Issue 229 April 23, 2018 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory
In terms of content, this issue of the Heterodox Economics Newsletter exhibits many continuities: for instance, we find the obligatory call for applications for the EPOG-program, one of the most outstanding MA programs in heterodox economics (see here). We can spot the final calls of heterodox associations for the ASSA-conference in January 2019 (here or here) or inspect Calls for Papers related to financialization, power and macroeconomic developments in Europe, which come along with the usual updates on recently published works, workshops, and so on.
In terms of context, however, this issue carries the mark of change as it signifies nothing less than the dawn of an era. In the past four and a half years this Newsletter has profited immensely from the passionate input of Florian Springholz, who proved to be an extremely professional and astonishingly talented editorial assistant. Florian has worked exceptionally hard and successfully on improving the Newsletter's design, its coverage and its editorial precision; he contributed to IT and web development and showed great care when it came to revising the Heterodox Economics Directory, which could only be released in an updated edition due to Florian's relentless effort. After writing an exceptional MA-Thesis, which basically overturns the results of one of the most-cited papers on the relation of economic openness and inequality, Florian has regrettably decided to leave the harsh winds of academia behind and turn towards new challenges. So, many thanks, dear Florian and although it is widely known that the future is something fundamentally uncertain, I am confident that you will succeed to beat any obstacle, if you only manage to show half of the passion, professionalism and intellectual rigor that you demonstrated in managing the Heterodox Economics Newsletter.
Having said all this, it remains to note that Florian's successor is an equally promising young intellectual interested in heterodox economics, namely Timo Kapelari, who has heroically decided to step into Florian's footsteps and continue the quest for a better economics. Timo, welcome on board and let's go for it!
All the best,
© public domain
26-29 September, 2019 | Toronto, Canada
2019 marks 50 years since the publication of Margaret Benston’s “The Political Economy of Women’s Liberation,” a seminal article in the modern development of socialist feminism. In it, Benston proposes that “housework” (as she called the labour of sustaining this and the next generation of workers) be considered in relation to processes of capitalist value creation. Widely circulated prior to its publication in Monthly Review, and debated internationally for years afterward, Benston’s article opened the doors to a socio-materialist critique of women’s oppression that has defined socialist feminist theory and politics ever since.
Historical Materialism Toronto is organizing a symposium, to take place in Toronto, September 26th to 29th, 2019, to commemorate this important contribution, as well as to explore the ways in which socialist feminist theorising and politics has grown through and beyond Benston’s intervention. We wish to bring together a new generation of socialist feminist theorists to discuss the current state of socialist feminist politics, our continued strengths, and the weaknesses that we still need to address to truly apply a socio-materialist critique of social oppressions and exploitation. What is the current state of socialist feminist theorising, where is it going, and where should we be going?
We will give priority consideration to papers that discuss socialist feminist approaches to questions of race and racialization, imperialism, colonialism, indigeneity, ecology, sexualities, gendered violence, and disability.
We invite you to submit an abstract for a paper that engages current ideas, debates and discussions relevant to socialist feminist theory and politics. Presenters will circulate their papers in advance, and use the Symposium to further clarify and elaborate their work. A selection of papers will be organized into a volume to be submitted for publication (either as an edited collection or a journal special issue).
Abstracts should be between 200 and 250 words. To submit, please email your name, affiliation, contact information, and abstract to, no later than April 30, 2018.
More information can be obtained here.
27-30 September, 2018 | University of Massachusetts Amherst, US
The deadline for paper and panel submissions for the 50th Anniversary Conference and Celebration has been extended to 1 June 2018.
More about the Call for Papers can be found in the previous issue of the HEN.
3-6 January, 2019 | Atlanta, USA
Many economists rely heavily on a machine metaphor when seeking to describe and analyze market-using or capitalist economies. These economic systems are said to be characterized by various principles (e.g., self-interest and profit maximization) and be driven by laws or mandates (e.g., a growth imperative or the “laws of capitalism”). With their fundamental behavior thus attributed to physics-like forces, it would seem that social relationships, historical developments, and the influence of human consciousness and values might be mere epiphenomena, rather irrelevant in light of the system’s presumed universal essence. A human life of meaning and ethical significance, some claim, is only possible elsewhere—either in a separate social sphere assiduously protected from commodification, or perhaps only within economic systems or organizations built on completely different principles. The Association for Social Economics, however, welcomes scholars who “regard human behavior to be the result of complex social interactions with ethical consequences.” What if our economies are not something outside our social world, but are actually the outcomes of our “complex social actions” as we deal, over the decades and every day, with our values, beliefs, ethics, and problems?
For the ASE sessions at the 2019 ASSA meetings, we welcome proposals for papers/sessions on all aspects of social economics, but preference will be given to papers that explore the implications of questioning presumed mechanical “essences” and instead locating economies thoroughly within the realm of social life. Possible questions include but are not limited to:
Proposals for papers as well as complete sessions are welcome. The submission deadline is May 1, 2018.
The forms for submission can be accessed here. Individuals whose papers are accepted for presentation must either be or become members of the Association for Social Economics by July 1, 2018 in order for the paper to be included in the program.
Membership information can be found here. All papers presented at the ASSA meetings are eligible for the Warren Samuels Prize, awarded to the best paper that advances the goals of social economics and has widespread appeal. Papers can also be considered for a special issue of one of the association’s journals, or for edited volumes.
Note: Due to limited session slots, we may not be able to accept all submissions. Any paper that cannot be incorporated into the ASE program will be automatically considered for the ASE portion of the ICAPE conference, January 3, 2019, Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, GA. See for details.
Please send an email to Julie Nelson with any questions.
Deadline: May 1, 2018
13-14 December 2018 | Girton College, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Workshop Overview & Programme
The discussions of the processes behind the growing importance of finance, financial transactions and financial motives, as well as the sustainability of the financial systems, have been located in the critical political economy debate of financialisation and neoliberalism. So far the analysis of financialisation has been largely focused on developed economies. Studies on developing and emerging economies (DEEs) have been unsystematic and largely empirical with a focus on financialisation phenomena observed in developed countries. This workshop aims to provide an assessment of the financialisation process in DEEs and stimulate conceptual discussions of whether, and if so how, financialisation is distinct in DEEs.
Despite the rising interest in the issue of DEE financialisation, its manifestations, drivers and implications, many questions still remain unanswered. For example, what, if any, are the specific features of financialisation in DEEs? Can domestic public debt or high interest rates or a subordinate aspect be such a feature? What is the link between DEEs’ specific financialisation features and their ‘real’ international integration into international production networks? Does mapping the phenomena encountered in the Anglo-Saxon core onto DEEs overlook the structural differences of these economies and, therefore, their different financialisation practices and features? Also, can financialisation processes be compared between DEEs? What are the roles of different institutions, policies and indeed locational factors in shaping these processes? Can the notion of “variegated financialisation” be helpful in these respects? Similarly, is financialisation driven rather by international factors or by autonomous domestic political economy processes? Empirically, is it possible to delineate financial development and deepening from financialisation in DEEs, and to what extent can it be quantified?
An indicative, but by no means exhaustive, list of questions that might be addressed includes:
Speakers include: Brett Christophers, Gary Dymski, Ben Fine, Sarah Hall, Susan Newman, Gabriel Palma, Jeff Powell and Lena Rethel.
The workshop invites contributions on the theoretical and empirical specificities of the manifestations, drivers and implications of financialisation in DEEs. It particularly encourages conceptual contributions and those which adopt a pluralistic approach, both in theory and method. The workshop is strongly committed to interdisciplinary engagement and realist social theorising to understanding the economy. It welcomes scholars from a variety of fields, such as economics, development studies, political economy, politics, business studies, geography, sociology, gender studies, anthropology, and history.
Paper proposals should be in the form of an extended abstract (500 words) and be submitted by June 1st 2018 to
If you wish to attend the workshop, but not present a paper, please submit a one A4 page motivation letter, using a font of no smaller than 11, by the same deadline.
Please note that spaces at the workshop, both for speakers and participants, are limited and will be allocated on a competitive basis.
Workshop Registration, Cost and booking
There is no registration fee but all attendees must register beforehand, no later than 31 October 2018. Please register by booking a speaker or delegate place, see the booking section below.
Presenters and participants are invited for a subsidised dinner on the evening 13 December, a contribution of £25 is required if you attend. Confirmation for the dinner must be done at the time of registration for the workshop. No later additions will be possible. Note that the cost for dinner on 13 December is not included in the registration. Attendees wishing to take part in the dinner on 13 December must choose the dinner ticket booking option below. Please note that accommodation must be booked separately.
Accommodation is available for all the speakers, so there is no need to book it, this is a basic student B&B accommodation within Girton College grounds. However if presenters wish to stay elsewhere they must do so at their own expense.
Young Scholars
Young Scholars (including advanced PhD students) are strongly encouraged to participate. A small financial assistance will be provided to those selected peer-review PhD/Young Scholars who have no other sources of institutional support. A small financial assistance will be provided to participants who submit a motivation letter stating the academic reasons to attend to the workshop. When submitting their paper proposal for the workshop, PhD/Young Scholars should indicate if they are applying for small financial assistance.
Financial Assistance
A small financial assistance will be provided to participants who submit a motivation letter stating the academic reasons to attend to the workshop. Participant motivation letters should be about one A4 page, using a font of no smaller than 11, and should also be submitted by June 1 2018 to Please note that accommodation for participants is not included and must be booked separately
Workshop Venue
The conference will take place in the Stanley Library, at Girton College, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0JG. Girton has a visitor car parking onsite. See the College webpage for further direction to the College.
Participants who wish to stay on the college grounds need to book their own accommodation directly with Girton College at The rooms are all single en-suite, with towels provided. The cost of these rooms is £88+VAT per night, with breakfast in the cafeteria included. Any attendee who wishes to book a different accommodation, at his or her own cost, is welcome to do so. There are a few of other options nearby, including those listed below:
Workshop Organisers
More details can be found here.
27-29 September | Helsinki, Finnland
This year’s EuroMemo Group conference will be jointly hosted with the University of Helsinki and will take place on 27-29 September 2018 (Thursday-Saturday) at the University of Helsinki.
Against the background of an increasingly alarming influence of right-wing nationalist and populist forces, the conference wants to facilitate discussion on progressive ideas, concepts and policies, on how to reconstruct a political integration project in Europe that is responsive to the economic and social needs of all groups and people affected by the severe economic crisis of the last ten years, and in particular of workers, the unemployed, the precariat, migrants and other vulnerable groups, also in a gender perspective.
We would like to invite you to attend the conference and to submit proposals for contributions to the workshops.
All papers that present an original perspective on the conference theme '10 years into the crisis – What prospects for a popular political economy in Europe?' are welcome. In particular, we encourage submissions that relate to recent European developments and are specific to one of the following topics
Proposals for papers together with a short abstract (maximum 250 words) should be submitted by 15 May 2018 to If possible, please indicate the topic which the proposal is intended for. If accepted, completed papers should be submitted by 06 September 2018.
We strongly encourage participants to submit short papers (10-12 pages) and to explicitly address policy implications.
If you would like to submit an abstract and/ or participate in the conference, please copy the registration form below into an email and reply to Please note that there is no deadline for registering for participation only.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group. Accepted papers will be published on the conference website and there is also the possibility to publish papers presented at the conference within the EuroMemo Group Discussion Paper Series.
Submission Deadline: 15 May 2018
16-18 July 2018 | Berlin, Germany
The "World Association for Political Economy" - founded in Shanghai in 2006 with significant participation of Chinese Marxists - now has members worldwide, especially also from Japan and India, and holds the annual open forum for the first time in Germany. The thirteenth Forum of the world Associaction for Political Economy on " Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg: Thought Legacy and Contemporary Value" will take place July 16-18, 2018 at Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
How to apply:
Please send a paper abstract of 500 words together with your full curriculum vitae in English to Once your abstract is accepted, please pay your registration fee upon receiving an email for payment. When your payment is confirmed, you will receive an official invitation. Please submit your full paper so that it can be considered for publication in our journals. You also have the option to apply to attend the forum without a paper. Both individual papers and complete panels on the theme and proposed topics are welcome.
Please find more information here.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2018
You can also find more information about past WAPE forums at
16-18 August, 2018 | University of Harare, Zimbabwe
Young Scholars based in Africa are invited to convene in Harare, Zimbabwe. The event serves to strengthen the African network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to attend the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Historical Association in the same trip.
Partner Event: Zimbabwe Historical Association, 4th Annual Conference
ZHA was established in 2014 with one of its aims being to advance the study and publication of Zimbabwean history. It also seeks to bring together scholars from across the humanities and social sciences that have interest in the historical developments on Zimbabwe. This year’s theme is dubbed “Histories of Turning Points and Turning Points in History”. The wheels of history have been triggered, at some points propelled and at others redirected but have never stopped to turn. Events of cataclysmic levels and processes that at times even escape the ordinary eye because they are not as salient, have either been products of turning points or critical in turning history. It is around this very broad framing that the fourth conference of Zimbabwe Historical Association seeks to once again bring together stakeholders in historical studies to deliberate on various thematic issues that feed into the above conference concept.
Calls for Papers
The YSI Africa Convening has 10 Calls for Papers, covering many research areas. You may submit work for presentation to one or two of them. #
The deadline for submission is May 20, 2018.
Please review the Calls for Papers:
The YSI Africa Convening strives to provide an inclusive environment and uphold a balance of gender, nationalities and research interests from across the region. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you in Harare!
Travel support
Partial or full travel support will be available for selected participants
Submit your work
Submit your abstract(s) here. Note that you must be registered on YSD if you’re not already.
Participating Working Groups
Link to the INET website can be found here.
19-21 July, 2018 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Young Scholars based in Latin America are invited to convene in Buenos Aires. The event serves to strengthen the Latin American network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to enjoy several partner events during the same week.
Calls for Papers
The YSI Latin America Convening has 15 Calls for Papers, covering many research areas. You can submit work for presentation to one or two of them. The deadline for submission is April 27.
Abstracts must be submitted in English. Make sure to clearly identify the research problem and research question, to elaborate on the methodology, and to list preliminary findings and/or tentative conclusions.
Full papers are not required, but if submitted, can be in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
If selected, young scholars are encouraged to do their presentations in English, although exceptions will be considered. This is because the convening will bring together people from Latin America and from around the world. If you are not fully comfortable in English, note that this is a good opportunity to practice, enter a global community, and share your work with scholars from different countries. We can assure you that your audience will be friendly, and you will have the support you need.
The YSI Latin America Convening strives to provide an inclusive environment and uphold a balance of gender, nationalities and research interests from across the region. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
You can find the Working Groups’ calls for papers here:
Travel support
Partial or full travel support will be available for selected participants
Partner Events
Practical Information
Activities will be concentrated in the beautiful city center, at walking distance from many local attractions such as the Obelisco, Plaza de Mayo, San Telmo, Recoleta, Congreso, Barrio Norte, and the Theater District, including Teatro Colon.
More about other YSI Regional Convenings can be found here and here.
27-29 August, 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland
The Economics of Innovation Working group and the Economic History Working Group together with the Département d'histoire, économie et société at the University of Geneva, are launching the event Political Economy of Capitalism to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27-28-29 August 2018.
This workshop will explicitly incorporate the socio-political and historical foundations of economic activity in its discussion of phenomena at the core of capitalism. The event will consist of lectures delivered by four distinguished scholar: Prof Mary O’Sullivan, Prof Bruno Amable (UNIGE), Richard Kozul-Wright (UNCTAD), and Prof Cédric Durand (Université Paris 13). Complementary to the workshops provided there will be also the Young Scholars presentations. The targeted audience for presentations consists ofgraduate students, PhD candidates and Postdocs, also members of international organisation with professional interests related to political economy, institutional economics and globalisation.
We seek contributions on themes in political economy related to the distribution of economic resources or the allocation of power. Of particular interest in this regard are contributions on the following topics: capital, profit and rents, and institutions. Although these issues are of central concern for understanding capitalism, they have long been neglected in mainstream economic analysis or treated in ways that ignore their conceptual and empirical complexity.
Selected applicants will be provided with travel stipend and accommodation.
Call for Papers Topics
We seek theoretical and empirical contributions from young scholars studying the economic role and rewards of capital. We are particularly interested in papers that study these issues in the context of the evolving social organisation of capitalism. We welcome scholars from a variety of fields who are working on capital’s role and rewards including the history of economic thought and economic history.
Profits and Rents
The notion of capitalism, both in theoretical and empirical terms, is inextricably linked to ideas and evidence about the generation and appropriation of profit in the economy. Variously linked to risk-bearing, innovation, exploitation or speculation by different economic theories, profits remain difficult to pin down even in conceptual terms. And, from an empirical perspective, the task of tracking profits over time, especially over long periods of time, as well as distinguishing them from rents are major challenges. For all of the complexity of profits and rents, they bear thinking about since the extent to which economies distribute their income in the form of profits and rents is of decisive importance for trends in regional, national and global inequality. In addition, patterns and trends in profits and rents influence investment and disinvestment behaviour and, therefore, the dynamics of economic development in the long run. We are interested, therefore, in theoretical and empirical contributions on various sources of profit and rent, on the measurement challenges involved in capturing both categories of return, as well as studies of contemporary and historical patterns of profit and rent and their implications for the distribution of national income and the exercise of power in the economy.
Intellectual Monopoly in Globalization
The rising importance of knowledge management and intangible assets in Global Value Chains (GVCs) is still largely understudied in the literature. This process of intellectual monopolization has two dimensions. First, wider and stricter Intellectual Property Rights drastically reduce investment opportunities and limit learning and innovation but, at the same time, encourage deeper technological exchanges between countries and organization. The second dimension is radically distinctive from IPRs, but not necessarily less powerful. Network externalities and infinite scalability of intangible assets? can fuel a centralization of the gains arising from cooperation in value chains, with profound implications for development policies. We welcome contributions on the ways that intellectual monopoly expresses itself in the global economy, its origins and its development as well as analyses of cross- country or historical institutional specificities exploring the varieties of rents arising from information networks.
Institutional Change
There is a considerable amount of theoretical and historical work that insists on the central role of institutions in economic dynamics. The fact that the economic mechanisms in capitalist economies coexist with or accommodate varied institutional environments, call for the study of the effects of interacting institutions that define the coherence of a particular institutional structure or an institutionally-specific model of capitalism (either different historical phases of capitalism or cross-country differences within a given phase). In a dynamic perspective, models of capitalism are not eternal since the set of institutions that characterize different models of capitalism are the result of socio-political compromises that are characterised by tensions and contradictions whose development may foster institutional changes. We seek contributions that emphasize the historical interactions between economic dynamics, institutional structures and the evolution of the socio-political balance of power.
You can submit your work here.
Deadline: May 25, 2018
Questions concerning this call may be sent to: and
Link to the workshop website can be found here.
10-12 September 2018 | Puebla, Mexico
For more than a quarter century since the ISEE was founded the international community has developed a substantial corpus of law and agreements that recognize our collective responsibility to attend to our serious global environmental problems while recognizing the extraordinary diversity of societies in our midst. Our colleagues are engaged in significant efforts to identify and understand the underlying obstacles to implementing effective policies that address the limitations of existing institutions while also searching for new approaches to overcome these problems.
In this vein, we have identified a number of important international issues that Ecological Economists are examining as part of our collective effort. Five problems of particular importance identified by our colleagues are:
While this list is not exhaustive, a considerable number of members of the ISEE are engaged in research on these matters. The lack of flexibility of existing institutions in most countries and the capture of many international organizations by entrenched interests (selling uncritical notions of ecological modernization, “sustainable development”, the “circular economy”) are generating complex obstacles for people searching for solutions to clearly identified problems; social and political conflict is intensifying around the world. At the same time, we are discovering that peoples around the world are adopting alternative ways to organize themselves, forging new models of “good living”, oftentimes choosing to live at the margins of their societies rather than open themselves to outside environmental and economic exploitation, and to internal and external colonialism. Ecological economists are discovering that these peoples have much to teach us about possible alternative paths to addressing the challenges. In the terminology of Karl Polanyi, they refuse to be incorporated into the “generalized market system”. Mexico is one of the countries of the world where such social experiments are influential and widespread.
The 2018 ISEE conference especially encourages colleagues examining the problems facing the international community to explore solutions with others engaged in strengthening socio-ecological grassroots organizations. By focusing on interactions among these different communities, we hope to contribute to advancing our understanding of today’s pressing problems, while exploring solutions offered by people outside the traditional circles of influence. In academic terms, we search at the same time for a cross fertilization between ecological economics and political ecology, political economy, ethnoecology, agroecology, climate sciences as well as material and energy systems.
Within this frame of reference, we invite participants to consider organizing their contributions to the discussion within the following general themes:
To participate through the presentation of a paper, poster or a session proposal, please apply here from January 15 until April 30, 2018, by registering and submitting an abstract of no more than 250 words that includes the name of all authors, title, general theme, objective, methods and results, or the justification of the session proposed. These can be submitted in English or in Spanish (ver Convocatoria en Español para más detalles). You will receive a response no later than May 11, 2018.
A three-day Workshop from September 7to 9, will be organized prior to the International Conference as a separate activity to discuss basic principles in Ecological Economics and related disciplines. It will be held in a nearby rural community; this activity will include direct exchanges with peasant and indigenous communities involved in consolidating alternative social models. Additionally, a number of optional one-day post congress tours will be offered to establish contact with peasant and indigenous communities that have reorganized to enrich and diversify their collective lives and protect their ecosystems; these activities will be hosted by the communities themselves with possibilities for translation in English. These reorganization processes become political, social, cultural and, of course, economic strategies; through them they rescue their historical memory, they discard, adopt, and reinvent the ways in which they see the world and assert their ability to govern themselves. They include various examples encompassing agroecology, forestry, small-scale industry, cultural heritage, and political mobilization in the face of domestic developmental policies that are promoting the expansion of transnational capital. If there is interest and “demand”, there is the possibility of arranging longer visits that are further afield or offer the possibility of a deeper understanding of the process and/or a post-Congress vacation. These trips provide a window for introducing the participants to Peoples trying to improve their quality of life and defend their ecosystems. Although each of the options differ among themselves, they all are communitarian efforts to transform their societies while strengthening their cultures on the margins of the nation-state of which they are part.
For enquiries, please write to:
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2018
15-17 August, 2018 | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
The Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB) invites you all to its XI International Conference “The Challenges of the Brazilian Economy: a Keynesian perspective”, which will be held in the Faculty of Economics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – Porto Alegre, Brazil, August 15-17, 2018.
The conference will include four special sessions and several ordinary sessions, in which about 80 papers will be presented, after assessed and approved by the scientific committee described below. The keynote speakers at the special sessions that have already confirmed attendance are Jan Toporovski (SOAS/University of London), Steven Fazzari (Washington University) and Fernando Ferrari Filho (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul).
The areas for paper submission are:
Submission details (for non-Brazilians only; Brazilians should submit through the online submission system):
Send your submission to:
The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm, May 28, at the Brazilian time (BRT -0300)
The Brazilian Keynesian Association will furnish hotel accommodation to all paper presenters. However, participants should afford their travel costs up to Porto Alegre.
Check the location where the Conference happens here.
If you have any query, please contact us through:
The editors of Journal of Labor and Society (LANDS) invite submissions for a special issue on the Mexican workers and labor movement in the contemporary era.
The Mexican working class has undergone a tumultuous and uncertain period of change and reconstitution that has had significant consequences for the Mexican labor movement over the past three decades since the 1976 creation of the Export Processing Zone on the US border, a key attraction for foreign direct investment and industrial and union restructuring, spreading throughout the country after passage of NAFTA. In the last decade since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, given the relatively low wages of Mexican laborers, capital investment has steadily expanded. The domination of the state and capital and ossified and hollowed out labor organizations have contributed to greater FDI flows into the industrial sector. The rejuvenation of industry has not contributed to an organized workers movement, as would be expected. To a degree, low strike rate is indicative of the most repressive state forms of authoritarianism. However, over the past decade, workers have engaged in militant spontaneous labor strikes, which have gone ‘undocumented’ in the mainstream and even labor press.
LANDS invites research and essays evaluating the Mexican labor movement:
All submissions are peer reviewed.
If you would like to submit a manuscript for publication in Journal of Labor and Society, we invite you to do so through the ScholarOne online manuscript submission portal. If you have any questions, email Immanuel Ness, co-editor:
The Journal of Labor and Society: is committed to publishing rigorous scientific into the social, political, economic, and cultural conditions faced by workers worldwide.
Submission to the Journal of Labor and Society now takes place exclusively online through ScholarOne Manuscripts. See the Author Guidelines for detailed instructions on how to submit a manuscript.
4-6 January, 2019 | Atlanta, USA
URPE invites proposals for complete sessions and individual papers for the URPE at ASSA annual meeting. We welcome proposals on radical political economic theory and applied analysis from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives. The deadline for proposed papers and sessions is May 1, 2018.
Proposals for complete sessions are encouraged and should include the session title, a brief description of each paper, and the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of the chair, discussants, and presenters. Proposals for sessions should contain four papers. If you are proposing a complete session, please try to arrange to have discussants for your papers and a chair for your session. As the organizer of this session, you are responsible for conveying administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location, and the deadlines for distributing papers.
Proposals for individual papers should include the title, the abstract, and the author's name, institutional affiliation, and email. Individual papers that are accepted will be assigned to sessions and each session will have an assigned organizer. Individuals whose papers are accepted may also be asked to serve as a discussant in a different session at the meetings.
We regret that high quality individual papers may be turned down due to the inability to place them in a session with papers with similar themes. The number of sessions we can have is limited by ASSA, and we regret that high-quality session proposals may also have to be turned down.
You should receive word from URPE about the decision on your session or paper by late June. The date and time of sessions are assigned by the AEA at the end of August.
Please note that anyone who presents a paper (but not the chairs or discussants) must be a current member of URPE at the time of submission of the paper or panel proposal. Submissions are checked, anyone not current with their dues is notified, and then proposals are deleted if membership is not made current. Membership information is available by clicking here.
Applications for individual papers should be made to URPE@ASSA Individual Paper Proposals, or for complete session submissions to URPE@ASSA Complete Session Proposals. If you have questions or problems with the online submission, please contact Armagan Gezici.
Proposals submitted after the May 1 deadline will not be considered.
For questions about the meetings, please contact the URPE at ASSA coordinator, Armagan Gezici.
See the American Economic Association website for general logistical information about the conference and our past programs page for more information on sessions at the conference.
6-8 December 2018 | Giessen, Germany
By Pierre Benz (University of Lausanne), Jens Maesse (University of Giessen), Stephan Pühringer (University of Linz) and Thierry Rossier (University of Lausanne)
Deadline for proposals of 200-500 words: 30 June 2018
Deadline for paper proposals: 10 November 2018
Economics as an academic discipline and a profession has gained influence and power during the last decades, in many countries and in several social spheres. The forms of power, domination and authority that open up different channels of influence for economics are complex and widespread; but economics is not only a source of power, it is also the product of power and domination through discourses, fields, networks and other means and tools.
For example, economists occupy positions at the top of the institutional hierarchy in different sectors, such as banks and firms, the state and media as well as within academia. They serve as consultants and advisors in several policy fields ranging from fiscal to health and social security policy. Economists are appointed to boards of big corporations, as governance experts, high civil servants and central bankers. Economists are also part of consulting teams for newspapers and other media, regularly publish op-eds and lead articles and thus exert influence on public debates. Actually, leading newspapers in the German-Speaking area have started to establish their own economists ranking based on their impact in several societal spheres.
Additionally, economists have become a dominant professional group, compared to traditional professions and other social science disciplines. At the international level, economists work in influential organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and the ECB. They have also been able to constitute one of the most advanced examples of an international scientific field, resulting from a long process of standardization of practices, careers and curricula, as well as an adoption of external technical tools from mathematics and physics.
Yet, economists do not form a homogeneous group and their power is unequally distributed amongst members of the profession. Strong hierarchies, compared to other academic disciplines and professions, characterize economics. There are only few expressions for alternative approaches compared to the dominant orthodoxy in the field. This hierarchy, combined with a strong insularity of their field, helps to define a sentiment of self-confidence and superiority among group members. Economists face a strong imbalance in the distribution of related capitals and this stratification of the profession has implications on some features of their profiles. Economists are clearly under-feminised and it can also be hypothesized that for the most part they come from high social backgrounds. Women, individuals with a working class background and individuals with a particularly local profile are more or less excluded from resources in terms of chairs, research funds, grants and editorial board positions. Nonetheless, such individuals are sometimes able to oppose real challenges to the dominant actors of the field.
The idea of our workshop is to understand economics as a phenomenon that is involved in many different power games. Power, authority and domination cannot be reduced to sovereignty, ideology and strategic capacities. It is rather a complex phenomenon that accounts for the special role of economics in current societies. However, we will discuss the following aspects of power, related to economics as an academic discipline and social profession:
The diverse forms of power of the profession as well as the various challenges it has been confronted with lately need to be analysed from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective. The support of diverse disciplines such as sociology, history, political science, linguistics or economics are definitely needed in this process, alongside various theoretical approaches, methodological orientations and materials: field analysis, social network analysis, discourse analysis, life-course analysis, interview surveys, ethnography, bibliometrics, historical sources analysis and so many more.
Selected papers of our workshop will be invited to contribute to our forthcoming book project. In order to facilitate this process, we ask everybody to submit a paper proposal of about 6000 to 10.000 words until 10 November 2018.
23 May 2018 | London, United Kingdom
Enhancing access to formal financial services - i.e. transactions, payments, savings, credit and insurance - and providing appropriate financial education has become an important policy agenda in high-income countries and emerging economies alike. Such financial inclusion is argued to lift low-income and disadvantaged individuals from poverty and promote economic growth. But rising wealth inequality and the recent financial crisis revealed that increasing financial commitments of households threaten financial stability and economic prosperity in the context of a deregulated and profit-oriented financial sector. The aim of this masterclass is to rethink the evidence and examine the sustainability of financial inclusion policies, as well as to consider alternative practices to combat poverty, inequality, and promote growth under current institutional structures of globalised financial markets.
The event is open to PhD students and Early-Career Researchers whose work relates to the topics of finance, economic stability, poverty, distribution, and development. Alongside lectures from distinguished speakers, there will be an interactive research session, where participants will break out into roundtables to discuss how their own research informs the debates discussed in the lectures, and will work towards producing a list of policy action points and issues for further research. By sharing experiences, learning from top experts in the field, and taking part in the interactive research session, participants will develop their research and professional skills, and will be invited to submit their work to the Innovation, Knowledge and Development Research Centre Working Paper Series.
Speakers include: Sharon Collard (University of Bristol and Financial Inclusion Commission), Gary Dymski (University of Leeds) and Jonquil Lowe (The Open University)
We are offering 15 bursaries of £40 each (on a first come first serve basis) to contribute towards travel expenses for doctoral students.
To find out more about the program and registration please click on the links.
16-20 July 2018 | Paris, France
AFD proposes a series of lectures specialized in the field of macroeconomic modeling, integrating the theoretical aspects linked to the low carbon transition.
The lectures, entirely taught in English, are intended for PhD students in economics or a similar background. Knowledge of R programming is highly appreciated.
The lectures will take place on 16-20 July in AFD’s headquarters in Paris.
Application Deadline: 20 May 2018
Further details can be found at the summer school website.
3-4 September 2018 | Wawrick United Kingdom
For Early Career Researchers, writing and publishing journal papers is an essential, yet often daunting, task. How to set up your original research and speak to existing debates? How to turn your PhD chapters into standalone pieces? How to tailor your writing to specific journals? How do the peer review processes work? Especially when it comes to journal submissions, these are real challenges. At the same time, pressures to publish have never been greater. For individual scholars, this can be a difficult, often frustrating task. This first WCF ‘Writeshop’ is an attempt to tackle these issues head-on by providing detailed feedback on manuscripts and additional peer support in their preparation for journal submission.
After receiving great feedback for the open and collaborative format of last year’s WCF Workshop, the Warwick Critical Finance (WCF) group decided to take the concept further. Our idea is to organise a ‘Writeshop’: to work with manuscripts that are close to submission and—plainly speaking—“make them publishable” in what we hope will be an intellectually stimulating, productive, and supportive environment.
Experienced editors and editorial board members will provide individual advice and answer questions about journals’ interests, requirements and peer-review processes.
We will work in small review groups to provide feedback on the submitted pieces. Participants are expected to read and give detailed written feedback on two dedicated papers prior to the workshop, and to then discuss them with the authors during the workshop.
The WCF Workshop will include the following activities and more:
Participating Editors and Editorial Board Members
Please find our Call for Papers here.
Limited funding is available to support travel expenses for a number of unfunded participants. If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please include a short case for support (max. 200 words) when submitting your abstract.
Application deadline: 16 May 2018
2 May 2018 | Leeds, United Kingdom
IIPPE and the University of Leeds would like to invite you to our upcoming workshop “Systems of Provision – Foundations, applications and possibilities” taking place at the University of Leeds on 2 May 2018.
Systems of Provision is an approach designed to address wicked interdisciplinary problems:
Systems of Provision has been developed to address such questions. Originating in Political Economy (rather than economics), it offers a realist and interdisciplinary research methodology that enables a more useful and appropriate basis for policy than other approaches, and hence is also better positioned to attract large research grants.
This workshop provides a unique opportunity to engage with the inventor of the Systems of Provision approach – world-leading political economist Professor Ben Fine – who will introduce and discuss the approach in his keynote address and will be available to answer questions throughout the day.
The University of Leeds has played a major role in mainstreaming the Systems of Provision approach and widening its applications, by applying it to study the provision of housing and water (FESSUD), infrastructure (iBuild), waste (CVORR) and sustainable prosperity (Lili). The workshop will build on and discuss these major advances, with a view to strengthening existing research collaborations and developing future projects.
Aims of the workshop
Who should attend?
The workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines who already work with the Systems of Provision approach or are interested in learning about it.
The number of participants is limited, and places will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. To register, please send an email to Elke Pirgmaier
Job title: (full-time) Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics (Microeconomics)
The Department of Economics at Dickinson College invites applications for a visiting position at the Assistant Professor level for the 2018-19 academic year with the possibility of renewal for a second year. The primary teaching responsibilities include introductory microeconomics and one or more upper-level electives. The teaching load is five courses per year. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with qualifications.
Dickinson College is a highly selective four-year, independent liberal arts college with 2,300 students. It is located in historic Carlisle, PA, twenty minutes west of Harrisburg and a two-hour drive from Baltimore, Washington, DC and Philadelphia.
Candidates for the position should have already earned a Ph.D. in economics or be near completion of such a degree. Teaching experience is required, and demonstrated excellence in teaching and the ability to create inclusive learning environments for an increasingly diverse student body will be an important characteristic of the successful candidate. We encourage applications from all qualified persons.
Candidates should submit via online application system at, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, sample syllabi, and teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Questions can be sent to the department coordinator, Tammy Evelhoch.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Please find the official job posting here.
Job Title: (full-time) Visiting Assistant Professor, General Economics and Teaching
Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY, invite applications for a one-year visiting position with a full-time (3-2) teaching load to begin July 1, 2018.
The position requires a willingness to teach two sections of ECON 160, a one-semester introduction to economics, as well as three topics courses in their area/s of specialization. One would be at the 200-level, requiring only the introductory course as a prerequisite, and one would be at the 300-level, requiring intermediate theory as a prerequisite.
The fifth course would be mutually decided on with the department chair. An ability to offer a course on economics and gender and/or feminist economics would be highly desirable.Prior teaching experience is required; applicants should have a Ph.D. but ABD applicants may be considered. Candidates should submit a letter of application, C.V., evidence of successful teaching experience, and three letters of recommendations via the online JOE application process. Please contact Ms. Cindy Warren, Academic Department Coordinator (Economics), if there are any questions.
Applications must be received by April 15th, 2018 to be guaranteed full consideration but will be accepted until the position is filled.
Hobart and William Smith Colleges are committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living and working environment for all members of the HWS community, including students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors. HWS prohibits discrimination and harassment in their programs and activities on the basis of age, color, disability, domestic violence victim status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected under the law. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct including stalking and intimate partner violence, and gender based harassment that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
Founded as Hobart College for men and William Smith College for women, Hobart and William Smith Colleges today are a highly selective residential liberal arts institution with a single administration, faculty and curriculum but separate dean’s offices, student governments, athletic programs and traditions. The Colleges are located in a small diverse city in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. With an enrollment of approximately 2,000, the Colleges offer 62 different majors and minors from which students choose two areas of concentration. Creative and extensive programs of international study and public service are also at the core of the Colleges’ mission.
Application Requirements
Application Deadline: 15 May 2018
Link to the job posting can be found here.
Job Title: Managing Editor
The position is located in the International Labour Review Section (REVUE) of the ILO Research Department (RESEARCH).
REVUE has overall responsibility for the production, publication and dissemination of the International Labour Review (ILR), which is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of international scope in labour and employment studies. Published quarterly since 1921, in English, French and Spanish by decision of the ILO Governing Body and under the responsibility of the ILO Research Department, the ILR aims to advance academic research and inform policy debate and decision-making in all fields related to the world of work (economics, law, industrial relations, social policy, sociology, development studies, etc.) by publishing and bringing together the original thinking of academics and experts in those fields. The ILR also features concise reports on current developments considered to be of particular interest to those working in these fields and reviews of recent major publications. It is committed to an editorial policy that combines accessibility with rigorous, insightful analysis and the highest scholarly standards.
The position reports to the Director of RESEARCH.
Specific Duties
Further details can be found here.
We are looking to hire an excellent postdoctoral researcher to join the SWFs EUROPE project funded by the European Research Council. This is a great opportunity to join a team carrying out multidisciplinary research on the political economy of sovereign wealth funds. The postdoc will research new modes of development finance and the political economy of strategic investment funds (aka sovereign development funds), primarily in the Global South. This includes understanding the role of multilateral financial institutions, donor governments in the Global North, and the financial services industry. Social scientists that have completed a PhD with knowledge and research experience in ‘political economy and development finance’ broadly defined are encouraged to apply.
Further details about the position can be found here.
Any questions about the position or the project may be addressed to
Please apply before 30 May 2018.
Job Title: Project Manager, Economic Research
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization in Canada. Located in Ottawa, SCC has a Governing Council comprised of up to 13 members and a staff of approximately 100. The organization reports to Parliament through Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and oversees Canada's standardization network.
Job Summary and Key Activities
Reporting to the Manager, Research, the Project Manager provides economic and data analysis, policy support and advice on a range of topics and issues affecting standardization, to enable SCC to deliver on its annual strategic objectives and mandate. Working as part of the Communications & Corporate Planning (CCPB) Branch, this position works cross-functionally with other team members to achieve organizational effectiveness in the development and delivery of economic research and analysis, pertinent policy-related positions, programs, projects, and priorities of the organization.
Key Activities
Essential Qualifications
An undergraduate degree in economics, science, or an equivalent discipline; a Master’s degree is preferred.
A minimum of 3 years of experience in conducting research and policy analysis
Duration:Temporary (1 year) / Full Time Classification
Salary: $51,900 - $64,800
Application Deadline: 25 April 2018
Please find the original job posting as well as more information here.
Job Title: Assistant Professor
The Institute of lnstitutional and Heterodox Economics is currently inviting applications in the field of "economic policy and institutional economics" for a 100% (40 hours/week) Assistant Professor position, tenure track (post-doc).
The successful candidate is expected to cultivate an environment of excellence and collaboration to contribute to the research, teaching, and service activities of the Institute of Institutional and Heterodox Economics and the Department of Economics. She/He conducts applied quantitative research related to economic policy, in particular labour market policy, feminist economics and/or education policy, with an emphasis on the role of institutional settings. She/He has the background that allows her/him to interact both with the Institute's members and the rest of the members of the Department of Economics.
She/He provides teaching skills which correspond to the institute's duties at Bachelor's (Economic Policy; Political Economy and History of Economic Thought; lnstitutional Economics) and Master's (Economic Policy; Heterodox Economics) level.
Application Deadline: 25 April 2018
For further information please consult that website
The editorial team of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (RHETM) is delighted to announce the winner of this year's Warren Samuels Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology.
The esteemed members of our editorial board have awarded the prize to D. Wade Hands for his paper "Hypothetical Pattern Explanations in Economic Science: Hayek's Explanation of the Principle and Pattern Prediction Meets Contemporary Philosophy of Science." Professor Hands' paper will appear in the forthcoming symposium "Bruce Caldwell's Beyond Positivism After 35 Years", to be published as part of our first 2018 issue.
We take this opportunity to remind you that all papers approved for publication in RHETM throughout 2018 will be considered eligible for next years' Samuels Prize, which carries a US$1,000 award.
Justin Leiby: The role of consultants and management prestige in management control system adoption
Sean A. Dennis, Karla M. Johnstone: A natural field experiment examining the joint role of audit partner leadership and subordinates’ knowledge in fraud brainstorming
Darlene Himick, Marion Brivot: Carriers of ideas in accounting standard-setting and financialization: The role of epistemic communities
Vaughan S. Radcliffe, Crawford Spence, Mitchell Stein, Brett Wilkinson: Professional repositioning during times of institutional change: The case of tax practitioners and changing moral boundaries
Ina Lehmann, Adrian Martin, Janet A. Fisher: Why Should Ecosystem Services Be Governed to Support Poverty Alleviation? Philosophical Perspectives on Positions in the Empirical Literature
Gianluca Grilli, John Curtis, Stephen Hynes, Paul O’Reilly: Sea Bass Angling in Ireland: A Structural Equation Model of Catch and Effort
Erez Yerushalmi: Using Water Allocation in Israel as a Proxy for Imputing the Value of Agricultural Amenities
Cécile Hediger, Mehdi Farsi, Sylvain Weber: Turn It Up and Open the Window: On the Rebound Effects in Residential Heatin
Carlos Valente, Catarina I. Gonçalves, Fernanda Monteiro, João Gaspar, Margarida Silva, Miguel Sottomayor, Maria Rosa Paiva, Manuela Branco: Economic Outcome of Classical Biological Control: A Case Study on the Eucalyptus Snout Beetle, Gonipterus platensis, and the Parasitoid Anaphes nitens
Zhaoyang Liu, Andreas Kontoleon: Meta-Analysis of Livelihood Impacts of Payments for Environmental Services Programmes in Developing Countries
Radomír Mach, Jan Weinzettel, Milan Ščasný: Environmental Impact of Consumption by Czech Households: Hybrid Input–Output Analysis Linked to Household Consumption Data
William L. Huth, David M. McEvoy, O. Ashton Morgan: Controlling an Invasive Species through Consumption: The Case of Lionfish as an Impure Public Good
Jan Kovanda, Jan Weinzettel, Karl SchoerWhat Makes the Difference in Raw Material Equivalents Calculation Through Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis?
Laura Guéorguieva-Bringuier, Fiona Ottaviani: Opposition and Isomorphism with the Neoliberal Logic in Community Exchange Systems
Ryan A. Fitch, Yeon Su Kim: Incorporating Ecosystem Health and Fire Resilience Within the Unified Economic Model of Fire Program Analysis
Heinz Welsch, Jan Kühling: How Green Self Image is Related to Subjective Well-Being: Pro-Environmental Values as a Social Norm
Raphael Asada, Tobias Stern: Competitive Bioeconomy? Comparing Bio-based and Non-bio-based Primary Sectors of the World
Giulia Ceccantoni, Ornella Tarola, Skerdilajda Zanaj: Green Consumption and Relative Preferences in a Vertically Differentiated International Oligopoly
Joung Hun Lee, Yuki Kubo, Takahiro Fujiwara, Ratih Madya Septiana, Slamet Riyanto, Yoh Iwasa: Profit Sharing as a Management Strategy for a State-owned Teak Plantation at High Risk for Illegal Logging
Richard N. Belcher, Ryan A. Chisholm: Tropical Vegetation and Residential Property Value: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis in Singapore
Genowefa Blundo-Canto, Vincent Bax, Marcela Quintero, Gisella S. Cruz-Garcia, Rolf A. Groeneveld, Lisset Perez-Marulanda: The Different Dimensions of Livelihood Impacts of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) Schemes: A Systematic Review
Hyunhong Choi, Yoonmo Koo: Using Contingent Valuation and Numerical Methods to Determine Optimal Locations for Environmental Facilities: Public Arboretums in South Korea
Laure Kuhfuss, Julie Subervie: Do European Agri-environment Measures Help Reduce Herbicide Use? Evidence From Viticulture in France
Veronika Stolbova, Irene Monasterolo, Stefano Battiston: A Financial Macro-Network Approach to Climate Policy Evaluation
Melissa M. Kreye, Damian C. Adams, Holly K. Ober: Protecting Imperiled Wildlife Species on Private Lands: Forest Owner Values and Response to Government Interventions
Sergio Marrocoli, Tsegaye Tagesse Gatiso, David Morgan, Martin Reinhardt Nielsen, Hjalmar Kühl: Environmental Uncertainty and Self-monitoring in the Commons: A Common-pool Resource Experiment Framed Around Bushmeat Hunting in the Republic of Congo
Laetitia Pettinotti, Amaia de Ayala, Elena Ojea: Benefits From Water Related Ecosystem Services in Africa and Climate Change
Methodological and Ideological Options
J. Haavard Maridal, Les Palich, Grant Morgan, Steven Gardner, Joe McKinney, Corneliu Bolbocean: Wellbeing Indices: A Comprehensive Inventory of Standards and a Review of Current Comparative Measures
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath: The Case for a New Discipline: Technosphere Science
Makoto Ehara, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Ren'ya Sato, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Kunio Araya, Heng Sokh, Ryo Kohsaka: Addressing Maladaptive Coping Strategies of Local Communities to Changes in Ecosystem Service Provisions Using the DPSIR Framework
M.E. Kragt, F.L. Gibson, F. Maseyk, K.A. Wilson: Corrigendum to “Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits” [Ecol. Econ. (2016) 125–131]
Brian Chaffin, Lance Gunderson, and Barbara Cosens: Practicing Panarchy: Assessing Legal Flexibility, Ecological Resilience, and Adaptive Governance in U.S. Regional Water Systems Experiencing Climate Change
Timothy Karpouzoglou, Laura Pereira, Per Olsson, and Niki Frantzeskaki: Designing Transformative Spaces for Sustainability in Social-Ecological Systems
Evelyn Pinkerton, Melanie Wiber, Paul Foley, and Robert Stephenson: Full-Spectrum Evaluation of Sustainability: Insights from Fisheries in Canada
Danièle Magda, Christo Fabricius, Xavier Arnauld de Sartre, and Roger Martin-Clouaire: Ecosystem Services for Agroecological Transitions
Trevor Evans: The economic expansion in the US since 2009 and Donald Trump's ambitions to ‘drain the swamp’
Thomas I. Palley: Monetary policy and the punch bowl: the case for quantitative policy and wage growth targeting
Christian A. Belabed: Income distribution, the Great Depression, and the relative income hypothesis
Ricardo Ramalhete Moreira: Alternative economic policy under a regime with inflation targeting, primary surpluses and a floating exchange rate: an analysis for developing economies
Andrew B. Trigg and Ricardo Azevedo Araujo: A multi-sectoral approach to the Harrod foreign trade multiplier
Marjolein 't Hart, Pepijn Brandon, Rafael Torres Sánchez: Introduction: maximising revenues, minimising political costs – challenges in the history of public finance of the early modern period
Pepijn Brandon:The whole art of war is reduced to money: remittances, short-term credit and financial intermediation in Anglo-Dutch military finance
Elisabeth Kaske: Austerity in times of war: government finance in early nineteenth-century China
Reflections and Pathways
Patrick Karl O'Brien: The costs and benefits of mercantilist warfare
Heinz Dieterich: Past, Present and Future of World Socialism
He Bingmeng: An Analysis of the Anti-socialist Nature of Neo-liberalism
George Liodakis: Capital, Economic Growth, and Socio-Ecological Crisis: A Critique of De-Growth
Stefano G. Azzarà: An Intellectual Mass-Transformism: Restoration and Postmodern Passive Revolution in the Neo-liberal Cycle
Julian Eagles: The Situationists, Marcuse and the “Great Refusal” of the “Hopeless Cases”: The Socially Marginalized, Rebellion and Revolution
Mushahid Hussain: Contesting, (Re)producing or Surviving Precarity? Debates on Precarious Work and Informal Labor Reexamined
Mark Blum: The Role of Group Dynamics in the Transformation of Society toward Democratic “Solidarity”
David Laibman: The Russian Revolution at 100: Sorting through the Interpretations
Wesley C. Marshall: Guest Editor’s Introduction
Original Articles
Alejandro Vanoli: Managing Monetary Policy and Financial Supervision in Argentina: Historical Analysis and Present Neoliberal Challenges—A Personal Account
Marcos Costa Lima & Gustavo de Andrade Rocha: The Dismantling of Brazilian Democracy: International Capital and Rentier Elites
José Déniz & Wesley C. Marshall: Latin American Structuralism and Current Financialization
Gregorio Vidal: Latin America: Limits to Alternative Economic Policies
Alberto Couriel & Eugenia Correa: External Constraints on Development in Latin America: Theory and Practice
Gábor István Bíró: Changing knowledge in the early economic thought of Michael Polanyi
Walter Hyll: Relative concerns at the workplace: on the design of the firm as a social space
Sierdjan Koster & Martin Andersson: When is your experience valuable? Occupation-industry transitions and self-employment success
Daniela Grieco: Innovation and stock market performance: A model with ambiguity-averse agents
Tomoo Kikuchi & George Vachadze: Minimum investment requirement, financial market imperfection and self-fulfilling belief
Lars P. Metzger: Evolution and correlated equilibrium
Ilkka Leppänen: Evolutionarily stable conjectures and other regarding preferences in duopoly games
Nejat Anbarci, Pedro Gomis-Porqueras & Marcus Pivato: Evolutionary stability of bargaining and price posting: implications for formal and informal activities
Michele Gori & Giorgio Ricchiuti: A dynamic exchange rate model with heterogeneous agents
Tobias Scholl, Antonios Garas & Frank Schweitzer: The spatial component of R&D networks
Kenza El Qaoumi, Pascal Le Masson, Benoit Weil & Aytunç Ün: Testing evolutionary theory of household consumption behavior in the case of novelty - a product characteristics approach
David Haas: Diffusion of a new intermediate product in a simple ‘classical-Schumpeterian’ model
Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka: Vertical differentiation in oligopoly and license fees when outside innovator can enter the market: Two-step auction
João P. Romero and John S. L. McCombie: Thirlwall's law and the specification of export and import functions
Fabrizio Patriarca: The effects of aging on notional defined contribution pension systems: A theoretical investigation
Raffaella Barone, Domenico Delle Side and Donato Masciandaro: Drug trafficking, money laundering and the business cycle: Does secular stagnation include crime?
Mariangela Bonasia and Rosaria Rita Canale: Long-run macro drivers of citizens’ mood in European institutions: An empirical assessment
Hiroki Murakami: A two-sector Keynesian model of business cycles
Theodore Mariolis: A Sraffian (no) trade-off between autonomous demand and transfer payments
J. W. Mason and Arjun Jayadev: A comparison of monetary and fiscal policy interaction under ‘sound’ and ‘functional’ finance regimes
Marco Maria Sorge: Indeterminacy and fundamental reduced form representations of DSGE models
Óscar Dejuán and Daniel Dejuán-Bitriá: A predator–prey model to explain cycles in credit-led economies
Emiliano Libman: Inflation targeting when devaluations are contractionary
Ilhan Dögüs: A Minskyan critique of the financial constraint approach to financialization
Eladio Febrero, Jorge Uxó and Fernando Bermejo: The financial crisis in the eurozone: a balance-of-payments crisis with a single currency?
Sergio Cesaratto: The nature of the eurocrisis: a reply to Febrero, Uxó and Bermejo
Eladio Febrero, Jorge Uxó and Fernando Bermejo: A rejoinder to Sergio Cesaratto
Bradley Bordiss and Vishnu Padayachee: Rebalancing Keynes's contribution
Peter Temin and David Vines: Comment on ‘Rebalancing Keynes's contribution’ by Bordiss and Padayachee
Carlo Cristiano and Maria Cristina Marcuzzo: John Maynard Keynes: the economist as investor*
Cecilia A. Green, Yan Liu: A “Transnational Middleman Minority” in the Eastern Caribbean? Constructing a Historical and Contemporary Framework of Analysis.
Leo Couacaud: Begging as Reciprocity in Jamaican Urban Low-Income Communities
Collin Constantine: The Rise of Income Inequality in Guyana
Tennyson S. D. Joseph: The Intellectual Under Neo-liberal Hegemony in the English-Speaking Caribbean
Talia Esnard, Christine Descartes, Sandra Evans, Kyneata Joseph: Framing Our Professional Identity: Experiences of Emerging Caribbean Academics
Caroline Shenaz Hossein: A Case Study of the Influence of Garveyism among the African Diaspora
Cheryl Ann Phillips-Hall, Carlos L. Rodriguez, and Craig S. Galbraith: A Note on the Factorial Structure of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Services (MBI-GS) for Trinidad and Tobago Management Level Employees
Arthur MacEwan: Puerto Rico: Suffering the “Dutch Disease” in Reverse
Bruno Cousin; Shamus Khan; Ashley Mears: Theoretical and methodological pathways for research on elites
Anton Grau Larsen; Christoph Houman Ellersgaard: The inner circle revisited: the case of an egalitarian society
François Denord; Paul Lagneau-Ymonet; Sylvain Thine: Primus inter pares? The French field of power and its power elite
Jules Naudet; Adrien Allorant; Mathieu Ferry: Heirs, corporate aristocrats and ‘Meritocrats’: the social space of top CEOs and Chairmen in India
Maren Toft: Upper-class trajectories: capital-specific pathways to power
Megan Tobias Neely: Fit to be king: how patrimonialism on Wall Street leads to inequality
Rachel Sherman: ‘A very expensive ordinary life’: consumption, symbolic boundaries and moral legitimacy among New York elites
Isabelle Bruno; Grégory Salle: ‘Before long there will be nothing but billionaires!’ The power of elites over space on the Saint-Tropez peninsula
By Dario Azzellini | 2018, Haymarket Books
A sweeping, insightful history from below of the Bolivarian Revolution and its efforts to build socialism in the 21st century.
Too often the story of Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution is told with an excessive focus on former president Hugo Chávez. In this history from below, Dario Azellini turns our attention toward the ways workers, peasants, and the poor in urban communities have led the struggle for 21st century socialism. This fascinating account draws on extensive empirical studies and participant interviews.
Link to the book can be found here.
By Beat Weber | 2018, Cambridge University Press
A lack of confidence in monetary and financial institutions after the Global Financial Crisis has led to a resurgence of public debate on the topic of monetary reform, reaching a level of political prominence unprecedented since the period after the Great Depression. Whether privatizing money with Bitcoin, regionalizing it with Regional Currencies, or turning it into a state monopoly with either „Sovereign Money“ (aka „Vollgeld“ in German language) or „Modern Monetary Theory“, the only economic utopians able to draw public attention in our post-crash world seem to be monetary reformers. Combining Minsky-inspired economics with literature on governance and legitimacy, the book compares and discusses these monetary reform proposals. Criticising a number of popular misconceptions underlying them, the text aims at elaborating an improved understanding of the economic and institutional realities of the contemporary monetary system.
Link to the book can be found here.
By Howard Sherman and Paul Sherman | 2018, Routledge
There is enormous inequality between the income and wealth of the richest 1 percent and all other Americans. This book puts forward new evidence to show that changes in economic inequality are primarily due to characteristics inherent in the standard operation of capitalist institutions. Furthermore, the authors seek to explain the cycle of boom and bust by considering political and social factors often overlooked by conservative economists. This book also explores how wealth influences political policies in a way that increases economic inequality even more than its present level. Through analysis of American political and economic institutions, Inequality, Boom, and Bust presents concrete steps for an activist, progressive policy to greatly reduce inequality through free healthcare, free higher education, and reduced unemployment.
Link to the book can be found here.
By Suzanne J. Konzelmann, Simon Deakin, Marc Fovargue-Davies and Frank Wilkinson | 2018, Routledge
Following the 2008 "global" financial crisis, the viability of globalised financial capitalism was called into question. The resulting fear and uncertainty produced a momentary return to "Keynesian" policies. But as soon as emergency stimuli – and bank bail-outs – appeared to stabilise the situation, there was a sharp reversal; and successive British governments and the financial sector have since attempted to return to business as usual. In this book, these apparently inexplicable shifts in the conventional wisdom and the accompanying policy paradigm are explored through the lens of the interest groups that have jostled for position since the second industrial revolution. In this context, inequality, poverty, free market capitalism and the social welfare state have interacted in an uneasy, dynamic dance – the "insecurity cycle". The authors explore these interactions, their impact on the relationship between society and the economy, and the possible implications of Brexit and a re-energised political left.
Link to the book can be found here.
MA in International Economics
The Master in International Economics provides students with a critical understanding of current debates in economics, including heterodox economics in particular. The programme has a strongly international approach and aims to integrate an understanding of theoretical controversies, historical developments and contemporary policy disputes. It also contains an interdisciplinary component reflecting the importance that social and political institutions play in shaping economic developments, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and it will equip students with the skills to pursue internationally oriented careers with government and non-government organisations, research institutes, think tanks, trade unions, international organisations and international businesses, as well as to apply for PhD programmes. Courses are taught entirely in English.
The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April, and ends for students with a German Bachelor’s degree on 15 June; for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree on 30 May. For more information please see this website.
MA in Political Economy of European Integration
The Master in Political Economy of European Integration offers an extraordinary, interdisciplinary Master programme, combining critical research in political sciences and sociology, law, and (heterodox) macroeconomics. The programme covers different dimensions of European integration such as environment and energy, labour and social reproduction, as well as money and trade, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and enables students to participate professionally in the processes of European integration and to pursue international careers with European institutions and with governments as well as business organisations, trade unions, non-governmental organisations and institutions of policy formulation and research in the member states of the EU. Courses are taught entirely in English.
The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April, and ends for students with a German Bachelor’s degree on 15 June; for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree on 30 May. For more information please see this website.
The objective of the new EPOG programme (EPOG 2.0) is to rethink targeted competencies in macroeconomics, innovation and economic development through the lens of the imperative ecological transition to a low-carbon economy. This is the purpose of EPOG 2.0, an innovative master program that articulates systematically how sustainability issues penetrate macroeconomic policy-making, innovation trends, corporate responsibility and development activity.
The core design of the EPOG 2.0 Master’s relies on the development of an expertise in a specific field and a general understanding of interdependencies among economic policies with a precise, consistent and continuous course progression: semester 1 and 2 for the basics of the specialization, semester 3 for advanced courses and for providing a common culture to all the students, semester 4 for enhancing and applying learning outcomes in the context of a research lab or of a “professional environment”.
The programme relies 9 prestigious universities:
Please note that for the 2018-2020 cohort, the announced EMJMD scholarships will only be awarded if our application for an EMJMD grant gets approved. These scholarships are in no way guaranteed.
Students can apply for an EMJMD scholarship (programme countries scholarships or partner countries scholarships, depending on student’s nationality).
More information on scholarships HERE.
Deadline is Mai 2, 2018 at 18:00 (Paris time).
Please anticipate the fact that the application process is quite long and that it is recommended to start as early as possible. Note also that two recommendation letters are needed to apply and have to be provided by the deadline.
Please also consider thoroughly the options you wish to apply for since the focus of courses, the degrees they lead to and the host institutions and countries differ according to the option and major.
More information on application procedure HERE.
Call for Applications
The Union for Radical Political Economics invites doctoral candidates in any discipline with an approved dissertation proposal in the area of radical political economics to apply for the URPE Dissertation Fellowship. The URPE dissertation fellow will receive $5,000 to support their dissertation writing during the 2018-19 academic year.
Applicants should submit:
Please click here to submit an application.
Letters of reference should be submitted directly by the letter writer to
Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2018.
The recipient will be announced by July 1, 2018.
There used to be a History of Economics Newsletter produced by British historians of economic thought. Having first appeared in November 1968, it was for many years a valued channel of communication between historians of economic thought the world over. Throughout its 87 issues the newsletter carried book reviews by leading historians of economic thought, notes about various HET initiatives and minutes of conference paper discussions.
To celebrate the 50 anniversary of the annual British History of Economic Thought conference and its accompanying Newsletter, the full series is now available online on the THETS website. Happy reading!