Issue 258 January 27, 2020 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory
While the Heterodox Economics Newsletter regularly collects recent issues of journals dedicated to heterodox economics to some degree, it is often the case that contributions of potential interest to heterodox economists are published outside this, necessarily selective, spectrum of journals. I came across one such case in a recent issue of Nature Physics, which featured a paper on ergodicity and its role for economics (see also the related editorial). Not being a specialist in this, my intuitive understanding of (non-)ergodicity always was that, if processes are non-ergodic, then estimating some expectation value (e.g. a mean) by considering the probability of all possible states (‘ensemble average’) will give different results as compared to evaluating states over time (‘time average’). Hence, as the argument goes, as soon as processes are considered non-ergodic, time has to be explicitly considered in both, reasoning and modeling. In this vein it is sometimes added that 'real time' and 'history' matter insofar as future outcomes will depend on past results, which may give rise to path-dependency, non-linearity and fundamental uncertainty (as we can't judge the future from the past).
One very simplified application of this argument is to say that some economic decisions (e.g. on investments) are different from the lotteries used in expected utility, as the former are made only once and, hence, the implicit 'pooling' of decisions inherent in expected utility theory is invalid (as, among others, argued by Shackle). By doing so we introduce 'time' in a very basic and specific way by emphasizing the irreversibility of decisions, which is supposed to render the expected value irrelevant. What I learned from the Nature-paper is now, that (1) non-ergodicity does not necessarily lead to uncertainty and (2) that it is actually easy to illustrate the basic intuition that time matters in a simple way without emphasizing the uniqueness of events. For this purpose the paper uses an example of stochastic process that governs the accumulation of wealth. In this example the rate of return follows a (slightly biased) random walk, which can either take a positive or a negative value. This process is non-ergodic and the author, Ole Peters, shows that an explicit dynamic consideration of the problem gives an accurate result, while expected utility theory will not (as it will take the average of all possible outcomes in any single round of the gamble instead of considering the evolution of wealth explicitly).
Retrospectively, I think this finding is rather intuitive (as are other examples on the related research blog, which I would also recommend) and some may say it's obvious anyway. In any case I think it is a great idea for illustrating the principle underlying the problem at stake - namely that time matters.
Hope this helps and all the best,
PS: As often in such cases of potential interdisciplinary cross-fertilization caution and patience play a key role. I would, for instance, assume that many heterodox economists are skeptical with regard to the notion of optimization found in the paper. At the same, the author would probably be skeptical about the link between non-ergodicity and uncertainty mentioned above. Nonetheless, there is a common anchor – time matters – and it’s still an open question what exactly to make of this common anchor.
© public domain
9-11 September 2020 | National University Centre on Applied Economic Studies, Ferrara, Italy
IIPPE calls for submissions to the 2020 annual Conference. We particularly welcome papers directly related to the core themes of “moving beyond neoliberalism and populism”, and “building progressive policies and alliances for our societies and economies”. As always, presentations on all aspects of political economy are also welcome. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of economic thought, critique of mainstream economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract.
In mainstream economics we often use the Robinson Crusoe metaphor. It represents the idealised economic man, the independent, industrious and self-sufficient man, who absolutely knows his needs and his surroundings; who rationally assesses his possibilities and makes choices; who seeks for novel ways to expand his potential; who conquers nature and defies backward-looking social checks; and who ingeniously combines all the means virtually available to him in order to increase personal prosperity and gratification. However, economists seem to be telling half of the story. Robinson Crusoe actually relied on the camaraderie of his fellowman Friday to deal with the obstacles they faced together, and he was only able to survive and progress by joining forces and associating with others. The self-serving aspects of economic man are far from reality and overlook the social and institutional dimensions of the economy. In fact, economic man is a social construct itself, which places markets over and above social values. In this session we wish to explore the collectives and networks people create to promote material well-being and restore substantive values of social and environmental protection. Examples of collectives include, among others, trade unions; environmental associations; worker-recuperated firms; commons and commoning; local communities; research and policy networks; public-private synergies; and social movements. How do these collectives emerge? What is their purpose? How do they evolve? How are they affected by history and culture? How can cooperation be achieved within and between collectives in view of conflicting interests and needs? These are questions we would like to address in the session.
We also encourage contributions that generally address the topic of social capital. We welcome works that derive from various social science disciplines and use different units of analysis (individual, regional, country or cross-country level), methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative). Participants can submit individual papers or organise sessions.
Please submit your proposal via the online portal. For further questions contact Asimina Christoforou.
Working Groups:
Teaching Political Economy working group
Coordinators:Kevin Deane, Lorena Lombardozzi and Elisa van Waeyenberge
The Teaching Political Economy working group welcomes proposals for individual research papers, panels and other presentations. Whilst the need for a more pluralist economics curriculum has been articulated by both academics and student movements alike, there are still a wide range of issues and experience that will contribute to an under-represented but vitally important aspect of our international community; teaching the next generation of economists.
Topics of interest could include, but are not limited to:
We welcome panel proposals and single paper proposals. If you are proposing a panel, all papers need to be submitted individually via the Electronic Proposal Form, which you can access through the website. In addition, please send an email indicating which papers (with their authors) you would like to be grouped into a panel (give title). This should go to Kevin, Lorena and Elisa.
Urban and Regional Political Economy Stream
Coordinators: Ozlem Celik and Angus McNelly
The Urban and Regional Working Group of the IIPPE calls for submission of abstracts for a stream on Urban and Regional Political Economy at the IIPPE Conference, Ferrara, Italy, September 9-11, 2020, following the successful streams at IIPPE conferences since 2010. We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds. Papers may be either purely theoretical or theorised empirical studies. We seek papers both on processes/relations within localities and regions and on processes/relations linking these scales to national and international scales. Possible fields include:
Papers should be within Marxist or critical political-economy, and approach the issues from the point of view of the labouring classes, peasants and/or oppressed people. We invite paper that address either or the Global South and the Global North. For further information about submission of a paper or proposal, please follow the instructions in our online system.
If you have further questions related to the Urban and Regional Working Group, please contact the coordinators by sending an email.
Social Capital Working Group: "Strength in unity: Building alliances and networks for economic and social change"
Coordinators: Asimina Christoforou and Luca Andriani
In mainstream economics we often use the Robinson Crusoe metaphor. It represents the idealised economic man, the independent, industrious and self-sufficient man, who absolutely knows his needs and his surroundings; who rationally assesses his possibilities and makes choices; who seeks for novel ways to expand his potential; who conquers nature and defies backward-looking social checks; and who ingeniously combines all the means virtually available to him in order to increase personal prosperity and gratification. However, economists seem to be telling half of the story. Robinson Crusoe actually relied on the camaraderie of his fellowman Friday to deal with the obstacles they faced together, and he was only able to survive and progress by joining forces and associating with others.
The self-serving aspects of economic man are far from reality and overlook the social and institutional dimensions of the economy. In fact, economic man is a social construct itself, which places markets over and above social values. In this session we wish to explore the collectives and networks people create to promote material well-being and restore substantive values of social and environmental protection. Examples of collectives include, among others, trade unions; environmental associations; worker-recuperated firms; commons and commoning; local communities; research and policy networks; public-private synergies; and social movements. How do these collectives emerge? What is their purpose? How do they evolve? How are they affected by history and culture? How can cooperation be achieved within and between collectives in view of conflicting interests and needs? These are questions we would like to address in the session.
We also encourage contributions that generally address the topic of social capital. We welcome works that derive from various social science disciplines and use different units of analysis (individual, regional, country or cross-country level), methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative). Participants can submit individual papers or organise sessions.To submit a proposal, please go to the following Electronic Proposal Form (EPF), and carefully follow the instructions. You will need to select the Working Group “Social Capital”.
Working Group “History of Economic Thought, Economic Methodology and Critique of the Mainstream” (HETMECoM)
Coordinators: Dimitris Milonakis and Denielle Guizzo Archela (to visit the homepage click here)
Following the crisis of Keynesianism in the 1970s, neoliberal economic theorising, which until them took mostly the form of non-mainstream neo-Austrian economics, has made its way into mainstream economics in the form of Chicago school monetarism and New Classical Economics. Orthodox economic theory, be it in its neoliberal form or otherwise, has been critically exposed following the 2008 world economic and financial crisis. A decade later, in terms of mainstream research and teaching, how much has changed? The general mainstream response to the crisis has been that there is nothing wrong with its approach in general (through formal model building) only that better models with fuller and more relevant considerations need to be brought to bear, including greater attention to interdisciplinarity (aka economics imperialism), the role of finance, and less rigid behaviouralism (utility maximisation plus). In light of such developments, a major task is to assess critically the new mainstream heterodoxies, and how much they genuinely differ from neoclassical economics as well as how much they engage with, rather than contain or even dismiss, more radical alternatives across methodology, interdisciplinarity, theory and conceptualisation. Another task is how to promote a more deep-rooted political economy in teaching and research in the wake of the crisis and the mainstream responses to it.
Topics related to the theme of the conference
General Topics
Papers or Panels related to any of the other themes of the Working Group (history of economic thought, economic methodology and philosophy of economics) are also welcomed. Abstracts must be submitted via the Electronic Proposal Form. In case you cannot access the submissions forms, or have any questions concerning your submission, please contact the HETMECoM Working Group Coordinator Dimitris Milonakis.
Neoliberalism Working Group
Coordinators: Alfredo Saad-Filho and Joanne Tomkinson
The Neoliberalism Working Group would like to invite proposals for individual papers (to be grouped into panels), proposals for panels and proposals for streams of panels related to the overall conference theme, as well as to its own core areas of research interest (outlined in full below).
New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of economic thought, critique of mainstream economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract.
About the working group
The Neoliberalism Working Group brings together researchers interested in the material basis of neoliberalism, its national varieties, and alternatives to it. As the contemporary form of global capitalism, neoliberalism is based on the systematic use of state power to impose, under the ideological veil of non-intervention, a hegemonic project of recomposition of the rule of capital in each area of economic and social life. This is guided by the current imperatives of the international reproduction of capital, with the financial markets and the interests of US capital to the fore. Politically, by insulating markets and transnational investors from popular demands, and through the imperative of labour control to secure international competitiveness, neoliberalism also severely curtails democratic possibilities. This has reduced the scope for ‘autonomous’ economic and social policies, and led to higher levels of unemployment and job insecurity in most countries than was the case previously. It has also created an income-concentrating dynamics of accumulation that has proven resistant to efforts at Keynesian and reformist interventions
The neoliberal transition in the world economy has been closely associated with ‘globalisation’ and with it, new modalities of imperialism. Indeed, the transfer of the main levers of accumulation to international capital, mediated by US-led financial institutions, and regulated by US-controlled international organisations, has consolidated the material basis of neoliberalism. Yet despite these global drivers, the neoliberal project has nonetheless reconstituted economic and social relations differently in different countries – rather than being globally homogenising (as often claimed by globalisation’s critics and supporters alike). This calls attention to the national and local specificities of actually existing forms of neoliberalism.
Transcending neoliberalism, meanwhile, requires both economic and political transformations. These demand the construction of an alternative system of accumulation targeted at systematically dismantling the material basis of neoliberalism through a series of political initiatives, which will support a shift to less unequal distributions of income, wealth and power, as a fundamental condition for democracy. But these policy measures need to be supported by a re-articulated working class, as one of the main levers for its own economic and social recomposition. This virtuous circle cannot be wished into being. Its elements cannot be addressed purely academically, or through the organisation of another vanguard party, or simply through political alliances between existing forces. The development of new forms of political expression and representation by the working class are required in face of a hostile domestic and international environment.
In light of such concerns, the IIPPE working group on neoliberalism focuses its attention on:
The working group welcomes contributions in all areas of research related to neoliberalism as outlined above. In 2020 there is also a particular interest in papers which speak to the following specific themes:
Proposals should be no more than 1200 characters. Submission should be made through the IIPPE website.For questions to the co-conveners, please email Joanne Tomkinson.
Submission Deadline: 15 March 2020
21-22 May 2020 | Valencia, Spain
Since the 70s, the world economy has been experiencing structural changes that have been spreading during the first part of the 21st century. The economic crisis that has affected the so-called developed countries since 2008 is accentuating economic changes. Sectoral patterns are changing, new technological trends and the role of the State are altering and the physiognomy of world relations is being redesigned. Due to both the State's own transformations, as well as those of the private sector, in a context of economic internationalization, the role of economic policy in these conditions of economic change emerges to the surface. The XV International Conference on Economic Policy will try to make contributions of substances to determine the problems of economic policy in the 21st century. The interest of the conference is oriented not only towards the study of the various instrumental policies but also aims to highlight the different novel problems that arise at the present economic crossroads, while trying to explain the new objectives of economic policy. The aspects of international economic policy and, even more, in the changing context in the relations between the different countries are not alien to the interest of these days. In the same way, we are also interested in the most academic aspects related to Economic Policy, in particular, those related to the communication and teaching of this discipline.
How to apply
Abstracts should be maximum 500 words long and it should explain the content of the communication and the relations with the Economic Policies should be highlighted. It should be sent through the submission form. At the presentation, a text is not required, although it is recommended a visual presentation (power-point). It is expected, depending on the financial provision, the edition of a proceeding book. This is voluntary; all speakers who wish their presentation to be included, should send the final text in the conditions and deadline indicated after the end of the conference.
For more information contact the organizing comitee (Department of Applied Economics, University of Valencia, Spain).
Submission Deadline: 30 January 2020 (extended Deadline: 14 February 2020)
2-4 September 2020 | Bilbao, Spain
The EAEPE announces the 1 Call for Papers for the 32 Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. This year the conference will be held in Bilbao, Spain and hosted at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. The theme of the conference is "The Evolution of Capitalist Structures: Uncertainty, Inequality and Climate Crisis".
In recent decades, the global spread of economic liberalization and financial deregulation, has inserted the former socialist economies (e.g. China and Central Europe) into international markets. This has generated deep structural changes in both the evolution of advanced, emerging and developing economies and the global distribution of growth and human development. Many advanced economies implemented economic and welfare reforms to reduce unemployment and match rising competition from these new international actors. Employment policies evolved into labour market policies to promote greater flexibility instead of workers’ rights and wages. Similar processes have occurred in emerging and developing economies.
Since the implementation of the policies of the Washington Consensus, governments opened their economies and markets to domestic and international competition and integrated into regional governance systems such as the European Union, the European Monetary Union, the NAFTA, Mercosur, etc. Financial deregulation was one of the outcomes of such policies, which significantly increased the impact of volatile global markets on national economies. Now national financial regulators face challenges in supervising globally mobile financial capital and recurring financial crises have become more widespread due to greater interconnectedness of financial systems.
The globalization process, labour market reforms and technological change, have in many cases, generated high structural unemployment, a decline in labour incomes and security and segmentation in labour markets. In most countries, income distribution inequality, both personal and functional, has increased. This inequality has created additional global economic problems, such as greater economic and financial instability, higher poverty rates, and a stagnation of private consumption that leads in turn to lower rates of economic growth and even secular stagnation. Polarisation of incomes increase in private indebtedness, and youth unemployment remain highly problematic in both.
The impact of these structural changes has accompanied a squeezing of public sector capacity to deal with the rising need to protect people through the social and redistributive policies. Governments are expected to be smaller but more efficient despite shrinking fiscal space. Dominant fiscal policies, which are still oriented to reducing the size of the public sector, sustain and control fiscal imbalances.
For the first time in decades there are signs that global economic integration is now threatened, while challenges posed by the processes of internationalization and globalization, rising inequality in income distribution are accompanied by new forms of risk. Greater military and environmental insecurity has forced people from their homes to seek safety abroad. Environmental collapse has changed from a possibility into a process and, soon, an inevitability. National political systems, including democracies, have been stressed by these changes creating hybrid forms of authoritarianism. International forms of cooperation that were seen to order world politics are also experiencing dramatic change.
Given the uncertainties and complexity of these structural changes and the threat of an increasingly instable global ecosystem, alternative theoretical and methodological approaches capable of representing and interpreting these disequilibria are required. The conference invites delegates to open up their discussion of the dynamics of economic evolution in late capitalism and to test established and novel interpretations of capitalist structure.
These might include stock-flow, integrated assessment, agent-based modelling and network analysis or they may address particular challenges such as the consequences of cumulatively worsening climate change. Macroeconomic policies need to gain new inspirations from ecological economics and political ecology, e.g. steady-state perspectives or even confronting the growth imperative of capitalist evolution.
We may also address how hegemonic political economic goals, such as achieving price stability and controlling public debt via austerity policies make it difficult to provide the necessary means for labour and the environment.
The conference will provide unique opportunities to revisit the foundations of inequalities and structural change, to discuss alternative points of view at the macro, meso and micro levels, and to enrich traditional evolutionary background with diverse fields such as complexity science, biology, political and international studies, development studies, physics, philosophy sociology, history of thought, and management science among others. The aim is to provide new empirical evidences and fresh insights for policy makers to understand the complexity of structural change and to redefine innovation and formulate new innovation policies. In doing so we aim to allow a rethinking of the role of the State in relation to transition issues; to define and build commons to manage environmental issues; to establish new partnerships with developing countries; to investigate new ways of consuming and producing; to shape new institutions to manage these structural changes; to redefine social interactions related to demand and the labour market; to define new business models relevant to the internet age; to identify new organizing principles in the context of a knowledge economy; and to finance and participate in a greener economy.
Research Area [B]: Economic Sociology
"The Social Logics of Economics"
The cognitive as well as the institutional structures of the academic discipline of economics differ significantly from those in the other social and cultural sciences. Its internal modes of organization are characterized by a rather strong hierarchy and dense integration, with, for instance, a concentration of cognitive and institutional power. The same holds true for its impact on society: Economic knowledge often dominates political and public discourses due to its hegemonic position in respect of defining problems and delivering proper solutions, outshining non- economic forms of expertise by far. Reflections on the epistemological and (to a lesser degree) institutional characteristics of mainstream economics have traditionally been carried out by economic methodologists, historians of ideas, or philosophers of science. During the last two decades, these studies of economics and the power of economic knowledge have been supplemented, and
sometimes challenged, by more empirically oriented investigations, originating from research areas like the sociology of economics or the social studies of finance. The session is open for all kinds of investigations into the social and cognitive structures of economics and is envisaged as a forum to discuss the relationships between these various strands of reflection.
"Economic Sociology and Heterodox Economics"
Heterodox economics as well as economic sociology are critical of standard neoclassical economics and try to elaborate and push forward alternative approaches. This does not only concern different foundations and research topics, but also questions of legitimate scientific methods and reasonable forms of inquiry. While mainstream economics almost exclusively proceeds along the pathways of mathematical modelling and econometrics, both economic sociology and heterodox economics exhibit a broad spectrum of methods (ranging from network analysis to ethnographic field work to agent-based-modelling, to name but a few). The session is devoted especially to work at the intersections of economic sociology and heterodox economics. This includes case studies and empirical work as well as more conceptual reflections. What are – beyond mere pluralism – meaningful forms of interaction, communication, and mutual understanding between the various schools of heterodox economics and the strands of economic sociology?
How to apply
Please send your exposé (200-300 words) via the online submission system. Abstract Submission is now open online.
Submission Deadline: 1 April 2020
28-30 May 2020 | Bamberg, Germany
"Heterogeneity and Expectations in Macroeconomics and Finance"
Following the success of the past workshops, the Bamberg Research Group on Behavioral Macroeconomics and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) are pleased to host the Third Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop on the 28th – 30rd of May 2020. The workshop will again take place at the University of Bamberg, Germany. In this edition, we want to highlight new work on heterogeneity and expectations in macroeconomics and finance. We particularly encourage submissions in the following topics:
Presenting authors are expected to act as discussants of another paper in their session. Partial financial support for authors of accepted contributions is possible on an individual basis. Proposals for Invited Sessions are encouraged.
Submission Process
Please send your submissions (including a PDF file of the paper or of an extended abstract of about one page) via email. If you are a graduate (M.Sc. or PhD) student, please also indicate if you would be interested in presenting your work in a poster session. Contributors will be notified by Thursday April 9, 2020.
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2020
22-24 April 2020 | Aalborg University, Denmark
About the Conference
As traditional economics in the past failed to predict the ‘The Great Recession’, various efforts have been made to revise the content of the modern macroeconomic mainstream. Notwithstanding these attempts, traditional theory is not yet able to provide adequate analysis of current economic problems nor to provide conclusive policy proposals. To develop policy we need to explore further, and to use theories that are more realistic in their content than the conventional mainstream understanding. As such, Post-Keynesian theory might be a prime candidate to offer an alternative, being on the edge of traditional theory. The theme at the conference in 2020 should thus be seen as an extension of the theme of the 2017 conference. An urgent need remains to conduct further research within the tradition of the Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) modelling, and to advocate the advantages of a focus on pluralism and problem-based learning when teaching economics. The conference in Aalborg in 2020 provides this focus on theoretical alternatives and new ideas for economic policy, SFC and other new approaches to modelling, pluralism in economics teaching and other methodological issues – where we fully intend to explore them right up to the cutting edge.
Call for Papers
Abstracts are invited across a broad range of economic subjects, encouraging new approaches to modelling and pluralism of economic thought.
The conference in Aalborg in 2020 will focus on three main themes:
For further information and registration please visit the official website.
Submission Deadline: 1 Feburary 2020
10-13 September 2020 | Catania, Italy
Understanding when institutions change, how institutional innovations are propagated and how institutional evolution occurs, are key theoretical and empirical questions that have long shaped institutional research in economics, sociology, politics, history, geography and other disciplines. In today's context of major challenges and transformations, these questions are arguably more pressing than ever. Ours is an era in which digital and other new technologies are recasting economic and political institutions, and social media are transforming personal relationships, reconfiguring civil society and altering the functioning of democracies. As the climate emergency furthermore threatens social stability and human survival, the global balance of power is also shifting, posing challenges to existing institutions set up to maintain world order. Organised in collaboration with the University of Catania, Catania, Italy, the Seventh WINIR Conference will explore these and related issues, and use the opportunity to enhance our theoretical understanding of how institutions evolve. The conference will open on the afternoon of Thursday 10 September and end with a dinner on Saturday 12 September. There will be an optional guided tour on Sunday 13 September.
Individual paper proposals or 4-paper sessions proposals related to the conference theme or any aspect of institutional research, in line with WINIR’s aims and research priorities, are welcome. All submissions are evaluated by the WINIR Scientific Quality Committee.
Submit an individual abstract proposal here or submit a 4-paper session proposal here. For further questions contact the organizing team: Maurizio Caserta,Francesca Gagliardi, David Gindis, Geoff Hodgson and Salvatore Spagano.
Submission Deadline: 10 April 2020
11-12 June 2020 | Paris, France
The 2008 global financial crisis and the subsequent economic stagnation – characterized by low rates of growth, massive destruction of productive capacities and mass unemployment – revealed a fundamental crisis of the economic theories that failed to predict it and to provide convincing explanations of their causes. The emergence of old and new risks, including a new global financial crisis and a worldwide ecological crisis, highlight the need for alternative theoretical and empirical methodologies able to cope with the inherent complexity of economic and social systems, for instance in order to explain and predict extreme events such as natural catastrophes, financial crisis and persistent economic recessions.
At the crossroads of economics, social sciences and computer science (namely multi-agent systems), the agent-based methodology (ABM hereafter) is an important and promising candidate for a theoretical and methodological revolution. Social sciences are observing an increasing interest towards this methodology, which is creating strong linkages between complementary fields of knowledge, including economic, sociological, psychological and natural sciences. Within the academic community of economists, the stock flow consistent (SFC hereafter) methodology is also leading a successful competition to standard paradigms when it comes to explain and predict economic, financial and ecological collapses. We observe in the recent years a rising communication between these two approaches, leading to the emergence of a new agent-based, stock flow consistent (AB-SFC) methodological framework. The AB and SFC methodologies, which benefited initially of a large disappointment towards standard methodologies and a growing demand for alternatives, are now facing a new challenge: to explain and provide policy guidelines to cope with the major contemporary concerns - namely, the risk of a secular economic stagnation and a worldwide ecological crisis - with credibility and scientific rigor.
ASCOPE2020 is the result of the cooperation between the two networks in ABM and SFC Modelling : MACME- Modelling and Analysis of Complex Monetary Economies1, and MAGECO- Modélisation à base d’AGents pour l’ECOnomie2. It aims to be a fundamental moment in this crucial phase, by allowing researchers from all over the world to discuss their research findings and creating linkages and networks within the AB and/or SFC community. Theoretical approaches, as well as technical and methodological contributions are highly welcome.
In particular, we invite researchers working on Agent-based and/or Stock-flow consistent models in various fields – including economics, sociology, psychology and computer sciences – to submit contributions on the following topics:
We particularly encourage submissions on topics 1-3.
Submission Process
Please note that only papers using the AB and/or the SFC methodology will be reviewed. Please submit an extended abstract (1 page minimum, 2 pages max excluding references) in pdf format to via email. The title of your message should read “Submission to ASCOPE 2020 / [n]”, where n is the number of the key topic of your paper (amongst the list of 9 topics listed above).
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2020
At the eve of the recent global financial crisis, it is particularly interesting to find out which are the theoretical constructs or economic models that can be used to analyze today's reality. Both were proven unable to provide interpretations of what really lead to the crisis and what has to be done from now on. Indeed, the outburst of the recent crisis was just one more evidence of their failure. During the last decades, the mainstream microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis was proven to be insufficient for exploring the dynamic and complex interactions among humans, institutions, and nature in our real economy. On the one side microeconomics is filled with black-box models that fail to study the actual contractual relations between firms and markets, while on the other side macroeconomics -over the last decades- were proven useless because they mistook the beauty of theoretical models for truth. Thus, questions have arisen about using new theoretical and empirical structures that would better describe our economic systems.
This edited volume aims to analyze the hypotheses that govern the relationships of aggregate structures (macroeconomic analysis) that may are compatible with the assumptions that govern the behavior of the individuals, households, and firms (micro analysis), and vice versa, in trying to achieve sustainable economic development and growth. Moreover, modern evolutionary growth thinking is used in trying to bridge the inconsistencies between microeconomics and macroeconomics and confront their failures in order to better describe the economic reality. Waiting for submissions across a diverse range of applied micro-fields and a diverse range of macro sub-fields, the edited volume is expected to be of great interest of a wide range of academia within the next years.
recommended topics
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. All interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions online prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery®TM online submission manager. For further information please visit the official website or contact the Editor of the Volume Pantelis Kostis.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2021.
Submission Deadline: 27 January 2020
26-27 March 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Research Group organizes a Workshop on "Measuring Global Value Chains and Employment" to take place on 26-27 March in Brussels. Concepts of the functional division of labour have been central to a range of approaches analysing contemporary globalisation, from perspectives on the fragmentation of production to different strands of global value chain/production network analysis. Broadly, research has stuck to a disciplinary division of labour, with economists working with large (trade) datasets while those in human geography, sociology or business worked with small-N, firm-level data, typically collected in the field.
This division of labour is becoming more blurred as large homogenised datasets become available that allow analyses beyond FDI and trade. The European Commission, Eurostat, and the OECD (amongst others), for example have promoted the development of the World Input-Output Database, regular survey on international sourcing and the relocation of business functions, and the Activities of Multinational Enterprises database, respectively. These data, in themselves as well as through analysis with appropriate decomposition methods, open up a wide, and likely more inter-disciplinary, field to probe deeper into the political economy of global value chains, institutional change, and the way they are inter-linked with employment, labour market, and industrial relations developments.
There is an established literature now that is based on trade in value added data, linking to other relevant datasets in order to investigate the effects of GVCs on employment, wages, and productivity. This research constitutes a thorough basis but also opens up further opportunities to probe into broader political economic and institutional questions within value chain analysis, focusing on the power between capitals as well as between capital and labour at different stages of the functional division of labour. More specific issues, for example, might concern the organisation of competition, the regulation of labour markets, shifting shares between labour and capital, the nature and dynamics of productivity, the ability of capital to extract rents, a differentiation between different forms of upgrading, or the dynamics and links between economic and social upgrading. The aim of this workshop is twofold: first, to take stock of key contributions so far pertaining to work and employment; second, to explore the theoretical and methodological challenges in how the available datasets can be analysed to address the questions related to work and employment coming out of political economy and global value chains perspectives.
Practical details
The workshop will take place in Brussels. It will start on Thursday, 26 March, at noon and finish on Friday, 27 March, in the early afternoon. Inquiries and expressions of interest, including an abstract, should be sent to the organizers: Jan Drahokoupil and Nikolaus Hammer.
Submission Deadline: 14 February 2020
10-12 April 2020 | Ankara, Turkey
The rise of far right authoritarian regimes, nationalist and populist political parties and movements, and neo-conservative ideologies and politics across the globe, present a new challenge to states and to the global order. For those on the left and the center-right embracing neo-liberalism, the new challenges of autocratic leaders and fundamentalist radicalisms require analyses and responses. The popularity of those right movements, and their political success in both democratic politics and their political success in securing power within democratic politics has jeopardized the main tenets of liberal democracy. Increasingly, authoritarian and populist political strategies have frustrated democratic opposition movements and challenged political resistance. The left needs to understand the rise of the far right parties, examining their social/class basis as well as their historical and geographical context. Equally, the left needs to examine the effectiveness of its resistance and responses to the outrage of the right.
The rise of authoritarianisms has had severe implications at the local as well as global levels, including diplomatic tensions, wars, refugee crises, ecological crises, urban crises, casual cultural and purposeful misogyny and racism. Historical Materialism Ankara invites contributions that enrich radical critical understandings of the present conjunctures. Papers that analysing the problems and developing coherent and effective responses are also welcome. Papers are especially encouraged on the following themes:
In addition to these themes, HM Ankara also welcomes panel and paper proposals that advance Marxist and left radical thought and politics. This includes:
The conference will also include the following streams, see this link for full details.
Submision Process
1.) Panels: Panels may be papers organised around a theme, roundtable discussion forums or book launches. All have similar requirements. Submit proposals for panels via the online portal. Please note that papers will only be accepted if they contain:
2.) Papers: Submit proposals for individual papers via the online portal. Please note that the conference organisers will organise accepted papers into thematised panels.
Papers will only be accepted if they contain:
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2020
18 - 21 June 2020 | Utrecht, Netherlands
The Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society is one of the most important international gatherings of historians of economics. Papers dealing with any aspect of the history of economics are welcome, including work related to any period or any school of economic thought. Also welcome are papers that situate economics in wider intellectual and cultural contexts or relate it to other disciplines. Although we welcome proposals for individual papers, proposals for complete sessions are especially encouraged. To submit a paper or session proposal, go to the conference website where there is a link to a form of making submissions. Those proposing papers will be asked to submit an abstract of about 250 words, while those proposing sessions will be asked for an abstract of about 750 words that lists all participants, titles and very brief descriptions of the papers to be included. We encourage scholars from neighboring disciplines to participate. Inquiries regarding session proposals are most welcome, and should be addressed to Marcel Boumans.
Submission Deadline: 1 February 2020
3-5 January 2021 | Chicago, US
The History of Economics Society (HES) will sponsor four sessions at the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) meetings, January 3-5, 2021, in Chicago, IL. The ASSA offers historians of economic thought an opportunity to present high-quality historical research to a wider audience of professional economists. Given this, preference will be given to proposals that are most likely to interest the broader community. Please remember proposals are invited for entire sessions, rather than single papers.
Please submit session proposals to Ross Emmett. Including:
Submission Deadline: 1 May 2020
1-4 August 2020 | London, UK
The Royal Geographic Society with the Institute of British Geography (RGS-IBG) invites proposals for the RGS-IBG Conference on "Un/doing borders of finance: dimensions and trajectories of European financial integration". As envisaged single space of financial circulations, European financial integration materializes distinctive financial geographies that matter to geographers attuned to the nexus between financial markets, borders and spatiality. This nexus has been variously recoded in the context of different dimensions of EU financial space-making. If the Single market for financial services demanded the smoothing of national borders through legal-regulatory harmonization and cross-border market- making devices such as EU passporting, the move towards a Banking Union has kept the governance of prudential requirements and deposit protection schemes in terms of distinct national markets. Concomitantly, while financial settlement and payments infrastructures like TARGET2/SEPA have enacted a financial space of ‘European’ financial transactions, these have also become a key site of border security governance and surveillance. As the boundary between the monetary and data value of financial circulations becomes increasingly blurred in more recent initiatives such as PSD2 (the second Payment Services Directive), so do the boundaries of the ‘financial’ in European integration. In this context, Open Banking, fintech platforms and the so-called API (application programming interface) economy are reshaping understandings of the (Internal) competitive market, as well as intermediary ecologies in European Financial and Business centres.
This session aims to take stock of multiple dimensions of European financial integration by bringing together work developed within/in dialogue with economic and financial geography. The goal is two-fold: first, to deepen understandings of European financial integration as a set of relatively discrete processes of financial space-making; secondly, to discuss different ways in which European financial integration is empirically and methodologically encountered, as well as analytically problematized in economic/financial geography. It particularly welcomes contributions focused on the following issues:
If interested, please send an abstract (approx. 250 words) with author details to Mariana Santos. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions about the call or the session.
Panel Session Call: Financial Sector Power and Democracy
Financial sector power has increased markedly since the 1980s. This observation is at the core of financialisation research. The phenomenon is often defined as the increased importance of “the role of financial motives, financial markets, financial actors and financial institutions” (Epstein 2005: 3). While growing financiers’ power is understood to undermine economic justice within the financialisation literature (for instance, through its contribution to rising inequality), there is less debate about the impact of financialisation on democracy. The large size, networked character and complexity of the financial sector undermine democratic control processes and outcomes, both based on instrumental and structural power. The increased complexity and opacity of financial instruments have hampered regulatory oversight and democratic scrutiny. The growing shadow banking industry is a fitting example. Thus, these characteristics provide the financial sector in many societies with the ability to take direct influence on political and policy processes. The dynamics allowing financial actors to exercise influence and power differ depending on scale (national, regional or local), level of wealth (rich vs poor), and geography (global South vs global North). Additionally, the sector’s discursive power can stifle criticism when it emerges, predetermining policy options for policymakers. While the resulting democratic deficit is neither new nor unique to financialisation, it has “been strengthened by the expansion of a finance-dominated accumulation”. This panel aims at bringing together interdisciplinary research on financialisation with insights from economic geography and political science, analysing among other themes:
This panel session is organised by Prof Andreas Nölke and Dr Ewa Karwowski. If you are interested in participating in this session please send your abstract together with your name and institutional affiliation to Ewa Karwowski by Feb 12th 2020. The panel will be a paper presentation session, consisting of four-five papers.
Submission Deadline: 7 February 2020
1-4 September 2020 | London, UK
The Royal Geographic Society with the Institute of British Geography (RGS-IBG) invites proposals for the international conference on "Unpacking Geographies of FinTech".
FinTech, short for ‘financial technology’, operates at the intersections of the financial and technology sectors where big technology firms and start-ups are creating new platforms, products, and services beyond those currently provided by the traditional finance industry. Topics and applications cover a wide range – from blockchains, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence to robo-advising, mobile platforms and big data analytics. Instead of being threatened by the ‘disruptive’ potential of FinTech as such, many large banks and financial institutions are becoming more aggressive in the adoption and development of FinTech through the acquisition of technological capabilities, partnerships with technology firms, and setting up specialist FinTech platforms. Meanwhile, regulatory attention has shifted towards the (unregulated) technology giants (BigTech) and their endeavors into the realm of financial services and even monetary policy, such as Facebook leading a consortium to develop a global cryptocurrency (Libra). There are also potential geopolitical implications in these developments, as American BigTechs and financial regulators are increasingly challenged by major Chinese players, amidst broader trade tensions relating to technology and security issues. This raises the increasingly significant role of FinTech in surveillance capitalism and concerns over the rights of data ownership and utilisation.
We are particularly interested in papers that examine how FinTech is reshaping existing relationships, practices and structures for firms, consumers, financial centres, and state actors. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
We welcome submissions from scholars at all career stages. Please send proposed title, abstract (maximum 250 words), affiliation and contact details to Karen Lai or Reijer Hendrikse. Details about the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference and the Submission Process can be found online.
Submission Deadline: 7 February 2020
Special Issue: "(En)Visioning Socialism IV: Raising the Future in Our Imagination Before Raising It in Reality"
Science & Society has produced, so far, three Special Issues on envisioning, or building, or designing socialism ‒‒ at exact ten-year intervals: Spring, 1992; Spring, 2002; and April, 2012. For the most part, the contributors to all three issues, while differing among themselves on many points, share one thing in common: The radical ‒‒ socialist/communist ‒‒ alternative to capitalism must be envisioned. Moreover, this can be done with due regard for the scientific moment in Marxism and the need to avoid utopian speculation and idealist constructivism. The long rise to power of the working class ‒‒ the experience of collective struggle, and the vast practice of labor, which is the embodiment of purposeful creation ‒‒ combines with the vast experiences of the 20th century (both positive and negative) to suggest that the core elements of the socialist system can be outlined; socialist values must therefore be embodied in real projections, and not merely imagined, or desired. Now we announce Special Issue No. 4, to appear ‒‒ you guessed it! ‒‒ in April, 2022.
Socialism has been presented in numerous places as a set of democratic, egalitarian and humanist values. The increasing presence of these values in political discourse, as in the current surge of interest in democratic socialism in the United States, is noted, and welcome. Nevertheless, in the Marxist tradition we must go farther: we must actually describe how socialism as a system can work. The Thatcherite buzzphrase “There Is No Alternative” must be countered directly. We must answer the question, when it is put to us by skeptics: concretely, what would you socialists do differently? If you actually replace the capitalist class (after taming that class, to whatever degree possible), what would you put in its place? (Just saying “the working class in power” doesn’t cut it!) How might production, management, incentives and income be organized? How would decisions be made, in both the short term and for the future? How could actual systems and structures be developed that address the conflicts and constraints, the ecological challenge, the population challenge, the need to transcend racist, misogynist and nationalist divisions? And how might any of this turn out to be decidedly different from what capitalism achieves currently, given the greatest popular pressure we can bring to bear to counteract its worst impacts? Despite what defenders of capitalism (and some “market socialists”) may believe, our premise is that we are not bound to a rigid either/or choice: between naive, speculative “castles in the air,” utopian blueprints, “recipes for the cookshops of the future” (Marx), on one hand; and simply “muddling through” with eclectic and partial fixes to the existing order, on the other
The three preceding Special Issues brought together some of the most important models of a post-capitalist, and for the most part post-market, system. All of these involve participatory planning, and outline ways to combine a vibrant democracy of an educated and critical citizenry with the considerable complexities of modern production and social life. The need is nothing less than to put teeth into the evocative but vague slogans of classical Marxism: the “commonwealth of toil,” the “community of the associated producers,” the “free development of each as the condition for the free development of all.” The apostles of the capitalist present fear nothing more than the threat of this vision becoming operational, an effective guide to action!
Much has changed in the ten years since the last Special Issue. A whole new political generation is making itself felt. To preserve the continuity of our project, we expect that some of the older contributors will update and renew their visions, and set a framework. At the same time, we urge new contributors to come forward and offer different perspectives, on planning, micro-level control and interaction, modern IT-based systems for both coordination and autonomy, new ways to think about labor and creativity, the use of high-tech to promote both sustainability and human fulfillment, and much else that we no doubt have not yet been able to imagine. A hundred flowers can, and will, bloom. Our one unifying request is that prospective participants in this project embrace our call to go beyond the general affirmation of socialist values to address the matter of actual/structural/institutional properties ‒‒ even if only as broad models and not arbitrary elaboration of details.
Work can be submitted in the usual S&S formats: articles, up to 10,000 words; communications and review articles, 3‒4,000 words.
All communications should go to both of the Guest Co-Editors of the issue: Al Campbell and David Laibman
Submission Deadline: 15 July 2020
10-11 June 2020 | UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
The Financial Crises and Environmental Sustainability unit of the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) invites papers for an international workshop that aims to bring together new evidence and to advance a new research programme on the nexus of financial crises, social and poverty dynamics and environmental sustainability within the framework of the UN SDGs.
The workshop is co-organised with the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). We invite contributions from across social and natural sciences.
How to Apply
If you are interested in participating, please apply by sending in a single word document the following information per email. In the email subject line please put ‘BANGKOK WORKSHOP’.
Please find further information on the website.
Submission Deadline: 27 February 2020
3-4 March 2020 | Sao Paulo, Brazil
We would like to invite you to participate in the workshop entitled “The chains that bind or build development: re-exploring Latin American Regional Integration”, taking place at the Pontifical University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on the 3rd and 4th of March 2020. This workshop is an opportunity to discuss existing work and a new research agenda on regional cooperation and integration for development, with a particular emphasis on the concept of chains - value/commodity chains, chains of carbon, poverty chains and financial/wealth chains. The aim is to highlight the region’s insertion into national, regional and global chains of various kinds and how this affects the region’s development prospects. An envisaged final product of this exercise is the creation of a common intellectual platform including a special issue and a potential funding bid on Latin America’s development prospects. Discussions are provisionally organised into four themes:
We invite the submission of abstracts of 500 words that speak to the workshop theme and to a theme of choice. Please send the abstracts via email. Accepted participants will not be expected to present papers, but will be required to read the four papers listed below, discuss potential paper contributions to special issue(s) and contribute to a discussion of a funding bid to enable a future joint research project on the topic in relation to one or several of the themes identified above. The language of the workshop is English. There is no conference fee.
If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact Johannes Jäger.
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2020
10-13 September 2020 | University of Catania, Sicily, Italy
Understanding when institutions change, how institutional innovations are propagated and how institutional evolution occurs, are key theoretical and empirical questions that have long shaped institutional research in economics, sociology, politics, history, geography and other disciplines. In today's context of major challenges and transformations, these questions are arguably more pressing than ever. Ours is an era in which digital and other new technologies are recasting economic and political institutions, and social media are transforming personal relationships, reconfiguring civil society and altering the functioning of democracies. As the climate emergency furthermore threatens social stability and human survival, the global balance of power is also shifting, posing challenges to existing institutions set up to maintain world order.
Organised in collaboration with the University of Catania, Sicily, Italy, the Seventh WINIR Conference will explore these and related issues, and use the opportunity to enhance our theoretical understanding of how institutions evolve.
The conference will be held in the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena, located in the historic part of Catania, and will open on the afternoon of Thursday 10 September and end with a dinner on Saturday 12 September. There will be an optional guided tour on Sunday 13 September.
How to Apply
Individual abstracts or 4-paper session proposals related to the conference theme or any aspect of institutional research, in line with WINIR’s aims and research priorities, are welcome. All submissions are evaluated by the WINIR Scientific Quality Committee. Submit an individual abstract proposal here or a 4-paper session proposal here.
Submission Deadline: 10 April 2020
19-20 October 2020 | University of Hyderabad, India
The Economic Development Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is organizing a two-days long workshop, titled "Understanding Economic Theory and Development in a Sraffian Framework" on October 19-20, 2020.The conference is being organized in partnership with Hyderabad Central University and Azim Premji University, India.
Neoclassical economics continues to dominate contemporary economics teaching and research, despite the 2007 Global Financial Crisis posing a serious challenge to the Neoclassical understanding . While there have been several attempts to strengthen alternative approaches to economic theory post the crisis, the attempts have been limited and its impact has remained marginal. In this context, Sraffa’s contribution and its further developments, along with the economic understandings by John Maynard Keynes and Michal Kalecki, offer a coherent theory of value and distribution and an alternative theory of output and economic growth that can be applied in the context of both advanced and developing economies. In the recent couple of decades, much work has been carried out in the areas of monetary economics, public economics, firm theory, capital theory, economic growth, environmental economics using a Sraffian framework. In this workshop, we will engage with Sraffa’s contribution to economic theory and with works that analyze various economic questions in a Sraffian framework. Through this workshop, we will attempt to engage with the logical difficulties of mainstream neoclassical framework and with the Sraffian theory as an alternative framework for understanding contemporary economic processes and economic development.YSI, in collaboration with University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad and Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, is organizing a two-days long workshop on:
Sraffa’s contributions to:
This workshop aims to provide a platform for Masters’ and PhD students with these interests to present their work, obtain feedback from senior scholars, and to obtain an understanding of the frontiers of the Sraffian research programme. The Workshop will also invite a set of senior scholars who will deliver lectures on the theme of the workshop and engage with the young scholars. The workshop is particularly directed towards researchers and students with an interest in classical political economy (CPE), history of economic thought, and economic development from a CPE perspective. The workshop will comprise of a set of plenary talks by invited scholars and a set of presentation sessions for young scholars to present their work based on the theme and obtain valuable feedback from the senior scholars.
Submissions should be uploaded on the conference website. Please find the full call here.
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: 1 March 2020
10-11 June 2020 | Paris, France
The States and Markets and Keynesian Economics working groups of the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (YSI/INET), together with the Centre d’EÉ conomie de Paris Nord (CEPN), are glad to announce a workshop on rentier capitalism to be held in Paris the 10th and 11th of June 2020 at the Maison des Science de l’Homme – Paris Nord. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the increasing role of different types of rents (ground, intellectual, financial) on contemporary capitalism, bringing together both young and senior scholars working on these topics. Thus, there is two application process, one for young scholars and a second one for seniors (see below for details).
The rise of intangible over tangible assets, real estate bubbles and financialisation are among the stylized facts of what has come to be called rentier capitalism. An era within capitalism in which rent-seeking and predatory capital drive increasing inequality and hamper productive investment and innovation. Everywhere in the economy we see various forms of rents becoming increasingly prominent: from ground rents in urban areas and cities, to intellectual and property-rights rents in pharmaceutical and ICT industries (among others) and, to a greater extent, the so-called financialisation of the economy that has relocated the old financial rentierism at the center of the stage. Coming ahead of the resilience of traditional natural resources rents, the expansion of these rising rents considerably drag on the trajectory of capitalism. What are the overall effects of these rents on global and national economies? Can we clearly differentiate rents from traditional profits? Are these forms of rent changing the nature of contemporary capitalism? What are the similarities and differences with other moments in history? What type of legal measures and policies could revert rentier capitalism? What are –if any- the differential effects of rentier capitalism between core and peripheral regions? These and other questions motivate the organization of this workshop on rentier capitalism. Not only contemporary analysis will be welcomed but also explorations on how the concept of rent has evolved throughout economic thought and in
economic history.
This workshop aims at gathering young and senior scholars working on the forementioned topics in order to present our findings and, by using knowledge stations, build a joint research agenda that will be followed up with a webinar series after the workshop.
Young Scholars Application process and funding:
Senior Scholars Application process:
Questions concerning this call may be sent to the organizers. More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Working Groups may be found at the Young Scholars Directory.
Submission Deadline: 1 March 2020
18 - 19 May | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Theoretical Foundations of Economic Development: a Classical reappraisal (May 18/19)"
The year 2020 involves by coincidence a set of celebrations about great critically oriented economists, namely, 60 years of Sraffa's book, 100 years of the birth of the late Celso Furtado, and Maria da Conceição Tavares 90th birthday. Critically oriented development economists, especially but not exclusively in Latin America owe much more to these four great economists than we usually think. Sraffa’s work allowed a clarification of the analytical structure and the key elements of the Classical Surplus Approach based on the contribution of Smith, Ricardo and Marx. He also provided the solution of a number of complex analytical issues left unresolved in this tradition and also a deep internal critique of the foundations of marginalist/neoclassical theory, in particular the principle of factor substitution.
The Pioneers of post war Development Economics were clearly attracted by this tradition, as it is quite explicit in the work of Arthur Lewis and also in the work of Celso Furtado. Their own synthesis can be said to be an attempt to use the principle of the surplus for understanding developing countries, by arguing that the neoclassical principled view of factor scarcity was somehow valid for the developed North but in fact not applicable for the developing South. Furtado, in his book on the economic growth of Brazil (finished in 1959 in Cambridge, UK), provided what is probably one of the masterpiece on demand led growth under recurring balance of payments constraint.
In turn Maria da Conceição Tavares, besides combining the surplus principle insights with the Kalecki’s version of the principle of effective demand, implemented the industrial organization theories of Sylos Labini and of Josef Steindl. Additionally, she was totally committed to the collective project of building an alternative approach to development economics, influencing, supervising and inspiring a large number of students on both theoretical and applied matters, in the midst of a military dictatorship. Therefore, in order to reappraise the works and researches of these authors, we call for papers for the Workshop “The Theoretical Foundations of Economic Development: towards a reappraisal of the Classical approach in Latin America” to be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on May 18th and 19th 2020.
We encourage young scholars to send an abstract between 2000 to 6000 words for a, on the following areas:
The paper selection follows a blind review method. The major prerequisites for acceptance are completeness and relatedness to the required topics. Submitted work will most likely be considered if it is fully readable and does not lack substantial sections. Each work will be discussed and commented by one of the keynote speakers.
Targeted young scholars: PhD and master students that are writing their masters or PhD thesis on topics that could benefit from the approaches that will be discussed in the workshop. No accommodation will be provided. We will provide only partial or full travel stipends to selected young scholars. Diversity (in terms of gender, nationalities, affiliations, ideas) will be specifically taken into account as a criterion for the selection process. The workshop will be open to every young scholar aiming to attend, even if they do not present their work.
Application should be submitted online. For further information visit the official website.
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2020
The Cambridge Realist Workshop has been meeting regularly on Monday evenings since 1989/1990. The realist emphasis originated with the common perception of a group of Cambridge economists that modern economics pays too little attention to the nature of material it aims to illuminate. In consequence, social ontology, the study of the nature of society, became the focus and an early workshop objective was to assess how method can usefully be adapted to insights into the nature of social material. Once instituted the workshop quickly broadened its themes and now encompasses almost any sort of discussion in the field of methodology or the philosophy of social science. Its emphasis is pluralist and critical. A concern with relevance remains central however.
Time: Drinks from 7:30 pm, Seminar starts at 8:00pm.
New Location: Newnham College, Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge, CB3 9DF (Cynthia Beerbower Room)
Programm (for Lent Term 2020):
27.01.2020 - Tony Lawson - The Nature of Social Reality
10.02.2020 - Simon Deakin - The Ontology of the Corporation
24.02.2020 - Stephen Pratten - Money, Social Positioning and Trust
09.03.2020 - Jana Bacevic - Valuation, Epistemic Positioning, and Inequalities
For further information please visit the official website.
21 - 27 June 2020 | Berlin, Germany
The aim of this summer school is to introduce young macroeconomists to experimental approaches of research. Macroeconomic theories have traditionally been tested using non-experimental "field" data. However, modern, micro-founded macroeconomic models can also be tested in the laboratory, and researchers are increasingly pursuing such experimental tests. Graduate students and young faculty specializing in macroeconomics or experimental economics are invited to attend this intensive 5-day summer school.
The summer school will be held from June 21 to 27, 2020 at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Students will be taught experimental methods and are introduced to various topics of experimental research relevant for macroeconomics, such as growth, labor, monetary exchange, financial crises, equilibrium selection and stability. Students will be asked to participate in experiments and to develop their own experimental macroeconomic projects in groups of 3 or 4 students. Faculty will assist with and critique these projects. The different links on the top of this page will give you access to details regarding the particulars of the summer school in experimental macroeconomics.
The summer school consists of 5 days of teaching with 9-10 lectures of 90 minutes by the faculty, 4-5 experiments, 5 group sessions of 90 minutes each, and a final session in which student groups present their proposals and get comments from the faculty. Faculty members will also help during the group sessions for counseling students. Students can also submit research proposals as part of their summer school application, though this is not a requirement for participation in the summer school. Indeed, one purpose of the summer school is to start new research projects and think of macroeconomic topics and models that can be implemented in the laboratory or in field experiments in a way that advances our knowledge of behavior and our understanding of macroeconomics. Past participants have published articles based on their summer school projects in high-ranked journals.
Summer school students are expected to attend the 2-day 11th BESLab International Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics from June 21-27, 2020 that will take place at the same University. The participation fee is 200 Euros/220 USD. There is a possibility of financial support to students who need financial assistance subject to funding availability.
How to apply
To participate in our Summer School, please do the following steps.
Letter of Recommendation: Please ask the person who gives you the letter of recommendation to send it as an attached PDF document to the address, with the following subject: BLEESS20_Letter_firstname_lastname
Please contact the organising team for another way for sending us the letter, such as ordinary mail or fax, but we strongly encourage to use the e-mail and PDF option to speed up the process.For further information also visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 1 April 2020
25-27 June 2020 | Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania, Italy
The Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA) is the annual conference of the Society for Economic Studies with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (ESHIA). The society aims to provide a unique medium of communication for multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical or theoretical, to the study of complex socio-economic problems. It intends to promote the cross-fertilization of ideas and exchange of concepts and techniques developed within diverse scientific disciplines including economics, social sciences, physics, and computer science. The focus of ESHIA is especially on simulating and synthesizing emergent phenomena and collective behaviors to understand real economic and social systems. Heterogeneity of agents and interactions among them are key concepts in multidisciplinary approaches and provide a major driving force to study, either empirically or theoretically, socio-economic systems. WEHIA 2020 represents a unique opportunity to present and discuss the latest research on various aspects of the economy as a complex system made up of heterogeneous interacting agents. The Workshop is naturally intended to foster diversity in the approach and in the methodology used to analyze economic issues.
Many aggregate patterns can be explained as emerging from complex systems of heterogeneous agents, in which the interaction of agents at the micro level forms the macro properties of the economic system, thereby determining the emergence of macro regularities such as economic growth, unemployment, and income distribution. This important link between the micro and macro level of an economic system has not received sufficient attention in the economic theory, which has traditionally been split in the two domains of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Frequently, macroeconomic models are based on a “microfoundation” by assuming that the population consisted of one single representative agent (or an army of "identical clones"). Although this preserves analytical tractability, it causes a relevant reduction in terms of realism.
Agent-based economics opened up new perspectives on the exploration of socially relevant questions and can provide solutions to complex problems that are difficult to study with the methodological standard toolkit of economists. Such a methodology allows for the presence of feedbacks among agents and the economic environment in which they interact, such as the emergence of socio-economic networks with possible contagion effects, the characterization of non-Gaussian distributions, as well as the endogenous appearance of boom and bust cycles.
Main Topics of the Conference:
Agent Based Models (ABMs): theory and computation, calibration and estimation; Macroeconomic ABMs: emergence of dynamic aggregate behavior; Microeconomic ABMs: markets and individual behavior; Economic growth and technical change; Sustainable development and climate change; Complex Dynamics; Economic, Financial and Social Networks; Econophysics: application of statistical physics methods to economic issues; Experimental Economics; Bounded rationality and learning; Evolutionary Game Theory; Economy as a Complex System; Analysis of Wealth and Income Inequality; Emergence of Cooperation; Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Economics; Spatial agent models and urban complex adaptive systems; Cryptocurrency Research; DSGE models with heterogeneous agents
Submission can be done by email. The first page of the submitted material must contain authors’ affiliations and, at least, three keywords. In case of co-authored research, the first page of submitted material will have to indicate the corresponding author in charge of presenting the paper at the Conference.
Contributions should be submitted in the form of extended abstracts (max 2 pages) as PDF files per email. Please find further information on the website.
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2020 | Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2020 | Deadline for full paper submissions: 31 May 2020
7-11 June, 2020 | Durham, USA
The 2020 Duke Summer Institute on the History of Economics will be held June 7-11, 2020. The 2020 Institute will take the form of a research workshop and is aimed at graduate students and early-career scholars who would like to work with a group of other, similarly situated scholars, as well as more established historians of economics, to improve a paper they are writing and those of other members of the group. We are very pleased to have Evelyn Forget, Beatrice Cherrier, and Jeff Biddle joining members of the CHOPE faculty at the 2020 Summer Institute.
We will devote 80 minutes to each paper, a period that allows the author to make a 20-minute presentation—as one might at an academic conference—followed by an hour spent “workshopping” the paper. Feedback on presentations will also be provided, with a view to helping the scholars maximize their effectiveness in that aspect of their work. We also plan to include a talk by Duke archivists associated with the Economists’ Papers Archive, which is housed at Duke, a writing workshop conducted by Paul Dudenhefer, and a Q&A session with current and former editors of history of economics journals, several of whom will be in attendance. Beyond all of this, the Summer Institute also offers a wonderful opportunity to build intellectual community with others in the field.
How to Apply
The primary purpose of the institute is to provide early-career scholars with in-depth feedback on their current research papers in the history of economics. Recent PhD recipients, post-docs, and students enrolled in PhD programs in economics, the history of science, sociology, and neighboring fields who have a research paper in the history of economics, broadly defined, are encouraged to apply. Applications by Master’s students will also be considered.
Applicants should submit a cover letter and a CV. The two should be sent electronically as a single PDF document to per email, with the subject line "SI Application."
The cover letter should state your reasons for applying and provide a summary of your research paper (2 pages single-spaced maximum). Please indicate the stage your paper is at (e.g., early draft, third or fourth draft, almost ready for journal submission) and what kind of feedback you have already received (e.g., none at all, comments from your advisor, comments from conference participants). You should also indicate the gender with which you identify to assist us in allocating rooms. If you are indifferent as to the gender of your roommate, let us know; this will make it easier for us to assign rooms in the event that we have an odd number of accepted applicants with respect to gender. The CV should not exceed four pages.
More information about the Summer Institute and instructions on how to apply can be found on the Center for the History of Political Economy's website.
Application Deadline: 1 March 2020
The FEPS Young Academics Network was established in March 2010 with an aim to gather promising progressive PhD candidates and young PhD researchers ready to use their academic experience in a debate about the Next, Progressive Europe. Realised with the support of Renner Institut in the framework of the FEPS “Next Left” Research Programme, the project has gathered throughout the years more than 250 members – many of whom are today Professors of Renown Universities, Prominent Experts in their respective fields and Front Bench Politicians. Their exchanges and interdisciplinary research at the time of their involvement have resulted in a number of stimulating studies, providing a relevant contribution to the European progressive movement.
This call is being launched in coherence with the FEPS Framework Activity Plan 2020, whereby FEPS YAN has been reaffirmed as the Annual Flagship Initiative that since the beginning is realised in cooperation with Renner Institut. The link between the overall priorities that the document spells out in six thematic sections and the work of the FEPS YAN will remain crucial. This is also why we would like to encourage all the potential applicants to get familiar with FEPS priorities and this year most particularly with the leading questions regarding: working for gender equality and gender mainstreaming; proposing progressive agenda in the age of digital capitalism; and responding to climate emergency building on the principle of social justice.
Desired Profil
The call for New Members of the FEPS YAN in the new (7) cycle is addressed to outstanding, young, European, progressive academics holding a status of either PhD candidates or post-doctoral researchers, who are eager to get involved in the debate about the future of Europe, who would like to contribute to progressive exchanges and who are characterised by the high degree of social competence allowing them to function well in a diverse environment.
If selected as a new member, the candidate will be expected to:
Application Process
The application should include three documents:
The language used in the application documents is the same as the working language of FEPS YAN, which is English. The applications should be sent to the FEPS YAN Coordinators: Dr. Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training and Ms Elena Gil, FEPS New Media Advisor, who may also be addressed in case of further queries regarding this Call. For further information visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 20 March 2020Job title: Doctoral Research Fellowship - Catastrophic transitions: Regime shifts in network topology resulting in novel systems
PhD Research project
This project applies network-based approaches to multiple systems using secondary data to explore how shifts in network topology result in novel systems. The objective is to explore drivers and dynamics of catastrophic transitions at multiple scales in different contexts, understand commonalities of changes and identify universal characteristics in network topology that help to anticipate state transitions and the potential for reversal through comparative analysis of multiple cases. Cases can include river systems, land-use change, brain activity, transition between sleep states, transitions in political and energy systems, among others. The project includes research collaboration with IIASA, MODUL University Vienna, University of Groningen, Jacobs University Bremen, European University Cyprus, and, depending on the case selection, research stays at University of Durham, at AAI Scientific Cultural Services, or at Aix- Marseille University.
Person Specification
The successful candidates must satisfy the eligibility criteria (see below) and have:
How to Apply
To apply for this position, we require a copy of your CV, degree transcripts, motivation letter, a short proposal of how you would approach the PhD project (1p. max.), published or Master thesis sample writings, and the names of two referees. For further information and inquiries about the position, please contact Christian Kimmich. Please indicate in your motivation letter if you are interested in being considered for any of the other PhD positions in our network. For Application and further information please visit the website.
Applycation Deadline: 31 January 2020
Job title: Doctoral Research Fellowship - Critical nodes in economic connectivity: A multi-method application to facilitate structural transitions
PhD Research project
This project develops a suite of applicable methods including input-output and social network analysis that are appropriate to identify critical notes and help to analyse determinants of change and transition in structural and functional connectivity of networks. The project applies selected methods to environmental research problems of post-carbon energy transitions, the water-energy-food nexus, or floodplains as social-ecological systems. A core objective is to derive methodological contributions that help to describe and analyse input-output data in connectivity studies.
Person Specification
The successful candidates must satisfy the eligibility criteria (see below) and have:
How to Apply
To apply for this position, we require a copy of your CV, degree transcripts, motivation letter, a short proposal of how you would approach the PhD project (1p. max.), published or Master thesis sample writings, and the names of two referees. For further information and inquiries about the position, please contact Christian Kimmich. Please indicate in your motivation letter if you are interested in being considered for any of the other PhD positions in our network. For Application and further information please visit the website.
Applycation Deadline: 31 January 2020
Job title: Visiting Professor
The Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) is one of Germany’s leading universities for training tomorrow’s managers in business and public administration. More than 11.500 students from over 100 countries are currently enrolled at BSEL in a total of 50 degree programmes. About 250 professors and over 800 lecturers are committed to teaching in diverse disciplines ranging from business administration and economics to law, social sciences and engineering. Teaching languages at BSEL are German and English.
BSEL distinguishes itself by a high degree of practical relevance in teaching, intensive and multi-faceted research as well as a strong international orientation. Over 170 active partnerships are in place with universities all over the world. BSEL is a member of “UAS7 – Alliance for Excellence”, an association of seven large German Universities of Applied Sciences for the advancement of joint quality assurance and internationalization. The Department of Business and Economics is seeking a Visiting Professor (Economics, in particular Macroeconomics and International Economic).
Teaching load: 9 hours per week, 16 weeks per semester
Period: 01.04.2020 until 31.03.2021 (two semesters)
Workplace: Schöneberg Campus
Salary scale: 2.920,30€/month (Visiting Professor) / 2.211,19€/month (Guest Lecturer)
The visiting professor is supposed to teach in German and in English in different programs of the Department Business and Economics. The following courses will have to be taught:
Visiting professors have to meet the requirements of § 100 Berliner Hochschulgesetz (BerlHG), i.e. work experience of five years, out of which three years have to be outside the university sector, is required. He or she should be able to cover issues of gender and diversity in their classes.
How to apply
If you would like to apply for the position, please send your application letter along with your CV academic degrees, certificates related to professional experience and teaching, etc. citing the reference number 133/2019 via email or to
Berlin School of Economics and Law Departement 1, Business and Economics
Dean Prof. Dr. Otto von Campenhausen
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin, Germany
Deadline for applications: 26 January 2020
In memory of the considerable achievements of Austrian Professor of Economics, Kurt Rothschild, the Karl-Renner-Institut and the Social Democratic Parliamentary Club established the Kurt Rothschild Award for Economic Journalism and Research. The prize recognizes contributions to the economic and social sciences, which propose new approaches to the major challenges of our time, beyond standard and mainstream economic theory and in the spirit of Kurt Rothschild.
Qualified submissions for the award include two combined components. The first consists of articles directed at a broad media audience, including commentaries and contributions to newspapers, magazines or blogs; and the second consists of academic work published in academic journals, books or as working papers. The applicant must be explicitly identified as a (co-)author in both items submitted. The publication of submissions should have taken place in the 12 months prior to the final submission deadline.
For further information continue on the official website.
Submission Deadline: 27 April 2020
David A Spencer: Economics and ‘bad’ management: the limits to performativity
Alexander C Cartwright; Marc A Hight: ‘Better off as judged by themselves’: a critical analysis of the conceptual foundations of nudging
Stefan Ederer; Miriam Rehm: Will wealth become more concentrated in Europe? Evidence from a calibrated Post-Keynesian model
Samuele Bibi: Keynes, Kalecki and Metzler in a dynamic distribution model
Giovanni Balcet; Grazia Ietto-Gillies: Internationalisation, outsourcing and labour fragmentation: the case of FIAT
Elissa Braunstein; Rachid Bouhia; Stephanie Seguino: Social reproduction, gender equality and economic growth
Anthony M Endres; David A Harper: Economic development and complexity: the role of recombinant capital
Pedro Mendes Loureiro: Class inequality and capital accumulation in Brazil, 1992–2013
Jason Begley; Frank Geary; Tom Stark: Occupational structure in Ireland in the nineteenth century: data sources and avenues of exploration
Chris G Fuller: Uncertainty, insecurity, individual relative autonomy and the emancipatory potential of Galbraithian economics
Leigh Brownhill & Terisa E. Turner: Ecofeminist Ways, Ecosocialist Means: Life in the Post-capitalist Future
Martha McMahon: Farmed and Dangerous: Sheep and the Politics of Nature
Mizhar Mikati: For a Dialectics of Nature and Need: Unity, Separation, and Alienation
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro: Learning Dialectics to Grow Better Soils Knowledge, not Bigger Crops: A Materialist Dialectics and Relationality for Soil Science
Dan Boscov-Ellen: Whose Universalism? Dipesh Chakrabarty and the Anthropocene
Tina Sikka: Activism and Neoliberalism: Two Sides of Geoengineering Discourse
David Schwartzman: Monbiot’s Muddle
Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky & Michael A. Long: The Treadmill of Production and the Treadmill of Law: Propositions for Analyzing Law, Ecological Disorganization and Crime
Hanaček, Brototi Roy, Sofia Avila, Giorgos Kallis: Ecological economics and degrowth: Proposing a future research agenda from the margins
Thanh Nguyen, Truong Lam Do, George Halkos, Clevo Wilson: Health shocks and natural resource extraction: A Cambodian case study
Francois Bareille, Hugues Boussard, Claudine Thenail: Productive ecosystem services and collective management: Lessons from a realistic landscape model
Tomas Douenne, Adrien Fabre: French attitudes on climate change, carbon taxation and other climate policies
Panos Kalimeris, Kostas Bithas, Clive Richardson, Peter Nijkamp: Hidden linkages between resources and economy: A “Beyond-GDP” approach using alternative welfare indicator
Bosco Lliso, Unai Pascual, Stefanie Engel, Petr Mariel: Payments for ecosystem services or collective stewardship of Mother Earth? Applying deliberative valuation in an indigenous community in Colombia
Inge Røpke: Econ 101—In need of a sustainability transition
Ángel Perni, Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé, José Miguel Martínez-Paz: When policy implementation failures affect public preferences for environmental goods: Implications for economic analysis in the European water policy
Qingmeng Tong, Feng Qiu: Population growth and land development: Investigating the bi-directional interactions
Beth Stratford: The Threat of Rent Extraction in a Resource-constrained Future
Hongbo Yang, Frank Lupi, Jindong Zhang, Jianguo Liu: Hidden cost of conservation: A demonstration using losses from human-wildlife conflicts under a payments for ecosystem services program
Marija Bockarjova, Wouter J.W. Botzen, Mark J. Koetse: Economic valuation of green and blue nature in cities: A meta-analysis
David Boto-García, Alessandro Bucciol: Climate change: Personal responsibility and energy saving
Nattavudh Powdthavee, Andrew J. Oswald: Is there a link between air pollution and impaired memory? Evidence on 34,000 english citizens
Tafesse Kefyalew Estifanos, Maksym Polyakov, Ram Pandit, Atakelty Hailu, Michael Burton: Managing conflicts between local land use and the protection of the Ethiopian wolf: Residents’ preferences for conservation program design features
Benjamin K. Sovacool, Mari Martiskainen, Andrew Hook, Lucy Baker: Beyond cost and carbon: The multidimensional co-benefits of low carbon transitions in Europe
Roldan Muradian, Unai Pascual: Ecological economics in the age of fear
N.J. Hagens: Economics for the future – Beyond the superorganism
Tenaw G. Abate, Tobias Börger, Margrethe Aanesen, Jannike Falk-Andersson, Nicola Beaumont: Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation
Katharina Momsen, Markus Ohndorf: When do people exploit moral wiggle room? An experimental analysis of information avoidance in a market setup
Kanae Tokunaga, Hiroaki Sugino, Hideaki Nomura, Yutaka Michida: Norms and the willingness to pay for coastal ecosystem restoration: A case of the Tokyo Bay intertidal flats
Ernesto Carrella, Steven Saul, Kristin Marshall, Matthew G. Burgess, Andreas Merkl: Simple Adaptive Rules Describe Fishing Behaviour Better than Perfect Rationality in the US West Coast Groundfish Fishery
Stefano Ghinoi, Francesco Silvestri, Bodo Steiner: The role of local stakeholders in disseminating knowledge for supporting the circular economy: a network analysis approach
Kristin Sippl: Southern Responses to Fair Trade Gold: Cooperation, Complaint, Competition, Supplementation
Mathilda Eriksson: Afforestation and avoided deforestation in a multi-regional integrated assessment model
Itsaso Carmona, Alberto Ansuategi, José Manuel Chamorro, Marta Escapa, ... Raúl Prellezo: Measuring the value of ecosystem-based fishery management using financial portfolio theory
Marwil J. Dávila-Fernández, Serena Sordi: Attitudes towards climate policies in a macrodynamic model of the economy
Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Fabien Quétier, Coralie Calvet, Harold Levrel, Sven Wunder: Biodiversity offsets and payments for environmental services: Clarifying the family ties
Alexandra Yost, Li An, Richard Bilsborrow, Lei Shi, Weiyong Zhang: Mechanisms behind concurrent payments for ecosystem services in a Chinese nature reserve
Robert W. Dimand: One Hundred Years Ago: John Maynard Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace
Geoffrey T. F. Brooke, Anthony M. Endres & Alan J. Rogers: The Economists and Monetary Thought in Interwar New Zealand: The Gradual Emergence of Monetary Policy Activism
Robert A. Buckle: New Zealand’s Thirty-Year Experience with Inflation Targeting: The Origins, Evolution and Impact of a Monetary Policy Innovation
John Hawkins: Charles Wickens: The Australian Government’s First Economist
Mario Seccareccia: Symposium on “Contemporary Central Banking and Monetary Policy Issues”: Editor’s Note
Ulrich Bindseil: Central Bank Digital Currency: Financial System Implications and Control
Vincent Grossmann-Wirth: What Monetary Policy Operational Frameworks in the New Financial Environment? A Comparison of the US Fed and the Eurosystem Perspectives, 2007–2019
Istvan Abel & Kristof Lehmann: Real and Monetary Theories of the Interest Rate
Mario Seccareccia & Najib Khan: The Illusion of Inflation Targeting: Have Central Banks Figured Out What They Are Actually Doing Since the Global Financial Crisis? An Alternative to the Mainstream Perspective
Christian Fuchs: Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism
Christopher C Barnes: Democratic Socialists on Social Media: Cohesion, Fragmentation, and Normative Strategies
Dimitris Boucas: Theory, Reality, and Possibilities for a Digital/Communicative Socialist Society
Christopher M Cox: Rising With the Robots: Towards a Human-Machine Autonomy for Digital Socialism
Emiliana De Blasio, Michele Sorice: Spaces of Struggle: Socialism and Neoliberalism With a Human Face Among Digital Parties and Online Movements in Europe
Donatella Della Ratta: Digital Socialism Beyond the Digital Social: Confronting Communicative Capitalism with Ethics of Care
Nick Dyer-Witheford: Left Populism and Platform Capitalism
Sai Englert, Jamie Woodcock, Callum Cant: Digital Workerism: Technology, Platforms, and the Circulation of Workers’ Struggles
Hardy Hanappi: A Global Revolutionary Class Will Ride the Tiger of Alienation
Dmitry Kuznetsov, Milan Ismangil: YouTube as Praxis? On BreadTube and the Digital Propagation of Socialist Thought
Eleonora de Magalhães Carvalho, Afonso Albuquerque, Marcelo Alves Santos Júnior: Brazilian Blogosfera Progressista: Digital Vanguards in Dark Times
Joan Pedro-Carañana: Towards a Marxist Theory of Mediation: Contributions from Ibero-America to the Study of Digital Communication
Jamie Ranger: Slow Down! Digital Deceleration Towards A Socialist Social Media
S Harikrishnan: Communicating Communism: Social Spaces and the Creation of a “Progressive” Public Sphere in Kerala, India
Manuel A. Gómez: Factor substitution, long‐run growth, and speed of convergence in the one‐sector convex endogenous‐growth model
Ariel Dvoskin, Germán David Feldman, Guido Ianni: New‐structuralist exchange‐rate policy and the pattern of specialization in Latin American countries
Ian Steedman: Fixed capital in the corn‐tractor model
Eiji B. Hosoda: Does ownership of an end‐of‐life product affect design for environment?
Cédric Rogé: Harrodian instability in a post‐Keynesian growth and distribution model
Emilio Carnevali, Antoine Godin, Stefano Lucarelli, Marco Veronese Passarella: Productivity growth, Smith effects and Ricardo effects in Euro Area's manufacturing industries
Matteo Deleidi: Post‐Keynesian endogenous money theory: Horizontalists, structuralists and the paradox of illiquidity
Petar Sorić, Ivana Lolić, Marina Matošec: Some properties of inflation expectations in the euro area
Mengheng Li, Ivan Mendieta‐Muñoz: Are long‐run output growth rates falling?
Luke Petach, Daniele Tavani: Income shares, secular stagnation and the long‐run distribution of wealth
Hiroshi Nishi, Engelbert Stockhammer: Cyclical dynamics in a Kaleckian model with demand and distribution regimes and endogenous natural output
Qing Hu: A note on endogenous competition mode with managerial‐unionized firms: Comment
Susan K. Sell & Owain D. Williams: Health under capitalism: a global political economy of structural pathogenesis
Ted Schrecker: Globalization and health: political grand challenges
Matthew Sparke: Neoliberal regime change and the remaking of global health: from rollback disinvestment to rollout reinvestment and reterritorialization
Kenneth C. Shadlen, Bhaven N. Sampat & Amy Kapczynski: Patents, trade and medicines: past, present and future
Rebecca J. Hester & Owain David Williams: The somatic-security industrial complex: theorizing the political economy of informationalized biology
Stefan Elbe & Christopher Long: The political economy of molecules: vital epistemics, desiring machines and assemblage thinking
Stephen R. Gill & Solomon R. Benatar: Reflections on the political economy of planetary health
Robert Rowthorn: The Godley-Tobin lecture
Thomas I. Palley, Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo: Do current times vindicate Keynes and is New Keynesian macroeconomics Keynesian?
Barry Eichengreen: Keynesian economics: can it return if it never died?
Robert W. Dimand: The much-exaggerated death of Keynesian economics
Steven M. Fazzari: Was Keynesian economics ever dead? If so, has it been resurrected?
Peter Bofinger: Reviving Keynesianism: the modelling of the financial system makes the difference
Esteban Pérez Caldentey, Nathan Perry and Matías Vernengo: The return of Keynes and the Phillips curve in Latin America: evidence from four countries
Emiliano Libman: Tobin (1975) meets rational expectations
Danielle Guizzo: Why does the history of economic thought neglect Post-Keynesian economics?
Ludo Cuyvers: Why Did Marx’s Capital Remain Unfinished? On Some Old and New Arguments
Maxi Nieto and Juan Pablo Mateo: Dynamic Efficiency in a Planned Economy: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Without Markets
Gregory Slack: From Class to Race and Back Again: A Critique of Charles Mills’ Black Radical Liberalism
Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber: Complex Stratification in the World System: Capitalist Totality and Geopolitical Fragmentation
Nana Liu: The New Left in China and Its Implications: A Reflection
Paul Buhle: American Labor’s Cold War Abroad
Lefteris Tsoulfidis, Achilleas Tsimis and Dimitris Paitaridis: The Rise and Fall of Unproductive Activities in the US Economy 1964–2015: Facts, Theory and Empirical Evidence
Michael Hudson: “Creating Wealth” through Debt: The West's Finance-Capitalist Road
Raju Das and Ashley Chen: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Capitalist Violence against Child Labor
Arne Heise and Ayesha Serfraz Khan: The Welfare State and Liberal Democracy: A Political Economy Approach
Bin Yu: A Critique of Econometrics
by Eric Monnet | 2018, Cambridge University Press
It is common wisdom that central banks in the postwar (1945–1970s) period were passive bureaucracies constrained by fixed-exchange rates and inflationist fiscal policies. This view is mostly retrospective and informed by US and UK experiences. This book tells a different story. Eric Monnet shows that the Banque de France was at the heart of the postwar financial system and economic planning, and that it contributed to economic growth by both stabilizing inflation and fostering direct lending to priority economic activities. Credit was institutionalized as a social and economic objective. Monetary policy and credit controls were conflated. He then broadens his analysis to other European countries and sheds light on the evolution of central banks and credit policy before the Monetary Union. This new understanding has important ramifications for today, since many emerging markets have central bank policies that are similar to Western Europe's in the decades of high growth.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Andreas Nölke, Tobias ten Brink, Christian May and Simone Claar | 2020, Routledge
This book systematically analyzes the economic dynamics of large emerging economies from an extended Comparative Capitalisms perspective. Coining the phrase ‘state-permeated capitalism’, the authors shift the focus of research from economic policy alone, towards the real world of corporate and state behaviour. On the basis of four empirical case studies (Brazil, India, China, South Africa), the main drivers for robust economic growth in these countries from the 2000s until the 2010s are revealed. These are found, in particular, in mutual institutional compatibilities of ‘state-permeated capitalism’, in their large domestic markets, and beneficial global economic constellations. Differences in their institutional arrangements are explored to explain why China and India have been more economically successful than Brazil and South Africa. The authors highlight substantial challenges for the stability of state-permeated capitalism and assess the potential future growth, sustainability and likely pitfalls for these large emerging economies. Opening further avenues for empirical and theoretical research, this book raises questions for the future of the global economic order and should appeal to academics, graduate students and advanced undergraduates in politics, economics, economic sociology and development studies. It should also prove a worthwhile and provocative read for development practitioners and policy-makers.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Katharina Pistor | 2019, Princeton University Press
Capital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates more wealth? The Code of Capital explains how capital is created behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, and why this little-known fact is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else. In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively “codes” certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capital—and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal devices for the ones that best serve their clients’ needs, and how techniques that were first perfected centuries ago to code landholdings as capital are being used today to code stocks, bonds, ideas, and even expectations—assets that exist only in law. A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time, The Code of Capital explores the different ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are coded to give financial advantage to their holders. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it.
Please find a link to the book here.
by John F. Weeks | 2019, Polity Press
Governments should spend no more than their tax income.' Most people in Europe and North America accept this statement as simple common sense. It resonates with the deeply engrained economic metaphors that dominate public discourse, from 'living within your means' to 'balancing the budget' - all necessary, or so conventional wisdom holds, to avoid the dangers of debt, taxation and financial ruin.
This book shows how these homely metaphors constitute the 'debt delusion' a set of plausible-sounding yet false ideas that have been used to justify damaging austerity policies. John Weeks debunks these myths, explaining the true story behind public spending, taxation, and debt, and their real function in the management of our economies. He demonstrates that disputes about public finances are not primarily technical matters best left to specialists and experts, as many politicians would have us believe, but rather fundamentally questions about our true political priorities. Requiring no prior economic knowledge, this is an ideal primer for anyone wishing to cut through the rhetoric and misinformation that dominate political debates on economics and become an informed citizen.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Andrew H. Browning | 2019, University of Missouri Press
The Panic of 1819 tells the story of the first nationwide economic collapse to strike the United States. Much more than a banking crisis or real estate bubble, the Panic was the culmination of an economic wave that rolled through the United States, forming before the War of 1812, cresting with the land and cotton boom of 1818, and crashing just as the nation confronted the crisis over slavery in Missouri. The Panic introduced Americans to the new phenomenon of boom and bust, changed the country’s attitudes towards wealth and poverty, spurred the political movement that became Jacksonian Democracy, and helped create the sectional divide that would lead to the Civil War. Although it stands as one of the turning points of American history, few Americans today have heard of the Panic of 1819, yet we continue to ignore its lessons—and repeat its mistakes.
Please find a link to the book here.
by William L. Silber | 2019, Princeton University Press
This is the story of silver’s transformation from soft money during the nineteenth century to hard asset today, and how manipulations of the white metal by American president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930s and by the richest man in the world, Texas oil baron Nelson Bunker Hunt, during the 1970s altered the course of American and world history. FDR pumped up the price of silver to help jump start the U.S. economy during the Great Depression, but this move weakened China, which was then on the silver standard, and facilitated Japan’s rise to power before World War II. Bunker Hunt went on a silver-buying spree during the 1970s to protect himself against inflation and triggered a financial crisis that left him bankrupt.
Silver has been the preferred shelter against government defaults, political instability, and inflation for most people in the world because it is cheaper than gold. The white metal has been the place to hide when conventional investments sour, but it has also seduced sophisticated investors throughout the ages like a siren. This book explains how powerful figures, up to and including Warren Buffett, have come under silver’s thrall, and how its history guides economic and political decisions in the twenty-first century.
Please find a link to the book here.
edited by E. M. Dermineur | 2018, Brepols Pulishers
This collection of essays compares and discusses women’s participation and experiences in credit markets in early modern Europe, and highlights the characteristics, common mechanisms, similarities, discrepancies, and differences across various regions in Europe in different time periods, and at all levels of society. The essays focus on the role of women as creditors and debtors (a topic largely ignored in traditional historiography), but also and above all on the development of their roles across time. Were women able to enter the credit market, and if so, how and in what proportion? What was then the meaning of their involvement in this market? What did their involvement mean for the community and for their household? Was credit a vector of female emancipation and empowerment? What were the changes that occurred for them in the transition to capitalism? These essays offer a variety of perspectives on women’s roles in the credit markets of early modern Europe in order to outline and answer these questions as well as analysing and exploring the nature of women, money, credit, and debt in a pre-industrial Europe.
Please find a link to the book here.
At the Scuola Normale Superiore, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences in Florence, the call for applications for the PhD programmes in "Political science and sociology " and "Transnational Governance" has been published. There are 13 funded positions.
Programm 1: Political science and sociology
The PhD course in Political Science and Sociology of Scuola Normale Superiore is methodologically pluralist and multidisciplinary. Taught in English and truly international in student composition and faculty experience, it combines structured teaching with close, supportive supervision. The duration of the programme and its grant is four years.
In the best European tradition, it brings together theoretical and empirical research, with attention to historical, institutional and cultural specificities. The main research areas are listed below. Prospective applicants are encouraged to look closely at the research interests specified by the Faculty in their personal web pages.
Democracy and social movements: This stream looks at social movements, civil society, participative democracy, democratic innovations, political violence, new media from sociological and political science perspectives. Particular attention is devoted to mobilizations in defence of women’s and gender right, labour rights, the enviroment, and the territory,
International political economy: This stream examines the transformations of capitalism, and in particular economic internationalization (globalization, Europeanisation, global industries, finance, migrations), changes in work and employment (digitalisation, industrial relations, new labour conflicts and inequalities) and the governance of these processes through policies, institutions and agency at multiple levels.
Comparative politics and society: This area focuses on the comparative understanding of political parties, interest groups, civil society and public opinion, with particular attention to new political actors and practices.
Despite its young age, the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences has already established an international reputation for academic excellence and world-class research. Besides the structured courses on methodological and substantive issues, the faculty offers a stimulating environment, with international conferences, specialist workshops, summer schools and guest lectures. For further information visit the official website.
Programm 2: Transnational Governance
The PhD course in Transnational Governance is organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore in collaboration with the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. The course, which ends with a joint Ph.D. degree certificate provided by the two Schools, combines structured teaching with close supervision activities by a dedicated faculty. The duration of the programme and its grants (4 grants for the academic year 2018-19) is four years.
The course provides tools to understand conflict and transformation of the relationship between societies and institutions with a theoretical and analytical focus on the role of governance in addressing complex phenomena (including problems linked to globalization and Europeanisation). Contemporary politics is increasingly characterized by processes that go beyond the traditional distinction between national and international spheres. National and supranational actors and institutions interact through trans-national dynamics and forms of governance. These phenomena lead to key methodological, analytical and theoretical challenges to the more traditional approaches to political and social studies. The Ph.D. programme deals with such challenges in a transnational perspective.
Through the lenses of political and social sciences and a multi-disciplinary approach open to the contributions of law and economic studies, the course focuses on institutions, actors and their dynamic interaction at European and global level with a specific attention to the supra-, trans-, and (sub-)national level of governance. The teaching programme is based on two levels. The first level provides a common theoretical and methodological background inspired by political and social sciences (in particular, political science, international relations, EU studies and political philosophy). The second level provides a more specialized training for the analysis of transnational governance, with three specific thematic areas open to cross-fertilisation: International relations, global economy and security; European and comparative politics and governance; Political movements and Trans-national civil society.
The three thematic areas will be addressed through the lenses of political science, sociology, political philosophy, law, and economics. The Ph.D. programme aims at training scholars and highly-skilled experts who can work in academic institutions, think tanks and research centers, as well as in policy consultancy for international governmental and non-governmental organizations. For further information visit the official website.
All students admitted to our doctoral programmes receive scholarships, which include tuition fees and a grant for board and accommodation. The scholarship is guaranteed to students who maintain a high academic level and make significant progress in their thesis work. All students will be entitled to additional funding for their research activity, even abroad. For each postgraduate course, a place is reserved for candidates who have obtained a valid qualification, for access to the competition, in foreign universities.
The following candidates, regardless of their citizenship, can apply:
Admission to doctoral programmes will be based on academic assessment of candidates and on interviews. There are 9 funded positions for "Political Science and Sociology" and 4 funded positions for "Transnational Governance". To apply, visit the official website to access the online form.
Application Deadline (Spring Session): 27 February 2020
We invite interested candidates to apply for a funded Priestley PhD fellowship on “Cultural interventions for promoting alternative visions of wellbeing in a zero carbon economy” at the University of Leeds.
The project “Cultural Interventions for Promoting Alternative Visions of Wellbeing in a Zero Carbon Economy” starts from the assumption that a reduction of emissions down to net zero will require radically new visions and practices of wellbeing. It will investigate the effectiveness of cultural interventions to promote such alternative visions and practices. What do we mean by “alternative visions of wellbeing”? Wellbeing is currently primarily framed as preference satisfaction through consumption. But high levels of consumption (and waste) are among the main drivers of continuing high levels of emissions globally. Scholars increasingly agree that a reduction of consumption, especially in rich countries, will need to be part of the solution to tackling climate change. One of the main challenges for the zero carbon transformation is that a reduction of consumption is likely to be highly unpopular with the public.
In western countries, current levels of consumption go far beyond fulfilling basic needs but also serve an important role for people’s sense of identity and self-worth, social status and social integration. New research is urgently required to understand how people’s underlying needs for identity, self-worth, social participation, and mental and physical health can be met at reduced levels of consumption, compatible with net zero emission targets. This can be informed by alternative understandings of wellbeing and economy, including eudaimonic wellbeing, capabilities, human needs, the sharing economy, etc.
Culture and media often play an important role in promoting high carbon consumption. However, they also have the potential to question that role and to promote alternative, low carbon visions of wellbeing. So far very little is known about the effectiveness of cultural and media interventions for promoting alternative visions of wellbeing and for creating greater public acceptability for reductions in consumption of high carbon goods and services (including travel). We are searching for a candidate with training in disciplines relevant to this projects, for instance cultural and media studies, environmental studies and sustainability, sociology, social policy, sustainable business, etc., with enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research and ability for critical and creative thinking. The project can be narrowed down to particular types of consumption or dimensions of wellbeing, and if you have ideas for this project that you would like to discuss prior to applying please do not hesitate to get in touch with the prospective supervisors.
How to apply
Formal applications for research degree study should be made online through the University's website. Please state clearly in the research information section that the research degree you wish to be considered for is “Cultural interventions for promoting alternative visions of wellbeing in a zero carbon economy” as well as Dr Milena Buchs as your proposed supervisor. We welcome applications from all suitably-qualified candidates, but UK black and minority ethnic (BME) researchers are currently under-represented in our Postgraduate Research community, and we would therefore particularly encourage applications from UK BME candidates. All scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit.
Entry requirements
Applicants to research degree programmes should normally have at least a first class or an upper second class British Bachelors Honours degree (or equivalent) in an appropriate discipline. The criteria for entry for some research degrees may be higher, for example, several faculties, also require a Masters degree. Applicants are advised to check with the relevant School prior to making an application. Applicants who are uncertain about the requirements for a particular research degree are advised to contact the School or Graduate School prior to making an application.
English language requirements
The minimum English language entry requirement for research postgraduate research study is an IELTS of 6.0 overall with at least 5.5 in each component (reading, writing, listening and speaking) or equivalent. The test must be dated within two years of the start date of the course in order to be valid. Some schools and faculties have a higher requirement.
This is a 3 years scholarship funded by the University of Leeds through the Priestley International Centre for Climate. The award will provide tuition fees (£4,500 for 2019/20), tax-free stipend at the UK research council rate (£15,009 for 2019/20), and a research training and support grant of £750 per annum.For queries about the project please contact Dr Milena Buchs on or Dr Leslie Meier on
For enquiries about the application procedure please contact the Graduate School Office Admissions Officer e.g. for Faculty of Environment. Please see further details here.
Application deadline: 29 February 2020
Job title: 12 PhD scholarships at Institute for Socio-Economics (University of Duisburg-Essen) "Political Economy of Inequality"
At the Institute for Socio-Economics we are looking for 12 new PhD candidates. The overall topic of the doctoral programme is "Political Economy of Inequality", but research linking this topic to environmental questions, such as sustainable welfare, degrowth, and just transition, is highly welcome. The programme will start in November 2020 and is funded by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. A working knowledge of German is advisable for full participation in the PhD programme.
The PhD program „Political Economy of Inequality” investigates extent, causes, and consequences of rising socio-economic inequality. While economic aspects of inequality are a key focus of the research, they are always contextualized with non-economic dimensions of inequality. Political, social, and ecological causes and consequences of material inequality are systematically integrated into the analysis. The research at the Institute for Socio-Economics is characterized by an interdisciplinary and applied socioeconomic approach. It integrates economic inequality research, political economy and economic sociology, as well as current economic and social policy reform discourses on an equal footing.
PhD fellows will actively participate in the Institute and be provided with numerous opportunities for further academic qualification (methods courses, summer school, international research stays). Apart from an outstanding scientific profile, the concrete societal and political relevance of socio-economic inequality will be a mainstay of the PhD program.
The following research questions are at the centre of the PhD program:
The program is offered by the Institute for Socio-Economics in conjunction with the Institute for Work and Qualification, as well as other partners. It covers a regular seminar, methods courses, a summer school, regular topical mini courses, workshops for science communication, and the opportunity for both national and international visiting research stays. PhD fellows will have access to the extensive support program of the Hans Böckler Foundation.
How to apply
On February 19, 2020, a preparatory workshop will be held in Duisburg, at which applicants will receive detailed information on the PhD program. The academic supervisors will be available for discussing and developing research proposals, and to answer any questions applicants may have. Please register via email for this workshop with Prof. Dr. Till van Treeck. Please include a CV and a 1-page draft for a possible PhD research project in your application. If you are interested in applying, but cannot participate in the workshop, please contact the Institute at the above e-mail address as early as possible.
Please find further information on the call and the institute here. If you seek an earlier start and have an advanced research proposal, our institute also supports applications through other funds, for example the call by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt "Eco-social questions of the energy transition", for detailed information visit the official website.
Registration Deadline (for the Workshop): 7 February 2020
The Faculty of Business & Law at UWE Bristol (UK) is currently offering fully-funded PhD studentships starting October 2020. We are looking for applications from excellent candidates who are wishing to complete a PhD project in a subject area that aligns with the faculty’s research strengths. You can explore the Business and Law research groups and centres for further information on these research strengths. You are strongly advised to identify a relevant academic within the faculty, who would be willing to provide feedback on your research proposals prior to submission of the application and would also be prepared to act as your supervisor if you are successful.
The studentship will start on October 1, 2020. The funding consists of an annual tax-free stipend of £15,009 (RCUK rate), subject to satisfactory progress, for three years. In addition, it covers annual tuition fees at full-time Home/EU rate for the length of the funding period. Please note that successful applicants who are normally required to pay overseas/international fees will have to cover the difference (approx £9000 ) between the Home/EU and the overseas tuition fee rates themselves.
In the process of applying for a place on our PhD programme, you are required to submit a research proposal as an integral part of your application. This section aims to provide you with some guidelines about its content and structure. The purpose of the proposal document (which should be within 1000-1500 words) is to indicate your area of research and to convince the faculty review panel of your readiness for PhD study in your chosen field. It is essential that in your proposal document you address the following points as clearly as possible:
Please submit your application online. When prompted, use the reference number 2021-OCT-FBL01. Supporting documentation: you will need to upload your research proposal, all of your degree certificates and transcripts and proof of English language proficiency as attachments to your application, so please have these available when you complete the application form. Referees: you will need to provide details of two referees as part of your application. At least one referee must be an academic referee from the institution that conferred your highest degree. Please ensure that your nominated referees are willing and able to provide references before you submit your application.
Please find further information here.
Application Deadline: 23 March 2020
There has been much recent discussion on the future of work, both within and beyond academia. For some sides of the argument, automation is set to displace the majority of workers (Frey and Osborne, 2017), new digital technologies like platforms are reshaping the economy (Srnicek, 2017), or that the work itself has fundamentally changed. However, many of the debates on the future of work pay little attention to the experiences of workers – for example, discussing the "future of work", rather than future of/for workers. While technological innovation, new management techniques, new organisational forms, and a range of other factors are clearly important to understand, the experience of workers remains a key – and under-researched – part of this debate. It is through understanding the changes that are happening in work at the present time that we can better understand what possible futures of work there are. This involves examining the composition of work at different points in the economy: understanding how workers experience the technical organisation of their work, including the labour process, management, and use of technology; the organisation of workers in society, with oppression, patterns of migration, access to housing, and so on; and the forms of resistance and political organisation that workers develop.
We are therefore interested in proposals that engage with the debates on the future of work through empirical research with workers. We consider these inquiries as potentially broad in scope, method, and methodology, but expect proposals that explore workers' experiences.
These could focus on how workers:
Methodologically, successful applicants will pursue(auto)ethnography, interviews, visual or other qualitative methods, and we are particularly looking for proposals that experiment with approaches to co-create research findings with workers(see, for example, Woodcock, 2017; Waters and Woodcock, 2017; Cant, 2019). Possible research sites could include both new and traditional forms of work, for example platform work, the care sector, logistics or other under-researched areas. A desirable applicant will have some experience of precarious, zero-hours and gig economy work and/or some direct knowledge and contacts within such a context, through a trade union, more directly or both. However, the supervision team will be able to assist a successful applicant with research access.The successful applicant will be based within the innovative Research into Employment, Empowerment and Futures group (REEF) within the Department for People and Organisations. The focus of the group is upon better understanding the possibilities for emancipatory future work, in particular issues of identity, leadership, power, trade union organising and learning.
Your proposal, covering letter, fully completed application form and copies of certificates and transcripts, should be emailed. Please find further information on the website.
Application Deadline: 2 March 2020
The School of Political Economy (SPE) offers university-level courses in heterodox economics/political economy from outside the confines of the university system. Be taught by experienced academics with a demonstrated track record of excellence in both teaching and research. In 2020 we are offering the following subjects:
We utilise a ‘flipped classroom model’ where you view lectures and readings online before coming to a weekly 90-minute tutorial. Tutorials are done online, though you also have the option of doing some of our subjects face to face if you live in either Melbourne or Sydney. Course costs have been kept low to promote access. They are a small fraction of the course fees charged by many universities: AUD$240 (waged) and AUD$170 (unwaged/student). If time zone differences appear to create an obstacle for your participation, we would nonetheless encourage you to contact us and let us know what times /would/ suit you as we may well be in a position to add additional tutorials at other times. You can read more about SPE, including looking at student feedback from 2019, by visiting our website.