Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 253 October 14, 2019 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

In this issue of the Heterodox Economics Newsletter, you will find a series of hasty items with close deadlines - mainly calls for papers and job posts - that might require your immediate attention. So be sure to inspect this issue quickly to not miss a possible opportunity.

Having said that I also wanted to draw your attention to a new heterodox economic journal, the Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE). REPE has been founded by the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE; see also my last editorial which contains a short reflection on EAEPE's recent conference) and has managed to assemble a diverse set of highly visible and knowledgeable economists to serve on its editorial and advisory boards (find out more details here). By trying to combine pluralism and interdisciplinarity with a focus on pressing policy issues, REPE sets out to fill an important gap in the current journal landscape for heterodox economists and like-minded researchers.

An item especially relevant for the younger cohorts is the annual call of applications for the highly rewarding EPOG Master program. EPOG (now) stands for "Economic Policies for the Global transition" and has earned some fame for providing excellent teaching on diverse aspects in heterodox economics and political economy.

Finally, I wanted to add that we have a new job ad out for a Post-Doc located in the Institute for Socio-Economics at University Duisburg-Essen dealing with the relationship between socio-economic problems and political integration (see here below). It goes without saying that we would be extremely happy to receive some international applications for this position.

All the best,


© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

38th International Labour Process Conference (Newcastle, April 2020)

15-17 April 2020 | Newcastle, UK

"Critical Differences at Work"

Each year the ILPC brings together researchers from a variety of countries with the objective of enhancing our understanding of contemporary developments relating to work and employment within the broader political economy. The conference organisers welcome papers on any issue concerning the analysis of labour processes, labour markets, labour organising and labour reproduction. As ever, we always encourage papers that seek to develop inter-disciplinary linkages through their empirical, conceptual or theoretical content. Indicative traditional and recent topics include:

How to apply

Papers must not have been previously published or presented elsewhere. The abstract should contain clear information about the topic, how it is being investigated and the intended contribution to knowledge. Abstracts relating to new empirical research should contain information about theoretical orientation, findings, methodology and the stage of the research (if appropriate). Abstracts of papers that are concerned solely with theoretical or conceptual matters should provide clear information on how they address and advance relevant debates. Abstracts should be between 350-500 words. Use the abstract submission system online.

Submission Deadline: 31 October 2019

41st Association for Institutional Thought (Portland, April 2020)

1-4 April 2020 | Portland, US

The Institutional Relevance of Institutional Economics

The Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) invites you to submit papers and/or propose full sessions that examine the broader significance and impact of institutional economics. This year’s theme is intended to encourage a discourse on the historical and continuing relevance of institutional thought—not only within academic economics, but also for social theory more generally, as well as beyond academia altogether. The theme of the 2020 meeting of AFIT could be understood as asking the following:

How to apply

Submitters of individual papers will need to provide the following:

Submitters of complete panels and roundtables will need to provide the following:

Find detailed instructions about the submission process here.

Deadline for Submission: 1st December 2019

5th International Economic Philosophy Conference (Warszawa, June 2020)

24 - 26 June 2020 | Warszawa, Poland

The 5th International Economic Philosophy Conference "Culture and Economics" is organized by the Faculty of Economic Sciences (University of Warsaw) and the Polish Economic Institute in collaboration with the International Conferences for Economics and Philosophy (ICPE), the Philosophy-Economics Network and the Polish Philosophy of Economics Network.The focus of this year’s conference is Culture and Economics. We welcome contributions from researchers working in various streams of economic philosophy, relevant to the conference theme.

Culture has always had an unclear and uneasy relationship with economics and economic philosophy. For a long time, the economics profession was insufficiently sensitive to the cultural dimension of the economy, markets, institutions, firms or households. At the same time, the economic philosophy profession used to reflect on the cultural dimension of the economic science and its key concepts only occasionally and in an unsystematic way. This unsatisfactory state of affairs has recently started to undergo a gradual change which manifests itself in the work of:

Abstracts proposal should be submitted by an electronic form, either in English, French or Polish. Please find further information here.

Deadline for submission: 31 December 2019

Annals of Cooperative and Public Economics: Special Issue on "The contribution of the commons to open and shared access to productive resources and essential goods and services"

Edited by Philippe Bance and France Jérôme Schoenmaeckers

The theory of the commons developed with the work of Elinor Ostrom and her disciples has shown the relevance of governance as well as the social utility of the production of shared and jointly managed goods. They radically challenged Hardin's common goods curse thesis and took the opposite view to the property rights theory initiated by Alchian and Demsetz. As Coriat shows, however, exclusive and private access to resources has increased in recent decades, particularly on knowledge and technology; the most tangible manifestation being the rise of patents in the life sciences or software. The growing importance of exclusive private rights over productive resources and essential goods and services leads to the term "Tragedy of the Anticommons" according to Heller. To preserve the collective interest, it is necessary to guarantee and develop open and shared access for essential goods and resources, in particular through the public domain or production by the commons. Various questions emerge and this issue will try notably deal with:

Submit with indication “Special Issue” here.

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2019

Association of American Geographers Conference (Denver, April 2020)

6-10 April 2020 | Denver, US

Join the American Association of Geographers at the AAG Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo., April 6-10, 2020, Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center and the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIScience. The AAG Annual Meeting is an interdisciplinary forum open to anyone with an interest in geography and related disciplines. All scholars, researchers, and students are welcome. The five-day conference will host more than 7,000 geographers from around the world and feature over 5,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. Sessions will be organized around many subfields, special tracks, and featured themes. For more general information, visit annualmeeting.aag.org.

The meeting program will also feature:

Two sessions with special relevance for heterodox economists can be found below; information about other potentially relevant sessions can be found at the conference website.

Paper Session: A World of Rents! Interrogating Rentier Capitalism

Economic rents are usually characterized as a distortion of markets, a corruption of politics, or unearned (and undeserved) income; similar analytical and normative framings stretch across the political economic spectrum from right to left. Geographers are increasingly (re)engaging with the issue of rents, rent-seeking, and rentiership at different scales, in different places, and to different effects. While some focus on the emergence and development of new modes of rentier capitalism, others are more focused on mapping out the nitty-gritty, everyday practices entailed in the making of rents through the enclosure of assets. Across these different approaches is a common sense that, for those looking to extract value, a wide world of rents is beckoning — with all the problems it entails.

If you would like to participate in the session, please submit an abstract (250 words max) to Jathan Sadowski (Jathan.Sadowski@sydney.edu.au) and Kean Birch (kean@yorku.ca) no later than October 15, 2019.

Paper Session: Political geographies of the new state capitalism

The session aims to enhance our scholarly understanding of the recent polymorphism of state intervention by exploring its attendant economic and political geographies. In particular, we welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions exploring the following topics: nature of the new state capitalism, variegated state capitalism(s), spatializing the new state capitalism, State capitalism and uneven and combined geographical development, State capitalism and the new political geographies of capital and state power, Studying state capitalism in light of the concept of ‘legitimacy, Critical geopolitics of the new state capitalism, the future of the (Western-dominated) (neo)liberal capitalist order.
Please submit a paper abstract (max. 250 words) that clearly explains your paper's connections to the proposed themes to Ilias Alami (ilias.alami@maastrichtuniversity.nl) no later than October 25, 2019.

Find further information about the Annual Meeting and the different Paper Sessions here.

Submission Deadline: 15 October 2019 / 25 October 2019

Fourth International Conference on Cultural Political Economy (Lancaster, Jan. 2020)

8-10 January 2020 | Lancaster, UK

Engaging with Cultural Political Economy: Neoliberal Crises and Diverse Imaginaries

The Fourth International Conference on Cultural Political Economy will be hosted by Staffordshire University building on the highly successful previous events at Lancaster University (2015 and 2017) and Bristol University (2016). The conference is an important part of the ongoing development of a theoretical and empirical engagement with Cultural Political Economy—the emerging trans-disciplinary approach to enhance the explanatory power of cultural turns in political economy

Call for Papers

The organisers welcome proposals for papers and panels on the following, illustrative topics: other themes are also welcome:

Panel proposals and/or abstracts of 200 words should be sent to reach Tom Ward. Accepted proposals will be notified within 2 weeks.

Submission Deadline: 8 November 2019

Historical Materialism Conference (Montreal, May 2020)

21-24 May, 2020 | Montreal, Canada

One of the deepest political lessons of our times is that the radical left is undergoing a crisis. We are currently unable to articulate a clear vision for the future. “Anti-capitalism”, anti-racism”, “Change the system, not the climate”, “Another world is possible”: this vocabulary expresses a negative and defensive political impulse, underlining our incapacity to put forward a positive, inspiring project.

Now is the time to act. The multi-faceted crisis we are going through requires the creation of new utopias. This is why "The Great Transition: Building Utopias" invites you to reflect on alternative models and new political strategies in tune with our current situation.

Find further information here. For Submission of papers use the offical Submission Form.

Submission Deadline: 28.10.2019

International ExSIDE Doctoral Workshop (Surrey, April 2020)

2-3 April 2020 | Surrey, UK

The International ExSIDE doctoral workshop is organized by doctoral fellows with the aim to provide PhD candidates in economics at any stage of their doctoral studies an opportunity to present their research projects. The selected candidates will have a chance to discuss their work with peers and researchers in an informal atmosphere, exchange ideas about recent developments in their fields, and expand their research network.

The two-day workshop will take place in University of Surrey, which is an academic partner of ExSIDE program. Two keynotes will be given by distinguished scholars George Evans (University of Oregon) and Andrea Galeotti (London Business School).

How to apply

All PhD candidates in economics at any stage of their doctoral studies are welcome to submit their paper or extended abstracts. We particularly welcome papers from the following research areas:

Interested candidates should submit their application to the email application.workshop@exside-itn.eu by indicating “ExSIDE Workshop – submission” in the subject line. The following information must be indicated in the email:

The applications are now open. To submit your paper please consult the page on application process here.

For further information please visit the official website.

Submission Deadline: 20 December 2019

POLLEN: 3rd Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (Brighton, June 2020)

24-26 June 2020 | Brighton, UK

The Political Ecology of Crops: From Seed to State and Capital

Under capitalism, crops are commodities. Certain crops are hence entangled in transnational economic webs. The power of political-economic analyses for understanding these economies is indisputable, e.g. Tony Weis’ analysis of the industrial grain-oilseed-livestock complex (Weis 2013). But are there also characteristics intrinsic to some domesticated plants that predispose such entanglements? In Against the Grain (2017), James Scott argues that cereal grains have been particularly instrumental in state making projects. Generative of legible, taxable agrarian landscapes – providing the necessary but not sufficient preconditions for states to arise and grasp hold – cereal grains are ‘political crops’ par excellence. This political utility, Scott argues, crucially relates to these plants’ particular qualities, their ‘more-than-human’ natures, as it were. While Scott’s book remains focused on early state formation, the concept of political crops deserves greater scrutiny. Can we think of paradigmatic political crops and crop technologies in the contemporary capitalist world-system? What characterizes their political ecologies?

Seeking to bring Scott’s work into the present, we suggest that the notion of ‘political crops’ needs to be expanded. Whereas Scott thinks of such crops as entangled in state making, we also want to invite thinking about how crops might co-shape power relations across scales. In addition we want to explore the antithesis: political crops against the state, distinctly anticapitalist crops, crops that facilitate rebellion against authority. Thus, we invite presentations looking into (1) the political ecologies of particular crops in sustaining state making projects, capitalist accumulation and other patterns of domination, and (2) the political ecologies of particular crops in resisting, subverting and seeking to dismantle the state and capital, as well as relations of power at e.g. village or household levels. Can we think - or provoke - with distinctly ‘neoliberal crops’ or ‘authoritarian populist crops’? Is it possible to imagine distinctly ‘rebellious crops’? What would it mean to think in such terms, in the face of the specter of essentializing the socionatures of crops?

How to apply

If you want to present in this session please send your 250 word abstract to jostein.jakobsen@sum.uio.no.

For further information visit the official website.

Submission Deadline: 15 November 2019

Well-Being 2020 Conference: Knowledge for Informed Decisions (Luxembourg, March 2020)

18- 21 March 2020 | Luxembourg

The conference will be hosted in Luxembourg. The organizers are the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg. The conference offers excellent key note speakers, a policy roundtable, a beautiful location, and a great opportunity to exchange and discuss research on well-being.

The quest for better lives, by either maximizing well-being or minimizing ill-being, is central to human culture, history, and actions. Problems arise when choosing policies for better lives. Economists recommend economic growth as the way to satisfy ever increasing desires. This view has been challenged in recent years as a growing number of scholars argue that such a monetary-based focus led people to neglect aspects of life that are central to well-being. To date the debate remains open: which economic and social policies can promote well-being? Does the literature on well-being provide new insights for civil society and policy-makers? Are there dimensions of well-being neglected by traditional policies? How can policy-makers best integrate the findings from well-being studies? What is the role for civil society?

This is an interdisciplinary conference welcoming contributions from every field of social sciences, such as: economics, sociology, psychology, and political sciences. We especially welcome papers on the following topics:

To apply, please submit an abstract including the name of the author/s and a title to: submitSWB2020@statec.etat.lu

For more details please visit the website.

Submission Deadline: 15 October 2019

YSI at International Conference Minsky at 100 (Milan, Dec. 2019)

16-17 December 2019 | Milan, Italy

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is glad to announce a new call for papers. The Keynesian Economics working group is organizing a graduate panel session at the International Conference Minsky at 100: Revisiting Financial Instability. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars of different traditions/schools of thought to discuss the causes and consequences of financial instability in contemporary economic systems and to assess the legacy of Hyman P. Minsky.

How to apply

All applicants must submit an abstract in English (3000 characters maximum) and a motivation for attending the conference (1000 characters maximum) to the following email: KEWG@youngscholarsinitiative.org. Accommodation and partial travel support will be offered for selected participants. Please notice that selected candidates will must pay their conference fee. Find further information here.

Submission Deadline: 28 October 2019

Call for Participants

"Bentham's Political Economy" (London, Dec. 2019)

16 –17 December 2019 | University College London

The philosopher and reformer Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) is celebrated as both the founder of classical utilitarianism and a profound theorist of law. Despite his seminal treatment of rationality as cost–benefit analysis, and his recognition of the phenomenon of diminishing marginal utility however, he is often either overlooked altogether in histories of economic thought, or relegated to the status of a footnote. The Bentham Project and UCL Faculty of Laws are therefore delighted to be hosting a conference, to be held on 16–17 December 2019, on Bentham’s Political Economy.

Please visit the conference Eventbrite page for more details and to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/benthams-political-economy-tickets-75669338027

ANZSEE 2019 Conference: Ecological Economics (Melbourne, Nov. 2019)

24-26 November 2019 | RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Ecological Economics: Solutions Now and in the Future

The 2019 Australia New Zealand Society of Ecological Economics (ANZSEE) conference addresses the great challenges of our times: environmental crises and how we can live more sustainably on planet Earth. The conference language is English.

Keynote speakers:

Please find detailed information here and register via this platform.

Job Postings

Dickinson College, US

Job titel: Assistant Professor for Microeconomics/Macroeconomics

The Economics Department at Dickinson College invites applications for an Assistant Professor tenure track position, beginning Fall 2020. Candidates should have already earned, or be near completion of, a Ph.D. in economics or related field. Dickinson is a liberal arts college emphasizing excellence in teaching and research. The ability to create inclusive learning environments for a diverse student body and demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching are important characteristics of the successful candidate. Teaching responsibilities include introductory and intermediate macroeconomics and upper-level electives, which may include, but are not limited to, international finance and economic growth and development. Potential for research in these or related fields is expected. Ability to teach econometrics and/or mathematical economics is also preferred. The annual teaching load is five courses. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with qualifications.

Dickinson College, a selective four-year, liberal arts college with 2,300 students, is located in historic Carlisle, PA near Harrisburg and is a two-hour drive from Baltimore, Washington, DC and Philadelphia. Dickinson College is committed to building a representative and diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We encourage applications from all qualified persons. Applications from women and minorities are strongly encouraged.

Interested candidates should submit via QUEST (online application system) at https://jobs.dickinson.edu, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, research statement, research paper, teaching statement, sample syllabi, and teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness. Interviews will be scheduled to be held at the ASSA meetings in San Diego and/or via Skype.

Please find further information here and here.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2019

College of Idaho, US

Job title: Tenure-Track Professor of Political Economy OR International Political Economy

The College of Idaho’s Department of Political Economy invites applications for a tenure-track entry- level faculty position that will commence in Fall 2020. The Department offers two related majors: Political Economy and International Political Economy. The successful candidate will EITHER primarily serve the Political Economy major focusing on domestic political economy and policy-making in the United States, OR primarily serve the International Political Economy major focusing on the global economy, international relations, development, and comparative political economy. The department also offers minors supporting the College of Idaho’s PEAK curriculum. The teaching load is 3-3 with an additional course taught during each January term. Successful candidates will have an active research agenda while demonstrating a passion for teaching in the liberal arts tradition. They will join a student-centered department where teaching and mentoring are valued as the highest priority.


A Ph.D. is required in Political Economy, Political Science, International Political Economy, International Relations, Economics (heterodox), Behavioral Economics, or other related fields. Courses to be taught include introductory courses in the field and advanced courses based on the candidate’s expertise. Advanced ABD applicants will be considered. Applications must include letter of interest, CV, statement demonstrating a passion for teaching in the liberal arts tradition, sample syllabi, recent course evaluations, and at least three letters of recommendation.Candidates must be authorized to work in the United States as of the expected hire date and throughout the date of the contract without sponsorship from The College of Idaho.

Application review will begin October 14, 2019. Applications will be accepted until the position has been filled. Please submit application materials via email to hr@collegeofidaho.edu with subject ‘Political Economy Search.’ For further information visit the official website.

Start of Application review: 14 October 2019

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Job title: Professor of Technology and Global Development

The Chair in Technology and Global Development will be expected to spearhead research and teaching at International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) on the role of technological applications and innovations in addressing international development challenges. The position forms part of the ISS-wide research programme, Global Development and Social Justice. The Chair will contribute to the ISS research program, and collaborate closely with the ISSbased Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa, part of the strategic alliance of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam. In addition, the chair will be expected to play a leading role in a multi-faculty endeavor at Erasmus University - the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative. The selected candidate will be offered an initial 5 year contract at the level of Professor, with the possibility of extension and a permanent contract, conditional on performance. The candidate will be expected to take up the position as soon as possible.

Skills and Experience

The post will suit an academic with a strong track record in research and teaching in the broad field of development studies with a particular focus on the role that may be played by technology in tackling development challenges. Potential applicants should be able to address both the worldwide implications of technological change and have an interest in and the ability to identify, implement and evaluate the effects of specific technological applications and frugal and local innovations which may be used to deal with topical development challenges.

We are looking for candidates who meet the following requirements:

How to apply

A motivation letter which includes a description of your vision on the field and the areas you would like to focus on in your research and teaching in the next five years (max four pages); a detailed CV which provides information on your publications, grants, teaching activities and teaching evaluations, valorisation activities, details on Ph.D supervision and contact details of three referees. An additional document which lists specific details to be included in the CV is available. Please send your documents in one pdf file to: vacancies.tagd@iss.nl

Please find the original job posting here or contact Professor A. Bedi (bedi@iss.nl) or Professor P. Knorringa (Knorringa@iss.nl) for additional information on the specific vacancy.

Application deadline: 14 October 2019

Gothenburg University, Sweden

Job title: Ph.d.-students in economic history

The Unit for Economic History, Department of Economy and Society, at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, are calling for applications for 1-2 positions as Ph.d.-students in economic history. Ph.d.-students at Gothenburg University are paid a salary during their ph.d.-studies. The position is a temporary position of four years. Applicants will be assessed based on the general and specific eligibility requirements and their estimated ability to benefit from the study programme. The applications will be evaluated by the research committee at the Unit for Economic History. The PhD student is expected to complete a PhD education in economic history during the period of employment. The main component of this education is to write a doctoral dissertation. Other tasks, including teaching and administrative duties, might be necessary to some extent, and will then render an extension of the PhD education to an equivalent degree.


Entry requirements for third-cycle (doctoral) programmes require both general and specific eligibility. The general entry requirements for third-cycle (doctoral) programmes are:

In addition, admission to the third-cycle programme in economic history at the University of Gothenburg also requires:

How to apply

Please attach the following in the application:

Please clearly state your social security in the application, preferably in the CV and Cover Letter. Also clearly state the reference number to the recruitment case. Make sure that any referees also include the reference number in their letter of recommendation. In order to apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you have to register an account in our online recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline. The selection of candidates is made on the basis of the qualifications registered in the application at the last date of application. Any questions regarding the positions can be directed to Klas Rönnbäck, director of the ph.d.-studies program in economic history at Gothenburg University.

Please find the original job posting with further information here.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2019

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany

Job title: Senior Researchers in Comparative / International Political Economy

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is seeking senior researchers in comparative/international political economy to join two of its project areas. The Political Economy of Growth Models, which is headed by Lucio Baccaro, welcomes applications in particular from scholars interested in comparative capitalism broadly defined, while scholars interested in European economic and social integration are encouraged to apply to the Research Group on the Political Economy of European Integration project area, headed by Martin Höpner. For more information on the research agendas in both project areas, please go to www.mpifg.de/index_en.asp > Research.

Applicants are required to have completed a PhD in political science, sociology, or economics, and show promise of excellence in their publication record. Excellent English is essential. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to pursue a habilitation and to teach at the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE, imprs.mpifg.de). The positions are for an initial three-year period, with an option of a further three years following successful evaluation. We offer excellent working conditions in an internationally oriented research institute. Pay and benefits are based on the German public sector pay agreement (TVöD-Bund). The Max Planck Society is committed to improving the opportunities for women in science and explicitly encourages women to apply. We support our employees in achieving work and family life balance. We are also committed to employing more people with disabilities and encourage such applicants to apply.

Please apply online by going to https://jobs.mpifg.de, where you will be asked to upload your application in English as a single PDF file. Your application should include a cover letter, a two- to three-page project proposal, a CV, copies of your qualifications, a list of publications, a selected journal article, and the names and addresses of two referees.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2019

University of Denver, US

Job title: Assistant/Associate Professor of Economics

The Department of Economics will seek to fill a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor starting September 2020. We are seeking a heterodox economist doing research in the areas of macroeconomics and money, monetary theory, and financial markets preferably with a U.S. policy focus. Preference will be given to candidates whose work is informed by the history of economic thought.Candidates must show promise of distinction in research and publications in these fields and must also show promise of excellent teaching ability in the areas they offer, as well as in our introductory courses Macro- and Microeconomics I: History and Theories and/or Macro- and Microeconomics II: Theories and Policies. Teaching these courses requires familiarity with economic history, the history of economic thought, philosophy of social science, and heterodox as well as mainstream perspectives on economic theory and policy.


Assistent Professor

Associate Professor

How to apply

Candidates must apply online through this platform to be considered. Only applications submitted online will be accepted.

Please include the following documents with your application: Cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, Recent research paper, Research statement, Teaching statement (including evidence of teaching ability, if available), Statement of how your work would complement the heterodox nature of our program, Inclusive Excellence statement, Names and contact information for three referees, letters will be requested

Find detailed information about the vacancy here.

Deadline for Application: 2 December 2019

University of Duisburg/Essen, Germany

Job title: Post-Doc

The Institute for Socio-Economics in Duisburg is looking for a post-doc (full-time, no teaching!) to contribute to Paul Marx’s research project “The influence of socio-economic problems on political integration”. The goal of the project is to establish with a variety of methods a causal relationship between socio-economic problems, such as unemployment or poverty, and political behaviour. The position is open to candidates from all academic backgrounds. If you have questions, please contact Paul Marx directly.

Additionally the German call for applications (English speakers should simply get in touch with Paul).

Application Deadline: 5 November 2019

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Job title: Professors of Political Economy in the Department of History, Economics and Society

The Department of History, Economics, and Society in the Geneva School of Social Sciences seeks to fill two professorships (at the assistant or associate levels) in political economy. We are looking for scholars with a profile in heterodox economics working in one or several of the following domains:

A PhD in Economics, or a qualification judged as equivalent, is required for this position. We are interested in candidates with strong publication records and international reputations, demonstrated success in teaching economics, a willingness to raise external funds for research projects, and an interest in engaging with other social sciences. Successful candidates will be members of a department that brings together specialists of political economy and economic history and they will be expected to contribute to the administration of the department and its teaching programmes. They will be required to develop and teach courses in political economy (maximum of 4 hours per week), to correct and grade student papers, to proctor and correct exams, and to provide guidance to students in the preparation of their Bachelor projects and Masters’ theses. They will contribute to our undergraduate and graduate teaching programmes, notably the Bachelor en Histoire-Economie-Société and the Master’s programme in the Political Economy of Capitalism. Teaching at the undergraduate level is mainly in French; teaching at the graduate level is in French and English.

Application procedure

The official announcement of these positions is available in French on the University of Geneva website. As it explains, candidates are requested to send a complete application electronically, including the following elements: a letter of motivation; a detailed CV including a list of publications and a description of any research projects undertaken; three references (name, affiliation and email); and copies of diplomas.

For additional information, please contact Bruno Amable, Professor of Political Economy (bruno.amable@unige.ch) or Mary O’Sullivan, head of the Department of History, Economics and Society (mary.osullivan@unige.ch).

Application Deadline: 22 November 2019

Université de Louvain, Belgium

Job title: full time position in Economic and Social Ethics at the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics

The successful candidate will have teaching assignments in the field of economic and social ethics, i.e. political philosophy understood as a normative discipline concerned with all aspects of social institutions and social life, with special emphasis on the economic dimension. The successful candidate will develop and drive a cutting-edge research program principally in the field of economic and social ethics. More specifically, the successful candidate will actively collaborate with economists, political scientists, sociologists, legal scholars or researchers in any relevant disciplines. Next to her/his research and teaching activities, the successful candidate will need to contribute actively to the twofold mission of the Hoover Chair of economic and social ethics, namely (1) to stimulate ethical reflection in the research and teaching of the Faculty of economic, social, political and communication sciences of the University; and (2) to contribute to a clear and well informed public debate, in Belgium and beyond, about the ethical issues that arise in our society in the various areas covered by the Faculty's disciplines.

Tasks: the applicant will

Qualifications: the applicant must have

Find further information here.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2019


Call for Nominations: Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize (2020)

The History of Economics Society is now accepting nominations for the Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize

In 1990, the Society established an annual award for the best dissertation in the history of economic thought and methodology in memory of Joseph Dorfman. Historian of economics and Distinguished Fellow of the History of Economics Society, Joseph Dorfman’s family endowed a permanent fund for this prize.

This year, the winner will receive a stipend of $500 plus travel expenses up to $1,000 to attend the 47 annual conference of the History of Economics Society (June 2020 in Utrecht, The Netherlands). All dissertations in the history of economic thought and economic methodology, written in English and completed during the last two years (September 2017 to August 2019), are eligible. The selection committee will consider all nominated dissertations, with self-nominations permitted.

The selection committee is formed this year by:

A list of past recipients can be found at http://historyofeconomics.org/awards-and-honors/dorfman-dissertation-prize/.

To nominate a dissertation, please send an email notification to the Chair (josedwar@hotmail.com), together with a .pdf copy of the dissertation.

Nomination Deadline: 31 December 2019

Call for Applications: 15th Annual Student Scholars Award Competition by The Association for Institutional Thought and The Association of Evolutionary Economics

The Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) is proud to announce its Fifteenth Annual AFIT-AFEE Student Scholars Award Competition. This competition seeks to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to pursue research topics in the field of Evolutionary-Institutional Economics, and related heterodox schools of thought such as Social and Solidarity Economics, Post-Colonial Studies, and other pluralist methodologies. As a professional association, AFIT is devoted to encouraging and fostering the development of institutional thought. Extensions and modifications of the foundational contributions of Thorstein Veblen, John Dewey, Clarence Ayers, John Commons, Wesley Mitchell, as well as Karl Polanyi, Gunnar Myrdal, Hyman Minsky, John Kenneth Galbraith, as well as new Evolutionary-Institutional approaches that advance the fields of social sciences and humanities are welcome. Students doing research in this vein are encouraged to submit papers that carry on and further advance Evolutionary-Institutional Economics. Awards will be given to the top three student papers drawn from the pool of submissions. Winners are then expected to present their research findings during a special session at the 41th Annual Meeting of AFIT as part of the 62st annual conference of the Western Social Science Association (WSSA), April 1-4, 2020 at the Portland Downtown Waterfront in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Each of the three winners will receive:

In order to be awarded the prize, winning papers must be presented by the student at the special AFIT session. Acknowledgements will be offered at the AFIT Banquet at the WSSA meetings.

Application Procedures and Deadlines

To enter into this competition, the person submitting must be identifiable as having student status. Submitted papers should be 15 to 25 pages (4,000-7,000 words) in length, including references and appendices, and must include a title page with the title, author, educational affiliation, and email address. Papers should be submitted electronically, preferably as a .pdf file, Please send submissions to the following email address: afitcontest@gmail.com.

Application Deadline: 10 January 2020

Call for Essays: Seventh Annual Amartya Sen Essay Prize (2020)

This year, Global Financial Integrity and Academics Stand Against Poverty will be awarding the seventh annual Amartya Sen Prizes to the two best original essays examining one particular component of illicit financial flows, the resulting harms and possible avenues of reform. Entered essays should be about 7,000 to 9,000 words long. There is a first prize of $5,000 and a second prize of $3,000. Illicit financial flows are generally defined as cross-border movements of funds that are illegally earned, transferred, or used. Examples are funds earned through illegal trafficking in persons, drugs or weapons; funds illegally transferred through mispriced exchanges (e.g., among affiliates of a multinational corporation seeking to shift profits to reduce taxes); funds moved to evade taxes; and funds used for corruption of or by public or corporate officials.

Your essay should describe the problematic activity and evaluate the adverse effects of it that make it problematic. Also, in quantitative terms insofar as this is possible, you should estimate the magnitude of the relevant outflows as well as the damage they do to the institutions and to the affected populations.Your essay should also explain the persistence of the harmful activity in terms of relevant incentives and enabling conditions and, based on your explanation, propose plausible ways to curtail the problem. Such reform efforts might be proposed at diverse levels, including supranational rules, national rules, corporate policies, professional ethics, individual initiatives, or any combination thereof.

How to apply

We welcome authors from diverse academic disciplines and from outside the academy. Please send your entry by email attachment to Tom Cardamone at SenPrize@gfintegrity.org. While your email should identify you, your essay should be stripped of self-identifying references, formatted for blind review.

Application Deadline: 31 August 2020

Call for Nominations: Distinguished Fellow of The History of Economics Society

The History of Economics Society awards the honor of “Distinguished Fellow” on those who have contributed a lifetime of exceptional study to the history of economics. We are pleased to invite nominations for the 2020 award which will be announced at the annual meeting next spring in Utrrecht. The selection committee is specified in the constitution as the three past presidents of the society: Evelyn Forget, Mauro Boionovsky and Robert Leonard.

If you would like to nominate someone for the award of Distinguished Fellow, please send their CV or a list of publications, a letter outlining why they should be honored and two additional letters of support to Evelyn Forget evelyn.forget@umanitoba.ca.The committee considers nominations received during one round of awards, so nominations submitted in previous years should be re-submitted to be considered.

As you think about who you might nominate, we ask you to remember that good work takes many forms and to explicitly consider those who have made important contributions that may not have received the attention they deserve.

Nomination Deadline: 30 November 2019

Winner Announcement: Elinor Ostrom Award 2019

The Elinor Ostrom Prize has been established in honour of the late Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012), who was an enormously creative scholar and an outstanding pioneer of the interdisciplinary field of institutional research.The joint winners of the 2019 Elinor Ostrom Prize are:

Robbert Maseland (University of Groningen, Nethelands), for his article: Is colonialism history? The declining impact of colonial legacies on African institutional and economic development

Colin Harris(St Olaf College, USA), for his article:Institutional solutions to free-riding in peer-to-peer networks: a case study of online pirate communities


Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 39 (4)

Jose Luis Gordon: The role of the State in fostering innovation activity: case studies of the USA and Germany

Débora Freire, Marco Flávio Cunha Resende, Gustavo Britto: Taxa de câmbio real, apoio financeiro e exportações no Brasil: estimação da equação de exportações setoriais com câmbio implícito

Fabio Anderaos de Araujo: Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value: a note

Mariana Fix e Leda Maria Paulani: Considerações teóricas sobre a terra como puro ativo financeiro e o processo de financeirização

Jonas Rama e John B. Hall: Celso Furtado as ‘Romantic Economist’ from Brazil’s Sertão

Dariusz Eligiusz Staszczak: Recessions and a changing theoretical basis of the recoveries: a view from the state-corporation hegemonic stability theory

Ricardo Luis Chaves Feijó: The origins of anti-capitalism in the young Marx

Arthur Rizzi Ribeiro, Ricardo da Silva Carvalho, José Luis Oreiro: A doutrina social da igreja católica, o novo desenvolvimentismo e a economia social de mercado: dialógos possíveis?

Michelli Gonçalves Stumm, Wellington Nunes, Renato Perissinotto: Ideias, instituições e coalizões: as razões do fracasso da política industrial Lulista

Cinthia Bechelaine e Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira: Multilateral development banks, new developmentalism and local currency financing

Cambridge Journal of Economics 43 (5)

Rosario Patalano: Surplus country adjustment: revisiting the post-World War II Scarce Currency Clause

Tristan Auvray and Joel Rabinovich: The financialisation–offshoring nexus and the capital accumulation of US non-financial firms

Patrizio Lainà: Money creation under full-reserve banking: a stock–flow consistent model

Özgür Orhangazi: The role of intangible assets in explaining the investment–profit puzzle

Elaine McCrate, Susan J Lambert and Julia R Henly: Competing for hours: unstable work schedules and underemployment among hourly workers in Canada

Up Sira Nukulkit: Neutral technical progress and the measure of value: along the Kaldor–Kennedy line

Lance Taylor, Duncan K Foley and Armon Rezai: Demand drives growth all the way: Goodwin, Kaldor, Pasinetti and the Steady State

Giulio Palermo: Power: a Marxist view: Coercion and exploitation in the capitalist mode of production

Roberto Marchionatti: Between Berlin and Cambridge: classical conceptions of the general economic equilibrium in the late 1920s

Teodoro Dario Togati: How can we restore the generality of the General Theory?: Making Keynes’s ‘implicit theorising’ explicit

John Pullen: Malthus on social classes: higher, lower and middle

European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies 16 (2)

Jan Behringer, Sebastian Gechert, Özlem Onaran and Miriam Rehm: Editorial Ten years after the crash: what have we learned?

Andrea Terzi: The rise of national central banks' TARGET balances in the euro area: a comment

Marcello Minenna, Giovanni Dosi and Andrea Roventini: The rise of national central banks' TARGET balances: a response to Andrea Terzi

Engelbert Stockhammer: An update on Kalecki–Minsky modelling

Stephanie Seguino: Feminist and stratification theories' lessons from the crisis and their relevance for post-Keynesian theory

Thomas Reininger, Helene Schuberth and Michael Wögerer: Ten years after: capital flows and the global monetary order

László Andor: Risks of a slow-motion EMU reform

Eckhard Hein: Karl Marx: an early post-Keynesian? A comparison of Marx's economics with the contributions by Sraffa, Keynes, Kalecki and Minsky

Fritz Helmedag: Marx and Keynes: from exploitation to employment

Hansjörg Herr: Karl Marx's thoughts on functional income distribution: a critical analysis from a Keynesian and Kaleckian perspective

Metroeconomica 70 (4)

Matteo Deleidi, Enrico Sergio Levrero: The money creation process: A theoretical and empirical analysis for the United States

Rajas Parchure: Sraffian general equilibrium

Paola Potestio: The relevance of reverse capital deepening and reswitching: A reply

Hiroshi Nishi: Balance‐of‐payments‐constrained cyclical growth with distributive class conflicts and productivity dynamics

Filippo Belloc: Employer‐employee profit‐sharing and the incentives to innovate when the dismissal regulation matters

Travis Campbell, Daniele Tavani: Marx‐biased technical change and income distribution: A panel data analysis

Maria Grazia Zoia, Laura Barbieri, Luca Bagnato: An insight into the Italian economy from an analysis based on the industrial production index in both frequency and time domains

Luciano Fanti, Domenico Buccella: When unionisation is profitable for firms in network industries

Saverio M. Fratini: Neoclassical theories of stationary relative prices and the supply of capital

Joel Rabinovich: The financialization of the non‐financial corporation. A critique to the financial turn of accumulation hypothesis

Tommaso Oliviero, Agnese Sacchi, Annalisa Scognamiglio, Alberto Zazzaro: House prices and immovable property tax: Evidence from OECD countries

Daria Pignalosa: On the role of the utility function in the estimation of preference parameters

Real World Economics Review, 89: Special Issue on "Modern Monetary Theory and Its Critics"

L. Randall Wray: Alternative paths to modern money theory

Trond Andresen: Initiating a parallel electronic currency in a eurocrisis country – why it would work

Phil Armstrong:An MMT perspective on macroeconomic policy space

Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner and Jo Michell: Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: MMT and developing countries

David Colander: Are modern monetary theory's lies “plausible lies”?

Paul Davidson: What is modern about MMT? A concise note

Dirk H. Ehnts and Maurice Höfgen: Modern monetary theory: a European perspective

Jan Kregel: MMT: the wrong answer to the wrong question

Marc Lavoie: Modern monetary theory and post-Keynesian economics

Tony Lawson: Money's relation to debt: some problems with MMT's conception of money

Anne Mayhew: The sleights of hand of MMT

Richard Murphy: Tax and modern monetary theory

Thomas I. Palley: Macroeconomics vs. modern money theory: some unpleasant Keynesian arithmetic and monetary dynamics

Louis-Philippe Rochon: MMT and TINA

Malcolm Sawyer: Modern monetary theory: is there any added value?

Alan Shipman: The significance of MMT in linking money, markets, sector balances and aggregate demand

Jan Toporowski: The political economy of modern money theory, from Brecht to Gaitskell

Review of Social Economy 77 (4)

Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez & Bruno Boidin: Community-based mutual health organisations in Senegal: a specific form of social and solidarity economy?

Céline Bonnefond & Fatma Mabrouk: Subjective well-being in China: direct and indirect effects of rural-to-urban migrant status

Kevin You & Gustavo Guzman: Managing institutional complexity through strategy and structure: the experience of Sri Lanka’s peak business interest associations

Thibaud Deguilhem, Jean-Philippe Berrou & François Combarnous: Using your ties to get a worse job? The differential effects of social networks on quality of employment in Colombia

Gustavo Fondevila & Miguel Quintana-Navarrete: Economic informality as a national project

Jannett Highfill & Kevin O’Brien: Religious heterogeneity and municipal spending in the United States

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 78 (4)

Charles M. A. Clark: Introduction: Catholic Social Thought vs. the Economy of Exclusion

Thomas J. Massaro: Pope Francis on Overcoming Exclusion: A Theological Vision with Economic and Social Implications

Ayman Reda: Human Vicegerency and the Golden Rule: The Islamic Case Against Exclusion

Charles M. A. Clark: Power, Subsidiarity, and the Economy of Exclusion

David A. Zalewski: Uncertainty and the Economy of Exclusion: Insights from Post‐Keynesian Institutionalism

Charles M. A. Clark and Helen Alford: The Throwaway Culture in the Economy of Exclusion: Pope Francis and Economists on Waste

Tracey Freiberg: Effects of Care Leave and Family Social Policy: Spotlight on the United States

Books and Book Series

Marx's Capital after 150 Years

by Marcello Musto | 2019, Routledge

This volume includes the proceedings of the biggest international conference held in the world to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Capital’s publication. The book is divided into three parts: I) "Capitalism, Past and Present"; II) "Extending the Critique of Capital"; III) "The Politics of Capital". It contains the contributions of globally renowned scholars from 13 countries and multiple academic disciplines who offer diverse perspectives, and critical insights into the principal contradictions of contemporary capitalism while pointing to alternative economic and social models. Together, they reconsider the most influential historical debates on Capital and provide new interpretations of Marx’s magnum opus in light of themes rarely associated with Capital, such as gender, ecology, and non-European societies.

Please find a link to the book here.

Amartya Sen and Rational Choice

by Mark Peacock | 2019, Routledge

Are human beings motivated exclusively by self-interest? The orthodox theory of rational choice in economics thinks that they are. Amartya Sen disagrees, and his concept commitment is central to his vision of an alternative to mainstream rational choice theory. This book examines commitment as it has evolved in Sen's critique of orthodox rational choice theory. The in-depth focus on commitment reveals subtleties in the concept itself as well as in its relationships with other concepts which Sen develops in his critique of rational choice theory, for example preference, sympathy, weakness of will, agency, personhood, social norms, rights, self-welfare goal and self-goal choice. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of commitment and offers novel interpretations of the term as a way of strengthening its plausibility

Please find a link to the book here.

Borders, Migration and Class in an Age of Crisis - Producing Immigrants and Workers

by Tom Vickers | 2019, Bristol University Press

This book responds to global tendencies toward increasingly restrictive border controls and populist movements targeting migrants for violence and exclusion. Informed by Marxist theory, it challenges standard narratives about immigration and problematises commonplace distinctions between ‘migrants’ and ‘workers’. Using Britain as a case study, the book examines how these categories have been constructed and mobilised within representations of a ‘migrant crisis’ and a ‘welfare crisis’ to facilitate capitalist exploitation. It uses ideas from grassroots activism to propose alternative understandings of the relationship between borders, migration and class that provide a basis for solidarity.

Please find a link to the book here.

Bubbles and Crashes: The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation

by Brent Goldfarb & David A. Kirsch | 2019, Stanford University Press

Financial market bubbles are recurring, often painful, reminders of the costs and benefits of capitalism. While many books have studied financial manias and crises, most fail to compare times of turmoil with times of stability. In Bubbles and Crashes, Brent Goldfarb and David A. Kirsch give us new insights into the causes of speculative booms and busts. They identify a class of assets—major technological innovations—that can, but does not necessarily, produce bubbles. This methodological twist is essential: Only by comparing similar events that sometimes lead to booms and busts can we ascertain the root causes of bubbles.

Using a sample of eighty-eight technologies spanning 150 years, Goldfarb and Kirsch find that four factors play a key role in these episodes: the degree of uncertainty surrounding a particular innovation, the attentive presence of novice investors, the opportunity to directly invest in companies that specialize in the technology, and whether or not a technology is a good protagonist in a narrative. Goldfarb and Kirsch consider the implications of their analysis for technology bubbles that may be in the works today, offer tools for investors to identify whether a bubble is happening, and propose policy measures that may mitigate the risks associated with future speculative episodes.

Please find a link to the book here.

Democracy and Economy - An Inseparable Relationship from Ancient Times to Today

by Emmanouil Marios N. Economou & Nicholas C. Kyriazis | 2019, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This text presents a detailed history of democracy, while also considering the modern methodological tools of economic history, institutional economics, and political, social and behavioural sciences, to explain why and how democracy was created, how it evolved and how it progresses. The book provides answers to a number of questions, such as what form of government democracy is, why it was first developed in ancient Greece, why it is that democracy—in order to flourish—requires strong and stable economic structures, and what role political and military organizations play in the shape of these elements. The volume analyses various cases studies drawn from Ancient Greece, Switzerland, England, the United Provinces, France, the USA, Germany and the EU.

Please find a link to the book here.

Global Business Cycles and Developing Countries

by Eri Ikeda | 2020, Routledge

This book investigates how global business cycles impact the economies of developing countries. Global business cycles, the wave-like movements of economic expansion followed by contraction in aggregate economic activities, impact all economies comprising the global economy. The patterns being shown in developing countries correspond increasingly to those in the global north, and yet there is a relative dearth of studies exploring whether global business cycles exist and how they operate in developing economies.

This book explores how cycles operate at the global and sub-global developing country levels, with a particular focus on the level of development and the structure of the economies. Drawing an important distinction between cycles and fluctuations, the book criticises mainstream conceptualisation and identification of cycle phenomena, and instead proposes an alternative conception and methodology for the identification of cycles. Along the way, the book also delves into the manufacturing and rise of China, and other potential competitors in the industrial arena, as increasingly important drivers of global cycles and global economic growth.

This book will be an important read for researchers and upper-level students of development economics and international political economy.

Please find a link to the book here.

History in Financial Times: Amin Samman

by Amin Samman | 2019, Stanford University Press

Critical theorists of economy tend to understand the history of market society as a succession of distinct stages. This vision of history rests on a chronological conception of time whereby each present slips into the past so that a future might take its place. This book argues that the linear mode of thinking misses something crucial about the dynamics of contemporary capitalism. Rather than each present leaving a set past behind it, the past continually circulates through and shapes the present, such that historical change emerges through a shifting panorama of historical associations, names, and dates. The result is a strange feedback loop between now and then, real and imaginary. Demonstrating how this idea can give us a better purchase on financial capitalism in the post-crisis era, History in Financial Times traces the diverse modes of history production at work in the spheres of financial journalism, policymaking, and popular culture. Paying particular attention to narrative and to notions of crisis, recurrence, and revelation, Amin Samman gives us a novel take on the relation between historical thinking and critique.

Please find a link to the book here.

Is There a Future for Heterodox Economics? Institutions, Ideology and a Scientific Community

by Geoffrey M. Hodgson | 2019, Edward Elgar Publishing

Over the last 50 years, the community of heterodox economists has expanded, and its publications have proliferated. But its power in departments of economics has waned. Addressing this paradox, this book argues that heterodox economists are defined more by left ideology than by a shared understanding of the nature of orthodox economics and of what should replace it. Heterodox economists cannot agree on what heterodoxy means. This volume applies work on the social nature and institutions of science to help explain the failure of heterodox economics to gain ground. It assesses some strategic options for its future.

Please find a link to the book here.

Pluralistic Economics and Its History 1st Edition

This volume is a history of economics – as it was interpreted, discussed and established as a discipline – in the 20th century. It highlights the pluralism of the discipline and brings together leading voices in the field who reflect on their lifelong work. The chapters draw on a host of traditions of economic thought, including pre-classical, classical, Marxian, neoclassical, Sraffian, post-Keynesian, Cantabrigian and institutionalist traditions in economics. Further, the volume also looks at the history of economics in India and its evolution as a discipline since the country’s independence.

This book will appeal to students, researchers and teachers of economics and intellectual history, as well as to the interested general reader.

Please find a link to the book here.

Surplus Citizens Struggle and Nationalism in the Greek Crisis

by Dimitra Kotouza | 2019, Pluto Press

In Surplus Citizens, Dimitra Kotouza questions the terms of the debate on the crisis in Greece by demonstrating how the national framing of social contestation posed obstacles to transformative collective action, but also how this framing has been challenged. Analysing the increasing superfluousness of subordinate classes in Greece as part of a global phenomenon with racialised and gendered dimensions, the book interrogates the strengths, contradictions and limits of collective action and identity in the crisis, from the movement of the squares and neighbourhood assemblies, to new forms of labour activism, environmental struggles, immigrant protests, anti-fascism and pro-refugee activism.

Arguing against the strategic fixation on unified identities and pointing instead to the transformative potential of internal dispute within movements, Surplus Citizens highlights the relevance of a discussion of Greece to collective action beyond it, as we continue to traverse a global financial crisis that has provoked conflicts over nationalism, immigration and the rise of neo-fascism.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Earth is Not for Sale - A Path Out of Fossil Capitalism to the Other World that is Still Possible

by Peter Schwartzman and David Schwartzman | 2018, World Scientific

This book provides a thought provoking outline of the solutions already in hand to the challenges now facing humanity with respect to prevalent gross social and economic inequalities, ecological thresholds and tipping points, and the ever-looming threat of climate catastrophe. The authors find these solutions in the arenas of renewable energy systems, agroecological methods, and reimagined social organization. Clarity is brought to the political economic obstacles standing in the way as well as the false solutions and alleged barriers that pervade the discourse thereby delaying and obstructing progress to the solutions advanced.

Please find a link to the book here.

The General Theory and Keynes for the 21st Century

edited by Sheila Dow, Jesper Jespersen and Geoff Tily | 2018, Edward Elgar Publishing

This book is devoted to the lasting impact of The General Theory (and Keynes’s thought) on macroeconomic theory, methodology and its relevance for understanding the post-crisis challenges of the 21st Century. A number of contributions take their departure from Keynes's presentation during the 1930's of his new macroeconomic understanding and its policy implications. Other chapters take a more pluralistic view of Keynes's ideas and their importance for contemporary debates. Further, it is demonstrated that many textbooks often misrepresent The General Theory and therefore cannot be a reliable guide to 21st Century economic policy.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Palgrave Handbook of Development Economics

edited by Machiko Nissanke and José Antonio Ocampo | 2019, Springer Link

In today’s ever globalised world, we are witness to a shifting world order with significant changes not only in political-economic relationships but also in the changing demographics of developing nations. This handbook explores how many developing countries have remained extremely vulnerable to external shocks of all kinds, and the need for the global community to face up to the shared challenges of sustainable development, i.e. to search for a social, economic, financial and environmentally sustainable path for the global economy.

There are deep and strategically crucial, conceptual and policy links between development paths and the multi-dimensional questions of sustainability. Yet, these links, currently, are not well examined analytically or documented in the current literature of development economics. Each chapter in this handbook explores these conceptual and policy links by setting appropriate questions and critically reviewing relevant literature. Taking on these challenges, while remaining relevant to real world issues, requires critical appraisal of a variety of methodological approaches and analytical tools. Such thoughts and approaches will lead to a formulation of fresh policy perspectives for addressing challenges and advancing sustainable development in the ever inter-connected, dynamically evolving and globalised environments of the 21st century.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Political Economy of Cooperatives and Socialism

by Bruno Jossa | 2019, Routledge

This book argues that capitalism cannot be said to be truly democratic and that a system of producer cooperatives, or democratically managed enterprises, is needed to give rise to a new mode of production which is genuinely socialist and fully consistent with the ultimate rationale underlying Marx’s theoretical approach. The proposition that firms should be run by the workers on their own, was endorsed by John Dewey, the greatest social thinker of the twentieth century, but is also shared by Marxists such as Anton Pannekoek, Karl Korsch, Angelo Tasca, Antonio Gramsci and Richard Wolff. This book explores the history of this argument taking in concepts from economic and political thought including historical materialism, cooperation, utopianism and economic democracy.

Please find a link to the book here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

Call for Applications: Economic Policies for the Global transition (EPOG+)

Economic Policies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master's programme on the (digital, socioeconomic, ecological) transition processes with a pluralist approach and interdisciplinary perspectives. The main objective of the programme is to give birth to a new generation of international experts, able to define and assess economic policies and evolve within different political, social and regional contexts. Towards this objective the EPOG+ Master’s programme goes beyond the reach of standard economic theory to include various heterodox/institutionnalist approaches.

The full partners (degree awarding institutions) include a wide set of prestigous institutions:

It also involves more than 30 (academic and non-academic) associated partners in Europe and the world.


The very best students from all over the world will be eligible for scholarships awarded for 2 years by the European Commission, based on our selection:

Note that two recommendation letters are needed to apply and have to be provided by the deadline. Please find further information here.

Application Deadline: January 30, 2020 - 14:00 (Paris time).

Call for Contributions and Applications: The Frederic S. Lee Heterodox Economics Scholarship Fund

Call for Contributions

Fred Lee fought hard to build and maintain the community of heterodox economists since he believed that a future of heterodox economics hinged upon all the efforts we make to develop heterodox economics and to educate students. As Bruce Cronin said: “He was not content to be an armchair academic but built institutions to carry heterodox research and teaching forward independently of any individuals.... On hearing of his cancer diagnosis, Fred’s reaction was not to wallow in regret but to immediately establish a Heterodox Economics Scholarship Fund, to support graduate students studying in heterodox economics.”

The Frederic S. Lee Heterodox Economics Scholarship Fund was established in 2014 with a sizable contribution from Fred and Ruth Lee, along with contributions from many others. In the five years since his death, the Fund has awarded over $41,000 in scholarships to a total of 13 PhD students at several universities. These students have been studying at the University of Missouri–Kansas City, the New School for Social Research, and American University.

A scholarship recipient said that:

"After I found out I wasn’t going to receive the GTA position I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do. I was considering taking a break and saving money, but now I can continue seamlessly from my undergraduate into my graduate studies, which is ultimately the best option. I look forward to my studies and their challenges, and I look forward to expanding my mind and experiencing new things. And although I have never met him, I feel proud of knowing I have this scholarship in the name of Fred Lee, he’s basically a legend in the heterodox economics world, and even more, to be going to UMKC where he taught and helped transform the department, and now I’m in it for the long haul, not just for my graduate studies."

Another recipient also appreciated the scholarship.

"I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship. I was admitted to PhD Economics program at the New School for Social Research; however, due to the limited funding I was only awarded 50% tuition remission scholarship from the school. Therefore, this scholarship is very important to me to fund my expense to continue my study in the heterodox economics field. You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me."

In order to continue to support graduate students who will be the future of heterodox economics, the Scholarship Fund will need to generate more funds. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Donations can be made at https://gkccfonlinedonations.org/give/leeh00.asp.

Call for Applications

The Frederic S. Lee Heterodox Economics Scholarship Fund is now accepting applications for the Spring 2020 semester. In order to be eligible, students must be enrolled in a doctoral heterodox economics program in the United States and demonstrate financial need. The fund will not provide scholarship aid for dissertation credit hours or for credit hours that are not directly relevant for the completion of the doctoral program’s course work. More information including the selection criteria and the on-line application can be found at https://www.growyourgiving.org/scholarships/frederic-s-lee-heterodox-economics-scholarship-fund. Please forward this call to eligible students.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2019

PhD fellowship on "Legal Cultures and Business Environment in Central Asia" (University of Latvia)

Job title: PhD fellowship at the University of Latvia

In the frame of the project Legal Cultures and Business Environment in Central Asia

We are looking for a PhD student who, based at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia, will complete a PhD on a topic of her/his choice framed within the above research project under supervision of Prof Ilona Baumane-Vitolina and Dr Abel Polese.The successful candidate will be working in a large team composed by 12 universities and will have the chance to spend time in top Central Asian institutions: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University; Westminister University in Tashkent; Tajik Technical University; SIAR research&consulting (Kyrgyzstan); The Academy of the General Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Tebigy Kuwat (Turkmenistan)

Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia

Over the last two decades, economic relations between the EU and the five post-Soviet Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) have evolved around two parallel and contradictory patterns. On the one hand, due to the efforts of the EU, economic relations and inter-dependence have increased and the presence of EU companies in the region has expanded significantly. On the other hand, inconsistent business ethics standards - and the peculiar way in which rule of law is interpreted and applied in the region, also called “the local way of doing business” have hindered and limited the role of foreign companies in the region. Building on recent political developments leading to the opening up of previously closed and inaccessible countries, CENTRAL ASIAN LAW is a research and training programme that aims to promote greater understanding and explanation of the interconnections between legal cultures, local business environments and governance in Central Asia. This will enable the CENTRAL ASIAN LAW team to: 1) produce new empirical knowledge on legal cultures and business ethics in the region; 2) engage with, and challenge, existing theoretical paradigms within socio-legal studies, law, economic and business sciences, Central Asian studies (post-Soviet studies, more generally) and governance scholarship; 3) provide strategic intelligence for business actors interested or already operating in the region; 4) inform international organizations and decision makers in the EU and Central Asia on possible ways to improve the business and investment climate, the rule of law and governance in the region.

Conditions of the scholarship


If you are interested please send your CV and one-page outline of your research project to ap@tlu.ee and Ilona.baumane@gmail.com. If you have already an idea for a project, please contact us as soon as possible. Once selected, we will work with you to expand your outline into a longer proposal meeting the UL requirements and coach you into the formal application. Please note that the process at LU may involve some bureaucracy so capacity to endure post-Soviet bureaucracy is required. We will do our best to facilitate you in applying and getting formally accepted

Application Deadline: 30 November 2019