Issue 304 November 14, 2022 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory
These days I was somewhat enthusiastic to find that the emblematic Economics Anti-Textbook, which focuses on a critical presentation of standard microeconomics content, has now been complemented by a companion volume on macroeconomic issues. This book is authored by Tony Myatt, who is also one of the original lead authors of the Economics Anti-Textbook, and carries the very consistent title "The Macroeconomics Anti-Textbook". As my teaching duties typically require me to also incorporate neoclassical concepts and theories, I am very thankful for books like these that are designed from the start to provide a critical entry-point to the dominant theories of our discipline (in the past I have also successfully used John Komlos’ Foundations of real-world economics as well as the Microeconomics/Macroeconomics in Context books).
Pointing out the fallacies in mainstream thinking in ways that are pedagogically useful is always a delicate task as it is a knife-edge issue. You always run the risk of oversimplifying; on the other hand, things quickly get technically intricate if you delve too deeply into certain subtleties. In this matter, I also highly appreciate Steve Keen's contributions, which often excel at striking the right balance. An example, which in my view does succeed in this regard, is this recent video in which Steve addresses energy as a blind-spot in mainstream theory, while – at the same time – explaining why the neoclassical gross-substitution axiom is self-defeating when it comes to hardly substitutable primary inputs. It is especially in these contexts where a standard Leontief-approach is arguably a superior tool for prediction. Moreover, Steve manages to connect this discussion to current policy-challenges in Europe induced by the Russian attack on Ukraine (by referring to the case of a German gas-embargo as a key example), and also suggests that we can interpret the capital-output ratio as a (probably rough) proxy for energy-efficiency. All of this seems like a lot but it takes Steve only 22 minutes to address it, so be prepared for his usual stormy talk ;-)
All the best,
PS: While I think the example of Steve's video is very neat, it also serves well to explain one tricky aspect of such criticism: in many cases, there exists a variation of some standard mainstream model in the literature that seems to address a certain more specific critique. Sometimes this only holds superficially, but at least with regard to Steve's criticism of the mainstream's obsession with substitution there is a somewhat valid exception that has similar concerns on, and makes similar arguments about, the crucial role of primary inputs, as Steve does (see here for the paper I am talking about). Of course, a structured and constructive discourse on such potential common grounds is difficult. For one, the mainstream is an inconsistent amoeba of models with 'a model for every purpose'. For another, such papers are typically crafted for other mainstream academics, which makes potential common grounds truly hard to spot. Still as open-minded people, we should occasionally give it a try... ;-)
© public domain
28 June - 1 July 2023 | Lille, France
Conference Theme: Economic Philosophy in the Age of the Anthropocene
All our economic activities are transforming ecosystems and threatening the natural habitats that support all forms of life. This is what is known as the Anthropocene. Its advent corresponds with the beginnings of capitalism and with the industrial revolution, justifying for some the neologism of the “capitalocene”. The destruction of our commons - the climates, environments and species of earth - seems irreversible, threatening life on earth. Humanity becomes the subject of this event, regardless of cultural or national affiliation and we do not have the institutions to deal with this historically unparalleled challenge, nor do we know which scientific discipline is able to tackle it. The main currents in economic science all try to answer with their devices for measuring the good, its growth, its distribution and its use. Are they equipped to measure and remedy the destruction of our common goods?
The different branches of economics are not in capacity to provide a universal measure, able to go beyond the political divisions of nation states, beyond the production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Humanity, understood as the economic agent of the Anthropocene, does not know how to act; it is paralyzed and as consequence we do not know what to do or how to act. Economics is in trouble and seems helpless and silent. This crisis therefore is not only an economic crisis, nor just a crisis of humanity or a crisis of meaning, it is also and above all a moral, intellectual and scientific crisis. In other words, it is a crisis of the spirit that animated Modernity, a spirit present in contested claims of economics to provide the measuring instruments to guide individual and collective action. Economic philosophy is called upon, but can it still instruct and guide us in the face of the challenges of the Anthropocene?
Part of the economics profession continues to believe that this science has the means to respond to these challenges, that it has the tools and the method to construct and propose new indicators to guide collective choices. It calls upon the legislators of all countries in the hope that they will unite in a common program of ecological and economic transition, without calling into question the spirit of economic theory, of capitalism and of Modern Times in general. But isn't this political economy, which sees the legislator as the privileged economic subject, exhausted? Can it include the common good in its measuring devices? Are money and the centralized banking system still relevant institutions in the face of emergency? Is the Anthropocene not a symptom indicatingthe loss of the economic sovereignty of states? Etc.
The question of another economy raises out of these questions. The economy has not always had the globalized capitalist form that we know today. In the past, other economies existed that did not constitute a monetary system of production and exchange under the authority of Leviathan. Hence the following questions, which constitute avenues for reflection for this conference:
Finally, in the urgency of the present situation, reflections on types of ecological rationality, environmental injustice, the commons, and the common, ecological transition and democratic deliberation, and all other philosophical and economic contributions from thinkers who have contributed to this field of research will be welcome.
The languages of the conference will be English and French.
For more information and registration, please visit the conference page here.
Deadline for submission (abstracts): 20 January 2023 (600 words + 3 keywords)
Professors Andrew Johnston and Gideon Maas of the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship share a call for chapters for a book they're editing on Transformational Entrepreneurship which is expected to be published on October 2023.
Transformational entrepreneurship is a relatively new concept that has emerged due to the need to achieve effective and efficient entrepreneurial behaviours that address global challenges that underpin economic underperformance and societal evolution (Jones and Maas, 2019). Therefore, this approach promotes enterprise through a systemic approach that encourages both social and economic development and has the potential to change economies through improvements to both society and the economy (Maas and Jones, 2019).
Chapters are welcome across, but not limited to, the following areas:
The editors want to publish 25 cases from around the world. In the first instance, authors should submit a 250-word abstract to the editors that outlines the aims and contribution of the chapter. Accepted chapters will then be subject to peer review. Cases should be circa 5000 words each. Teaching notes should also be provided per case.
Proposals, as well as inquiries, should be sent to Andrew Johnston at
Deadline for submission (abstracts): 15 December 2022
Special Issue: Theorising Contemporary Capitalism
Special Issue editor: Charlie Masquelier
Since its inception, capitalism has faced numerous crises, which have at times threatened its existence. But instead of disappearing, capitalism was able to survive, often having to adapt and renew itself in the light of changing circumstances. For example, the aftermath of WWII saw the emergence of an 'organised’ model of capitalism, marked by Keynesian demand-side policies, a Fordist regime of production and redistributionist measures. The oil shocks of the early 1970s paved the way for an economic crisis and a new stage of capitalist development underpinned by neoliberal values.
But while neoliberal capitalism has risen to dominance within the Global North over the past three to four decades, non-negligible developments have recently surfaced that have led many commentators to question whether it is still possible to speak of a neoliberal age. The 2007-8 financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, and, more recently, the cost of living crisis, are thought to have created new circumstances to which capitalism is having to adapt. But to what extent is it possible to speak of a new stage of capitalism? What are the key distinctive features of contemporary capitalism? For example, has the ‘marriage between capitalism and liberal democracy’ ended? What are contemporary capitalism’s fault lines?
The special issue aims to bring together diverse perspectives and emphases on contemporary capitalism in an effort to advance our understanding of the contemporary situation and possible future developments. It provides a dialogical space for devising conceptual tools appropriate for grappling and/or critically engaging with contemporary conditions of existence collectively.
Other themes and questions may include:
Please send all queries and expressions of interest to Charlie Masquelier at Contributions must not exceed 9,000 words.
Deadline for expressions of interest: 16 December 2022
Deadline for submission of full papers: 26 May 2023
8-10 June 2023 | Lyon, France
Workshop: French Economists and the Transformations of Economic Analysis: From Charles Gide to Esther Duflo
The history of economic thought has long identified notable differences between national traditions – American (Barbour, Cicarelli and King 2017), Spanish (Almenar and Llombar 2009), Italian (Faucci, 2014), Portuguese (Psalidopoulos and Mata 2002), Irish (Boylan, Prendergast and Turner 2015), Russian (Barnett 2009, Hagemann and Avtonomov 2022) among others. French economic thought has long stood out around strong markers (Dockès, Frobert, Klotz, Potier and Tiran (eds.) 2001, Breton and Lutfalla 1991). Until 1945, debates were lively between declining but still influential liberal economists and a growing heterodoxy, marked in particular by the contributions of Charles Gide; economist engineers contributed to the most sophisticated developments in mathematical economics (Maurice Allais, René Roy), in line with their predecessors Jules Dupuit, Clément Colson and François Divisia; and the monetary debates are rich and fruitful (Jacques Rueff, Bertrand Nogaro, Albert Aftalion, Charles Rist).
After 1945, the center of gravity of economic thought shifted to the United States. The discipline is becoming more international and national specificities are diminishing. France nevertheless retains strong specialties, in the field of macroeconomics (Edmond Malinvaud, Maurice Allais), general equilibrium models (Gérard Debreu, Jean-Michel Grandmont), national accounts (Pierre Uri, Charles Prou), decision theories (Maurice Allais), industrial economics (Marcel Boiteux), international economics (François Perroux) and sees the development of influential critical currents (schools of regulation with Robert Boyer or Bruno Théret, economics of conventions with Olivier Favereau or André Orléan). More recently, French economists have distinguished themselves in the study of social justice and inequalities (Serge-Christophe Kolm, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman), in monetary economics (Michel Aglietta, Jean Cartelier), in public economics (Jean Tirole, Jean-Jacques Laffont), in the implementation of randomized experiences (Esther Duflo). Some have done all or part of their intellectual career abroad, especially in the United States (Olivier Blanchard, Thomas Piketty, Gabriel Zucman, Ester Duflo), while others have founded or developed research centres and schools in France (Jean Tirole, Robert Boyer). Finally, women economists have started to become visible, some of them obtaining important scientific recognition (Ester Duflo, Stefanie Stancheva).
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Gide Association, the workshop will honor the thinking of French economists since the end of the 19th century, by questioning their contributions to the transformations of economic analysis at different times.
Proposals may adopt one of the following perspectives:
Articles may deal with a wide variety of themes (women and economics, public debt, macroeconometrics, the development of new forecasting tools, experimental economics and decision theories, among others) when they cover the period from 1850 to the present day. Work on methodology or economic philosophy will be appreciated as well.
Each article proposal (in French or in English) must contain no more than 500 words. Proposals for entire sessions are welcome. The presentations will be face-to-face (in Lyon), mainly in French.
A selection of articles will be published in a special issue of the Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique.
Proposals for papers and/or sessions must be made on the Gide Days website. For more information, please visit the conference website.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 1 February 2023
Global Social Challenges Journal (GSCJ) is a new, non-profit, open access publication with a mission to address urgent global social issues, with a particular openness to interdisciplinary scholarship from across the Global North and South. GSCJ seeks to contribute to the creation of alternative futures that acknowledge past injustices and are socially and environmentally just and sustaining. We seek submissions related to our 16 themes. These themes are linked to, but not limited by, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. See a list of our themes here.
Authors without open access funding who submit before to 31 December 2022 will have all article processing charges (APCs) waived. Thereafter, we will continue to offer waivers or discounts on APCs for those without funding and in low- and middle-income countries.
How can we re-imagine society in an era of pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead, but so do opportunities, as new ways of being, thinking and doing emerge. This journal aims to facilitate thinking about these positive new trajectories and become the journal of choice to address the complexities of global social challenges across disciplines, fields and geographies. Ours is the first such journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst drawing together accessible international scholarship across and beyond disciplines to inform policy and practice. It is an important home for research that contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining.
We welcome submissions for:
We also welcome submissions for Special Collections, bringing together a set of original articles that reframe or develop knowledge around a common theme, advancing debate and/or practice. Read our guidance on how to propose a Special Collection.
Learn more about the journal on the official website.
The French Journal Économie et Institutions calls for contributions for a Special Issue on
"Neoliberalism and Institutionalism: From the Washington Consensus Critique to Feminist Institutionalism”
The Washington Consensus is a set of measures (Williamson 1990), generally summarized by the three-fold combination of stabilization, liberalization and privatization, which became - with the support of the IMF and the World Bank - the main source of inspiration for the structural reform programs implemented in the 1990s in many countries, particularly in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. Faced with the disappointing results of these programs across all continents (Rodrik 2006), the World Bank recognized their failure in the next decade, the main cause of which, according to the Bank, lay in the inability to take institutions into account in the process of reform (World Bank 2005). By so doing, it contributed to the broader "institutionalist turn" in economics (Evans 2005), namely the recognition of the role of institutions in economic dynamics. This did not imply a radical questioning of the neoclassical paradigm, but it led international organizations and many NGOs to define a new paradigm of analysis and action based on "social development". One aspect of social development focuses on women's poverty (Prévost and Palier, 2007), who are then specifically targeted by development policies through new issues such as empowerment, human capital and micro-financing (Guérin 2015).
This theoretical renewal in the 1990s was also reflected in the development of feminist institutionalism in the United States (Waller & Jennings 1990; Jennings 1993), stimulated by the emerging Feminist Economics school of thought (Ferber & Nelson 1993). The feminist question in institutionalism is yet much older. From the end of the 19th century, the institutionalist approach was clearly sensitive to the question of inequalities between men and women and the sexual division of labor, as well as to their social impact. However, after the pioneering work of Thorstein Veblen (1894; 1899) and Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1903) on the social and economic status of women, the issue was completely overlooked by institutional economics. From the 1990s onward, the link between "old institutionalism" (Chavance 2007) and feminist institutionalism was the object of further debate (Waller and Jennings 1990 and 1991). Although this discussion highlighted many similarities between institutionalism and feminism (e.g., the role of historical and social context, the fictitious dichotomy between private and public (Jennings 1993); the definition of economics as "social provisioning" (Power 2004); the artificial autonomy of homo oeconomicus (Ferber & Nelson 1993); etc.), this approach to a feminist institutionalism never emerged as a central issue in either feminist economics or institutionalist economics.
More recently, the link between institutionalism and feminism has been the subject of several publications (Morel 2007; Fraser 2014; Morel et al. 2019), especially around the critique of neoliberalism (Waller & Wrenn 2021). It is this specific connection that this special issue proposes to study, highlighting how the critique of neoliberalism has allowed the emergence of new institutionalist contributions, from the critique of the Washington Consensus to the revival of feminist institutionalism. Contributions may be either historical, revisiting the analysis of the "institutionalist turn" or theoretical, showing how elements of feminist theory can enhance the institutionalist approach. Empirical papers are welcome too, either mobilizing feminist institutionalism to analyze the characteristics of a neoliberal accumulation regime as well as its ongoing transformations, or by analyzing neoliberal reconfigurations of the central institutions where gender inequalities are at play (labor market and organization, education, family, welfare, etc.). Contributions from all social sciences are welcome (economics, but also anthropology, geography, sociology, etc.).
Submission Process
Authors may submit proposals of approximately 500 words to the scientific committee until January 15, 2023. Final Papers are expected by June 15, 2023.
Please find more information on the official website.
Submission Deadline: 15 January 2023
guest-edited by Amit Bhaduri
Special Section on "The Future of Reformed Capitalism"
PSL Quarterly Review invites contributions or interventions for our special section on the future of reformed capitalism, guest-edited by Amit Bhaduri. This section has always been conceived as a temporary initiative, and for the next months we are planning new initiatives to wrap it up. At this time we are still accepting final contributions to the debate, provided they arrive in a relatively short time.
PSL Quarterly Review is a quarterly open-access electronic journal that provides an open forum for debate on economics and economic policy. PSL Quarterly Review is a pluralist journal: we welcome contributions in all fields and from all the schools and research paradigms of economics, without any discrimination. All submissions are subject to peer review, based on two criteria: their method should be rigorous, and their contents should be relevant. Both criteria must be fulfilled for acceptance for publication. The editors of PSL Quarterly Review hold a negative view of several practices of contemporary academic publishing, especially in economics. Thus, while we welcome replication studies, we strongly discourage the submission of mere econometric exercises or of articles aimed at displaying technical prowess per se. Authors are invited to clearly highlight the relevance of their work for economic analysis and/or economic policy.
Please do not hesitate to contact Carlo D'Ippoliti (Sapienza University of Rome) if you are considering submitting a note for this section.
20-22 July 2023 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Submissions are now OPEN for SASE's 2023 conference in Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July 2023, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Conference Theme: "Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World: Breaking Lines and Alternative Paradigms for a New World Order"
We have observed numerous signs of disruption—at all levels of social relations—of the world built over the past two centuries, in the heat of the industrial revolution and revitalized by successive waves of systemic innovations. It now seems that some of the engines that have driven this process are breaking down, not only from a conjectural perspective due to the most immediate episodes (pandemic, wars, planetary awareness of global warming, etc.) but also in view of the sustainability of long-term socio-economic development. In particular, the role of fossil fuels, which have enabled the establishment of the current production and consumption model, threatens the very survival of the planet, and with it its human inhabitants. Beyond millenarian discourses, the energy transition—to leave behind carbon and its destructive effects on the environment that hosts us—is an urgent necessity. The entire fabric that has been built around the carbon energy paradigm is likewise showing signs of stagnation and deterioration.
In their disruption of current models, technological innovation, robotization, and AI may represent an opportunity to move toward this new world order. But the governance of the coming transformations must also lead to the construction of new forms of political organization and new labor scenarios that overcome the ups and downs of volatile and geographically limited democratic systems. More than three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the old Western dream of the urbi et orbi extension of its old democratic formulas of economic and political governance does not seem to have prevailed. Rather, we are besieged by a malaise resulting from the advance of growing authoritarianism, even in the very heart of the oldest democracies. It is not, as in the past, the emergence of fascism or Nazism, strictu sensu, but the expansion of authoritarian expressions of all kinds, with idiosyncratic characteristics, that are permeating institutions in the most varied geographical settings.
These authoritarianisms obstruct the opportunities offered by technological progress for a more inclusive world in all spheres of human life. The counterpoint will have to be new forms of governance in institutions, freeing us from the absolute power of large corporations. Emerging social movements demand forms of democracy that are more participatory than representative, with direct involvement in the collective governance of citizens and their forms of organization in interconnected networks. A new socio-economic paradigm would have to provide answers to this socio-political breaking point.
Socio-economics, it should be remembered, is a scientific approach that seeks to build alternative paradigms in the social sciences; thus, in this context, it is a dynamic axis that contributes to the establishment of a new theoretical and methodological horizon in the social sciences. In this perspective, SASE provides a platform for creative empirical and theoretical research on key social problems. We are committed to supporting a diverse international membership which fosters and produces thoughtful yet lively intellectual and interdisciplinary debates.
Submission Process
With regard to these themes, and the more specific areas of the 18 networks that organize the contents of our society, we encourage you to submit your papers and your proposals for mini-conferences at the 35th annual SASE conference, which will be held at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in July 2023.
SASE accepts 2 types of submissions: abstracts and panels. Click here to submit.
You will be prompted to submit to a specific theme track within the conference. Learn more about these here: SASE networks and 2023 mini-conferences.
SASE is using Oxford Abstracts for its submissions this year, and we would be happy to have your feedback on the new system. Please write to Executive Director Annelies Fryberger ( if you have any comments to share. If you already have an Oxford Abstracts account, you can use that for your SASE submission; otherwise, you can easily create one.
You can submit an abstract for an individual presentation, and there are three possible types of panels you can submit - a pre-formed panel with multiple paper presentations, a roundtable discussion panel, or an Author-Meets-Critics session (see here for some examples of Author-Meets-Critics sessions - these panels include a book author and 3-4 discussants).
For general information about the Rio conference, including deadlines and fees, please go here: 2023 - Rio de Janeiro - SASE. For questions write to
Submission Deadline: 1 February 2023
16 November 2022 | online
The Open University Economics Department is organising a Webinar on
Green Finance, Energy Transitions and Geo-political Crisis in Eurasia and Beyond
Climate crisis, a pandemic, financial volatility and wars are exposing many countries, businesses and households to rise in costs for heating and production. The energy crisis questions the sustainability of the economic system in producing and trading the goods necessary for people’s livelihoods. This talk focuses on financial constraints, political barriers, and economic risks around energy production and distribution. The talk examines the challenges of transitioning to a cleaner source of energy, and the political, economic and social implications of such policies.
More information here. Register here to receive joining information.
The OU Economics Seminar Series brings together academics and policymakers, practitioners, and members of the public. With an ethos of inclusivity for diverse realms of economic expertise, the seminar series brings together those working on current challenges. For past events, visit the offical website.
17 November 2022 | online (Zoom)
The Rethinking Economics team is excited to offer a new workshop to showcase their newest teaching packs for instructors looking to introduce more pluralism in their courses. This workshop will introduce you to work of the Centre for Economy Studies: improving and modernizing economics education to ensure that students will be better prepared for their future careers and the societal challenges we face today and in the coming decades. As well as presenting the Economy Studies framework at a high level, they will also take you through the tools they provide for improving your economics teaching in practice, and present to you their latest package of teaching materials.
The workshop will be held on Zoom on November 17 (20:00-21:00 CET); all interested should sign up here.
In the first episode of season two of the legal-economic nexus podcast, we interview Prof. Malcom Rutherford of the University of Victoria and well known economic historian. The legal-economic nexus podcast intends to broaden listeners' appreciation of different approaches to understanding the economy.
You can access this episode here.
Job title: PhD Position in Marcroeconomics
At The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aalborg University Business School, a PhD position in Macroeconomics is open from February 1, 2023 or soon thereafter. The PhD student is affiliated to the macroeconomic research group MaMTEP - (Macroeconomic Methodology, Theory and Economic Policy). The main purpose of the PhD position is to contribute to the groups ongoing work on integrating environmental issues into macroeconomic models with the purpose of providing insight to the challenges related towards the green transition. As such, evaluating the sustainability of the current trajectory of the Danish economy as well as analysing the effects of different policies related to the transition towards a more sustainable economy is a core research focus of the PhD position. Familiarity with both orthodox as well as heterodox macroeconomics is prioritised, as the research requires engagement in different macroeconomic paradigms.
The research will include:
The research is expected to contribute to the understanding of ways to link environmental questions to macroeconomic models with a particular focus on the Danish economy. Likewise, candidates are expected to take an active part in ongoing MaMTEP research projects in general.
Qualification requirements
PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Master’s degree, or expect to have obtained the Master’s degree before the employment date (Statement from thesis supervisor, verified transcripts, thesis contract and documentation of the date of the exam must be enclosed). According to the PhD Order, the PhD study comprises among other requirements: Participation in active research environments, including stays at other, mainly foreign, research institutions, private research enterprises etc.
General information
It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of 27 August 2013 (PhD Order).
Please visit the website of the doctoral school for further information on the PhD programme, application procedure, and admission requirements. The application must include the following and be written in English or Danish:
Applicants WHO are planning to complete a doctoral thesis in English and who do not have English as a first language or WHO have not completed an English language-based Master's programme (or an equivalent educational achievement in English) shall provide documentation that they have passed one of the following official tests with the respective minimum score: IELTS (band score): 7, TOEFL (paper-based): 600, TOEFL (internet-based): 100. The language test must be no more than five years old at the time of the application.
Shortlisting will be applied. This means that subsequent to the deadline for applications the head of department supported by the chair of the assessment committee will select candidates for assessment. All applicants will be informed whether they will be assessed or not. The application can only be submitted by using the link on AAU’s job-portal (not other online job portals that may have reposted the position).. Please note that zipped files are not supported by the recruitment system, please upload only Word or PDF files.
For further information on the doctoral research programme, please visit this website. For further questions concerning the scientific aspects of the position please contact Associate Professor Mikael Randrup Byrialsen, +45 99402728,
Application Deadline: 6 December 2022
Job title: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) - Financial Economics
The Economics Program of Bard College invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position specializing in Financial Economics. The candidates' work should complement the department's existing pluralistic orientation, and we welcome broadly-trained candidates who are interested in economic policy.
The successful candidate will teach finance courses (Accounting, Foundations of Finance and Investment, and Corporate Finance), other core economics courses, as well as electives in his, her, or their specialty. The candidate will also advise students in our dual BA/BS program in economics and finance. The successful candidate will have a commitment to innovative undergraduate teaching at a liberal arts college; maintaining an active research program; contributing to the general education curriculum, and engaging with the life of the college.
Applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, examples of published research and working papers, a statement of research interests, a statement of teaching philosophy, a diversity statement, and evidence of teaching excellence here.
Review of applications will begin on December 1 2022 and continue until the position is filled.
Job title: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) - International Economics
The Economics Program at Bard College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor position in economics starting in Fall 2023. Preference will be given to candidates who can teach courses in International Economics, Global Economic History, and the impact of globalization on inequalities. The candidate's work should complement the department's existing pluralistic orientation, and we welcome broadly-trained candidates who are interested in economic policy.
The successful candidate will teach in the core curriculum areas as well as in the areas of his, her, or their specialty. The successful candidate will have an active research agenda and a commitment to undergraduate teaching in the liberal arts tradition. We are especially interested in candidates with an established record of scholarship and publication.
Located 90 miles north of New York City in the Hudson Valley region, Bard is a highly selective liberal arts college with a commitment to innovative teaching, interdisciplinary curricular programs and the integration of research and teaching. The Bard campus is the home of the Levy Economics Institute and its innovative M.S. program in Economic Theory and Policy. The Levy Institute, which hosts conferences and seminars and publishes research on matters of economic policy, offers opportunities to faculty and students not typically available at an undergraduate college. For more information, see
Applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, examples of published research and working papers, a statement of research interests, a statement of teaching philosophy, a diversity statement, and a summary of teaching evaluations here.
Deadline for submission: 1 December 2022
Job title: Levy Economics Institute Research Scholar - Gender Equality and the Economy
The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College seeks a Research Scholar to join the research program on Gender Equality and the Economy. The scholar will be expected to collaborate with other Levy researchers on ongoing research programs as well as teach in Levy’s Masters in Economic Theory and Policy program. The main research program to which the scholar will contribute will be the Levy Institute Measure of Time and Income Poverty, which examines issues of intrahousehold power relations and poverty. The scholar will be expected to teach courses for the Gender Equality and the Economy program.
The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, founded in 1986 through the generous support of Bard College trustee Leon Levy, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization. The Levy Institute is independent of any political or other affiliation, and encourages diversity of opinion in the examination of economic policy issues while striving to transform ideological arguments into informed debate.
Please submit a letter of application, CV, writing sample, and two letters of recommendation through Interfolio here.
The appointment will begin as soon as possible.
Job title: visiting position at Assistant Professor level
The Department of Economics at Dickinson College invites applications for a visiting position at the Assistant Professor level for a two-year period beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year.The primary teaching responsibilities include introductory microeconomics, environmental and natural resource economics, and other electives. Teaching experience is required and the ability to create inclusive learning environments for an increasingly diverse student body will be an important characteristic of the successful candidate. The teaching load is five courses per year.
Dickinson College, a selective four-year, liberal arts college with 2,200 students, is located in historic Carlisle, PA near Harrisburg and is a two-hour drive from Baltimore, Washington, DC and Philadelphia. Dickinson College is committed to building a representative and diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We encourage applications from all qualified persons. Applications from women and minorities are strongly encouraged.
Interested candidates should apply for this position electronically. Please include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, sample syllabi, and teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness. Review of applications will begin December 1. Interviews will be scheduled to be conducted remotely via Zoom during the week following the ASSA 2023 Annual Meeting (January 9-13, 2023).
Please find more information on the official website.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
Job title: Senior Lecturer in International Development
Job description
The Department of International Development, King’s College London, is an innovative and contemporary development studies department. We have a particular strength in research on middle-income developing countries and emerging economies, although any area specialism is also welcome. The department’s mission is to explore the sources of success as well as understand the major development challenges these countries continue to face.
The Department seeks to appoint a Senior Lecturer in International Development. The successful applicant will be an outstanding social scientist whose research is interdisciplinary with a focus on racial, economic and social justice, including the question of reparations. We particularly welcome critical scholarship which examines the structural inequities, intersectionalities and path dependencies of the modern social and economic order. We are also future-building, and welcome scholars keen on imagining and engaging in theories of change in support of global justice and well-being. Within this framework, the postholder will conduct high quality research in their field. They will be responsible for the delivery of teaching and supervision to in-person and online student cohorts, as well as academic and pastoral support of undergraduate students and also of students on selected postgraduate programmes. They will join an interdisciplinary team currently working on a wide range of topics including political economy, inequality and poverty, gender rights, natural resources, climate change, international trade, migration, health policy, and other pressing contemporary development issues.
Applicants should demonstrate evidence of a strong research portfolio and relevant teaching experience, including experience of creating an inclusive learning environment, and fulfil the requirements as specified in the job advert available at the King’s College London application portal.
Key responsibilities
The above list of responsibilities may not be exhaustive, and the post holder will be required to undertake such tasks and responsibilities as may reasonably be expected within the scope and grading of the post.
Skills, knowledge and experience
Essential criteria
Desirable criteria
For further information and application please visit the website.
Application Deadline: 5 December 2022
Job title: Assistant Professor of Economics
The Department of Economics at Knox College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor of Economics beginning September 1, 2023. Knox College is an independent, selective liberal arts institution with a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching.
We seek a colleague to teach and engage students in active learning research opportunities with an emphasis on civic engagement. Candidates must be prepared to teach introductory and intermediate micro and macro theory. Preferred specializations and teaching interests include: labor economics, health economics, the economics of inequality, feminist economics, game theory, behavioral economics, and economic history. We especially encourage candidates who can contribute to Knox’s interdisciplinary departments and programs, including Health Studies, Public Policy, Peace and Justice Studies, Environmental Studies, and International Studies. Our department is methodologically diverse and encourages applications from pluralist/heterodox economists.
We welcome applications from members groups historically underrepresented in the field and in higher education so that the diversity of our faculty better matches our student body. With over 35% of the student body identifying as American students of color and more than 15% international students, the College seeks to provide instruction that is appealing and welcoming to all of Knox’s students. Experience working with diverse populations of students and a commitment to teach successfully in a multicultural environment are expected.
The position involves a six-course teaching load (two courses in each 10-week trimester) that includes courses in the candidate’s area of expertise, but also introductory and intermediate level micro or macroeconomics as well as courses that contribute to the general liberal arts curriculum. Knox College provides a competitive salary and a strong benefit package including health, dental, vision and life insurance, and access to a retirement plan; a tuition remission benefit is available after a two-year waiting period. Additional information can be found on our Human Resources webpage.
Qualifications: Ph.D. is expected at time of appointment; exceptional ABD candidates will be considered. Teaching experience with undergraduates is preferred.
Application Process
Candidates should submit:
Submission should be done via Interfolio.
Review of applications will begin November 21 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications completed by December 12 will receive priority for preliminary interviews conducted via online video conference in early January. Additional materials, including scholarly work and teaching portfolio with syllabi, may be requested of candidates during the screening and interview process. Questions may be addressed to
Application Deadline: 21 November 2022
Job title: Postcaptialist Economic System Architect
At One Project, the team believes in a futur e that is free and fair, in which all can flourish. We are inspired to break away from failed and oppressive economic systems. Our work is to help imagine what comes after capitalism, foster the collaborations needed to create it, and support the cultivation of new futures into being. We work both as an operating non-profit and a giving foundation for this work and the wider ecosystem in which it may thrive.
We begin with the radical notion that all human beings on the planet can have enough food, shelter, health care, access to information and education, meaningful work, and the conditions to lead a satisfying life of their choosing, rooted in equity and justice for all. Crucially, we believe this can happen as the natural world regenerates, making wildlife more abundant, the climate more stable, the air and water cleaner, and the ecosystem more self-sustaining. We also believe this can happen while we work to repair the historical and ongoing harm done by colonialism, slavery, indigenous genocide, and left theft. While this may sound naive or idealistic, we believe that humanity can achieve this within our lifetimes. In fact, we must at least move substantially in this direction before the interwoven threats of ecological destruction, social instability, and unaccountable technology threaten to leave irreversible damage.
We cannot get there by relying on the same systems that have increased resource use to almost twice what the Earth can support over the last 50 years. We cannot leave billions of people living just barely above subsistence level and leave global existential risks unaddressed. We believe it’s time to address the root causes of these crises before their symptoms overwhelm our planet and all of us. That’s why One Project exists.
One Project is looking for a Postcapitalist Economic System Architect to co-create new and amplify emerging economic and governance systems that are equitable, ecological, and effective. You'll work closely with our partner communities around the globe to imagine, model, simulate, realize and support new systems and promising experiments already underway. You’ll steward the effort to develop the technical mechanics of those systems, then partner with One Project’s design, engineering, and community engagement teams to prototype, iterate, and scale those systems as digital and social infrastructure.
Even as capitalism’s destructive effects on the planet and its people become more widely recognized, there remains an absence of rigorously-defined planetary alternatives. The debates of the 20th century that concluded there were no better options were based on technical and social assumptions that no longer apply in the 21st. We are inspired by the successes of noncapitalist economic approaches, many developed by indigenous and grassroots communities, to distribute resources and live more fulfilling lives. We aim to work in solidarity to evolve these into viable, global, democratic alternatives for a world in crisis and opportunity.
While we hope the Postcapitalist Economic System Architect will bring a combination of technical and leadership skills, this role indexes more heavily on the technical skills and presents an opportunity to grow your leadership in an exciting and growing organization. You’ll work alongside members of our team, including Raphael Arar, Sasha Constanza-Chock, Daniel Deng, and Justin Rosenstein, in a collaborative and supportive environment.
What you’ll do
You might be the person for this role if you’ve…
How to Apply
To apply, please submit your resume here. As part of the application process, we’re asking candidates to answer a couple of written questions in place of a cover letter. Your answers will help us get to know you better and hopefully give you a chance to better understand what we are looking for in candidates. What You Can Expect from Our Hiring Process: Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automated confirmation. If you are selected for an interview, we aim to reach out to you within 2 weeks of submitting your application.
More information about the Project and the Application Process is available here.
Job title: Lecturer in Digital Innovation in Business and Society (T&R)
About the Role
The School of Business and Management (SBM) seeks to recruit an inspirational researcher, teacher and educational leader to a lectureship in Digital Innovation in Business and Society. Candidates with a strong university research and teaching record as well as early career academics with promising research record are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be offered a teaching and research contract. We welcome hearing how you would best contribute to our research and education activities in line with SBM’s values and mission. All applicants should have the ability to teach and supervise effectively across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes within the Department of Business and Society in SBM.
This post offers an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to SBM’s research expertise in fields such as innovation and strategy in high technology industries, social media technologies and the role that digital platforms play in representing public interests, the societal consequences of the rise of digital platforms, the growing importance of AI and the rise of major platform corporations, human-digital interaction and how workers navigate/resist algorithmic labor regimes. Depending on their particular research field, the postholder might contribute to research units in the School such as (but not limited to) the Centre for Labour and Global Production, the Public Management and Regulation Group and the Organisational Processes and Practices Research Group.
About You
You will have a doctorate in a relevant subject or will be awaiting viva. You will be able to demonstrate a strong track-record of publications in the subject area at national and international level appropriate to the stage of your career. You will be able to demonstrate commitment to cross-disciplinary learning and research-based teaching. We are looking for someone with a keen interest in new methods of pedagogical engagement suited to our diverse cohorts of students. We appreciate expertise in engaging large numbers of students and delivering successful pedagogy with large cohorts. We also value experience and expertise in leading initiatives in student entrepreneurship, enterprise, and external engagement activities.
The postholder will develop, lead and deliver modules in the areas of digital innovation (including digital platforms and the platform society), innovation and strategy, open and sustainable innovation on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. You may also contribute to teaching in areas such as business and society, social and sustainable entrepreneurship and creative industries. You will also provide supervision for dissertation projects within the Department of Business and Society. As a lecturer you should be able to demonstrate the capacity for collaborative and interdisciplinary research in your research field, as well as to publish at an internationally excellent level.
How to Apply
Your application should include:
As part of the selection process you will be asked to present to members of the Department of Business and Society on your teaching and research. Please do not send papers or certificates with your application as these will be requested at a later stage in the process.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
We particularly welcome applications from women and BAME applicants who are currently underrepresented in the School at this level. Informal enquiries should be addressed to Giuliano Maielli, Head of Department of Business and Society and Reader in Organisation Studies, at Information about the School can be found at
For further information please visit the website.
Application Deadline: 6 December 2022
Job title: Post-Doc/Junior Scientist/Scientist in climate change research (multiple positions, including agent-based models)
Due to an expanding portfolio of projects, the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE; is soliciting applications from bright researchers motivated to work on the defining issue of climate change. We are promoting a cluster hiring consisting of 8 job opportunities in several areas of climate research with clear steps to tenured positions.
EIEE is a research institute co-founded in 2018 by RFF and CMCC. The Institute aims to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial research and policy engagement. We promote interdisciplinary, diverse and collaborative research. The institute is committed to high academic standards and has obtained a very wide range of research grants funded by the European Commission, the European Research Council, the Italian Ministry for the Environment, as well as other institutions (see, with several new projects scheduled to begin in the coming months.
While all positions are open to applicants from all theoretical backgrounds and from diverse disciplines, position #8 on Agent-Based Modelling may be of particular interest to subscribers of this newsletter:
#8. Agent-based modelling
We are encouraging applications by economists and computer scientists interested in agent-based modelling for climate change. The candidate will join an international and interdisciplinary team to contribute to developing our agent-based models and to integrate them with climate-economy-energy models to study the climate transition and climate change risks.
The successful applicant will work on a project investigating climate change solutions and improving the representation of finance and climate change impacts in our macro-financial agent-based model (ABM). Specific tasks include but are not limited to:
Assignments are expected to begin as soon as possible. We are primarily looking for post-docs (Phd completed less than two years or about to be completed) and junior researchers (at least two years since Phd, equivalent to assistant professor), though we will also consider more senior candidates. The appointment period will initially be two years, renewable for two additional years pending a positive evaluation. Tenure can be granted from 2 to 4 years after being appointed as a junior researcher. Evaluation will occur every six months and is based on research productivity and involvement with the team. Researchers will be able to present their work at conferences in the EU and internationally.
The gross salary will be based on qualification and working experience and competitive with other major research centers in Europe and hired researchers will be covered by Italian public health insurance. In addition, Italy offers significant tax exemptions for researchers of all nationalities who spent the last two years outside the country. Smart working is permitted up to a maximum of 40% of working time.
Job title: Postdoc position associated with a new Horizon Europe research project ‘UNTWIST Policy recommendations to regain feminist losers as mainstream voters’
The Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher associated with a new research project commencing on 1 February 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The position as postdoc is for a period of 3 years, of which 60% of the time stems from the research project (involving research, research support of Danish lead partner and administrative tasks) and 40% of the time consists of teaching and supervision activities. *the latter part is fully open to negotiations. The position is associated with the implementation of the Horizon Europe Cluster 2 project ‘UNTWIST Policy recommendations to regain ‘feminist losers’ as mainstream voters’. Starting point is the hypothesis that citizens at the margins might feel abandoned or disempowered by current mainstream feminist discourses and policies. By analysing if extreme populist parties are acting as niche parties, substantively representing (but also twisting) the needs and demands of citizens at the margins, UNTWIST will co-create alternative ways of addressing those citizens.
The project is comparative, focusing on Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, the UK and Spain as case studies and involving partners from all these countries in the consortium. As a postdoctoral researcher you will work closely with the Danish lead partner Laura Horn (RUC) and the project’s international consortium.
The postdoc will contribute to several stages of the project: In the beginning, the development of a typology for analysing party manifestos, based on feminist theory. The core task involves contributing to developing a survey questionnaire, and then independently carrying out survey data analysis for the Danish case. In addition, conducting and analysing focus groups, engagement with stakeholders and contributing to the formulation of policy recommendations will be part of the responsibilities. Finally, teaching and teaching-related tasks are included in the position. The postdoc will also participate in Roskilde University's university pedagogy and active research environment.
Required qualifications
We’re looking for a candidate who will preferably have an affinity with one or more of the following:
In the assessment of the applicants, emphasis will be placed on:
In the overall assessment of the individual applicant, emphasis is placed on the applicant's research potential as well as research qualifications, including experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods, insight into the field of research and competencies in research communication.
For further information about the postdoc position, please contact Associate Professor Laura Horn via email or tel. (+45) 4674 3109.
Terms of employment
The employment is fulltime (37 hours). You will refer to Dean Peter Kragelund.
The position will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) and Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.
Application procedure
After the deadline for applications the Dean will shortlist applicants for assessment with assistance from the recruitment committee including the chairperson of the assessment committee. Shortly after the application deadline all applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected for assessment. The shortlisted applicants will be informed about the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the committee and - later on - their assessment. Once the recruitment process is completed, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.
To apply for the position go to . Only applications in English are accepted. Applications must include:
If any of the publications that you want included in the assessment are the result of a joint effort, the extent and the nature of your contribution to each individual work must then be clarified in a co-author statement (find template here) For further information please visit the website.
Submission Deadline: 16 November 2022
Job title: Post-doctoral Fellowship - Environmental and Climate Transformation
Sciences Po is launching a call for applications for 10 postdoctoral fellowships as part of the Bruno Latour Fund, a postdoctoral research program on environmental and climate transformations. Ambitious in its scope, this scientific program aims to host at Sciences Po, on the Paris campus, young social scientists wishing to build a collective and multidisciplinary initiative on how ecological and climate crises are reshaping the contemporary economic, social, legal and political order, and how they invite us to reconsider our history.
These 10 postdoctoral contracts, lasting 36 months, will be filled in two recruitment waves:
The remuneration is 3.400 € gross per month. Successful candidates will be assigned to one of Sciences Po's research centers (see list below), according to their wishes and with the agreement of the center. They will thus benefit from its working environment. Each candidate will receive a personal research fund of 5,000 euros for the duration of his/her contract.All those who hold a doctorate on the date of application (to the exception of those submitting their application via the Econ Job Market platform) and who have defended their thesis within the four preceding years are eligible.
Sciences Po relies on a robust expertise on the environment, anchored in criteria of academic excellence, pluralism and critical analysis. Through their research, postdoctoral fellows will deepen and renew existing initiatives within Sciences Po2 research centers (Cf Annex : List of research units) and outreach programs developed in partnership with Université Paris Cité (Earth politics center, environmental axis and Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies - LIEPP). They will contribute to the structuring of an interdisciplinary environmental research workshop (AIRE) group. Sciences Po is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring a balanced representation of gender, geographical areas and minorities. Applications from women are particularly welcome. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their scientific merit, their ability to mobilize trans-disciplinary interest, and their dynamic involvement in Sciences Po's research centers.
Successful candidates undertake, for the duration of their contract, :
For more information please visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
Job title: tenure-track Assistant Professor position
The Department of Economics and Finance at St. Francis College (the "College") invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position to begin in September 2023. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching, and service. We are committed to building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty.
Our department offers majors in Economics and Finance and minors in Finance, Public Policy, and International Economics. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise and an active interest in Finance or Financial Economics, well acquainted with both conventional and non-conventional schools of economic thought, able to teach courses in Finance and conduct research in the field, and willing to serve the college community.
Job Summary: In addition to courses in their areas of expertise, candidates should be prepared to teach a wide range of introductory, intermediate, and advanced Finance courses, including Principles of Finance, Personal Finance, Managerial Finance, Investment Analysis, and Real-Estate Finance as well as keep an active research agenda in the field, including Fintech, Green and/or Socially-Responsible Finance. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to building and sustaining a diverse community through their teaching, scholarship, and service.
Pay Range: $55,000 - $90,000 per year The advertised pay scale reflects the minimum and maximum salary range for this role. The specific compensation offered to a candidate may be dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to; the candidate’s experience, education, credentials and/or qualifications.
Duties and Responsibilities
Minimum Qualifications
Interested applicants can apply here. For any question regarding this position, please contact Prof. Olivia Bullio Mattos -
Application Deadline: 15 December 2022
Job title: Assistant Professor, Economics - Finance & Business Ethics (10 months)
The Economics Department at the State University of New York College Suny Cortland offers undergraduate majors in Economics, Business Economics, and Political Economy. Students may select courses from a wide variety of areas, including alternative economic theory, international economics, applied and policy perspectives, and business management. Courses in the economics major may also be combined with a processional sequence leading to qualification for provisional certification as a teacher of secondary social studies.
Job Requirements
Faculty are required to maintain regular office hours and provide regular advising and mentoring interaction with students from a diverse student body in support of an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.
Expertise in at least one of the following areas: general financial markets, public finance, or business and economic ethics. Preference will be given to candidates that have familiarity with heterodox economics, an MBA, college teaching experience, demonstrated commitment to excellence in working with students from diverse backgrounds and demonstrated potential for scholarship. The State University of New York College at Cortland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity/Americans with Disabilities Act (AA/EEO/ADA) employer. The university actively seeks applications from women, veterans, individuals with a disability, members of underrepresented groups or anyone that would enrich the diversity of the university.
Application Process
Required Documents:
For more information please visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
Job title: Associate or Full Professor in Economics
The Department of Economics at The New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts in New York City seeks to make a tenured appointment of an Associate or Full Professor to begin in Fall 2023. We seek scholars with demonstrated research excellence together with teaching excellence at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Our program has a distinctive history and profile, which we aim to sustain and renew. We are seeking someone steeped in political economy, knowledgeable about alternative traditions in economics and conversant with the history of thought, and able to join the larger debates of our time, in the discipline and beyond. Engagement with class, gender, race and/or inequalities on a world scale will be an advantage. The right candidate may possess competence in more than one field of economics, since we have a small faculty and broad teaching and research mandates. Consideration of applications will begin on December 9 th , 2022.
Benefits: Comprehensive University benefits package including health and retirement plans, tuition remission. The New School is dedicated to creating and maintaining an environment committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all areas of employment and education, as well as access to its educational, artistic, or cultural programs and activities. The New School does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, sex, or gender (including actual or perceived gender identity or expression or transgender status), sexual orientation, sexual and other reproductive health decisions, pregnancy, religion, religious practices, mental or physical disability, national
or ethnic origin, citizenship status, veteran status, marital or partnership status, or any other legally protected status.
The New School is committed to actively recruiting applications from a diverse pool. We encourage candidates from groups underrepresented in US higher education to apply. Applications must be submitted online at The New School human resources website. Candidates should submit a letter of interest, a current CV, the names of and contact information for three referees, evidence of teaching excellence, and a writing sample.
For more information please visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 9 December 2022
Job title: tenure-track Assistant Professor
The Department of Economics at The New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts in New York City seeks to hire a tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin in Fall 2023. We will begin considering candidates November 18, 2022.
Comprehensive University benefits package including health and retirement plans, as well as tuition remission. The New School is strongly committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and particularly seeks applications from members of underrepresented groups, as well as candidates who share this commitment.
We seek scholars with demonstrated potential for research excellence together with teaching excellence at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Our program has a
distinctive history and profile, which we aim to sustain and renew. We are seeking someone steeped in political economy, knowledgeable about alternative traditions in economics, conversant with the history of thought, and able to join the larger debates of our time, in the discipline and beyond. Engagement with class, gender, race and/or inequalities on a world scale will be an advantage. The right candidate may possess competence in more than one field of economics, since we have a small faculty and broad teaching and research mandates.
Minimum Qualifications
The successful applicant must have:
Work Modality
On-Campus Position: Faculty are expected to work on-campus due to the nature of the work in accordance with University policies as set forth in the Full-Time Faculty
Handbook. Salary Range: $94,000 - $119,000 per annum
Application Process
Applicants should submit:
Candidates should also arrange to have letters of recommendation from three referees sent to For more information please visit the official website.
Application Deadline: 18 November 2022
Job title: tenure-track, academic year position at the Assistant Professor level
The University of Rhode Island’s Departments of Economics (⅔) and Africana Studies (⅓) seek candidates for a tenure-track, academic year position at the Assistant Professor level (Fall 2023) focused on the “economics of Black reality.” Candidates will maintain a program of scholarly research and teach undergraduate courses in economics and Africana studies, including courses on the economic issues affecting the African diaspora or the economics of Africa.
Qualifications Desired:
Application Process
Please attach the following 4 (PDF) documents to your online Faculty Employment Application:
Please see further details at this link.
The search will remain open until the position has been filled. First consideration will be given to applications received by December 1, 2022. Second consideration may be given to applications received by January 15, 2023. Applications received subsequent to second consideration date (January 15, 2023) may not be given full consideration.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
Job title: tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Environmental Geography and International Studies
The Department of Geography and International Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are seeking applications for a joint tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Environmental Geography and International Studies. We are particularly interested in applicants doing innovative research at the nexus of development economics, geography, and environmental studies. More specifically, we seek candidates who apply economic methods, within a quantitative or mixed methods framework, to evaluate contemporary environment and development issues within particular regional contexts. Topics include the economic dimensions of environmental issues such as climate change, urbanization, energy supply and infrastructure, water policy, environmental justice, and extractive industries. Candidates should work in the Global South. Priority study regions include but are not limited to Africa, East Asia, or the Middle East.
The successful candidate will contribute to the International Studies Major's research and teaching on politics and policy in the global economy. This includes developing an introductory-level economics class for the International Studies undergraduate major that provides students with a balanced, critical understanding of the economic approaches that frame international development. Additional undergraduate and graduate courses will include quantitative social science methods and environment-and-development themes of interest to the successful candidate.
We welcome candidates who can contribute to an inclusive environment, bring new perspectives on mentoring and educating students from diverse backgrounds, and value collegiality and collaboration. The Department of Geography and International Studies Program, and our university, have a strong commitment to recruit and retain diverse applicants. We encourage members of underrepresented groups to apply.
Applications are due on December 7, 2022. The position will remain open until filled, but applications arriving after the deadline cannot be guaranteed consideration. To apply for this position, see position PVL#269718 in Applications must be submitted electronically as a single PDF, which should include: 1) letter of interest, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) statement of research interests (1-2 pages), 4) teaching statement (1-2 pages), 5) diversity and inclusion statement (1-2 pages; for examples of UW resources, see:, 6) one or two writing examples, and 7) the names and contact information of three references.
For further questions, please contact search committee co-chairs Lisa Naughton ( or Stephen Young (
Application Deadline: 7 December 2022
The History of Economics Society is accepting nominations for the Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize (deadline December 31, 2022).
In 1990, the Society established an annual award for the best dissertation in the history of economic thought and methodology in memory of Joseph Dorfman. Historian of economics and Distinguished Fellow of the History of Economics Society, Joseph Dorfman’s family endowed a permanent fund for this prize. A list of past recipients can be found online.
The winner will receive a stipend of $500 plus travel expenses up to $1,000 to attend the 50 annual conference of the History of Economics Society (June 2023 in Vancouver, Canada). All dissertations in the history of economic thought and economic methodology, written in English and completed during the last two years (September 2020 to August 2022), are eligible. The selection committee will consider all nominated dissertations, with self-nominations permitted.
The selection committee is formed this year by:
To nominate a dissertation, please send an email notification to the Chair (Antonella Rancan, email: by December 31, 2022, together with a .pdf copy of the dissertation.
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2022
Congratulations to Tristan Auvray, Cédric Durand, Joel Rabinovich & Cecilia Rikap, as well as to Photis Lysandrou and Taimaz Ranjbaran, on receiving the REPE annual Best-Paper Award 2021/2022!
This award is sponsored by EAEPE and honors excellent papers published in Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. As this year's publications were of an especially high quality, the REPE committee selected two papers to receive this award:
To read the winning papers, please follow the above links.
Clifford W. Cobb. Introduction: The Costly War on Cancer
Ignacio Castuera: Why the War on Cancer Failed
Ignacio Castuera: Whistleblower: How One Man Tried to Stop a Famous Cancer Center from Suppressing an Effective Treatment
Alfred B. Ordman: When Will the FDA Do What Is in People’s Best Interests?
Jean Giblette: Growing Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Prevent and Treat Chronic Illness
Lizhu Lin: The Holistic Concept of Cancer Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ling Chen, Shihao Shen: Traditional Chinese Medicine: An Effective Way of Treating Cancer
Enrico Sergio Levrero: Garegnani’s work and the prospects of the surplus approach: an introduction
Roberto Ciccone: A note on capital obsolescence (and under utilization) in classical and neoclassical normal positions
Heinz D. Kurz: Pierangelo Garegnani: economics with a critical orientation
Gary Mongiovi: Pierangelo Garegnani and the revival of the ‘submerged and forgotten’ surplus approach
Nathan Coombs & Matthias Thiemann: Recentering central banks: Theorizing state-economy boundaries as central bank effects
Jacqueline Best: Uncomfortable knowledge in central banking: Economic expertise confronts the visibility dilemma
Stephanie L. Mudge & Antoine Vauchez: Dependence on independence: Central bank lawyers and the (un)making of the European economy
Hirokazu Miyazaki & Annelise Riles: Exchanging expectations: Abenomics and the politics of finance in post-Fukushima Japan
Matthias Thiemann: Growth at risk: Boundary walkers, stylized facts and the legitimacy of countercyclical interventions
Edin Ibrocevic: Independence without purpose? Macroprudential regulation at the Bundesbank
Nathan Coombs: Narrating imagined crises: How central bank storytelling exerts infrastructural power
John Randall Posey: The Geographic Redistribution of Income in the United States, 1969–2019: Examining the Role of Federal Policy
Tuyara Gavrilyeva, Anna Naberezhnaya & Filipp Nikiforov: Poverty in the Russian Arctic: The Case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Francis Kwaw Andoh & Richard Kwabena Nkrumah: Distributional Aspects of Ghana’s Value-Added Tax
Segun Thompson Bolarinwa, Olumide Olusegun Olaoye, Wajahat Ullah & Babatunde Agbi: Does Financial Development Really Matter for Poverty Reduction in Africa
Sheereen Fauzel: Investigating the Impact of Trade on Poverty Reduction in a Small Island Economy
Jon Reiersen: Too Much Redistribution, Too Little or Just Right?
Oren M. Levin-Waldman: Inequality and the Crisis of Capitalism: A Review Essay
Alvarez Pereira, Carlos; Ramphele, Mamphela: Learning what we already know: On the 50th anniversary of The Limits to Growth
Quitzow, Rainer; Renn, Ortwin; Zabanova, Yana: The crisis in Ukraine: another missed opportunity for building a more sustainable economic paradigm
Parreño, Maria Alejandra; Petchey, Sara; Chapman, Mollie; Altermatt, Florian; Backhaus, Norman; Deplazes-Zemp, Anna; Horgan, Katherine; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Mihaljević, Morana; Pennekamp, Frank; Santos, Maria Joao; Schaepman, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Weber de Melo, Vanessa; Zuppinger-Dingley, Debra; Petchey, Owen L.: How puzzles are shaping our understanding of biodiversity: A call for more research into biodiversity representation in educational games
Santarius, Tilman: Climate justice and digitalization: A plea to consider broader socio-economic implications of digitalization and climate change
Mast, Hanna Sophie: Conflicting sociotechnical imaginaries of the future built environment: An analysis of current discourses on timber construction in France and Germany
Renn, Ortwin; Engels, Anita; Mack, Birgit; Becker, Sophia; Camier, Christina: Will short-term behavior changes during the COVID-19 crisis evolve into low-carbon practices?
Schauß, Mareike; Held, Hermann H.; Sprenger, Sandra: Die Darstellung von (Un-)Sicherheiten zum Thema Klimawandel in Schulbuchtexten für den Geografieunterricht
Hamann, Maike; Hichert, Tanja; Sitas, Nadia: Participatory scenario planning: Participatory research methods for sustainability ‐ toolkit #3
Becker, Sophia; Renn, Ortwin: Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung lehren und lernen: Workshop-Serie am Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
Bornemann, Basil; Bergman, Max; Ejderyan, Olivier; Fritz, Livia; Kläy, Andreas; Wäger, Patrick: Innovations for the sustainability transformation: Conceptual cornerstones of the saguf working group INSIST
Teherani-Krönner, Parto: Vernachlässigte Dimensionen unserer Mahlzeitenkultur
Steinwender, David; Fallmann, Gregor; Getzinger, Günter; Diethart, Mario; Gartler, Lissa; Steininger, Karl: Klimakrise und Bewusstseinswandel: Eine Ausstellung der neun steirischen Hochschulen
Thorn, Michaela; Schulz, Thomas; Wilhelm, Ralph: Dem Rebound-Effekt auf der Spur: Einblicke in die Ergebnisse der Forschung zu Rebound-Effekten aus sozial-ökologischer Perspektive
Launch Collection 2022: Addressing the Global Social Challenges of our Time
Shenggen Fan, Julie Thompson Klein, Siddharth Mallavarapu, Bronwen Morgan, Sue Scott, and David Simon: Addressing the global social challenges of our time
Research Articles
Gurminder K. Bhambra: For a reparatory social science
Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The pandemic and the contradictions of contemporaneity
Adriana E. Abdenur and Siddharth Tripathi: Local approaches to climate-sensitive peacebuilding: lessons from Afghanistan
Alison Mountz and Shiva S. Mohan: Human migration in a new era of mobility: intersectional and transnational approaches
Adrian Flint, Guy Howard, Manish Baidya, Tadesse Wondim, Moti Poudel, Anisha Nijhawan, Yohannes Mulugeta, and Subodh Sharma: Equity in Global North–South research partnerships: interrogating UK funding models
Marcel Bursztyn and Seema Purushothaman: Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scholarship for a civilisation in distress: questions for and from the Global South
Mark Harvey: Climate emergency: how the inequality crisis is dynamically linked to the sociogenesis of climate change
Interventions: Policy and Practice
Agnes Kalibata: Reflections on food systems transformation: an African perspective
Nicoletta Corrocher and Camilla Lenzi: Exploring the sources of knowledge diversity in founding teams and its impact on new firms’ innovation
Giada Baldessarelli, Nathalie Lazaric, and Michele Pezzoni: Organizational routines: Evolution in the research landscape of two core communities
Frank R. Lichtenberg: The effects of dynamic and static competition on prescription drug prices in Denmark, 1997–2017
Pierre Barbaroux and Victor Dos Santos Paulino: Why do motives matter? A demand-based view of the dynamics of a complex products and systems (CoPS) industry
Cornelius A. Rietveld and Pankaj C. Patel: Gender inequality and the entrepreneurial gender gap: Evidence from 97 countries (2006–2017)
Matthijs J. Janssen, Koen Frenken, Elena M. Tur, and Alexander S. Alexiev: The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision
Agnieszka Lipieta and Elżbieta Pliś: Diversity and mechanisms of economic evolution
Elvio Accinelli, Filipe Martins, and Alberto A. Pinto: The basins of attraction in the generalized Baliga–Maskin public good model
Research Article
Guillermo Alves, Pablo Blanchard, Gabriel Burdin, Mariana Chávez, Andrés Dean: Like principal, like agent? Managerial preferences in employee-owned firms
Giacomo Degli Antoni, Marco Faillo, Pedro Francés-Gómez, Lorenzo Sacconi: Liberal egalitarian justice in the distribution of a common output. Experimental evidence and implications for effective institution design
Sylvaine Lemeilleur, Claire Dorville, Paulo Niederle, Hélène Ilbert: Analyzing institutional changes in community-based management: a case study of a participatory guarantee system for organic labeling in Brazil
Samara Gunter, James Siodla: Debt restrictions and municipal indebtedness in American cities: evidence from the Roaring Twenties
Daniil Frolov: Crafting of cognitive institutions for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic
Veeshan Rayamajhee, Pablo Paniagua: Coproduction and the crafting of cognitive institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Fragment: Geoffrey M. Hodgson: Donald T. Campbell on the institutions of scientific knowledge and the limits to interdisciplinarity
Note: Geoffrey M. Hodgson: Editorial report 2022
Special section: the future of reformed capitalism
Hanna Szymborska, Jan Toporowski: Why the distribution of wealth matters: Industrial feudalism and social democracy
Joana David Avritzer: Debt-led growth and its financial fragility: an investigation into the dynamics of a supermultiplier model
Isha Gupta: Land-constrained growth in a developing economy: A Kaldorian perspective
Giuliano Toshiro Yajima: Chile: The road to joy is paved with obstacles
Carmelo Ferlito: Axel Leijonhufvud: A personal recollection from an Austrian perspective
Special Issue: Stratification Economics - Rethinking Forms and Explanations of Inequality
Patrick L. Mason, James B. Stewart & William A. Darity Jr.: Collective wealth and group identity: insights from stratification economics
John B. Davis: A general theory of social economic stratification: stigmatization, exclusion, and capability shortfalls
Robert H. Scott III, Kenneth Mitchell & Joseph Patten: Intergroup disparity among student loan borrowers
Jermaine Toney & Darrick Hamilton: Economic insecurity in the family tree and the racial wealth gap
Jacob Jennings, Jacqueline Strenio & Iris Buder: Occupational prestige: American stratification
Ramya M. Vijaya & Naureen Bhullar: Colorism and employment bias in India: an experimental study in stratification economics
Ilyess El Karouni: Thinking out stratification: the concept of subalternity
Tabitha M. Benney and Benjamin J. Cohen: The international currency system revisited
Thomas Palley: Theorizing dollar hegemony: the political economic foundations of exorbitant privilege
Michael Pettis: Will the Chinese renminbi replace the US dollar?
Juan Alberto Vázquez-Muñoz and Ignacio Perrotini-Hernández: The peso problem and dollar hegemony under inflation targeting
Jan Priewe: Old and new proposals for global monetary reform
Jörg Bibow: King dollar’ forever? Prospects for a New Bretton Woods
Special Issue: Ecosocialist Theory: Analysis and Prospects
David Schwartzman, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro: Introduction
Patrick Bond: The Case for Ecosocialism in the Face of the Worsening Climate Crisis
Andriana Vlachou, Georgios Pantelias: Energy Transitions: The Case of Greece with a Special Focus on the Role of the EU ETS
Matthew T. Huber: Ecosocialism and the Problem of Industrialism
David Schwartzman, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro: Prefiguration and the Emergence of the Global Subject
David M. Kotz: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory, Marxist Theory, and History: Reply to Doug Hornstein
Oscar A. Ralda, Kenny Knowlton: Kai Heron's Critique of Metabolic Rift Theory: A Response
Anne Rathbone Bradley: Our curious task
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey: Schumpeter the incomplete rhetorician
Rosolino A. Candela, Peter J. Jacobsen, Kacey Reeves: Malcom McLean, containerization and entrepreneurship
Randall G. Holcombe: Creative destruction: getting ahead and staying ahead in a capitalist economy
Viktor J. Vanberg: Carl Menger, F.A. Hayek and the evolutionary strand in Austrian economics
Alan G. Futerman, Luciano Villegas: An Austrian critique of the neoclassical approach to indirect taxes
Edited by Philippe Régnier, Daniel Frey, Samuel Pierre, Koshy Varghese | 2022, Edward Elgar
This timely Handbook provides a conceptual discussion and a wide empirical presentation of new disruptive forms of innovation producing appropriate technologies, addressing the needs of low-income populations, and providing alternative solutions for sustainable development.
The Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development expertly analyses and compares contributions of appropriate technologies in developing, emerging and industrialized economies, including China and India, and their global development impacts. Additionally, it covers the transversal role of new international communication technologies, open access, digital tools as well as entrepreneurship and innovation from within emerging economies and in industrialized nations. Using empirical analyses of cases and experiences in manufacturing sectors and services, it covers both the formal and informal economy, and provides an insightful focus on differences and similarities across borders and sectors.
NGO and private sector practitioners, public sector officers as well as academics specialized in development economics, entrepreneurship and engineering or management studies will find this Handbook to be illuminating and very informative. Science and technology producers and entrepreneurs will appreciate the global look into more sustainable development as related to appropriate technologies, and how they can be used across all economic backgrounds.
Please find a link to the book here.
Simon Mee | 2019, Cabridge University Press
The 2008 financial crisis led to more and more frequent political attacks on central banks. The recent spotlight on central bank independence is reminiscent of the fiery debates amongst Germany's political elites in 1949 on the same issue; debates that were sparked by the establishment of West Germany in that year. Simon Mee shows how, with the establishment of West Germany's central bank - today's Deutsche Bundesbank - the country's monetary history became a political football, as central bankers, politicians, industrialists and trade unionists all vied for influence over the legal provisions that set out the remit of the future monetary authority. The author reveals how a specific version of inter-war history, one that stresses the lessons learned from Germany's periods of inflation, was weaponised and attached to a political, contemporary argument for an independent central bank. The book challenges assumptions around the evolution of central bank independence with continued relevance today.
Please find a link to the book here.
Edited by Warwick E. Murray, John Overton | 2022, Edward Elgar
This forward-looking book introduces the concept of Ethical Value Networks, building upon a theoretical exploration with primary evidence of their impacts in the Global South. It moves away from focusing on the consumption section of networks, with grounded impact studies that explore ethicality as a concept, how ethical value is created and how this is distributed through the socio-economy.
Framed by theoretical exploration and reflection, the book offers a selection of case studies from Africa, Latin America, the Pacific and Southeast Asia to highlight the implications of Ethical Value Networks for producers and localities in the Global South. Chapters further analyse and critique the rise of the ethical trade and certification schemes, as well as three ethical trade constellations: social justice through fair trade, sustainability through organic agriculture and authenticity through geographic indications.
The in-depth analysis of ethical trading in wine, coffee, fruit and other key sectors combined with theoretical study will make this an important read for ethical trade researchers as well as policy makers and those responsible for the governance and operation of ethical value networks. It will also be an invigorating read for economic geography, development studies, international development and management studies scholars.
Please find a link to the book here.
Edited by Joseph Choonara, Annalisa Murgia, and Renato Miguel Carmo | 2022, Bristol University Press
The words ‘precarity’ and ‘precariousness’ are widely used when discussing work, social conditions and experiences. However, there is no consensus on their meaning or how best to use them to explore social changes.
This book shows how scholars have mapped out these notions, offering substantive analyses of issues such as the relationships between precariousness, debt, migration, health and workers’ mobilisations, and how these relationships have changed in the context of COVID-19.
Bringing together an international group of authors from diverse fields, this book offers a distinctive critical perspective on the processes of precarisation, focusing in particular on the European context.
Please find a link to the open acess Book here.
by Malcolm Sawyer | 2022, Agenda Publishing
Finance has long been an integral part of the capitalist economy, yet since the 1970s the realm of finance has burgeoned, reaching well beyond its traditional funding roles. Finance now reaches into all aspects of economic life from the everyday activity of the individual, to the behaviour of corporations and the decisions made for society as a whole. The power and fragility of the financial sector are seen by the simple fact that when things go wrong, it can bring down banks, currencies, and governments, plunging countries into generations of debt and hardship.
Malcolm Sawyer offers a comprehensive survey of the impact of financialization on economic growth and society. The book draws on and distills a remarkable range of research to provide readers with a guide to current thinking about the place of finance in the wider macroeconomy and considers the prospects for definancialization and a future role that is less pervasive.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Cyrus Bina | 2022, Routledge
This book explores America’s decline as a global power, arguing that the implosion of Pax Americana was initiated by the process of globalization, preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union by nearly a decade. The era of Pax Americana, and with it American hegemony, is conclusively passed, and will not return in current global conditions.
There is a stark contrast between the present epoch and the postwar era of American hegemony (1945–1979) in which the United States, at least outside of the Soviet sphere of influence, largely managed the international economy and reigned over international politics and relations. Drawing on both theoretical and empirical evidence, this book shows that the era of globalization unleashed forces—social, political, and economic—which broke down the status quo of American hegemony. Author Cyrus Bina also establishes that since the Iranian Revolution (1979), US involvement throughout the Middle East, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and now notably in Ukraine has been motivated by the freefall of American hegemony and an attempt to get it back by direct or indirect military force. Bina utilizes these contexts for wider analysis and critique of a number of theories commonly used to analyze economy, polity, geopolitical, and dynamics of crisis and social change in capitalism.
This book will be of great interest to students, academics, and policymakers on subjects of Economics, International Relations, Global Studies, International Political Economy, Political Geography, Sociology, and postwar History.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Oran R. Young | 2021, Edward Elgar
In this timely book, leading scholar Oran Young reflects on the future of the global order. Developing new lenses through which to consider needs for governance arising on a global scale, Young investigates the grand challenges of the 21st century requiring the most urgent and sustained planetary responses: protecting the Earth’s climate system; controlling the eruption of pandemics; suppressing disruptive uses of cyberspace; and guiding the biotechnology revolution.
Exploring how developments such as globalization, the rise of increasingly influential non-state actors, and the onset of the cyber age are eroding the institutional foundations of international society, this book considers the prospects for new forms of global order that differ in important ways from the familiar but increasingly problematic states system.
Offering critical insights into the pressing need for institutional change to meet 21st century challenges, this book will prove beneficial to scholars working on matters involving governance on a global scale. Practitioners looking to connect their actions to broader analytic concerns will also find the book insightful.
Please find a link to the book here.
Edited by Axel Michaelowa, Department of Political Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Perspectives Climate Research, Germany and Anne-Kathrin Sacherer | 2022, Edward Elgar
The concept of international climate finance channelled from developed to developing countries through public interventions for mitigation and adaptation has been developed over the last decade, but its roots date back to the early 1990s. Despite the high relevance of the topic in the international climate negotiations, illustrated by the (missed) target to mobilise USD 100 billion by 2020, there is no book that provides an overview accessible to academics and practitioners alike.
This comprehensive Handbook of International Climate Finance closes this gap, with contributions from expert researchers and practitioners involved in key climate finance institutions. Chapters assess past approaches to international climate finance, discuss the effectiveness of different channels for climate finance, debate challenges encountered and elucidate national strategies of donors and recipients. An important section elaborates perspectives for sources of international climate finance from multilateral channels, the private sector, and blending of finance including through international carbon markets. The Handbook further elaborates perspectives on ownership and accountability and the role of the private sector. Mapping out pathways for the future, it concludes by providing a vision for international climate finance after 2025.
This forward-thinking Handbook will be a critical resource for scholars and students with an interest in climate change and related policies and environmental politics, policy, and economics more broadly. It provides key input for international climate negotiators, climate activists and international climate finance institutions.
Please find a link to the book here.
Edited by Michael Jakob | 2022, Edward Elgar
This insightful Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments in the academic debate on the numerous and complex linkages between international trade and climate change.
Adopting a broad interdisciplinary approach, it brings together perspectives from scholars in economics, political science and legal studies to confront the critical environmental challenges posed by globalization. Initial chapters provide an overview of the key debates related to international trade and climate policy, engaging with empirical data from the US and China to assess the impact of new trade initiatives and policy on greenhouse gas emissions, carbon leakage and the increase of trade in carbon-intensive products. Contributors propose policy options that align international trade with climate change mitigation and address crucial legal and practical implications, including the implementation of Border Carbon Adjustments and international trade disputes.
Offering critical and empirically-based perspectives on the future of international trade policy, this timely Handbook is crucial reading for scholars, researchers and graduate students in political science, public policy and climate research. Policymakers will also benefit from its unique and insightful policy recommendations.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Peter A. Victor | 2021, Routledge
As the first biography of Professor Herman Daly, this book provides an in-depth account of one of the leading thinkers and most widely read writers on economics, environment and sustainability.
Herman Daly’s economics for a full world, based on his steady-state economics, has been widely acknowledged through numerous prestigious international awards and prizes. Drawing on extensive interviews with Daly and in-depth analysis of his publications and debates, Peter Victor presents a unique insight into Daly’s life from childhood to the present day, describing his intellectual development, inspirations and influence. Much of the book is devoted to a comprehensive account of Daly’s foundational contributions to ecological economics. It describes how his insights and proposals have been received by economists and non-economists and the extraordinary relevance of Daly’s full world economics to solving the economic problems of today and tomorrow.
Innovative and timely, this book will be of great interest to students, scholars, researchers, activists and policy makers concerned with economics, environment and sustainability.
Please find a link to the book here.
Edited by Lynne Chester and Tae-Hee Jo I 2022, World Economics Association
This collection of essays demonstrates that heterodox economics is a scientific, pluralistic, interdisciplinary, and communal paradigm advancing our understanding of the real-world. Our efforts to advance heterodox economics continues, however, to encounter suppression and marginalization within the discipline of economics, as well as critiques steeped in the past and not directed at current heterodoxy debates and developments. This book thus challenges several old, and resurrected, critiques of heterodox economics – for example, heterodox economics has failed to become influential within the economics discipline due to a lack of consensus about its identity, theoretical core, and pluralism; heterodox economics is overly political (that is, left-wing politics dominating over theory and policy); heterodox economics can only survive if it incorporates cutting-edge mainstream ideas and methods, and if it adopts the mainstream-dominant evaluation criteria (e.g., journal rankings based on citation metrics). These critiques need to be debated as they concern the legitimacy and thus future of heterodox economics. To this end, the contributions to this volume take on these critiques directly and an optimistic standpoint to galvanize and energize heterodox economics.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Edward Hadas | 2022, Money, Finance, Reality, Morality: A New Way to Address Old Problems
Conventional explanations of the nature of money are weighed down by bad ideas and irrelevant historical evidence. The standard theory of finance is hampered by the lack of both sociological and ethical contextualization, and by sloppy thinking about numbers and time. Money, Finance, Reality, Morality addresses those weaknesses with truly novel models of how the economy, money, and finance actually work.
The book analyses the perception of money as an economic tool (as compared to a symbolic and sociological object) as a highly functional quantitative token that assigns numerical values to the inherently unmeasurable economic activities of labour and consumption. It looks at finance as an often inferior solution to economic problems and a tool for helping the poor support the rich. And it explains how the tolerance of greed makes the money-finance system the weakest link in modern economies.
Please find a link to the book here.
edited by Klimczuk, Andrzej, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Jorge Felix | 2022, Lausanne: Frontiers Media
This Research Topic focuses on both strengths and weaknesses of social innovation, technological innovation, and health innovation that are increasingly recognized as crucial concepts related to the formulation of responses to the social, health, and environmental challenges. Goals of this Research Topic: (1) to identify and share the best recent practices and innovations related to social, environmental and health policies; (2) to debate on relevant governance modes, management tools as well as evaluation and impact assessment techniques; (3) to discuss dilemmas in the fields of management, financing, designing, implementing, testing, and maintaining the sustainability of innovative models of delivering social, health and care services; and (4) to recognize and analyze social, technological and health innovation that has emerged or has been scaled-up to respond to crisis situations, for example, a pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.
Full volume is available for free in Open Access here.
by Clara E. Mattei | 2022, The University of Chicago Press
For more than a century, governments facing financial crisis have resorted to the economic policies of austerity—cuts to wages, fiscal spending, and public benefits—as a path to solvency. While these policies have been successful in appeasing creditors, they’ve had devastating effects on social and economic welfare in countries all over the world. Today, as austerity remains a favored policy among troubled states, an important question remains: What if solvency was never really the goal? In The Capital Order, political economist Clara E. Mattei explores the intellectual origins of austerity to uncover its originating motives: the protection of capital—and indeed capitalism—in times of social upheaval from below.
Mattei traces modern austerity to its origins in interwar Britain and Italy, revealing how the threat of working-class power in the years after World War I animated a set of top-down economic policies that elevated owners, smothered workers, and imposed a rigid economic hierarchy across their societies. Where these policies “succeeded,” relatively speaking, was in their enrichment of certain parties, including employers and foreign-trade interests, who accumulated power and capital at the expense of labor. Here, Mattei argues, is where the true value of austerity can be observed: its insulation of entrenched privilege and its elimination of all alternatives to capitalism.
Drawing on newly uncovered archival material from Britain and Italy, much of it translated for the first time, The Capital Order offers a damning and essential new account of the rise of austerity—and of modern economics—at the levers of contemporary political power.
Please find a link to the book here.
by Tony Myatt | 2022, Bloomsbury Publishing
Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science, free from value judgements. This bookdemonstrates this to be a myth – one which serves to make such textbooks not only off-puttingly bland, but also dangerously misleading in their justification of the status quo and neglect of alternatives. In this much-needed companion volume to the popular Microeconomics Anti-Textbook, Tony Myatt reveals how the blind spots and methodological problems present in microeconomics continue to exert their influence in mainstream macroeconomics. From a flawed conception of the labour market, to a Pollyana view of the financial sector, macroeconomic principles as they are set out in conventional undergraduate textbooks consistently fail to set out a realistic, useful, or equitable framework for understanding the world. By summarising and then critically evaluating the major topics found in a typical macroeconomics textbook, the Anti-Textbook lays bare their sins of omission and commission, showing where hidden value judgements are made and when contrary evidence and alternative theories are ignored. The Macroeconomics Anti-Textbook is the student's essential guide to decoding mainstream macroeconomic textbooks, and demonstrating how real-world economics are much more interesting than most economists are willing to let on.
Please find a link to the book here.
by James Simpson and Juan Carmona | 2020, Cambridge University Press
In this distinctive new history of the origins of the Spanish Civil War, James Simpson and Juan Carmona tackle the highly-debated issue of why it was that Spain's democratic Second Republic failed. They explore the interconnections between economic growth, state capacity, rural social mobility and the creation of mass competitive political parties, and how these limited the effectiveness of the new republican governments, and especially their attempts to tackle economic and social problems within the agricultural sector. They show how political change during the Republic had a major economic impact on the different groups in village society, leading to social conflicts that turned to polarization and finally, with the civil war, to violence and brutality. The democratic Republic failed not so much because of the opposition from the landed elites, but rather because small farmers had been unable to exploit more effectively their newly found political voice.
Please find a link to the book here.
As part of an EC DEAR-funded project involving 16 NGOs from 10 European countries (#ClimateofChange), Oxfam Germany is calling for offers to conduct research on the following thesis:
Can prioritizing Universal Basic Services and the foundational economy in development policy build on approaches and demands from the Global South to fight poverty, reduce inequality and build resiliency in the face of the climate crisis while moving towards feminist development policy?
Universal Basic Services (UBS) is a concept and political demand for unconditional and rights-based access to essential services and social protection that goes beyond the bare minimum. These services may include education, health and care services, internet, transport, culture etc. - all those services and goods that are necessary for a decent life and full participation in society.
Applying and prioritising a UBS/foundational economy approach in development policy, cooperation and ODA would potentially end poverty and meaningfully reduce inequality by substantially raising the standard of living and reducing vulnerability to crisis for the most vulnerable. Such reappraisal would signal a paradigm shift towards feminist development
policy as the UBS/foundational economy approaches
Foundational economy and UBS are currently being discussed in policy and academic circles, particularly in the UK and overwhelmingly with regards to Europe/the Global North, building and expanding on existing or former welfare states.
The assignment includes the presentation of the results in March at a public event with NGOs and MEPs in Brussels and at least two presentations and feedback rounds with Oxfam and representatives from #ClimateOfChange partner organisations.
For submission of offers, as well as inquiries, please write to Lukas Warning at
Call for offers until 15.11.2022
Commissioning by 21.11.2022
Deadline first draft 08.01.2022 (incl presentation to Oxfam in the following week)
Deadline second draft 12.02.2022 (incl presentation to Oxfam in the following week)
Deadline final product 06.03.2022
Presentation at public event in Brussels 27./28.03.2022
Deadline for submission: 15 November 2022
The History of Economics Society is pleased to announce a new call for proposals under the Early-Career Scholars Research Fund program
The History of Economics Society welcomes applications by early career scholars for research funding of up to 1,500 dollars. The program supports early career scholars that otherwise would not have funds to undertake research activities. Up to 4 awards will be made every year.
Early career scholars are those studying for a PhD or within 4 years after completion of their PhD. Eligible expenses include travel and accommodation costs for visits to archives, for recording of oral histories, or for similar activities. Subsistence, purchase of equipment, fees/licenses/rights, digitization and transcription costs are typically not eligible.
The application must include a brief description of the project, details and full costings of expenses, mention of other funding applications submitted for the same activities. These materials should not exceed 750 words. In addition, the application must include a two-page CV of the applicant and a letter of support from their supervisor.
Proposals should be submitted to
Applicants should be aware that there may not be a specialist of their topic among the evaluation committee. Candidates should therefore provide a short but clear summary of the state of the art (with a few key references), a clear justification of why the research question the grant is addressing advances the existing literature, and detailed information about the evidence the applicant intends to gather in the research activities.
Process for reimbursement:
Awardees will be reimbursed up to $1500 for research-related travel. You must submit receipts for expenses, including air travel, ground transportation, hotel expenses, and up to $50/day in food and miscellaneous expenses for completed travel (for which we do not need a receipt). Hotel expenses may be restricted to a reasonable level as based on the US government’s travel allowance. Receipts may be submitted to HES’s office manager, Amy Hardy, at Our preferred method of payment is a check in USD. For that, we only need your mailing address. For international wire transfers we need your full name (as it appears on your bank account), your address (as your bank believes it to be), your bank name and location, and your IBAN. Transfers to Brazil may require additional paperwork.
For further information please visit the website.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
The History of Economics Society is pleased to announce a new call for submissions for the New Initiatives Fund program (deadline December 1).
Created in 2013, the New Initiatives Fund is one of the most recent instruments devised by the society to fulfill its institutional goals. The program supports projects that promise to benefit the larger community of historians of economics. These might involve creating opportunities to further interaction, disseminating knowledge and access to resources, engaging younger scholars, reaching out to broader audiences both within and outside of academia, and other endeavors that promote a public good for our community.
The title New Initiatives Fund signals our openness to creative, out-of-the-box proposals. Our purpose is to rely on the knowledge, experience and insight of our members to devise ways to promote and improve the field. Initiatives funded in the past have ranged from summer schools, through digital resources to a podcast series (see full list below).
Competition for funding is open to HES members only. The Society allocates a total of $35,000 per year in support of New Initiatives. Each proposal may request up to $10,000 in funding. The submissions received will be vetted by a New Initiatives Committee appointed by the HES President; recommendations of this committee are then voted on by the full Executive Committee. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the ways in which the project could have a lasting impact in the field and support the mission of HES, as specified above.
Multi-year initiatives will be viewed more favorably if they include plausible plans for developing independent sources of ongoing funding. Funding from the Society is not an ongoing commitment but may be renewed at the committee’s discretion.
Details on the submission process can be found on our website.
Application Deadline: 1 December 2022
The Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University is now accepting applications for the 2023-24 Visiting Scholars program.
Each year the Center brings together Visiting Scholars who are pursuing their own research projects in the history of political economy. Visiting Scholars may come to the Center for either a semester, a full academic year (which runs from the end of August to the beginning of May), or a twelve-month period. (Those who wish to come for shorter stays may wish to consult the "Academic Visits" section.) Though the principal purpose of the program is to allow successful applicants to pursue their own research, Visiting Scholars are invited to join a vibrant intellectual community by participating in the many other programs (e.g., workshops, HOPE lunches, and conferences) that the Center offers. More junior scholars may also wish to sit in on classes during term and to participate in the "Summer in the Archives" program.
Application Deadline: 2 January 2023
An input-output table (IOT) in value is an IOT in which exchanges are measured in value in lieu of prices. Dr Bernard Vallageas (Université Paris-Saclay) has built world IOT"s in wages-value for the years 2000 to 2014 and deduced from them the operating surpluses formation of the 2,464 productive units that compound the world economy. Methods and results are displayed on htttp:// Dr Vallageas is currently building IOT’s in income-value including rents besides wages. He deduces from them tables giving profits formation of the productive units.
Over the last months, The Centre for Economy Studies has developed ready-to-use open-access teaching packages. To enable educators to renew their courses, these provide lesson plans, slides, readings, classroom exercises, and exam questions. The first teaching packages are about Introducing the Economy, Meeting Basic Needs, and Financialization, Space & Agriculture. You can download the teaching packs from the Economy Studies website here.