Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 232 June 25, 2018 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

Bringing a pluralist approach to economics into the classroom represents a specific challenge for scholars in heterodox economics and political economy. It is a specific challenge not only because a pluralist take is a novel experience for many students, but also because the covered material is typically less canonical and concepetually homogenous than the presentation of a standard introductory economics textbook. Against this backdrop, it comes as no surprise that there exists quite a breadth of online resources for textbooks, teaching material and course syllabi, which partly substitutes for the function of standard textbooks and, at the same time, allows for considering a greater variety of approaches towards doing and teaching economics. It is, hence, great to see that the current issue of the International Journal for Pluralism in Economics and Economic Education complements these efforts by providing a timely collection of papers on "teaching inequality in an age of pluralism".

To further improve the accessibility of these resources, I thought it would probably be useful to collect a series of best-practice cases on pluralist teaching. Hence, I hereby urge you to send me material on courses in economic and political economy from a pluralist perspective, which you would consider exceptionally well-done or in any other way archetypical or exemplary for what a pluralist approach to teaching economics should look like. You can send any suggestion to newsletter@heterodoxnews.com and I will be glad to present some of your submissions in future editorials or compile a set of "best-practice" examples for the Heterodox Economics Directory and related archives!

Finally, let me remind you that the Newsletter now switches into its "summer mode", which implies that the Newsletter will only appear every four weeks during the next two months.

All the best,


© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

4th International Conference on "Labor Theory of Value and the Social Sciences" (Brasilia, Oct. 2018)

18-19 October, 2018 | Brasilia, Brazil

We invite submissions that raise (or answer) questions on Marxian Labor Theory of Value and its role in Social Sciences. Papers should address the following topics:

  1. Revolutions and Counterrevolutions – a historical balance and 170th anniversary of Communist Manifesto
  2. Political Economy of New Latin American Coup D’État and Authoritarianism
  3. Labor Value Theory and Crises 4) Labor reforms and reduction of social rights in a global perspective
  4. Social Policies and crises of capital
  5. Political theory, authoritarianism and democracy
  6. Gender, race and class
  7. Imperialism, Dependency and Latin America

Guidelines for Submissions

Papers should comprise no more than 5,000 words (inc. references, all appendices and other material), and:

For information on the programme of the conference as well as the original call please consult this website.

Please email your paper to unb.gept@gmail.com.

Submission Deadline: 27 July, 2018

Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES) Conference 2018 (Santiago, July 2018)

14-15 July, 2018 | Santiago, Chile

The Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES) extends an invitation to participate in an interdisciplinary reflection on the concentration of power, wealth, status and information, among other sources of domination present in society. We are interested in understanding the temporal, political, social and spatial effects on the development of social conflict and cohesion.

It could be by individual proposal, panel proposal or academic poster. On this occasion, the concentration of power will be analysed from different perspectives, according to the following thematic lines:

Thematic lines

  1. Concentration of wealth and income: evolution, causes and consequences
  2. Concentration of ownership of media outlets: Why does it matter?
  3. The Chilean elite: Circulation, ruptures, discontinuities or reproduction?
  4. Concentrations of political voice
  5. Urban concentration and segregation
  6. Domination and hegemony of the masculine models on social bonds
  7. The domination of diplomas: Concentration of cultural capital
  8. Psychosocial factors that explain the concentration and motivation to maintain power

COES Conference will be held the 14th, 15th and 16th of November 2018 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Chile in Santiago.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Please find more information here and a link to the registration here.

Submission deadline: 11 July, 2018

Finance and Society Network 2018: Futures of finance and society (Edinburgh, Dec 2018)

6-7 December, 2018 | Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Ten years on from the global financial crisis, the settlement between finance and society remains ambiguous. Regulation has been tightened in traditional areas like banking, against a backdrop of fiscal austerity and the proliferation of new monies, financial platforms and investment vehicles. Building on the success of our previous ‘Intersections of finance and society’ conferences, ‘Futures of finance and society’ asks what new social, organisational and political forms are emerging and what direction they should take.

This two-day event, based at the University of Edinburgh’s historic Medical Quad, aims to deepen dialogue between the diverse disciplines contributing to the field of ‘finance and society’ studies. It seeks to develop new synergies between political, sociological, historical, and philosophical perspectives. In addition to providing a venue for presenting ongoing theoretical research, contributors are invited to propose and debate potential solutions for improving financial stability, expanding financial inclusion, and mitigating inequalities associated with financialisation.

The conference is organised through the Finance and Society Network (FSN), in association with the journal Finance and Society, the Edinburgh Futures Institute, and the University of Edinburgh’s School of Social and Political Science (SPS).

Confirmed keynotes

Contributions are invited in two formats

Themes on which we encourage contributions include

Please submit abstracts and proposals by 1 September 2018 to Nathan Coombs and Tod Van Gunten at futuresfinancesociety@gmail.com

The editors of Finance and Society are encouraging paper submissions from conference participants. Please find more information on the journal here.

More information on last year’s FSN event is available on the 2017 conference website.

Submission Deadline: 1 September 2018

Revue de la régulation: Special Issue on "Accumulation and Politics Approaches and Concepts"

Co-ordination: Matthieu Ansaloni, Matthieu Montalban, Antoine Roger & Andy Smith

Capitalism is a mode of production dominated by a private property regime, a monetary regime, the wage-labor nexus and a logic of accumulation. According to the classical political economy, such accumulation is best analysed as the fruit of the extortion of capital’s added value and overarching reproduction (Marx, 2006 [1867]), or as the result of the ordering of behaviours through the methodical organization of productive processes (Weber, 2008 [1905], 2014 [1921]). In both instances, emphasis is placed upon capital’s incessant quest for profit, a quest facilitated by political structuring –with unequal distributions of power impacting heavily upon the definition of questions and problems seen as ‘legitimate’- which in turn is reflected in, and implemented by, public policies. In this way, power relations do not simply extend or orientate the incessant quest for profit; they institute and structure it intrinsically (Palermo, 2007).

A formal separation between political and economic orders (recognized as never actually being so neat in practice), is thus seen as providing the very conditions for accumulation: capitalism developed because of how it was seen as the mere production of autonomous economic logics, i.e. it was presented as simply supported or framed by ‘exterior’ political measures (Wood, 1981). The research question posed by this special issue is thus how, in specific historical situations, power relations contribute to imposing this division between the political and the economic, together with the world view that accompanies it. In short, the overall aim is to document the eminently political process through which the economic has been depoliticized in this way. Put differently, the contributions to this special issue could tackle the following non-exhaustive list of questions:

Accumulation as a blind spot of research by economic sociologists and political scientists

Regrettably sociologists and political scientists have hardly ever used the concept of accumulation in their research. Through attempting to generate responses to questions initially posed by neoclassical economics, economic sociologists have tended to concentrate upon what structures supply and demand, together with the formulation of prices (e.g. Callon, 2017; Callon, Latour, 2017), the coordination of individual choices in situations of uncertainty (e.g. Nee, Swedberg, 2007), and the stabilization of market relationships (e.g. Fligstein, 1996, 2001). Other sociologists have invested instead in the formulation of values, seen as occurring by a process of adjustment and using the concept of ‘conventional forms’ (Boltanski, Esquerre, 2017). Meanwhile, most political scientists have ignored or neglected the question of accumulation. Instead, most attention has been given to ‘varieties of capitalism’, an approach which sets out to distinguish between national configurations which stress how inter-firm co-operation creates equilibria which, in turn, consolidate institutions that possess a high degree of complementarity (e.g. Hall, Soskice, 2001; Hancké, Rhodes & Thatcher, 2007; Jackson & Deeg, 2012).

From accumulation as key within critical political economy to a more explicit integration of political ordering

Within its opposition to neoclassical economists, heterodox economists have of course placed the issue of accumulation at the heart of their approach. For example, major post- Keynesian analyses have sought to formalize growth models and their respective (un)stability, and this by extending the notion of effective demand to include the long term, as well as by studying the underlying political processes which had previously been under-studied (Robinson, 1972 [1956], Kaldor, 1961). This said, the important contributions of Kalecki (1943) and Minsky (1986) must be recalled: the former sought to show how dominant classes could have an interest in maintaining under-employment and, consequently, opposed governmental reforms aimed at achieving full employment and growth. As for Minsky, he conducted research which showed that financial cycles partly create attitudes which are either favourable or unfavourable to financial deregulation. Meanwhile, Marxist analyses which emanated from research on imperialism sought to analyse the political power relations between states as the consequence of processes of accumulation (Luxemburg, 1967 [1913]). For Wallerstein (1974), for example, the appropriation of added value always favours certain states to the detriment of others, located at the periphery, which provides the former with cheap labour and new markets and thus sources of consumption. Extensions of these approaches can be found in research that reveals ‘dependent accumulation’ (Frank et Amin, 1978), or ‘accumulation through dispossession’ (Harvey, 2010 [2003]).

Nevertheless, virtually all of this research only treats political processes at a distance because these are not studied around the political structures which underpin accumulation, nor is any attention given to the relative autonomy politics may develop. By contrast, the work of Poulantzas (2013 [1976]) did produce relatively precise data and insights concerning the processes that have led to the structuration of the state, processes within which a site of strategic interactions emerges in a relatively autonomous fashion that is nevertheless connected to the issue of capital. However, his work did not manage to connect this claim with the careful study of the forms developed by accumulation. For this reason, we consider that a structured dialogue between these two types of literature and problematic – accumulation and politics- would be fruitful. Indeed, Regulationist theory has already proposed a means of progressing in this direction that call for deepening.

Integrating politics and accumulation

The first strand of Regulationist Theory’s works articulated the specifically economic dynamics of accumulation and the external political measures which support it (Aglietta, 1997 [1976]; Boyer & Mistral, 1979). From this angle, productive and commercial activity is seen as embedded to varying degrees in political institutions, and this with political forces bein seen as compensating for the impact of opposing economic forces by imposing solidarity- based rules (Boyer & Hollingsworth, 1997: 435-7; Boyer, 2015). A similar perspective also marks the work of authors who emphasize the social structuring of accumulation and who claim that politically negotiated ‘institutional orders’ channel cycles of growth (Gordon et al., 1996; Kotz, 1994). Again in a similar vein, Bob Jessop also envisaged economic structures as being autonomous from politics. In his view, the development of political alliances occurs between different class-based factions and in a separate sphere. Certain ‘accumulation strategies’ emerge from this process in order to provide the linkage between economics and politics with a degree of cohesion. Indeed, this is achieved in part by the bureaucracies of states which turn them into ‘modes of regulation’. Jessop underlines that the fit between economic and political forces is contingent. However, he then claims that the former nevertheless impose ‘strategic selectivity’ upon the latter (Jessop, 1982; 1991). Significantly, the second strand of Regulationist theory’s works has placed the study of political regulation more at the centre of analysis of the transformation of capitalist mode of regulation. In this way, the topological approach of Bruno Théret (1992 & 1999) relates economic and political order, then develops an analysis of the economic regimes of each political order. More precisely, this approach has been applied to studying the interaction between political regimes and capital accumulation, be this virtuous or not (e.g. Marques- Pereira & Théret, 2001-2).

As for Wolfgang Streeck (2014), in his work on the ‘dismantling’ of the ‘democratic capitalism’ that developed after WW II, he argues that a specific form of accumulation has emerged over the last half-century. He traces this trend back to the ‘revolt of capital’ that occurred in the 1970s in order to lower the fiscal payments which they these holders of capital had accepted since the war. This taking into account of social classes, socio-political compromises and hegemonic logics is also at the centre of the recent research by Bruno Amable and Stefano Palombarini (2017). In contrast to the firm based approach developed by Hall and Soskice (2001), the transformations experienced by French capitalism since the 1970s have their roots in the decomposing of France’s dominant ‘social bloc’ and,consequently, in the redefinition of key political alliances. Politics is therefore accorded significant autonomy, an axiom from which these authors set out to reveal the political processes which have led to institutional change within different models of capitalism, all this, however, without directly addressing the dynamics of capital accumulation. As for Jonathan Nizan and Shimshon Bichler (2009), they have studied instead accumulation directly in an original way which led them to conceptualize capital as a power. According to them, emphasis should not be placed upon power relations between capital and labour but upon the practices of ‘sabotage’ (as defined by Veblen), i.e. on the propensity of firms to restrain their expansion in order to avoid over-production that might block capital accumulation (Nitzan & Bichler, 2009). This reflects the primacy of ‘differentiated accumulation’ because, in a capitalist system, accumulation would not be an end in itself for them. Rather, the objective is to accumulate more capital than others so as to avoid being dominated by them (Nitzan, 1998). It follows that all economic activity is founded upon the exercise of power and thus entails political considerations (Nitzan & Bichler, 2000).

However, these propositions have raised discussion over the precise status given to politics as regards capital and accumulation (Knafo et al., 2013). Given all the above, this call for papers aims to encourage wide-ranging debate over the approaches, and therefore concepts and methods, which are best equipped to grasp the accumulation of capital as the product of power relations which are political, and which highlight the explanatory capacity of the processes they study. The paper proposal could question existing readings of accumulation (e.g. that of Regulationist Theory) by evaluating how a systematic analysis of power relations could be integrated within them. Another way of responding to our call would be to propose alternative readings of accumulation itself through re-examining certain social science concepts, such as those from economic sociology, political sociology (including the sociology of public policy-making) or indeed field theory (inter alia). Propositions centred upon the dynamics of specific sectors would be welcome, along with others that question whether national frontiers strongly define the relevant spaces within which accumulation and its multi-scalar dimension is best analysed. In summary, each proposition must develop its theoretical underpinning and objectives, as well as its capacity to generate and interpret empirical data.

Submission procedure

The final article have to be sent before November 30th 2018 to the following emails :

The articles can be written in French or English. Instructions for authors for scientific articles of the Revue de la Régulation can be found here.

The selected articles will be evaluated through the standard peer review process.

Deadline: 30 November, 2018

The Socio-Economic Review seeks Proposals for Special Issues

Socio-Economic Review (SER) is pleased to invite proposals for either of the thematic Special Issues to be published in 2020 or 2021.

A Special Issue is a peer reviewed collection of articles on a specific theme. The theme should normally focus on a new or distinctive area of inquiry insufficiently explored in socio-economic literature, has a broad relevance, and falls within the aims and scope of the journal. Thereby, a special issues provides an opportunity to collectively explore a new topic, develop insightful new lines of research and exchange in dialogue across disciplines such as sociology, political science, economics, business, law or history.

A proposal should contain the following information

  1. The names, contact details, and positions of the proposed Guest Editor(s) together with brief biographical details.
  2. The title of the proposed special issue.
  3. A one-page "call for papers" indicating the main theme, key topics, and methodological foci for submissions to the Special Issue.
  4. A list containing titles and short abstracts of any potential contributions, information about the authors and indication of their commitment. Guest editors are not permitted to submit regular peer review papers for the special issue, but are encouraged to write a substantive introductory article developing the state of the art around the topic.
  5. A description of the rationale behind the proposal, its planned scope, innovative nature in relation to existing published work, and likely relevance for readers of Socio-Economic Review. Please read the Editorial Policy Statement of SER via the following webpage: http://ser.oxfordjournals.org/
  6. An envisioned timetable including a deadline for the first submission, a period for review and resubmission, and deadline for final print-ready papers.

Key Information

The team of Guest Editors for the Special Issue will handle all manuscripts from their initial submission; they assign reviewers, and they make decisions (reject, revise, conditionally accept) and communicate those decisions to the authors. Guest Editors are encouraged to use a mix of invited and open submissions for the Special Issue, working to actively solicit quality submissions. However, all manuscripts for the Special Issue must undergo double-blind peer review and revisions according to normal SER review process and in accordance with SER's editorial policy and formal guidelines. Final acceptance of papers is done in consultation with the Editors of SER.

A special issue typically has 6-8 regular length papers plus editors' introduction. SER manuscripts are generally no longer than 10,000 words in length (inclusive of references, notes, tables, figures and appendices, but excluding online appendices). Manuscripts should follow a clear line of argument and written in a concise style without sacrificing meaningful content.

Proposals and queries may be sent to chief editor Gregory Jackson.

Submission Deadline: 31 July, 2018

Workshop on "Labour Market Liberalisation after the Lehman Crisis: France, Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective" (Tokyo, Dec 2018)

14-15 December, 2018 | Tokyo, Japan

In the 10 years after the collapse of the investment firm Lehman Brothers, there has been a noticeable shift in discourses on structural labour market reforms. Whereas before the crash international organisations, liberal economists and many policymakers had been arguing that market-oriented reforms were necessary if painful to improve the performance of labour markets, the social costs of liberalisation seem to attract much more attention since 2008. The social and political costs of labour market inequalities are now widely acknowledged especially in countries with dual labour market structures like France, Germany and Japan.

Yet the jury is still out whether this discursive shift has prompted a similar change in policy. While policies emphasising social goals rather than economic efficiency have clearly gained in popularity (e.g. minimum wage reform in Germany and reinforced equal treatment rules for non-standard work in Japan), structural reforms echoing previous attempts at liberalisation are also still on the agenda (e.g. French reforms of labour contract law, Japanese “work-style” reforms or German temporary agency work reform).

The workshop aims to shed light on this mixed picture of continuity and change by bringing together scholarship on France, Germany and Japan from all disciplines of the social sciences. The countries share many structural problems (e.g. dual labour market structure, limited mobility between standard and non-standard jobs) but differ with regard to their regulatory approaches and political and economic institutions. The comparison therefore allows exploring the changing politics of structural reform in economically advanced democracies as well as to readdress key questions in comparative political economy research, e.g. to what extent governments, employers and trade unions are willing and able to influence processes of liberalisation and mitigate resulting labour market dualisation.

We seek in particular papers that engage with one of the following four thematic themes:


We invite paper proposals from both junior (PhD candidates) and senior scholars.

Accepted paper givers will receive an allowance to help pay for travel and accommodation costs (maximum of one speaker per paper; app. 950 EUR for speakers from outside East Asia; 550 EUR for speakers from Japan/East Asia). We plan to publish selected papers of the workshop with a leading English-language publisher.

Please send you proposal (max. 500 words) to labour-market-workshop@dijtokyo.org.

For inquiries, please contact Steffen Heinrich, head of the programme committee.

Please find the full call here.

Submission deadline: 9 July, 2018

Call for Participants

54th ITH Conference on "Workplace Democracy Revisited: Labour and Practices of Participation, Workers' Control and Self-Management in Global Perspective" (Linz, Sept. 2018)

6-8 September, 2018 | Linz, Austria

The International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH Conference) will take place in Linz/Upper Austria from 6-8 September 2018 at the cultural and educational centre of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour: Bildungshaus Jägermayrhof, Römerstraße 98, A-4020 Linz.

General organisational information

Conference Fee (including conference materials and meals, accommodation optional):

The early-bird conference fee is payable until 22 July 2018 (deposit date) to the ITH account (see registration form). Participants on the regular conference fee can pay in cash at the conference secretariat in Linz upon arrival. Nonetheless, we kindly ask you to register until 5 August 2018 for organisational reasons.

Individual ITH membership is available for either EUR 50.- per year or a single payment of EUR 150.- for a three-year period and can be acquired upon early-bird registration here or via payment at the conference desk in Linz.

Information on how to get to Linz is provided here. .

If you need any help regarding your travel arrangements, please do not hesitate to contacting us!

Please find the preliminary programme here.

The Application form can be found here.

Registration deadline: 5 August, 2018

6th Schumpeter Summer School (Graz, Sept. 2018)

9-13, September | Graz, Austria

Smart Technologies - a New Industrial Age? Approaches to Radical Innovation and Economic Transformation

Modern economies are currently subject to a technological transformation about which widely divergent views are put forward. Some believe that disruptive innovations will trigger a fourth industrial revolution boosting economic growth, whereas others see the specter of persistent and massive technological unemployment haunting modern society. What to make of this? For economists, it evokes a number of more specific and far-reaching questions, such as:

The Summer School will deal with theories, analytical Tools and empirical evidence to tackle the problems at hand. Invited lecturers will expose junior fellows to the most advanced methods and approaches in the area of innovation and technological change. Thematic workshops are scheduled in which participants may present their own work. We invite pre-docs and post-docs with an interest in fields such as innovation Research, the economics of technological change and knowledge, institutional economics, and structural change. Scholars approaching issues and theories of technological change and economic transformation from a historical point of view are also highly welcome.



Applications should include: a CV; a one - page statement of the junior fellow’s motivation to participate in the Summer School; two letters of recommendation from university professors. The application form will be available on the homepage and should be completed and attached to any application. The material should be sent to: schumpeter.centre@uni-graz.at by July 15, 2018.

For questions about the application procedure and the Summer School in general, please contact us per E-mail: schumpeter.centre@uni-graz.at

Applicants who are interested to present their research in a refereed session have to submit a paper together with the application. Submission of a paper is also mandatoryfor those who want to undertake assessment for academic credit. The scientific committee will decide about acceptance of submitted papers within short time.

Please find the full call for applications/papers here.

For more information, please consult this website.

Submission Deadline: 15 July, 2018

7th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy (Bucharest, June 2019)

6-9 June, 2019 | Bucharest, Romania


  1. Workers owned enterprises (including experience of privatized enterprises in former communist countries) and the future of decent work
  2. Role of social economy in providing sustainable livelihoods in rural areas and in food sustainability, sovereignty and access
  3. Commons – historic, restored and new, collaborative commons
  4. Social and solidarity economy eco-systems – governance, networks, visibility and policies
  5. Dimensions of Social and Solidarity Economy Sector – Statistics of the Social Economy
  6. New technologies, platforms, on-line collaboration leading towards a New Era of social and solidarity economy
  7. Inclusive finance and finance for social and solidarity economy enterprises
  8. Potential of SSE in New European Member States
  9. Social innovation and education generating social change and impact

Please find more information here.

Job Postings

Kingston University, UK

Job title: Permanent Lecturer

Application Deadline: 19 July, 2018.

Kingston University has advertised a permanent lecturer position. Applications from a heterodox and pluralist background are encouraged.

The Role

We are seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate as lecturer, who has (or, can demonstrate the potential to establish) an internationally excellent track record in research and play a key role in the delivery of high quality and student-centred education in our core UG/PG courses. They will contribute to student-support/tutoring and participate in administrative/academic management tasks as required, and will be involved in the development of the curricula. The successful applicant will also be expected to participate in the supervision of taught as well as research students and contribute fully to the life and work of the Department/School.

While we welcome strong applications in any field of economics, preference will be given to candidates who can substantially contribute to thrust areas of the two research groups, PERG and AERG, contributing to their research activities and contributing to the department’s REF submission. The appointee will be expected to fully engage in the ongoing development of the Department’s research profile by maintaining a personal programme of research-cum-scholarship and will be supported with opportunities for personal/professional development.

The Person

The applicant will have

The position is open to candidates across any field in economics. We particularly seek a research active person who is committed in delivering a rewarding and stimulating experience to our students and can substantially contribute to a department that is committed to a problem-oriented and pluralist approach to economics comprising of staff with both mainstream and heterodox expertise in economics who work in collaboration with each other. The ideal candidate will be able to relate to our research areas/groups. The Department is committed to providing students with an excellent experience in our degrees and values strong communication skills and dedication to pedagogy and teaching innovation.

Please see here for further details and the job specification.

University of Bristol, UK

Job title: Senior Teaching Associate in the History of Economic Thought and Economics

Contract type: Open Ended (full time)

Salary: £36,613 - £41,212 per annum

Application Deadline: 1 July, 2018

The Department of Economics at the University of Bristol is seeking to appoint a Senior Teaching Associate in the History of Economic Thought and Economics.

We are seeking a candidate who

The Department has a strong international reputation for research and teaching, with staff who are leaders in their field and who are based in a Faculty which is rated as one of the best in the UK.

This is an open ended post with fixed funding until 31 July 2021.

It is expected that interviews will be held on 10 July 2018.

For informal enquires please contact Professor Edmund Cannon, 0117 9288401, or Professor Alvin Birdi, 0117 4282454.

Please find the full call here.

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Job title: Prae-Doc Researcher

Working hours: Part-time (with the possibilty of going full time, given that third-party fundings are secured)

The Unicersity of Duisburg Essen is currently looking for a Research Assistant in the field of International Economics with a strong focus on empirical work as well as european and international politics. Succesful applicants recieve the possibility to write their dissertation at the university and are expected to actively participate in the university's teaching and research tasks.

Please find the original, german job posting here and further information in german here.

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Job Title: Two Lecturers Department Global Economics & Management

Application Deadline: 31 August, 2018 (23:59)


Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage the 30,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.

Facultyof Economics and Business

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) is a research focused, international Faculty which consistently ranks high in international business rankings. FEB offers an inspiring international academic community for students, staff, alumni and external organisations. The Faculty is renowned for its quality, ambition and identity.

The mission of the Faculty of Economics and Business is to prepare students for a career in research or a leading position in the corporate or public sector through high quality, research based degree programs in the fields of economics and business; to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields by conducting high quality research; and to provide a stimulating and international environment for both staff and students.

Department description

The Department of Global Economics & Management (GEM) is an active and international research group, consisting of approximately 80 people. The research of the department can be described as empirical research that is strongly embedded in theory. Central research themes are, among others, International Economics, International business, International capital flows, International growth comparisons. Approximately 40% of the Department members are non-Dutch, support staff is used to communicating in English. More than 80% of the PhD students are non-Dutch. Members of the Department have published in a wide range of top journals, such as the American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives and Journal of International Business Studies.

Department members teach courses in the Bachelor programmes of the faculty and the master programmes of GEM; International Business & Management and International Economics and Business. These are all taught in English. In addition, department members participates in the challenging two-year Research Master programme for students intending to pursue a PhD.

Job description

We are looking for candidates who can participate in the teaching of Bachelor and MSc programmes in International Business (knowledge of International Economics is not essential, but recommended). Responsibilities can also include mentoring students and thesis supervision.

The teaching content, teaching load and responsibilities depend on qualifications and interests of the candidate. Depending on interests, experience, and qualifications, a maximum of 30% of the work load will be allocated to research.


We are looking for candidates who meet the following requirements. The candidate:

Conditions of employment

The University of Groningen offers a salary depending on qualifications and work experience. Salary starts from a minimum of € 3,475 gross per month (salary scale 11 Dutch Universities) to a maximum of € 5,405 gross per month (salary scale 12) for a fulltime position, excluding 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus and participation in a pension scheme for employees. Favourable tax agreements may apply to non-Dutch applicants.

The length of the contract is preferably five years, but shorter terms can be discussed as well. The percentage of research time depends on expertise and qualities of the candidate, with a maximum of 30%.

Successful candidates will start in January of 2019 (earlier can be discussed).


You are requested to submit:

  1. a motivation letter,
  2. an up-to-date curriculum vitae,
  3. teaching evaluations,
  4. letter of recommendation; can be sent to the secretariat of the Department of GEM: FEB Secretariat Global Economics and Management, stating ‘Job application Lecturers, GEM’ in the subject line.

You may apply for this position until Friday August, 31, 2018, 23:59 Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on "Apply" below on the advertisement on the University's website).

Acquisition is not appreciated.


For additional information you can contact: Prof. Steven Brakman, Chairman of the Department

Additional information on GEM can be found here.

Please find the link to the original job posting and apply here.

University of Southern Maine, USA

Job title: One year Economics Assistant Professor

Application deadline: 30 June, 2018

The University of Southern Maine Economics Program seeks to hire a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor in Macroeconomics commencing Fall 2018. The appointment will be for one year. The faculty member will be asked to teach Introductory and Intermediate Macroeconomics, Money and Banking, and possibly other field classes, with a 3-4 load. A candidate with a doctorate in Economics is preferred but will consider ABDs. Prior college teaching experience required.

The deadline to apply is the end of June. To see more details and to apply, please go to this link.

If you have questions about the position, please contact Michael Hillard.


Boulding Award: Winner Announcement

The Boulding Award Committee, ​b​ased on a thorough review of prior and recently identified potential candidates, has decided unanimously to award the 2018 Boulding Award to Inge Røpke, ​in recognition of her long-term ​efforts on behalf of ISEE and ESEE, ​as well as her contributions to the field and to our journal Ecological Economics.

​This award also recognizes her decisive history of ISEE and the ecological economics movement published in Ecological Economics​, as well as her more recent ​work on ​planning for sustainable transitions with a particular emphasis on the essential role of financial institutions and the banking system, issues which are decisive in recent thinking in ecological economics.

​The Award Committee was unanimous that Inge Røpke brings to the Boulding Award a sweeping heterodox perspective on the potential for a transition to sustainable husbandry of our shared resources, very much in keeping with Kenneth Boulding’s “spaceship Earth” philosophy.

Inge will offer the ​Boulding Award Address at the 2018 Conference in Puebla, ​Mexico.

European Society for the History of Economic Thought Awards: Winner Announcement

The Gilles Dostaler Awardgoes to Regis Servant, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne for his paper "Let’s agree not to agree: F.A. Hayek’s ‘calculus of consent’", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41 (1), 2017: 259-281

The Best Article Award gores to Ivan Moscati, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, for his paper "How Economists Came to Accept Expected Utility Theory: The Case of Samuelson and Savage", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30 (2), 2016: 219-236

The Best Book Award goes to Andrej Svorencík and Harro Maas, University of Mannheim and University of Lausanne, for their book "The Making of Experimental Economics: Witness Seminar of the Emergence of a Field", Heidelberg: Springer, 2016

The best Best Scholarly Edition goes to Pascal Bridel, Francesca Dal Degan and Nicolas Eyguesier, University of Lausanne, for "Jean-Claude-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi, Oeuvres économiques complètes", Paris: Economica, 2017

The Young Researcher Award goes to Béatrice Cherrier, CNRS and Université de Cergy Pontoise

Mark Blaug Student Essay Prize: Call for Submissions

Eligible essays for the prize must be critical discussions of any aspect of modern economics.

Rather than applying economics to a particular problem, eligible essays must reflect critically on the state of economics itself, as Mark Blaug did in many of his works. Critical reflections may include the assumptions adopted, the suitability of the concepts deployed, the mode of analysis, the role of mathematical models, the use of econometrics, real-world relevance, the presumed relationship between theory and policy, the unwarranted influence of ideology, the use (or otherwise) of insights from other disciplines, and so on.

The required language is English. Eligible essays are by university undergraduates, or by graduates who obtained their Bachelor’s degree no earlier than 1 January 2017. There is no residential or geographical restriction.

Undergraduate dissertations must be converted to essay format and reduced to 6,000 words (inclusive of references and appendices) or less. Author names, affiliations and email must be placed on the first page, below the title of the essay.

Up to two prizes will be awarded each year, depending on the quality of the best papers. The respective awards will be £500 and £300. FEED will reserve the right to award no prize, or one prize only, if there are inadequate essays of quality. The prizes will be judged by a committee of leading scholars.

Essays should be submitted by email to wilfred.dolfsma@wur.nl. The awards will be made in late 2018 or early 2019.

Please find further details here.

Submission deadline: 1 October, 2018

The History of Economics Society Award: Winner Announcement

Distinguished Fellow of the History of Economics Society

Isreal Kirzner, New York University

Craufurd Goodwin Best Article in the History of Economics Prize

Beatrice Cherrier, CNRS & THEMA, University of Cergy Pontoise, for her paper “Classifying Economics: A History of the JEL Codes”, Journal of Economic Literature 55 (2), 2017

Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize

Adam Leeds, University of Pennsylvania, for his dissertation titled “Spectral Liberalism: on the Subjects of Political Economy in Moscow”

Joseph J. Spengler Prize Best Book Prize

Roger E Backhouse, University of Birmingham, for his book "Founder of Modern Economics: Paul A. Samuelson", Oxford University Press, 2017

Ian Kumekawa, Harvard University, for his book "The First Serious Optimist: A. C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics", Princeton University Press, 2017


Accounting, Organizations and Society, 67

Christine J. Nolder and Kathryn Kadous: Grounding the professional skepticism construct in mindset and attitude theory: A way forward

Special Section on Perfoming Business and Social Innovation through Accounting Inscriptions

Cristiano Busco and Paolo Quattrone: Performing business and social innovation through accounting inscriptions: An introduction

Tim Neerup Themsen and Peter Skærbæk: The performativity of risk management frameworks and technologies: The translation of uncertainties into pure and impure risks

Silvia Jordan, Hermann Mitterhofer and Lene Jørgensen: The interdiscursive appeal of risk matrices: Collective symbols, flexibility normalism and the interplay of ‘risk’ and ‘uncertainty’

Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Patrik Zapata and María José Zapata Campos: Acting on distances: A topology of accounting inscriptions

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89 (2)

Ichiro Iwasaki and Satoshi Mizobata: Post‐Privatization Ownership And Firm Performance: A Large Meta‐Analysis Of The Transition Literature

Ramon Bastida, Frederic Marimon and Lluís Carreras: Human Resource Management Practices And Employee Job Satisfaction In Nonprofit Organizations

Aline Suelen Pires: Is Self‐Management Possible? A Study On The Recovered Factories In Brazil

Megersa Debela, Sisay Diriba and Hailemichael Bekele: Impact Of Cooperatives Membership On Economy In Eastern Oromia: The Case Of Haramaya Agricultural Farmers’ Cooperative Union (Hafcu)

Natália P. Monteiro and Odd Rune Straume: Are Cooperatives More Productive Than Investor‐Owned Firms? Cross‐Industry Evidence From Portugal

Johan Willner, Sonja Grönblom, Annina Kainu and Johan Flink: The Scope For Non‐Profit Objectives In A Mixed Oligopoly Under International Competition

Kojun Hamada, Takao Ohkawa and Makoto Okamura: Insufficient Entry Of Employee‐Controlled Firms In A Free‐Entry Oligopoly

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11 (2)

Arne Isaksen: From success to failure, the disappearance of clusters: a study of a Norwegian boat-building cluster

Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn Asheim and Michaela Trippl:Unrelated knowledge combinations: the unexplored potential for regional industrial path development

Luís Carvalho and Mário Vale: Biotech by bricolage? Agency, institutional relatedness and new path development in peripheral regions

Max-Peter Menzel and J Markus Adrian: Modularisation and spatial dynamics in the wind turbine industry: the example of firm relocations to Hamburg

Susann Schäfer and Sebastian Henn: The evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the critical role of migrants. A Phase-Model based on a Study of IT startups in the Greater Tel Aviv Area

Maryann Feldman and Nichola Lowe: Policy and collective action in place

Lech Suwala and Grzegorz Micek: Beyond clusters? Field configuration and regional platforming: the Aviation Valley initiative in the Polish Podkarpackie region

Judith Wiemann and Martina Fuchs: The export of Germany’s “secret of success” dual technical VET: MNCs and multiscalar stakeholders changing the skill formation system in Mexico

Competition & Change, 22 (3)

Alkis Theonas Pitelis:Industrial policy for renewable energy: The innovation impact of European policy instruments and their interactions

Rachel Alexander: Sustainability in global production networks – Introducing the notion of extended supplier networks

Nicoli Nattrass and Jeremy Seekings:Trajectories of development and the global clothing industry

Julia Maisenbacher: Transnational capital unbound? A critical institutionalist perspective on the marketization of corporate control in Serbia and Turkey

Jon Las Heras: International Political Economy of Labour and collective bargaining in the automotive industry

Contributions to Political Economy, 37 (1)

Ramana Ramaswamy: A Decade After The Financial Crisis: A Retrospective On Quantitative Easing And Regulation

Aldo Barba: Curbing The Money Multiplier: Capital Requirements Versus Narrow Banking

Enrico Bellino and Franklin Serrano: Gravitation Of Market Prices Towards Normal Prices: Some New Results

Theodore Mariolis and Lefteris Tsoulfidis: Less Is More: Capital Theory And Almost Irregular-Uncontrollable Actual Economies

Giancarlo De Vivo: ‘Profits Depend On Wages’: Ricardo's Principle And Its Early Demise

Pierre Le Masne and Gabriel Sabbagh: The ‘Bellial Des Vertus’ Enigma And The Beginnings Of Physiocracy

Giancarlo De Vivo: On Sraffa’s Library

Ecological Economics, 151


Pichdara Lonn, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Tsuyoshi Kajisa and Shigejiro Yoshida: Evaluating the Contribution of Community-based Ecotourism (CBET) to Household Income and Livelihood Changes: A Case Study of the Chambok CBET Program in Cambodia

James I. Price and Matthew T. Heberling: The Effects of Source Water Quality on Drinking Water Treatment Costs: A Review and Synthesis of Empirical Literature


Yuliana Griewald: The Art of the State to Intervene: Insights Into Agricultural Land Management in Russia

Martin R. Sers, Peter A. Victor: The Energy-emissions Trap

Chi Nguyen Thi Quynh, Steven Schilizzi, Atakelty Hailu and Sayed Iftekhar: Fishers' Preference Heterogeneity and Trade-offs Between Design Options for More Effective Monitoring of Fisheries

Alexander Bisaro, Matteo Roggero and Sergio Villamayor-Tomas: Institutional Analysis in Climate Change Adaptation Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Heidi J. Albers, Kim Meyer Hall, Katherine D. Lee, Majid Alkaee Taleghan and Thomas G. Dietterich: The Role of Restoration and Key Ecological Invasion Mechanisms in Optimal Spatial-Dynamic Management of Invasive Species

Christine Wamsler and Ebba Brink: Mindsets for Sustainability: Exploring the Link Between Mindfulness and Sustainable Climate Adaptation

Daniel Norton and Stephen Hynes: Estimating the Benefits of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Atlantic Member States: A Spatial Value Transfer Approach

Justice A. Tambo and Jonathan Mockshell: Differential Impacts of Conservation Agriculture Technology Options on Household Income in Sub-Saharan Africa

Claire Pellegrin, Gilles Grolleau, Naoufel Mzoughi and Claude Napoleone: Does the Identifiable Victim Effect Matter for Plants? Results From a Quasi-experimental Survey of French Farmers

Achille Diendéré, Geneviève Nguyen, Jean-Pierre Del Corso and Charilaos Kephaliacos: Modeling the Relationship Between Pesticide Use and Farmers' Beliefs about Water Pollution in Burkina Faso

Håkan Eggert, Mitesh Kataria and Elina Lampi: Difference in Preferences or Multiple Preference Orderings? Comparing Choices of Environmental Bureaucrats, Recreational Anglers, and the Public

Yalemzewd Nigussie, Edwin van der Werf, Xueqin Zhu, Belay Simane and Ekko C. van Ierland: Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Alternatives for Smallholder Farmers in the Upper Blue-Nile Basin

Ingrid Moons, Camilla Barbarossa and Patrick De Pelsmacker: The Determinants of the Adoption Intention of Eco-friendly Functional Food in Different Market Segments

Si Chen, Chander Shahi, Han Y.H. Chen, Praveen Kumar, Zilong Ma and Brian McLaren: Trade-offs and Synergies Between Economic Gains and Plant Diversity Across a Range of Management Alternatives in Boreal Forests

Mark A. Andor, Christoph M. Schmidt and Stephan Sommer: Climate Change, Population Ageing and Public Spending: Evidence on Individual Preferences

Hongbo Yang, Thomas Dietz, Wu Yang, Jindong Zhang and Jianguo Liu: Changes in Human Well-being and Rural Livelihoods Under Natural Disasters

Methodological and Ideological Options

Gianluca Grilli, Sandra Notaro and Danny Campbell: Including Value Orientations in Choice Models to Estimate Benefits of Wildlife Management Policies

Anna-Lena Rau, Henrik von Wehrden and David J. Abson: Temporal Dynamics of Ecosystem Services

Feminist Economics, 24 (3)


Dürdane Şirin Saraçoğlu, Emel Memiş, Ebru Voyvoda and Burça Kızılırmak: Changes in Global Trade Patterns and Women's Employment in Manufacturing, 1995–2011

Ronelle Burger, Marisa Von Fintel and Carina Van der Watt: Household Social Mobility for Paid Domestic Workers and Other Low-Skilled Women Employed in South Africa

Kristina N. Piorkowski and Alok K. Bohara: Passing the “Torches of Freedom”: Smoking Behaviors of Women in Nepal


Julie A. Nelson and Marilyn Power: Ecology, Sustainability, and Care: Developments in the Field

Jennifer Gaddis and Amy K. Coplen: Reorganizing School Lunch for a More Just and Sustainable Food System in the US

Helen Mussell: Who Dares to Care? (In the World of Finance)

Günseli Berik: To Measure and to Narrate: Paths Toward a Sustainable Future

Corinna Dengler and Birte Strunk: The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism

International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 9 (1/2): Special Issue on "Teaching Inequality in an Age of Pluralism"

Special Issue on: Teaching Inequality in an Age of Pluralism

Caleb Lewis: What the fishing boats have in common: a classroom experiment

Erkan Gürpinar and Altug Yalcintas: Old habits die hard: or, why has economics not become an evolutionary science?

Michelle R. Gierach and Reynold F. Nesiba: What can teaching economists learn from poverty simulations run by nursing faculty?

Geert L. Dhondt, Mathieu Perron-Dufour and Ian J. Seda-Irizarry: Behind the masks of total choice: teaching alienation in the age of inequality

Jon D. Wisman: The dynamics of inequality in the human story: a brief sketch

Kevin W. Capehart and Va Nee L. Van Vleck: Pass GO and collect $610: modified Monopoly for teaching inequality

Danielle Guizzo and Lotta Takala-Greenish: Teaching to think: challenges and suitability of teaching inequality topics in a business school

Matthias Schnetzer: Teaching wealth inequality in the Eurozone: an outline based on HFCS data

Sucharita Sinha Mukherjee: Challenges and pedagogies for teaching inequality in undergraduate development economics

Victor A. Beker: On pluralism and economics

Oliver Cooke, Patrick Dolenc and Kimberly Schmidl-Gagne: Beyond left-right: teaching inequality with four ideological lenses

Iris Buder and Jake Jennings: Teaching health in an era of inequality

Sasha Breger Bush and Roni Kay Marie O'Dell: Teaching about poverty and inequality: critical pedagogy and personal experience in the learner-centred classroom

Journal of Agrarian Change, 18 (3)

Enric Tello, Gabriel Jover, Ivan Murray, Onofre Fullana and Ricard Soto: From feudal colonization to agrarian capitalism in Mallorca: Peasant endurance under the rise and fall of large estates (1229–1900)

Rocío Hiraldo: Experiencing primitive accumulation as alienation: Mangrove forest privatization, enclosures and the everyday adaptation of bodies to capital in rural Senegal

Gerardo Otero, Efe Can Gürcan, Gabriela Pechlaner and Giselle Liberman: Food security, obesity, and inequality: Measuring the risk of exposure to the neoliberal diet

Antoine Ducastel and Ward Anseeuw: Facing financialization: The divergent mutations of agricultural cooperatives in postapartheid South Africa

M. Vijayabaskar and Ajit Menon: Dispossession by neglect: Agricultural land sales in Southern India

Jeannette Bayisenge: From male to joint land ownership: Women's experiences of the land tenure reform programme in Rwanda

Claudio Robles-Ortiz: Revolution from below in Panguipulli: Agrarian reform and political conflict under the Popular Unity in Chile

Benjamin D. Neimark and Timothy M. Healy: Small-scale commodity frontiers: The bioeconomy value chain of castor oil in Madagascar

Aniket Aga: Merchants of knowledge: Petty retail and differentiation without consolidation among farmers in Maharashtra, India

Camila del Mármol, Gemma Celigueta and Ismael Vaccaro: Socio-economic transitions and everyday life changes in the rural world: Pyrenean households and their contemporary economic history

Real-World Economics Review, 84

Special issue on public economy and a new public economics

Michael A. Bernstein: Reconstructing a public economics: markets, states and societies

Neva Goodwin: There is more than one economy

June Sekera: The public economy: understanding government as a producer - A reformation of public economics

David Hall and Tue Anh Nguyen: Economic benefits of public services

Janine R. Wedel: Bureaucracy shouldn’t be a dirty word: the role of people-responsive bureaucracy in a robust public economy

James K. Galbraith: The need for a new public administration

Victoria Chick: Industrial policy, then and now

Michael Lind: Putting the nation-state back in: public economics and the global economy

Mariana Mazzucato: The entrepreneurial state: socializing both risks and rewards

Review of Political Economy, 30 (1)


Leila Davis: Financialization, Shareholder Orientation and the Cash Holdings of US Corporations

Donald A. R. George: Economic Growth with Institutional Saving and Investment

Eckhard Hein, Petra Dünhaupt, Ayoze Alfageme and Marta Kulesza: A Kaleckian Perspective on Financialisation and Distribution in Three Main Eurozone Countries before and after the Crisis: France, Germany and Spain


The Conceptual Flaw in the Microeconomic Foundations of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models
Colin Rogers

Science & Society, 82 (3)

Luke Lattansi-Silveus: Societal Selection and Historical Materialism

Gerald Meyer: Marxism and Anarchism: Their Contradictions

Paddy Quick: Labor Power: A “Peculiar” Commodity

Marcial GonzáLez: Herbert Marcuse's Repudiation of Dialectics: From Reason and Revolution to One-Dimensional Thinking

Books and Book Series

Handbook on the Geographies of Money and Finance

by Ron Martin and Jane Pollard | 2017, Edward Elgar Publishing

The aim of this timely work, which appears in the wake of the worst global financial crisis since the late 1920s, is to bring together high quality research-based contributions from leading international scholars involved in constructing a geographical perspective on money. Topics covered include the crisis, the spatial circuits of finance, regulation, mainstream financial markets (banking, equity, etc), through to the various ‘alternative’ and ‘disruptive’ forms of money that have arisen in recent years. It will be of interest to geographers, political scientists, sociologists, economists, planners and all those interested in how money shapes and reshapes socio-economic space and conditions local and regional development.

Please find a link to the book here.

Teaching Benefit-Cost Analysis - Tools of the Trade

by Scott Farrow | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

Teaching Benefit-Cost Analysis provides detail and inspiration that extends and clarifies standard textbooks. Each short, self-contained module includes guidance to additional sources while many also provide class exercises. Classes for advanced undergraduates, practitioners, or Masters students could especially apply these tools of the trade.

Please find a link to the book here.

Advanced Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

by Angus Morrison-Saunders | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

This book discusses the big ideas behind EIA thinking and practice. It explores key steps in the process and the core principles underlying these with emphasis placed on best practices. Challenges in designing and implementing development proposals from projects through to plans and policies are addressed. Key topics include the EIA and sustainable development, consideration of alternatives, the mitigation hierarchy, significance determination, cumulative impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, managing uncertainty and adaptive management. The book is aimed at EIA practitioners including proponents, consultants and regulators, as well as researchers and students.

Please find a link to the book here.

Economic Growth and Development (Part 1 & 2)

Part 1: Theories, Criticisms and an Alternative Growth Model

by Hasan Gürak | 2015, Peter Lang

Mainstream economic theories today are logical, consistent and even explanatory in many ways, when their relevance is tested in real economic situations, they often fail to correctly explain normal economic transactions. Thus they are only successful in explaining a fictional world and fictional economic relations that are largely based on unrealistic assumptions. Economic Growth is a study of new and alternative theories and models to replace the parables of these mainstream ideologies and hopes to appeal to open minded economists as a constructive contribution for the further development of new economic ideas.

Please find a link to the book here.

Part 2: Complementary Articles in the Pursuit of Economic Realities

by Hasan Gürak | 2018, Peter Lang

This book is intended to be complementary to the volume entitled «Economic Growth and Development» published in 2015. In the first chapter, Francesco Macheda contributes a thorough analysis of historical developments. In the following chapters, Hasan Gürak is reporting on rather important global issues regarding long-run growth and the progress of developing countries, such as the Brain Drain, Types of Capital, The Legend of Savings equals Investment and the Middle-Income Trap. Qualified brains or synonymously qualified labor is a sine qua non for economic growth and development. But the developing countries seem to lose their most valuable inputs of production to the developed countries in return for nothing.

Capital is one of the essential factors of economic growth and development. Yet there is no consensus on the definition of capital. In fact, there are various types of capital which are simply ignored in the economic textbooks. The savings equal investment (S = I) approach is still used in contemporary textbooks emphasizing its relationship to growth. The author evaluates how realistic this perception is. According to an argument there might be an end to growth for some Middle-Income Countries that are caught in a trap. Gürak claims that there is no deliberately engineered

Please find a link to the second part here.

Handbook of Gentrification Studies

by Loretta Lees and Martin Phillips | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

It is now over 50 years since the term ‘gentrification' was first coined by the British urbanist Ruth Glass in 1964, in which time gentrification studies has become a subject in its own right. This Handbook, the first ever in gentrification studies, is a critical and authoritative assessment of the field. Although the Handbook does not seek to rehearse the classic literature on gentrification from the 1970s to the 1990s in detail, it is referred to in the new assessments of the field gathered in this volume. The original chapters offer an important dialogue between existing theory and new conceptualisations of gentrification for new times and new places, in many cases offering novel empirical evidence.

Please find a link to the book here.

Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness - Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development

by Robert Huggins and Piers Thompson | 2017, Edward Elgar Publishing

The aim of this Handbook is to take stock of regional competitiveness and complementary concepts as a means of presenting a state-of-the-art discussion of the contemporary theories, perspectives and empirical explanations that help make sense of the determinants of uneven development across regions. Drawing on an international field of leading scholars, the book is assembled and organized so that readers can first learn about the theoretical underpinnings of regional competitiveness and development theory, before moving on to deeper discussions of key factors and principal elements, the emergence of allied concepts, empirical applications, and the policy context.

Please find the link to the book here.

How Economics Should Be Done - Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics

by David C. Colander | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

David Colander has been writing about economic methodology for over 30 years, but he goes out of his way to emphasize that he does not see himself as a methodologist. His pragmatic methodology is applicable to what economists are doing and attempts to answer questions that all economists face as they go about their work. The articles collected in this volume are divided, with the first part providing a framework underlying Colander’s methodology and introducing Colander’s methodology for economic policy within that framework. Part two presents Colander’s view on the methodology for microeconomics, while part three looks at Colander’s methodology for macroeconomics. The book closes with discussions of broader issues.

Please find the link to the book here.

Otto Bauer (1881-1938) - Thinker and Politician

by Ewa Czerwinska-Schupp | 2018, Haymarket Books

Otto Bauer, the main political leader of the Austrian Social Democratic Workers Party, had a far-reaching impact on the socialist movement across Europe. From his theories of imperialism and the national question, to his day-to-day practical work building a mass organization, Bauer’s contributions shaped the First and Second Internationals. This critical biography examines his ideas and their legacy.

Please find the link to the book here.

Regulation of Synthetic Biology - BioBricks, Biopunks and Bioentrepreneurs

by Alison McLennan | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

This book explores the interplay between regulation and emerging technologies in the context of synthetic biology, a developing field that promises great benefits, and has already yielded fuels and medicines made with designer micro-organisms. For all its promise, however, it also poses various risks. Investigating the distinctiveness of synthetic biology and the regulatory issues that arise, Alison McLennan questions whether synthetic biology can be regulated within existing structures or whether new mechanisms are needed.

Please find the link to the book here.

Renew Orleans? Globalized Development and Working Class Resistance

by A. Schneider | 2018, University of Minnesota Press

Like no other American city, New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina offers powerful insight into issues of political economy in urban development and, in particular, how a city’s character changes after a disaster that spurs economic and political transition. In New Orleans, the hurricane upset an existing stalemate among rival factions of economic and political elites, and its aftermath facilitated the rise of a globally oriented faction of local capital.

In Renew Orleans? Aaron Schneider shows how some city leaders were able to access fragmented local institutions and capture areas of public policy vital to an exclusionary dual development agenda. Through interviews and surveys with workers and advocates in construction, restaurants, shipyards, and hotel and casino cleaning, Schneider contrasts sectors prioritized during post-Katrina recovery with neglected sectors. The result is a fine-grained view of the way labor markets are structured to the advantage of elites, emphasizing how dual development produces wealth for the few while distributing poverty and exclusion to the many on the basis of race, gender, and ethnicity.

By showing the way exploitation operates both in the workplace and the community, Schneider also traces working-class resistance that joins struggles for dignity at home and work. In their occasional and episodic victories, working classes and popular sectors put forth their own alternative forms of development.

Please find a link to the book here.

Teaching the History of Economic Thought - Integrating Historical Perspectives into Modern Economics

by Daniela Tavasci and Luigi Ventimiglia | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

Stemming from the idea that economics is a social science that tends to forget its own history, this refreshing book reflects on the role of teaching with historical perspectives. It offers novel ways of integrating the history of economics into the curriculum, both in history of economic thought modules and in other sub-disciplines. Coming from a wide diversity of experiences, the chapters share the idea that studying the history of thought exposes students to pluralism and is therefore an essential pedagogical tool.

Please find the link to the book here.

The EU: An Obituary

By John R. Gillingham | 2018, Versobooks

Fully updated and revised, this new edition of John R. Gillingham’s study explains why the European Union is so profoundly unsuited to the modern political economy. In a devastating historical account of political failure, he takes readers back to the union’s postwar origins, when it was considered the best means to guarantee peace, demonstrating how the flaws of the institution date to its origins. Today, these inherent failings leave it unable to deal with the most pressing issues of our time: the refugee crisis, Britain’s exit, the foundering eurozone, and the increasing disquiet among its member states. In a globalised marketplace where technological innovation transcends state boundaries, the EU is no longer fit for purpose. It is time to let the union dissolve.

Please find the link to the book here.

The Growth of Shadow Banking - A Comparative Institutional Analysis

by Matthias Thiemann | 2018, Cambridge University Press

The ‘shadow banking system’ refers to a system of credit-provision occurring outside of the official regulatory perimeter of commercial banks. Facilitated by securitization vehicles, mutual funds, hedge funds, investment banks and mortgage companies, the function and regulation of these shadow banking institutions has come under increasing scrutiny after the subprime crisis of 2007–8. Matthias Thiemann examines how regulators came to tolerate the emergence of links between the banking and shadow banking systems. Through a comparative analysis of the US, France, the Netherlands and Germany, he argues that fractured domestic and global governance systems determining the regulatory approach to these links ultimately aggravated the recent financial crisis. Since 2008, shadow banking has even expanded and the incentives for banks to bend the rules have only increased with increasing regulation. Thiemann’s empirical work suggests how state-finance relations could be restructured to keep the banking system under state control and avoid future financial collapses.

Please find the link to the book here.

The New Power Elite - Inequality, Politics and Greed

by Alan Shipman, June Edmunds and Bryan Turner | 2018, Anthem Press

Elites have always ruled – wielding inordinate power and wealth, taking decisions that shape life for the rest. In good times the ‘1%’ can hide their privilege, or use growing social mobility and economic prosperity as a justification. When times get tougher there’s a backlash. So the first years of the twenty-first century – a time of financial crashes, oligarchy and corruption in the West; persistent poverty in the south; and rising inequality everywhere – have brought elites and ‘establishments’ under unprecedented fire. Yet those swept to power by this discontent are themselves a part of the elite, attacking from within and extending rather than ending its agenda. The New Power Elite shows how major political and social change is typically driven by renegade elite fractions, who co-opt or sideline elites’ traditional enemies. It is the first book to combine the politics, economics, sociology and history of elite rule to present a compact, comprehensive account of who’s at the top, and why we let them get there.

Please find the link to the book here.

Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics

by Kakuya Matsushima, William P. Anderson | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

This collection of 16 original research chapters by international scholars addresses the complementary roles of transportation and knowledge and their spatial manifestations in modern urban and regional economies. The authors provide research from North America, Europe and Asia. While the studies employ sophisticated methods and theory, there is a strong element of practical applications and policy implications in each chapter as well. This book will be of interest to communities of research and practice in urban and regional economics and planning, regional science and economic geography, transportation research, planning and management and the knowledge economy.

Please find the link to the book here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

6 fully funded PhD positions at Insubria University

PhD programme in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions at Insubria University | Varese, Italy

Number of fellowships: 6 with scholarship + 2 without scholarship

A significant part of economic analysis is about the processes of decision making. Consumers and producers, workers and firms, banks and managers, households and policy makers continuously make economically relevant decisions. Economists and management theorists are interested in understanding, predicting, or modifying the processes underlying these decisions.

The analysis of decisions relies on methods and models that differ significantly according to the different fields of research. For instance, classical decision theory is largely based on abstract mathematical modelling, while more recent research in behavioural decision theory significantly relies on experimental methods. Econometric models are used to investigate the determinants of specific decisions, such as those concerning labour, transports, or health. Computational methods are used to simulate how artificial agents interact, and to investigate the effects of their interaction.

The PhD program in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions trains young researchers to master the variety of theoretical and applied approaches that are used in economics and management theory for analysing decision-making processes. The students will acquire a broad set of research skills in model construction and data analysis, and thus become capable of understanding the complex phenomena related to decision making in a multidisciplinary perspective. PhD students will then focus on a specific field of analysis and develop their own research program under the supervision of a faculty member.

For more information on the programme please click here.

The original call for applications can be found here.

Application deadline: 31 July, 2018

Fully funded PhD Position at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Fully funded PhD Post in Economic Rationalities | Copenhagen, Denmark

The Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP) at Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant PhD Scholarship within the fields of historical and/or economic sociology, with a special focus on the productive tensions between religious imaginaries and economic rationalities. Research on the relationship between state, civil society and markets has recently witnessed a turn towards religion. We are interested in PhD projects that are situated within this wider turn and aim to study, amongst other things, the influence of theological concepts on economic theorizing in both Western and non-Western contexts (economic theology and conceptual history); conduct comparative analysis of economic and religious practices in specific socio-economic contexts (economic sociology); investigate modes of sacralisation/sanctification and de-sacralization/profanation in economic practices, both past and present (economic anthropology); and explore the contribution that historical analysis in general can make to our theoretical understanding of market logics (historical sociology and economic history).

Examples of research areas that a scholarship might cover:

MPP is organised into four research groups: politics; history; philosophy; and management. We are a uniquely multi-disciplinary research department with the ambition to make our research in management and organization studies as well as adjacent fields known to students, companies, public institutions, and research colleagues as innovative, creative and critical/reflexive. A multi-disciplinary dialogue that challenges and combines academic disciplines and perspectives ties research at the department together. The department is committed to research-based education and to bring this understanding into play in society in a constructive, engaged, and valuable manner. A key focus of MPP is to publish its research with highly ranked academic journals and book publishers across a broad spectrum of areas, reflecting the department’s multidisciplinary set-up. Across the department, there is a keen interest in developing new forms of teaching and learning environments in collaboration with CBS faculty, international researchers, students and partner organizations.

The Department will give priority to applicants with high grades from their universities. The three-year PhD programme at CBS allows you to conduct research under the supervision of CBS professors, supported by research training courses. The programme is highly international, and you are expected to participate in international research conferences and to spend time abroad as a visiting PhD student. See the CBS homepage for more information about the PhD programme. It is also required that the applicant shows an interest in joining the Department’s research environment.

CBS PhD graduates are held in high esteem not only in academia and research institutions but also in government and business where their research qualifications are increasingly demanded. One third of CBS PhD graduates go on to employment outside universities and public research institutions. Copenhagen Business School has a broad commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research programmes. Candidates who wish to join us should demonstrate enthusiasm for working in an organisation of this type (highlighting, for example, relevant business, educational and dissemination activities).

For further information please contact: Associate Professor Stefan Schwarzkopf, tel.: +45 3815 3652, or Head of Secretariat Henrik Hermansen, tel.: +45 3815 3656. Information about the department can be found here.

General information:

Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation. A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent of ½ year’s work (840 work hours). The scholarships are fully salaried positions, according to the national Danish collective agreement. The scholarship includes the tuition fees, office space, travel grants plus a salary, currently starting with app. DKK 23,770 per month (approx. 3,160 Euro), moving up to DKK 28,964 (approx. 3,860 Euro) depending on seniority, plus a pension contribution totaling 17.1% of 85 per cent of the base salary.

The PhD student will be enrolled at PhD School in Organisation and Management Studies. To be considered, the candidate should have a basic training at the Masters level (similar to the 3 + 2 Bologna process). An educational background in the social sciences is necessary. The applicant must have successfully completed the Master’s degree before commencing a PhD at CBS. The applicant must be fully fluent in English.

The application must include:

Recruitment procedure

The Recruitment Committee expects to shortlist at least two to five applicants to be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline. Applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the result of the assessment. Once the recruitment process is completed, each applicant will be notified of the outcome of their application.

Please find guidelines and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme here http://http://uk.cbs.dk/phd.

Applications must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link provided on this webpage.

Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline.

The envisaged starting date of the position is September 15, 2018.

Application deadline: 3 August, 2018.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships: Call for Expressions of Interest from the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity

European Fellowship at the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity | Leicester, UK

The Centre for Urban Research on Austerity seeks expressions of interest from outstanding post-doctoral candidates eligible to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual European Fellowship at a UK host institution. If you are interested in developing your research in any field related to cities, urbanism and austerity, we would welcome an inquiry.

Qualified candidates from any country are eligible to apply for these fellowships, provided you have not lived or worked in the UK for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the application deadline of 12 September, 2018.

If you would be interested in working with us for 1-2 years on a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, please email an expression of interest (EoI) to Professor Jonathan Daviesby Friday 6th July. You should include a CV with details of your academic and other relevant achievements, a 1-2 page working research proposal and supporting letter explaining research synergies with CURA and identifying your preferred academic mentor(s) in the centre.

You can consult a list of our staff at here.

For more information, see this link.

Candidates successful at the EoI stage will be supported by a CURA mentor in developing the full proposal and application for final submission on 12th September 2018.

Deadline for submission of the Eol: 6 July, 2018