australian local governments and affordable housing: Challenges and possibilities

Chris F Wright and Stephen Clibborn: A guest-worker state? The declining power and agency of migrant labour in Australia

Canet Tuba Sarıtaş: Precarious contours of work–family conflict: The case of nurses in Turkey

Murong Guo, Kuang Tang, and Zicheng Wang: Commuting time and sickness absence in China: Rural/urban variations and Hukou impacts

Mondli Hlatshwayo: Workers’ education under conditions of precariousness: Re-imagining workers’ education

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 27 (1)

James R. Wible: C. S. Peirce’s theory of abductive expectations

Michael McLure: A critical note on the new english title for Walras Éléments

Nikola Regent: Guicciardini and economic (in)equality

Ferdinando Meacci: The distinction between relative and positive profit: Sir James Steuart after Adam Smith and the Classics

Rémy Guichardaz: The controversy over intellectual property in nineteenth-century France: a comparative analysis between Proudhon and Walras

Marek Hudik: The Marshallian demand curve revisited

Lucy Brillant & Pierre-Hernan Rojas: Central banking under the gold standard: Rist versus Hawtrey on the policy of the bank of France from 1928 to 1931

The Review of Austrian Economics 33 (1-2)

Peter J. Boettke: Wirth symposium: The Austrian School of Economics and the migration of tradition

Robert Leonard: Karl Menger’s modernist journey: art, mathematics and mysticism, 1920–1955

Stefan Kolev: The legacy of Max Weber and the early Austrians

Erwin Dekker: On emancipators, engineers, and students: The appropriate attitude of the economist

Peter J. Boettke and Rosolino A. Candela: The Austrian School of Economics: A view from London

Jayme Lemke and John Kroencke: Methodological confusions and the science wars in economics

Janek Wasserman: Science lost, science found in the post WWII Austrian economics movement: The case of Emil Kauder

Simon Bilo: Mises and his money

Audrey Redford: Property rights, entrepreneurship, and economic development

Vlad Tarko: Understanding post-communist transitions: the relevance of Austrian economics

Nicolás Cachanosky and Alexander W. Salter: The super-alertness of central banks

Shruti Rajagopalan: Demonetization in India: Superfluous discovery and money laundering

Crystal A. Dozier: Anthropological archaeology and the Viennese students of civilization

Brian Kogelmann: The future of political philosophy: Non-ideal and west of babel

Elizabeth Hemsley: Consent, democracy and the future of liberalism

Books and Book Series

Economic Philosophy: Complexities in Economics

edited by John B. Davis and Wade Hands | World Economics Association, 2020

This book offers a pluralist exposition on multiple meanings and levels of complexity, shedding light on the normative and practical implications that various approaches to complexity involve. We hope that this title will inspire a sustained interest in exchanging ideas and looking for new interconnections between different debates. This is important for academic and practical reasons. As many contemporary problems such as climate change or inequality involve unprecedented levels of complexity, they pose a challenge for both economic theories and methodologies.

Please find a link to the book here.

Open Marxism 1-4

edited by Werner Bonefeld | Pluto Press

'Open Marxism' aims to think of Marxism as a theory of struggle, not as an objective analysis of capitalist domination, arguing that money, capital and the state are forms of struggle from above and therefore open to resistance and rebellion. As critical thought is squeezed out of universities and geographical shifts shape the terrain of theoretical discussion, the editors argue now is the time for a new volume that reflects the work that has been carried out during the past decade. Covering topics such as political economy, historical materialism, dialectics, state theory, class and fetishism, the authors 'emancipate Marx' from the determinism and positivism of the 20th century and in doing so work towards freeing the human spirit from the control of capital. Emphasising the contemporary relevance of 'open Marxism' in our moment of political and economic uncertainty, the collection shines a light on its significance for activists and academics today.

Please find a link to the Books here. To claim the special discount, enter the code 'OPEN50' at the checkout. If there are 4 or more books in your basket, the discount will raise from 25% to 50%.

Openness to Creative Destruction: Sustaining Innovative Dynamism

by Arthur M., Jr. Diamond | 2019, Oxford University Press

Life improves under the economic system often called "entrepreneurial capitalism" or "creative destruction," but more accurately called "innovative dynamism." Openness to Creative Destruction: Sustaining Innovative Dynamism shows how innovation occurs through the efforts of inventors and innovative entrepreneurs, how workers on balance benefit, and how good policies can encourage innovation.

The inventors and innovative entrepreneurs are often cognitively diverse outsiders with the courage and perseverance to see and pursue serendipitous discoveries or slow hunches. Arthur M. Diamond, Jr. shows how economies grow where innovative dynamism through leapfrog competition flourishes, as in the United States from roughly 1830-1930. Consumers vote with their feet for innovative new goods and for process innovations that reduce prices, benefiting ordinary citizens more than the privileged elites. Diamond highlights that because breakthrough inventions are costly and difficult, patents can be fair rewards for invention and can provide funding to enable future inventions. He argues that some fears about adverse effects on labor market are unjustified, since more and better new jobs are created than are destroyed, and that other fears can be mitigated by better policies. The steady growth in regulations, often defended on the basis of the precautionary principle, increases the costs to potential entrepreneurs and thus reduces innovation.

The "Great Fact" of economic history is that after at least 40,000 years of mostly "poor, nasty, brutish, and short" humans in the last 250 years have started to live substantially longer and better lives. Diamond increases understanding of why.

Please find a link to the book here.

Property, Institutions and Social Stratification in Africa

by Franklin Obeng-Odoom | 2020, Cambridge University Press

In this book, Franklin Obeng-Odoom seeks to carefully explain, engage, and systematically question the existing explanations of inequalities within Africa, and between Africa and the rest of the world using insights from the emerging field of stratification economics. Drawing on multiple sources - including archival and historical material and a wide range of survey data - he develops a distinctive approach that combines key concepts in original institutional economics, such as reasonable value, property, and the distribution of wealth, with other insights into Africa's development and underdevelopment. While looking at the Africa-wide situation, Obeng-Odoom also analyzes the experiences of inequalities within specific countries. Comprehensive and engaging, Property, Institutions, and Social Stratification in Africa is a useful resource for teaching and research on Africa and the Global South.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes

edited by Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann | 2019, Edward Elgar

The most influential and controversial economist of the twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes was the leading founder of modern macroeconomics, and was also an important historical figure as a critic of the Versailles Peace Treaty after World War I and an architect of the Bretton Woods international monetary system after World War II. This comprehensive Companion elucidates his contributions, his significance, his historical context and his continuing legacy.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt

by Daniel Ozarow | 2019, Routledge

Adopting Argentina’s popular uprisings against neoliberalism including the 2001-02 rebellion and subsequent mass protests as a case study, The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt analyzes two decades of longitudinal research (1995-2018), including World Bank and Latinobarómeter household survey data, along with participant interviews, to explore why nonpolitically active middle-class citizens engage in radical protest movements, and why they eventually demobilize. In particular it asks, how do they become politicized and resist economic and political crises, along with their own hardship?

Theoretically informed by Gramsci’s notions of hegemony, ideology and class consciousness, Ozarow posits that to affect profound and lasting social change, multisectoral alliances and sustainable mobilizing vehicles are required to maintain radical progressive movements beyond periods of crisis. With the Argentinian revolt understood to be the ideological forbearer to the autonomist-inspired uprisings which later emerged, comparisons are drawn with experiences in the USA, Spain, Greece UK, Iceland and the Middle East, as well as 1990s contexts in South Africa and Russia. Such a comparative analysis helps understand how contextual factors shape distinctive struggling middle-class citizen responses to external shocks.

Please find a link to the book here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

Levy Graduate Programs in Economics Theory and Policy

Designed as preparation for a professional career in economic research and policy formulation, the Levy Economics Institute Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy offer an alternative to mainstream programs in economics and finance.

Our students come from around the globe and are focusing their research on topics as diverse as children’s time use in Tanzania, banking crises in Turkey-Cyprus, racial and ethnic inequality in Major League Baseball, Big Pharma’s role in access to HIV medication, and fiscal disparity in the US. To find out more about our innovative programs that combine a rigorous course of study with exceptional opportunity to participate in advanced economics research alongside the Institute’s global network of researchers, visit the official website or follow the program's Facebook page.

Applications for fall 2020 are now open. Interested students should contact the program recruiter, Martha Tepepa (mtepepa@levy.org), to discuss their options. Scholarships are available. We are pleased to announce that both our M.A. and M.S. program are now accepting international students for fall 2020.

Berlin School of Economics and Law: MA in International Economics

The Master in International Economics provides students with a critical understanding of current debates in economics, including heterodox economics in particular. The programme has a strongly international approach and aims to integrate an understanding of theoretical controversies, historical developments and contemporary policy disputes. It also contains an interdisciplinary component reflecting the importance that social and political institutions play in shaping economic developments, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and it will equip students with the skills to pursue internationally oriented careers with government and non-government organisations, research institutes, think tanks, trade unions, international organisations and international businesses, as well as to apply for PhD programmes. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April. For more information please visit the website.

Application Deadline: 15 June 2020 for german students/ 30 May 2020 for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree

Berlin School of Economics and Law: MA in Political Economy of European Integration

The Master in Political Economy of European Integration offers an extraordinary, interdisciplinary Master programme, combining critical research in political sciences and sociology, law, and (heterodox) macroeconomics. The programme covers different dimensions of European integration such as environment and energy, labour and social reproduction, as well as money and trade, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and enables students to participate professionally in the processes of European integration and to pursue international careers with European institutions and with governments as well as business organisations, trade unions, non-governmental organisations and institutions of policy formulation and research in the member states of the EU. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April. For more information please visit the website.

Application Deadline: 15 June 2020 for german students/ 30 May 2020 for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree

Economics at Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA)

The M.A. Program in Economics at Roosevelt University is housed in one of the oldest departments in the world with a Heterodox/Pluralist orientation. Over the years we have been home to many distinguished heterodox economists, including, Abba Lerner, Walter Weiskopf, Fred Lee, Sam Rosenberg, and Steve Ziliak. Our graduates go on to careers in government, business, non-profits, and academia. Twelve of our recent graduates have gone on to Economics Ph.D. programs. We offer supervised internships to all students who want them. We regularly place interns with social service agencies, state and local governments, labor unions, and businesses. New MA students can start in Spring, Fall, or even Summer semesters. Our admission process is a rolling process, meaning that students can expect to hear about acceptance four to six weeks after applying. Our location in downtown Chicago’s vibrant south Loop education corridor makes it easy to find student housing and kindred spirits. Follow us on Twitter @RUEcon.

For more information write to the Director of the Program in Economics, Gary Langer, glanger@roosevelt.edu

PostDoctoral Fellowship at the International Center for Development and Decent Work, Germany

Job title: Short-term postdoctoral fellowship on Authoritarian Competition States: Global Perspectives from the South

A call for applications for short-term postdoctoral fellowships from the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and the International Center for Development and Decent Work, Kassel, Germany.

The Global Scholarly Dialogue Programme is an initiative of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) aimed at supporting critical research in and from countries of the Global South, and strengthening dialogue between critical research on authoritarian capitalism from the Global North and South. To achieve this, together with the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), the RLS is inviting applications from postdoctoral researchers for a visiting fellowship of up to six months, with a starting date in October 2020. As a visiting scholar in Kassel, Germany, the fellow will be able to establish a dialogue with local researchers and explore possibilities of collaborative research and projects. She or he will be able to use all ICDD facilities, such as the library, as well as enjoy the academic environment at the University of Kassel. We also strongly encourage applicants to engage in teaching and outreach activities at the ICDD (details can be discussed at a later stage). The ICDD hosts two Master’s programs, the academically oriented MA in Global Political Economy and Development and the MA in Labour Policies and Globalisation. The latter is part of the Global Labour University network, which trains trade unionists and labour activists from around the world on labour-related policy issues. The core of the ICDD is its Graduate School of Socio-Ecological Research for Development. The fellow will be part of the RLS’s International Research Group on Authoritarianism & Counter-Strategies. As such, she/he will have the chance to collaborate with the RLS and participate in the group’s activities. The fellowship explicitly aims to contribute to a global dialogue between scholars seeking to better understand the rising and seemingly global spread of authoritarianism and advance a path towards a just, democratic society. We are particularly interested in approaches that propose a global perspective for and from the Global South on this issue. To what degree can (historical and contemporary) experiences of authoritarian practices in the Global South contribute to a global understanding of the phenomenon today?


Please direct any queries and submit your application in one single PDF file (5 MB max; please name the file “SurnameName_application.pdf”) to gsdp.application@rosalux.org.

Your application should include:

Unless the document is issued in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish, please provide an English translation (a certified translation is not required). Please find further information here.

Application Deadline: 24 April 2020

Two PhD candidates on the research project "The Making of Havana’s Property Market – Homeownership, Tourism Property and Transnational Investment" (Leuven, Belgium)

Two PhD candidates (fully-funded) on the research project "The Making of Havana’s Property Market – Homeownership, Tourism Property and Transnational Investment"

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Geography & Tourism at KU Leuven (Belgium) is looking for two full-time PhD candidates for 4 years. Together you will work on the research project "The Making of Havana’s Property Market", which is part of the "Real Estate/Financial Complex" (REFCOM) research group, coordinated by dr. Manuel B. Aalbers. REFCOM is an internationally comparative and transdisciplinary research group looking into the increasing interconnectedness of real estate and finance, and the role of states, politics and institutions. This particular research project is funded by Research Foundation Flanders (see fwo.be).


This study aims to reconstruct Cuba’s economic transition with a particular focus on the making of the property market in the country’s capital city of Havana. The emerging literature on the globalization of real estate has addressed how internationally circulating capital has increasingly found its ways into the property markets of the ‘Global South’. The restrictions of underdeveloped financial and real estate markets in these countries have been turned into frontiers in the global urbanization of capital. We propose to study market making practices that shape and reshape the Cuban property market following the regularization of private property in 2011. We focus on: 1) the emerginghomeownership and tourism property markets; 2) the transnational flow of investment, especially from Cuban expats in Miami and elsewhere in the US; and 3) how households (small entrepreneurs) use opportunities in the tourism property market. Together these processes are constitutive to Havana’s emerging property market. The practices of local entrepreneurs and the inflow of capital from Cuban expats in Miami into Havana’s (tourism) property market are an entry into understanding Cuba’s socioeconomic transition towards market socialism. As such, our study also responds to the call to develop more multipolar andcosmopolitan modes of urban theory construction in an age of globalized and financialized capitalism. The first PhD candidate will focus on homeownership whereas the second PhD candidate will focus on property tourism.



How to apply

Please upload your CV, a cover/motivation letter of 1-2 pages including two or three references (you don’t need to provide references letters yet), proof of Spanish and English language skills (if no proof is available, please describe your competencies in the letter), and one or two writing samples (e.g. a term/course paper or a thesis chapter).

For more information, please e-mail both manuel.aalbers@kuleuven.be and g.wijburg@uu.nl. You can apply for this job via the online application tool. KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at diversiteit.HR@kuleuven.be.

Application Deadline: 04 May 2020

Heterodox Economics in the Media

Video Series "Polanyi on Polanyi"

Institute on New Economic Thinking released a new series with Kari Polanyi Levitt, “Polanyi on Polanyi,” in which the legendary economist discusses her life and work and the legacy of her father, Karl Polanyi. Please find the links here:


