Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 305 December 05, 2022 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

This issue of the Heterodox Economics Newsletter has been prepared under emergency conditions as the IT-facilities of our home insitutions – the University of Duisburg-Essen – have been struck by a ransomware-based cyber-attack. Regrettably, this implies that our listserv for distributing emails is currently not operating and we have to rely on Social Media and alternative mailings-lists to distribute this issue.

So, please, retweet and repost this issue in Social Media and / or forward our email (in case you were so lucky to receive one via an alternative list) to interested colleagues to help us spread the word about recent publications and upcoming events related to heterodox economics. Many thanks!

In case you have any questions, you can always contact us by email. Also our website and most of our automated services (like subscription requests or submissions) are still operative.



PS: Given these current circumstance the next issue of the Newsletter is scheduled for January 9, 2023.

© public domain

Table of contents

Call for Papers

5th International Marxist-Feminist Conference: Body, Work and Care in Contemporary Digital Capitalism (Warsaw, Nov. 2023)

16-18 November 2023 | Warsaw, Poland

Conference Theme: Body, Work and Care in Contemporary Digital Capitalism

We would like to kindly invite you to submit your presentation proposal for the 5th International Marxist Feminist Conference: Body, Work and Care in Contemporary Digital Capitalism - which will take place in November 2023 in Warsaw and will focus on feminist theoretical, political, cultural, and artistic responses to current crises.

Submission Process

Please send your proposals (no more than 300 words + a short bio/affiliation) by 31 January 2023 to: apps@marxconference.com

Conference 5-Point-Agenda

  1. Dimensions of care and reproduction in neoliberal societies: exploitation of reproductive labour, love power. Reproductive (in)justice: rights, technologies (surrogacy, in vitro, adoption etc), “birth strike”, environment and natality, LGBTQIA+ rights, migration, disabilities, and the nation-states politics.
  2. Contemporary capitalisms: digitalization, precarization, externalization of care labour and production, climate crisis, surveillance, and border industries. The body as commodity and battlefield: exploitation, violence, biotechnology.
  3. Healthcare and elderly care in the world after pandemic. Privatization of healthcare services
  4. Is Intersectionality Enough? – The Actuality of the Thirteenth Theses of Marxism-Feminism – class-race-gender in a Marxist- Feminist perspective today.
  5. Women in military conflicts: Rosa Luxemburg’s forgotten warnings, dimensions of violence. Homefront and the battlefield. Fundamentalist takeovers. Forms and strategies of contemporary resistance: International Women’s Strike, refugee networks and solidarities, unionizing as activism and politics.
  6. More information is available on the official website.

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2023

58th ITH Conference 2023: Deindustrialization, Reindustrialization and Economic Transitions – Transnational Perspectives from Labour History (Linz, September 2023)

7–9 September 2023 | Linz, Austria

Industrialization and deindustrialization have been global and combined phenomena ever since the Industrial Revolution. The wave of industrialization associated with England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries formed but one element of a dramatic global restructuring of production which came with the loss and transformation of livelihoods in other parts of the world. India is emblematic for that, as the surge in machine-driven industrialization in England went hand in hand with the decline if not dismantling of the more craft-based textile industries in India. Since then, we have witnessed many waves of deindustrialization, reindustrialization and economic transition around the world.

These interconnected processes have been accompanied by often dramatic changes in employment opportunities and the world of work more generally. This conference seeks to explore processes that are often described as ‘deindustrialization’ from a global and historical perspective. It starts from the assumption that the term itself is problematic, as the economic processes leading to deindustrialization at the same time might include processes of reindustrialization. The term itself is also not used widely in different languages: in German ‘Strukturwandel’ is preferred, in Italian there ‘ristruccturazione’ and in French we often hear about ‘modernisation’. The ambivalence of terminology points at the diversity of processes of industrial restructuring: they may be due to shifts of profit expectations between industrial sectors, changing modalities of international capital movements or to the transformation of labour processes and management strategies within a specific industrial sector. Each of these interconnected processes of crisis resolution can result in various forms of spatial relocation, and re-composition of the labour force.

Hence, we are asking how best to understand the processes of economic and spatial transition, their social and cultural consequences as well as their political fall-outs. We are interested in resistance to economic transitioning processes where industrial capital is leaving one place and moving to another. We would like to receive paper proposals that seek to recuperate the voices of those most affected by economic transitions, including workers and their communities, adjacent social strata directly affected by industrial restructuring, labour movements and urban as well as rural social movements.

Furthermore, we are keen to learn about how these transitions might have changed traditional gender orders and how they might have opened up new ethnic divisions. Finally, we wish to pay special attention to how the memory of an industrial past and of specific trajectories of deindustrialization have influenced the postindustrial orders that have been emerging in many of the formerly industrial regions. Memory has been a powerful political resource and the construction of industrial heritage has not just been the nostalgic backdrop to a vibrant tourist industry but also the backbone of resistance towards an undermining of ways of life and of solidaristic collective cultures that characterized industrial societies. Memory has also traveled between old and new sites of de/industrialization, and can function as a resource informing endeavors to build new solidarities and community-building.

Processes of deindustrialization and reindustrialization need to be embedded in wider problems of capitalist development and the tensions between global markets and local conditions. If ‘capital moves’ (Jefferson Cowie), it might fix problems for capitalist development but it also causes problems for those attached to specific localities. Furthermore, processes of industrialization have often caused massive environmental problems, which are left to postindustrial futures once the industries have gone. Papers dealing with questions of political ecology and energy transition will therefore also be welcome.

The conference will attempt to shed light on processes of deindustrialization in a global framework paying attention to dramatic forms of deindustrialization and industrial restructuring in the global South as well as the global North including Eastern Europe. The history of developmentalist politics and their failure raises questions about the interrelatedness of developments in the global North and the global South. Focusing on localities and regions where industrial capital has left and/or has relocated to, the conference wishes to explore the spatial reorganization of capitalism and its conferences in regions and countries around the world. Transregional and comparative studies will be especially welcome.

Undoubtedly, so far, studies of deindustrialization have tended to focus on the global North. The conference wishes to develop a de-centered global perspective by bringing in the global South and the interrelatedness of both spatial spheres. It also seeks to draw attention to less well-studied regions/sites affected by deindustrialization around the world. Finally, being aware that deindustrialization processes arguably go back a long way, this conference will be open to papers on the early modern period as well.

Deindustrialization studies has been strongly transdisciplinary and the conference would invite contributions not just from historians but from a range of different disciplines, including the social sciences, geography, anthropology, memory studies, social movement studies and others who have engaged with the types of economic transitions discussed above.


Proposed papers should include:

The abstract of the suggested paper should contain a separate paragraph explaining how and (if applicable) to which element(s) or question(s) of the Call for Papers the submitted paper refers. The short CV should give information on the applicant’s contributions to the field of labour history, broadly defined, and specify (if applicable) relevant publications. For the purpose of information, applicants are invited to attach a copy of one of these publications to their application.

Proposals to be sent to Laurin Blecha.


As a rule (i.e. with very few exceptions) the ITH publishes edited volumes arising from its conferences. Since 2013 the ITH conference volumes have been published in Brill’s Studies in Global Social History Series, edited by Marcel van der Linden. The ITH encourages the conference participants to submit their papers to this publication project. High-quality papers will be selected by the volume’s editors.



Ravi Ahuja, University Göttingen
Stefan Berger, Ruhr University Bochum
Laurin Blecha, ITH, Vienna
Eszter Bartha, Hannah Arendt Institute, Dresden
Paolo Fontes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Therese Garstenauer, ITH, Vienna
David Mayer, ITH, Vienna

Deadline for submission: 31 January 2023

6th International Conference Economic Philosophy (Lille, June/July 2023)

28 June - 1 July 2023 | Lille, France

The 6th International Conference “Economic Philosophy” will be held at Sciences Po Lille from the 29th of June to July 1st, 2023. The conference is organized by Sciences Po Lille, the University of Lille and CLERSE (UMR 8019).

We invite economists and philosophers and researchers from all academic fields to send proposals on different aspects of the Anthropocene in relation with economics, economic philosophy and economic thought. An abstract of about 500 words for a paper and 600 words for a session should be submitted on the conference website no later than 20 January 2023. Decisions will be notified by 13 March 2023.

The conference will be preceded by a young scholars’ seminar held at the same place the 28th of June 2023. Persons currently enrolled in a PhD, or who have been awarded a PhD two years or less prior to the conference are invited to submit their work.

All our economic activities are transforming ecosystems and threatening the natural habitats that support all forms of life. This is what is known as the Anthropocene. Its advent corresponds with the beginnings of capitalism and with the industrial revolution, justifying for some the neologism of the “capitalocene”. The destruction of our commons - the climates, environments and species of earth - seems irreversible, threatening life on earth. Humanity becomes the subject of this event, regardless of cultural or national affiliation and we do not have the institutions to deal with this historically unparalleled challenge, nor do we know which scientific discipline is able to tackle it. The main currents in economic science all try to answer with their devices for measuring the good, its growth, its distribution and its use. Are they equipped to measure and remedy the destruction of our common goods?

The different branches of economics are not in capacity to provide a universal measure, able to go beyond the political divisions of nation states, beyond the production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Humanity, understood as the economic agent of the Anthropocene, does not know how to act; it is paralyzed and as consequence we do not know what to do or how to act. Economics is in trouble and seems helpless and silent. This crisis therefore is not only an economic crisis, nor just a crisis of humanity or a crisis of meaning, it is also and above all a moral, intellectual and scientific crisis. In other words, it is a crisis of the spirit that animated Modernity, a spirit present in contested claims of economics to provide the measuring instruments to guide individual and collective action. Economic philosophy is called upon, but can it still instruct and guide us in the face of the challenges of the Anthropocene?

Part of the economics profession continues to believe that this science has the means to respond to these challenges, that it has the tools and the method to construct and propose new indicators to guide collective choices. It calls upon the legislators of all countries in the hope that they will unite in a common program of ecological and economic transition, without calling into question the spirit of economic theory, of capitalism and of Modern Times in general. But isn't this political economy, which sees the legislator as the privileged economic subject, exhausted? Can it include the common good in its measuring devices? Are money and the centralized banking system still relevant institutions in the face of emergency? Is the Anthropocene not a symptom indicating the loss of the economic sovereignty of states? Etc.

The question of a other economy raises out of these questions. The economy has not always had the globalized capitalist form that we know today. In the past, other economies existed that did not constitute a monetary system of production and exchange under the authority of Leviathan. Hence the following questions, which constitute avenues for reflection for this conference:

Finally, in the urgency of the present situation, reflections on types of ecological rationality, environmental injustice, the commons and the common, ecological transition and democratic deliberation, and all other philosophical and economic contributions from thinkers who have contributed to this field of research will be welcome.


20/01/2023 - End of submission of abstracts (600 words + 3 keywords)
13/03/2023 - Notification of the scientific committee's decision
15/05/2023 - Deadline for registration at a reduced rate
12/06/2023 - Deadline for the submission of papers


Researchers in post: 150 euros before the deadline, 250 euros after
PhD students, post-docs and researchers from low-income countries - 50 euros

For more information and registration, please visit the conference page.

Deadline for submission (abstracts): 20 January 2023 (600 words + 3 keywords)

Extended Deadline: Review of Radical Political Economics: Special Issue on "COVID and Capitalism"

The Review of Radical Political Economics calls for papers for a Special Issue on "COVID and Capitalism".

Special Issue Collective: Sara Cantillon*, Elif Karaçimen*, Lawrence King, David Kotz*, Jeff Powell, Juan Santarcángelo*, Nuno Teles [*RRPE Editorial Board Member]

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shown inherent flaws in the capitalist system but also deepened them. It has had major political-economic effects around the world. Millions of people have lost their jobs, the number of people living in extreme poverty has grown substantially, and the already heavy burden of unpaid work borne by women has increased. At the same time, the wealth of the ten richest billionaires doubled since the start of the pandemic. We are looking for articles that provide radical political economic analysis of the pandemic. Details, including contact information, list of possible topics, and submission guidelines, can be found here.

Please find more information in the original entry in the Heterodox Economic Newsletter here.

extended Deadline: 31 August 2023

Historical Materialism Athens Conference 2023 (Athens, April 2023)

20-23 April 2023 | Panteion University, Athens, Greece


Theory and Movement in a Dangerous World

We live in a dangerous world. With the pandemic not yet over, climate disaster impending and the war in Ukraine seeming like the first stage of a global conflict, a sense of impasse and imminent danger is in the air.

We are in a period of multiple crises. Inflation combined with the absence of growth point to the fact that the pandemic recession was not conjunctural but reflected deeper contradictions of capitalist accumulation. In ‘liberal democracies’, the elements of a crisis in hegemony are evident in the increased disillusionment with the political system, accentuated by a lack of alternatives and the new rise of the far-right, enhanced by the political mainstream’s endorsement of racism and authoritarianism. The state is right at the centre of this crisis-ridden and dangerous world. The much advertised ‘return of the State’ during the pandemic also brought forward the very crisis of the state-form, despite the authoritarian expansion of disciplinary measures. Capitalist states have been instrumental in bailing out contemporary financialized capitalism, in enhancing the commodification and privatization of vital services and goods, in institutionalizing racism, in reproducing patriarchy and sexism, in aggressively disaggregating the subaltern classes and in promoting war and aggression. At the same time, contemporary capitalist states are themselves in crisis. Unable to reverse the crisis dynamics, to deal with emergencies (exemplified in the lack of any real plan to tackle climate change) or to find ways to gain positive and active consent from large segments of societies, they rely increasingly on mechanisms of state repression against social turmoil. A new form of ‘State of exception’ is emerging, time and again, as the way to cope with these crises - first and foremost, by suspending civil rights, attacking political freedoms, and increasing the rate of exploitation of the working classes.

All the above pose important theoretical and political challenges – besides their existential edge. Discussing the changes that are underway in contemporary capitalism – the new phase of both accumulation and class antagonism, the restructuring of the state, the new polarized architecture of the international system but also the dynamics of contestation and resistance emerging – is not a theoretical luxury but an exigency, if we want to engage in transformative politics based on knowledge and understanding of the terrain we are standing on. From the dynamics of capitalist crisis to the modern forms of imperialism, from the linkage between accumulation and climate change to the transformation of the state and the deepening erosion of democracy, and from overcoming patriarchal relations to devising a new internationalism from below, there are many questions that we need to deal with. And in 2022, we must face the fact that despite the resources of hope offered by struggles against austerity, patriarchy, racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, climate disaster, so far these struggles have not transformed into effective strategy – as exemplified by the defeat, failure or containment of attempts towards ‘left governance’. Critical Marxist theory, in its multiple traditions and schools, is still the necessary starting point for raising and engaging with such difficult yet urgent questions.

We want this conference to be something more than an academic exchange. We want it to be a meeting point for, and a step towards, creating communities of research but also practical action. That is why we insist on a strictly egalitarian ethos, which means that everyone is invited to contribute in a comradely spirit. The conference is open to all currents of critical Marxist theory, and we expect all presenters to attend the entire conference, not just their own session. The conference is an important part of the broader Historical Materialism project - including the journal, the book series, and the global network of HM conferences – and we wish to encourage all conference participants to get involved with these different aspects of the work we do.

We invite contributions on the following themes (although this is *not* an exhaustive or exclusive list, and abstracts on all subjects of critical Marxist theory are welcome):

Special Calls for Papers will be issued on

The Conference is organized in cooperation with the Department of Social Policy, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens

To submit a paper or panel proposal visit.

For all inquiries, please contact email.

Please find a link to the book here.

Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2022

PSL Quarterly Review / Investigación Económica / The Japanese Political Economy:Joint Special Issue on "The economic consequences of the war"

PSL Quarterly Review is joining forces with Investigación Económica and The Japanese Political Economy for a joint special issue on the economic consequences of the Russia-Ukraina war.

We hope that the diversity of histories and realities of our journals and their communities will provide the opportunity for an inclusive, plural and diverse debate, encompassing and valuing views from all continents, both higher-income and lower-income countries, and all schools and approaches of economics.

Given the topicality and urgency of the subject matter, the journals are committed to publishing the special issue in summer 2023. Therefore, the deadline for submissions is 31 March 2023.

Special Issue topic: The economic consequences of the war

The Russian-Ukrainian war has triggered strong economic and financial tensions. It is a global event of immediate relevance and with possibly long-term consequences. Facing this sudden shock, our three journals wish to join their forces and stimulate a global conversation around the economic aspects of this momentous event.

Possible topics of contributions to our special issue could address:

Submissions should be made using the usual channels of the respective journals, and they will be managed jointly by the three journals. All accepted articles will be published on one of the three journals depending on the topic and fit with other submissions, irrespective of where they were originally submitted.

Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2023

URPE @ WSSA's 65th Annual Conference (Arizona, April 2022)

12-15 April 2023 | Arizona, US

URPE members are invited to submit individual papers or proposals for entire sessions or workshops at the World Social Science Association Conference, which will be held April 12-15 in Tempe, Arizona. Any topic related to radical political economy is welcome. We would especially like to encourage graduate student submissions. And, we are open to submissions about teaching and pedagogy as well as traditional research papers.

To submit an abstract for the conference, follow the following instructions:


Submissions must be made through the online submissions system on the WSSA website, not directly to the Section Coordinator, by January 15, 2023. To make a submission, authors must first create a user account on the system. After the account is created, authors can then go on to fill out the submission information.

Click here to go to the WSSA Conference website to create a new user account, log into your exiting account, or to go to the submission and registration pages if you have already created an account for this year. PLEASE NOTE that usernames/passwords from previous conferences cannot be used on this new system.

Abstracts should be 200 words or less.

Note that all URPE@WSSA sessions are organized in partnership with the Association For Institutional Thought (AFIT), and sessions will be cross listed under both AFIT and URPE.

Please contact Geoff Schneider if you have any questions.

For more information, please visit the conference website.

Deadline for submission: 15 January 2023

Workshop on "Decolonized Narratives in Political Economy: Alternative Perspectives from the Global South" (Hamburg/hybrid, March 2023)

28-29 March 2023 | Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study, Hamburg, Germany and online

Workshop Theme: Decolonized Narratives in Political Economy: Alternative Perspectives from the Global South

Organisers: Altug Yalcintas (Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study and Ankara University) and Arne Heise (University of Hamburg)

What are the narratives that are underrepresented in the history of economic thought? How do economists account for freedom, justice, and democracy in non-Western cultures? How are ideas in non-English speaking countries disseminated? What are the political and intellectual challenges in the colonised world?

At the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study, we organise a two-day workshop on decolonized political economy on March 28-29, 2023. We invite researchers (primarily) from the Global South to present alternative narratives on markets, governments, and social classes. During the workshop, we intend to move beyond the monist narratives in economics and have a pluralist conversation on the ignored scholarships that have theoretical and practical significance today.

Decolonized political economy, as we understand it, involves alternative perspectives on market institutions in the Global South where individuals, companies, and governments operate within a multitude of cultures, customs, and religions. Therefore, we are interested in historical and contemporary papers, especially from the Global South, that cover

Submission Process

Are you interested? Fill in the form and send us the title and extended abstract (max. 1000 words) of the paper you would like to present. We look forward to hosting you in Hamburg, Germany, on March 28-29, 2023.


Thanks to the generosity of the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study and the University of Hamburg, we are able to waive the attendance fee and the workshop is now free. Partial funding is available as well. Partial funding includes

If you would like to be considered for funding, please check the relevant box in the form. This is going to be a hybrid event. We encourage in-person participation. Remote presentations via Zoom will be available for those who are not able to travel to Hamburg, Germany.

Submission Deadline: 2 January 2023

Call for Participants

Webinar: International equilibrium and Bretton Woods – Kalecki’s alternative to Keynes and White and its consequences (December, 2022)

You are invited to attend a webinar titled “International equilibrium and Bretton Woods: Kalecki’s alternative to Keynes and White and its consequences”.

The webinar is sponsored by the Review of Keynesian Economics and will discuss the new book of the above title edited by Jerzy Osiatinsky & Jan Toporowski.

Presenter: Jan Toporowski (SOAS).

Discussants: Peter Clarke (Cambridge University), Peter Kriesler (University of New South Wales, Australia), Noemi Levy (UNAM), Esteban Pérez Caldentey (ECLAC), and Matias Vernengo (Bucknell University).

Date & Time: Thursday 8 December, 9.00am EST/14.00 GMT.

Advance registration required: Zoom registration link here.

Workshop: Value and Valuation (Berlin, September 2023)

26-27 September 2023 | Berlin, Germany

to be held at Harnack-Haus Berlin, Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

What is it about:

Value: a concept crucial in several disciplines, an essential factor in the decision-making of individuals, groups, or organizations

Valuation: a conscious or unconscious activity, process, or practice from which value can arise; affected by purpose or means-end considerations, instrumental and reflexive knowledge, experience, and expectations; relationships, networks, or systems; conducted in idiosyncratic contexts or situations, evidencing social orders or orders of worth (norms, conventions, or rules)

Who should/can participate: scholars interested in theoretical and empirical analyses of value and valuations; theoretical frameworks, conceptualizations and applications and their interdisciplinary comparison and assessment

Application Deadline: 15 June 2023.

Conference Papers, Reports, and Podcasts

Documentation of the 26th Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) conference (Berlin 2022)

The documentation of the 26th FMM conference that took place last month in Berlin is now online. The conference on Post-Keynesian economics and global challenges was organised in cooperation with the Post-Keynesian Economics Society. The documentation includes the video recordings and slides of the plenary sessions and introductory lectures, the presented papers and photos from the conference.

For further information, please visit the website.

Job Postings

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Job title: 2 postdoc positions in project “Climate Justice Temporalities in Denmark"

The Center for Applied Ecological Thinking (CApE), Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UPCH), Denmark, invites applications for two postdoc position. The postdoc will be part of a project entitled Climate Justice Temporalities in Denmark (JusTiDe) funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and headed by Associate Professor Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen. The preferred starting date is 1 March 2023, but a later starting date might also be possible. Each postdoc position is for 29 months.

CApE is a humanities-based research center that applies knowledge of culture, ethics, history, communication, imagination, affect, religion, art, language and more to respond to urgent ecological crises and to reconceptualize ecological thinking. Located in Læderstræde 20 in Copenhagen city centre, CApE is co-housed by think tanks, NGOs, and other green organizations. This provides opportunities for creating new collaborations and networks across these actors. More information about the center can be found here: hum.ku.dk/dokumenter/centre-for-applied-ecological-thinking.pdf/

The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies is home to a number of language-based area studies (Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Arctic and Mesoamerica) and to disciplines concerned with the study of culture and religion globally. Further information about the department may be found at tors.ku.dk

Project and Job description
JusTiDe investigates how climate justice is and has been conceived by civil society groups, expert bodies, decision-makers and interest groups in Denmark. The aim is to provide an integrated analysis of how climate justice commitments produce new types of legitimacy and temporal imagination in the Danish political landscape. Based on this complex interface between scientific advice, legal frameworks, and political cultures, JusTiDe's overarching research question is: How has climate justice produced new temporal imaginaries in Danish contexts of sustainable welfare, civil society engagement and global leadership ambitions?

Each postdoc candidate is expected to develop and conduct an individual research project under two subprojects:

As part of project proposals, candidates are asked to designate which subproject it is aimed at. Candidates are welcome to submit proposals for both subprojects.

JusTiDe project group will have a total staff of 3 postdocs apart from the PI. Apart from research output, the team will co-develop a climate justice lab with participation of civil society groups, NGOs, experts and other stakeholders. There are ample possibilities and funding for co-developing other creative formats for research dissemination or participatory and experimental approaches within the center. Based at CApEs co-housed location in central Copenhagen, the project participants will have research colleagues in the center as well as relevant contacts in NGOs, thinktanks etc. As part of the project, the postdocs will have the opportunity to visit European/Global research centres that are leading in environmental and climate justice.

Qualification requirements
In order to be considered for the position applicants must have research qualifications at least corresponding to what can be achieved as part of a successfully completed PhD within a relevant field.

The applicant should have conducted significant individual or collaborative research in environmental or transformative branches of humanities or social science.

For further details about the qualification requirements for postdocs, please refer to the job structure for Academic Staff at Universities: employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising merit/dokumenter/Ministerial_Order_no._1443_of_11_December_2019_on_Job_Structure_for_Academic_Staff_at_Universities.pdf

For further information about the position, please contact Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, e-mail, phone: +45 40499269

Submit the application online in Adobe PDF or Word format.

Please click on the “Apply now” icon at the bottom of this page.

The application must be written in English and include the following enclosures:

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors, or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavours, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly stipulated. The Faculty may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors stipulating the extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

Only material in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and English can be expected to be assessed.

Appointment procedure
After the application deadline, the Head of Department selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the appointment committee. All applicants are notified whether their application has been accepted for assessment. The Dean subsequently appoints an expert assessment committee tasked with carrying out an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee. Applicants are ultimately offered the opportunity of commenting on the part of the assessment relating to themselves before the appointment is finalized.

Further information about the application procedure is available from HR, e-mail: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk. Please refer to ID number 211-1239/22-2I

Salary and conditions of employment
Terms of appointment and salary will be in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). The salary range starts at DKK 35,700, (EUR 4,799) + a 17,1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) have further agreed on a protocol that makes it possible for international researchers employed by the University to achieve a pension exemption, whereby the pension contribution will be paid out as salary. For more information about the different pension schemes, please read more here: ism.ku.dk/salary-tax-pension/pension/

If you consider applying from abroad, you may find useful information on how it is to work in Denmark and at UCPH here : ism.ku.dk , Ny i Danmark and www.workindenmark.dk/

UCPH wishes to encourage everyone interested in this post to apply, regardless of personal background.

The closing date for applications is 4 December 2022 23:59 CET

Please find more information on the official website.

Application Deadline: 4 December 2022

European institute on economics and the environment, Italy

Various positions available

The RFF CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment are soliciting applications from bright researchers motivated to work on the defining issue of climate change to join our research institute. Career paths are designed for researchers to grow in a nurturing environment with guided supervision and clear steps toward tenure. Due to an expanded portfolio of projects and our belief in multi/disciplinarity, we are promoting a cluster hiring consisting of several (8) job opportunities in several areas of climate research. These include applied and behavioral economics, political economy, data science, decision theory, and energy-economy-climate modelling (see below for specific job ads). The cluster hire is intended to strengthen our existing research groups and promote new research lines. It is mainly targeted at post-docs and junior researchers (though other seniorities will be considered).

The RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment is a research institute co-founded in 2018 by RFF and CMCC. The Institute aims to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial research and policy engagement. We promote interdisciplinary, diverse and collaborative research. The institute is committed to high academic standards and has hosted 7 ERC grants. We are based in Milan (Italy) in the vibrant design district (@BASE). We promote a collaborative working place environment that values diversity, tolerance, and equity.

Terms of appointment

Assignments are expected to begin as soon as possible and until filled. We are looking for post-docs (Phd completed less than two years or about to be completed) and junior researchers (at least two years since Phd, equivalent to assistant professor), though we will also be considering more senior candidates. The appointment period will be initially two years, renewable for two additional years pending a positive evaluation. Tenure can be granted from 2 to 4 years after being appointed as a junior researcher. Evaluation will occur every six months and is based on research productivity and involvement with the team. Researchers will be able to present their work at conferences in the EU and internationally.

The gross salary will be based on qualification and working experience and competitive with major research centers in Europe. Italy has a program called “Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy”, which includes significant tax exemptions for researchers of all nationalities who spent the last two years outside the country. In Italy, you would be also covered by public social security for medical issues and expenses. Smart working is permitted up to a maximum 40% of working time.

How to Apply

To express interest in one or more of these positions, fill out this form (if you participate in the European Job Market, we encourage you to apply here).

For positions in economics, interviews will be conducted at the European Job Market 2022. For all positions, applicants applying first will be given priority and job posts will remain open until the position is filled.

For specific information on the different positions visit the posting site here. For any further information or clarification, please contact job@eiee.org.

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Austria

Job title: 3 KLI Postdoctoral Fellowships on “Evolutionary theory in interdisciplinary context”

The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) based in Klosterneuburg, Austria offers 3 Postdoctical Fellowships on the topic of "Evolutionary theory in interdisciplinary context".

Evolutionary arguments and theories are often mobilized in other disciplines as well as in different societal contexts and discourses. These translations are challenging and require interdisciplinary and theoretical engagement at the intersection of evolutionary biology and other scientific or scholarly fields. In order to foster this engagement, the KLI is seeking 3 postdoc fellows conducting interdisciplinary evolutionary research with a focus on theoretical approaches, including conceptual, mathematical, and historical analyses.

We encourage applications from research fields such as evolutionary medicine, including evolutionary epidemiology in public health; evolutionary ecology and conservation biology; evolutionary neuroscience and psychology; and biocultural evolution. Projects may also comprise empirical work carried out with partner institutions. Furthermore, we invite projects from ethics, philosophy, history and social studies of science that engage with the epistemological and ethical issues that emerge when using evolutionary arguments and theories in contexts and discourses outside of evolutionary biology.

Who is encouraged to apply?

Postdoc fellowships are individual fellowships for researchers in residence and are awarded to work independently on the applicant’s research project. The fellowships are especially well-suited for post-docs whose research deals with the historical, philosophical, and conceptual foundations in the disciplines mentioned above but also for empirical researchers who wish to elaborate on the conceptual, epistemological, and methodological underpinnings and implications of their work. The applicants should be interested in and eager to extend their research perspective by drawing on novel concepts of evolutionary theorizing, philosophy of science, and cognition research based on long-standing work done at the KLI.

Details of the fellowships:

Application and selection procedure

The first step of the application process implies to fill in the Contact Form. Please specify “Evolution across fields” in the motivation section of the form. A description of further steps in the application process are available here.

A full application will comprise:

The applications will be selected using the following criteria:

For more information please visit the official website.

Application Deadline (step 1): 15 December 2022

New York University, US

Job title: Postdoctoral Fellowhsip (2 years)

The Foundations of the Market Economy Program at the Department of Economics, New York University, is inviting applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship that spans two academic years, starting early September 2023 and lasting until the end of August 2025.

The successful applicant must have completed the Ph.D. by August 31st, 2023. He or she should be knowledgeable about Austrian Economics and related approaches, including Public Choice, Constitutional Political Economy, Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. This is a full-time research position. No teaching is required, but teaching opportunities may become available if this is desired.

Application Process

Applicants should send their CV, three letters of reference, a sample of their writing and a statement of their proposed research project(s) over the course of the fellowship. This fellowship offers an excellent opportunity to pursue research, to publish, to network, and to gain professional experience within a distinguished program at one of the top Economics departments in the U.S. Materials should be sent to both Mario Rizzo and David Harper at mario.rizzo@nyu.edu and david.harper@nyu.edu. Please include the phrase "Postdoctoral fellowship application" in the subject heading of your email.

Application Deadline: 15 February 2023

The New School for Social Research, US

Job title: Associate/Full Professor of Economics

The Department of Economics at The New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts in New York City seeks to make a tenured appointment of an Associate or Full Professor to begin in Fall 2023. We will begin considering candidates on December 9, 2022.

We seek scholars with demonstrated research excellence together with teaching excellence at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Our program has a distinctive history and profile, which we aim to sustain and renew. We are seeking someone steeped in political economy, knowledgeable about alternative traditions in economics, conversant with the history of thought, and able to join the larger debates of our time, in the discipline and beyond. Engagement with class, gender, race, and/or inequalities on a world scale will be an advantage. The right candidate may possess competence in more than one field of economics, since we have a small faculty and broad teaching and research mandates.

Minimum Qualifications

The successful applicant must have:

Applicants should submit: a letter of interest, current CV, names of and contact information for three referees, evidence of teaching excellence, and writing sample. For more information about this position, benefits, and instructions for application please visit the posting site here.

University of Sheffield, UK

Job title: Research Associate: Transitions of Young Workers in the Labour Market

We are looking to appoint a full-time post-doctoral research associate for 24 months, who will work on an ESRC-funded project looking at The Transitions of Young Workers in the UK Labour Market: Consequences for Careers, Earnings, Health and Wellbeing.

The research associate will be based in the Department of Economics, but will collaborate also with team members based in the School of Sociological Studies and Sheffield University Management School, as well as with the Department for Work and Pensions, the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) and other external stakeholders.

The work undertaken will use longitudinal panel and cohort data to investigate the longer-term consequences of younger workers’ early labour market experiences for their subsequent careers, earnings, health and wellbeing. The research will comprise three interrelated strands: (i) an investigation of transitions between education and employment, employment and unemployment, and different types of employment, (ii) an examination of the role of the family in influencing labour market trajectories of young workers and the relationship between early labour market experiences and household dynamics, and (iii) an examination of transitions and wage progression over time. All three strands will examine whether outcomes differ according to gender, ethnicity, disability etc.

Candidates for this post should have completed, or be very close to completing, a PhD in economics, sociology or related studies, with strong quantitative analytical skills and a research interest in labour market outcomes, family dynamics, inequality, and physical/mental health.

Candidates should have previous experience in handling large and complex datasets, econometric analysis, and other quantitative methodologies for policy evaluation.

The ideal candidate will have experience of engaging with academic, governmental, practitioner, or not-for-profit/local community organisations. Previous experience of working as part of a research team is also desirable.

The successful applicant will actively co-design the specific research tasks in collaboration with the rest of the team and will participate in all project meetings and events (e.g. workshops). They will be required to conduct some research tasks independently, identifying related literature and writing up research work for publication. They will collaborate with the research team in disseminating research findings through the production of academic papers and briefs for policymakers and other stakeholders, presenting the findings at academic conferences and policy seminars.

As an equal opportunities employer, we particularly welcome applications from women and from Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds as they are currently under-represented in this area. All appointments will be made on merit of skill and experience relative to the role.

For informal enquiries about this job, contact the academic leads of the project:

Professor Peter Wright

Dr Bert Van Landeghem

Dr Mark Tomlinson

For administration queries and details on the application process, contact the lead recruiter: Bev Rawson.

For further information, please visit the website.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2022

University of Vienna, Austria

Job title: Postdoc

The DATAREV project team, based at the University of Vienna (Austria) is hiring a new Postdoc to work on accounting as innovation in European agriculture.

It is a one year position (possibly renewable for one more year) at the Institute for Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna. The DATAREV project is funded by the European Research Council and investigates accounting and book-keeping practices in agriculture. It's an ambitious project drawing on a variety of approaches: economic history, business history, social history and the history of science and technology. Successful applicants will work on the topic of accounting as innovation broadly defined, and will be responsible for DATAREV subproject 3 (as defined here).

We welcome applications from young scholars (up to four years after their thesis defense) with a background in economic history, business history, social history and the history of science and technology (including the history of economics).

How to apply

The application package should contain:

The starting date is flexible. You can apply here.

For further information on the project, on the position or the application process please visit the official website.

Application Deadline: 11 December 2022

University of Warsaw, Poland

Job title: Post-Doc Position (1-year)

Please consider and share following job announcement for a Post-Doc Position (1-year) on Agent-based models of the circular economy and low-carbon transitions at the University of Warsaw. We are looking for candidates to join our team to work on agent-based models of the circular economy and low-carbon transitions. The candidate with work closely with Prof. Safarzynska. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Raberto (University of Genoa).

Economists have studied the possibility of de-linking economic activity from energy and material use for years. Yet, we’ve failed to achieved this so far. Recently, the circular economy has achieved an increasing attention as policy that can help achieve this goal. It relies on recovering materials from old products and re-using them as inputs for production for as long as possible. However, existing economic models adopt a linear view on consumption-production, where input use is optimized to maximize the GDP growth. This approach does not capture feedback loops involved in the processes of reuse, repair and recycling of products as well as it ignores behavioral changes necessary to make a transition to the circular economy possible. As a result, we lack models, which would allow us to assess long-term consequences of the circular economy.

The aim of this project is to propose agent-based models to study the economy-wide effects of the circular economy and climate-related financial risks. Formally, we will extend agent-based models by input-output analysis. Agent-based technique (ABM) allows modelling many heterogeneous, boundedly-rational agents interact with each other. Instead of relying on aggregate equations, such models examine macro phenomena emerging from interactions of boundedly rational agents within networks. They have proved capable of explaining core economic phenomena like economic growth, technological change, and business cycles. In the project, special attention will be paid to whether the circular economy can mitigate climate-related financial risks.


List of documents required:

  1. Recent CV including employment history, scholarships, research projects and a list of publications
  2. A motivation letter
  3. A contact detail of the referee

Please send the required documents by 15th of December to: ke.safarzynska@uw.edu.pl. Further information is available on the official website.

Application Deadline: 15 December 2022

Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Job title: Assistant Professor (post-doc)

The Institute for Social Change and Sustainability (IGN) invites applications for the above position, starting on February 1st, 2023. The IGN is part of the Department of Socioeconomics at the WU in Vienna. It explores issues of sustainability (political, social, ecological) from a social science perspective, most notably political sociology, social movement studies and political/social theory. Our research places great emphasis on the democracy/sustainability nexus, on obtaining a detailed understanding of why the societal transformation to sustainability turns out to be so immensely difficult, and how the condition of sustained unsustainability is organised and stabilised in practice.

Recent research projects undertaken at the IGN, the international conferences it has hosted and its research workshops have given rise to collective publications such as:

The vacant position is open to social scientists, political scientists, political or environmental sociologists who pursue an ambitious and innovative research agenda fitting the profile of the IGN and show enthusiasm for teamwork and teaching. It includes tasks such as:

We welcome applications from candidates with the following qualifications:

Minimum monthly gross salary: €4,061.50 (14 times per year). Please submit your application via WU’s job portal. For any questions contact ingolfur.bluehdorn@wu.ac.at.

Application Deadline: 14 December 2022

Wageningen University, Netherlands

Job title: Tenure Track (assistant) professor in Strategic Innovation & Organization in Supply Chain Networks

The Business Management and Organisation (BMO) group is part of the Department of Social Sciences at Wageningen University and Research (WUR). WUR is the world leading university in the domain of sustainability, agriculture, and food systems, and offers the Tenure Track as a career trajectory to excel academically in research and education.

You will investigate how businesses address societal challenges, transitioning towards running a more sustainable business, particularly in the agri-food and life science domains. Businesses can act individually or as part of supply/value chain networks and ecosystem. We perform research towards novel frameworks based on core management and organisation theories, and we teach new generations of professionals about what is involved in managing business transition.

We intend to attract an ambitious and high-potential academic who focuses on innovation, strategy, and organization for sustainability transition, and who is willing to start a Tenure Track career trajectory as of January 1st, 2023. We are committed to stimulating and supporting the career development and perspectives of the academic selected for the position.


For more information about this position, please contact Wilfred Dolfsma, full professor and chairholder of Business Management & Organisation, either by telephone (+31 6 18410197) or by e-mail (wilfred.dolfsma@wur.nl).

Interested applicants can use the links and directions on the posting site here. For more information about the procedure, please contact Jeanine van ‘t Veer-Drost, Corporate Recruiter via recruitment.ssg@wur.nl.

Deadline: 13 December 2022


Call for Nominations: Alice Amsden Book Award

The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) invites nominations for its 2023Alice Amsden Book Award for an outstanding scholarly book that breaks new ground in the study of socio-economics. Eligible books must have a 2021 or 2022 first edition publication date and cannot be edited volumes. The deadline for nominations is 15 February 2023.

Only current SASE members are invited to nominate a book for the prize, and authors are welcome to nominate their own work (to become a SASE member, go here: Join SASE! – SASE).

To nominate a book, please send an electronic copy (that can be shared with all committee members) to sasebookaward@sase.org. In addition, please send one hard copy to the address listed below. You must include a brief nomination letter that states how the book contributes to SASE’s intellectual mission.

Please note: All books/submissions must be in English, and have a first edition publication date of 2021 or 2022. Also note that achieving diversity and inclusion is a priority for SASE.

Please direct any questions to SASE Executive Director Annelies Fryberger, saseexecutive@sase.org.

2023 Committee Members

Yuen Yuen Ang [chair] (University of Michigan)

Daniel Kinderman (University of Delaware)

Gabor Scheiring (Bocconi University)

Address for physical copy (1 copy only):Daniel Kinderman, Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of Delaware, 347 Smith Hall, 18 Amstel Ave, Newark, DE 19716 USA

Address for electronic copies (these should be files that can be shared with all committee members):sasebookaward@sase.org

Call for Submissions: The Warren Samuels Prize

The Warren Samuels Prize is awarded to a paper, scheduled to be presented at the January ASSA meetings, that best exemplifies scholarly work that:

It is preferable, but not required, that the paper be scheduled to be presented at one of the ASSA sessions sponsored by the Association for Social Economics. Papers will not normally exceed 9,000 words (inclusive of references, notes), and can be submitted to Amitava Dutt until December 22, 2022.

The winner of the prize will be announced during the ASE presidential breakfast, to which the winner is invited. Submission of the winning paper to the Review of Social Economy is encouraged. The winner of the Warren Samuels Prize receives a $500 stipend.

The Association for Social Economics (ASE) is a scholarly research association whose members study economic, social, political, and cultural issues to understand and promote human dignity, justice, and the full flourishing of all members of society. ASE and the Review of Social Economy are fully committed to the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the profession.

The selection committee consists of:

The immediate Past-President of the ASE;
A Co-editor of the Review of Social Economy (Chair);
A member of the Editorial Board, Review of Social Economy.

Submission Deadline: 22 December 2022.


Cambridge Journal of Economics 46 (5): Special Issue on "Financialization in Developing and Emerging Economies: Manifestations, Drivers and Implications" (Part 2)

Carolina Alves; Bruno Bonizzi; Annina Kaltenbrunner; José Gabriel Palma: Conceptualising financialisation in developing and emerging economies: the diversity within a unity

Ewa Karwowski: The regional distinctiveness and variegation of financialisation in emerging economies

Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo; Fernando Fellows Dourado ; Edemilson Paraná: Financialisation as the development of fictitious capital in developing and developed economies

Roberto Lampa; Daniela Tavasci; Luigi Ventimiglia: External finance, subordinated financialisation: a reflection on Argentina’s currency flights in the last three decades

Mariana Finello Corrêa; Carmem Feijo: Connecting financialisation and structural change: a critical appraisal regarding Brazil

Jai Bhatia: The Indian road to financialisation: a case study of the Indian telecommunication sector

Richard Itaman; Christina Wolf: Peripheral financialisation and monopoly capitalism in Nigeria: the case of the Dangote Business Group

Ia Eradze: Financialisation of monetary policy in a dollarised economy: the case of Georgia

Georges Quist: A financial straitjacket? Côte d’Ivoire’s National Development Banks

Anna Mishura; Svetlana Ageeva: Financialisation and the authoritarian state: the case of Russia

Max Nagel: Advancing policy frameworks to safeguard financial stability in developing and emerging economies: the case of South Korea’s management of international financial flows after 1998

Anne Henow: Helpless victim of financialisation? Financial liberalisation, crisis and taking back control in South Korea

Fusheng Xie; Xiaolu Kuang; Zhi Li: Financialisation of developing and emerging economies and China’s experience: how China resists financialisation

Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations 24 (1)

Marcin Serafin: Note from the editor: The economic sociology of price instability and inflation

Fred Block: The return of inflation

Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska: Predictions of electricity prices as embedded devices for coordinating European futures

Marcin Serafin, Marlena Rycombel, and Marta Olcoń-Kubicka: Making inflation visible: How incremental price increases become a public problem

Nigel Dodd (1965–2022) obituary

Forum for Social Economics 51 (4)

John Randall Posey: The Geographic Redistribution of Income in the United States, 1969–2019: Examining the Role of Federal Policy

Tuyara Gavrilyeva, Anna Naberezhnaya & Filipp Nikiforov: Poverty in the Russian Arctic: The Case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

featured paper: Francis Kwaw Andoh & Richard Kwabena Nkrumah: Distributional Aspects of Ghana’s Value-Added Tax

Segun Thompson Bolarinwa, Olumide Olusegun Olaoye, Wajahat Ullah & Babatunde Agbi: Does Financial Development Really Matter for Poverty Reduction in Africa?

Sheereen Fauzel: Investigating the Impact of Trade on Poverty Reduction in a Small Island Economy

Jon Reiersen: Too Much Redistribution, Too Little or Just Right?

Raghu Bir Bista: Does Disaster Change Income and Wealth Distribution Toward Extremity of Inequality and Poverty? Analysis of Flood and Landslides in the Vulnerable Locations of Nepal

Oren M. Levin-Waldman: Inequality and the Crisis of Capitalism: A Review Essay

Historical Materialism, 30 (3)

Kim Moody: Motion and Vulnerability in Contemporary Capitalism: The Shift to Turnover Time

F.T.C. Manning: A Defence of the Concept of the Landowning Class as the Third Class

Roberto Marino Mozzachiodi: The Difficulty of Being a Marxist in Philosophy

Rogney Piedra Arencibia: Ilyenkov’s Dialectics of the Ideal and Engels’s Dialectics of Nature

Thomas Carmichael: ‘[A]nother kind of rain’: Aesthetic Ontology and Contagious Imaginations in Althusser’s Aleatory Materialism

Kristin Plys: Political Work on a Cultural Front

Mariana Massó and Manuel Quiroga: Building a Continental Policy: The South American Secretariat of the Communist International (1925–34)

Industrial and Corporate Design 31 (6)

Editor's Choice: David B Audretsch; Maksim Belitski: The knowledge spillover of innovation

Jean-Michel Dalle; Paul A David ; Francesco Rullani; Francesco Bolici: The interplay between volunteers and firm’s employees in distributed innovation: emergent architectures and stigmergy in open source software

Ramin Vandaie: Basic and applied research collaboration trends in the pharmaceutical industry

Ramiro de Elejalde ; Carlos J Ponce; Flavia Roldán: Multidimensional innovation responses and foreign competition

Michael Fritsch; Michael Wyrwich: Initial conditions and regional performance in the aftermath of disruptive shocks: the case of East Germany after socialism

Bettina Peters; Berhnard Dachs; Martin Hud ; Christian Köhler: Employment and innovation in recessions: firm-level evidence from European Countries

Hye Young Kang: Too much can be as bad as too little: product update strategy for online digital platform complementors

Leonardo Becchetti; Sara Mancini ; Nazaria Solferino: The effects of domestic and EU incentives on corporate investment toward ecological transition: a propensity score matching approach

International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (IJPEE) 13 (2)

Bin Li: Algorithmic economics as an economics of thought

Junaid B. Jahangir: Teaching inequality to ECON 101 students

Khandakar Q. Elahi: Microeconomics, consumer theory, and the Michael Grossman model: some unexamined issues

Muhammad Sholihin; Arqom Kuswanjono: The transformational paradigm: a way forward for Islamic economic axiology

T. Antony Alphonnse Ligori; N. Suresh; Shad Ahmad Khan; Tenzin Rabgay; Karma Yezer: The mediating effect of university image on the relationship between curriculum and student satisfaction: an empirical study of the Royal University of Bhutan

Frederic B. Jennings Jr.: Why pluralism

Journal of Economic Methodology 29 (4)

Miguel A. Fonseca and Lutfi Rahimi: The Effects of Income Windfalls on Labor Supply and Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence

Dimitris Anastasiou, Stelios Giannoulakis, Andreas Koutoupis, Christos Tzomakas and Leonidas G. Davidopoulos: European Banks’ Profitability and Sentimental Cycle

Harpreet Singh Bedi: Psychology in Neural Networks – In Honor of Professor Tracy Mott

Akbar Marvasti: Risk Perceptions in Fisheries and the Non-Bayesian Learning Process

Journal of World Systems Research, 28 (2): Special Issue on "Anti-State and Anti-Systemic – Exilic Spaces and Societies in Movement in the World-System"

Spencer Louis Potiker, Dana M. Williams, Jake Alimahomed-Wilson: Anarchist and Anarchistic Anti-Systemic Movements in World-Systems PerspectiveA Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Non-State Spaces

Carlos Lucio, David Barkin: Postcolonial and Anti-Systemic Resistance by Indigenous Movements in Mexico

Kristin Plys: Theories of Antifascism in the Interwar Mediterranean Part IFascism in the Longue Durée

Çağrı İdiman: Tributary World-Ecologies, Part IIThe Mediterranean World and the Crisis

Review of Behavioural Economics 9 (3)

William C. Grant: Transparent players: the use of narrative voices in game theory

Daniel C. Russell: Coasean idealization

Louis Larue: A defense of reasonable pluralism in economics

Erik W. Matson: Our dynamic being within: Smithian challenges to the new paternalism

Review Essay

Nick Huntington-Klein: Pearl before economists: the book of why and empirical economics

Review of Social Economy 80 (4)

Tyler Hansen & Robert Pollin: Economics and climate justice activism: assessing the financial impact of the fossil fuel divestment movement

Ortrud Leßmann: Collectivity and the capability approach: survey and discussion

Mark Joseph Stelzner & Daniel Taekmin Nam: The big cost of big medicine – calculating the rent in private healthcare

Ivan Mendieta-Muñoz, Codrina Rada, Márcio Santetti & Rudiger von Arnim: The US labor share of income: what shocks matter?

Ben Fine & Pedro Mendes Loureiro: A note on the relationship between additive separability and decomposability in measuring income inequality

Socio-Economic Review 20 (4)

Paul Segal: Inequality as entitlements over labor

Alizée Delpierre: The price of ‘golden’ exploitation: How money flows from the super-rich to domestic workers support inequalities

Adam Goldstein; Ziyao Tian: Financialization and income generation in the 21st century: rise of the petit rentier class?

Gábor Scheiring: The national-populist mutation of neoliberalism in dependent economies: the case of Viktor Orbán’s Hungary

Miklós Sebők ; Jasper Simons: How Orbán won? Neoliberal disenchantment and the grand strategy of financial nationalism to reconstruct capitalism and regain autonomy

Chase Foster: Varieties of neoliberalism: courts, competition paradigms and the Atlantic divide in anti-trust

Jiwook Jung; Zoltán Lippényi ; Eunmi Mun: Workplace volatility and gender inequality: a comparison of the Netherlands and South Korea

Katharina Hecht: ‘It’s the value that we bring’: performance pay and top income earners’ perceptions of inequality

Lena Ajdacic: Status hierarchies and norm diffusion: the increase of top incomes in high finance

Jiwook Jung; Yin Lee: Financialization and corporate downsizing as a shareholder value strategy

Ann-Christine Schulz; Alexander Himme: Stock market reactions to downsizing announcements: an analysis through an institutional lens

Robert Boyer: Platform capitalism: a socio-economic analysis

Nicholas Occhiuto: Enabling disruptive innovations: a comparative case study of Uber in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco

Judith Kas; Rense Corten; Arnout van de Rijt: The role of reputation systems in digital discrimination

Christof Brandtner; Patricia Bromley: Neoliberal governance, evaluations, and the rise of win–win ideology in corporate responsibility discourse, 1960–2010

Federico Maria Ferrara; Jörg Stefan Haas; Andrew Peterson; Thomas Sattler: Exports vs. investment: How political discourse shapes popular support for external imbalances

Georg Rilinger: Discursive multivocality: how the proliferation of economic language can undermine the political influence of economists

Mareike Beck: The managerial contradictions of extroverted financialization: the rise and fall of Deutsche Bank

Onur Özgöde: The emergence of systemic risk: The Federal Reserve, bailouts, and monetary government at the limits

Daniel Maman: State financial interests and changes in investment behavior of institutional investors: the case of financial market development in Israel

Books and Book Series

Social Rights and the European Monetary Union: Challenges Ahead

edited by Maribel González Pascual and Aida Torres Pérez | 2022 Edward Elgar Publishing

This thought-provoking book examines the state of the European Monetary Union (EMU) and its shortcomings in terms of social rights protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of the Euro crisis. Providing a critical analysis of the basic tenets of European economic governance, it highlights current challenges for a Social Europe and proposes new avenues for tackling these issues.

Focusing on the existing mechanisms of social rights protection in the EU, chapters explore the imbalance between economic and social goals within the EMU, discussing how to strengthen the building blocks of Social Europe in order to address this. The book also investigates the challenges for the adjudication of social rights before European and domestic courts, and considers alternative models of judicial review that offer better protection in the context of crisis.

Scholars and students of EU law, constitutional law, and public international law will find this book a crucial read, in particular those with an interest in law and economics. It will also be useful for EU law practitioners working in social rights.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Consumer Welfare Hypothesis in Law and Economics: Towards a Synthesis for the 21st Century

by Fabrizio Esposito | 2022 Edward Elgar Publishing

The Consumer Welfare Hypothesis in Law and Economics is a compelling account of market relations with firm roots in economic theory and legal practice. This incisive book challenges the mainstream view that allocative efficiency is about total welfare maximisation. Instead, it argues for the consumer welfare hypothesis, in which allocating resources efficiently means maximising consumer welfare, and demonstrates that legal structures such as antitrust and consumer law are in reality designed and practised with this goal in mind.

Using this paradigm, Fabrizio Esposito overcomes the opposition between efficiency and distribution and provides a firmer basis for debates about the foundations of contract law, antitrust law and consumer law, particularly in the European Union. The outcome is a bilateral view of the connection between the law and the economy and a rich research agenda to further understanding of the legal-economic nexus.

Scholars and students of law and economics, as well as contract, consumer and antitrust and competition law will find this book a thought-provoking study. Its innovative yet straightforward conceptual framework will also be of interest to practitioners, policymakers and stakeholders in these fields.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Early History of Economics in the United States: The Influence of the German Historical School of Economics on Teaching and Theory

by Birsen Filipp | 2022, Routledge

This book examines the role of the German Historical School of Economics (GHSE) in the development of the discipline of economics in the US during this period. Prior to the influence of the GHSE, political economy was in a dismal state in the US, both as a profession and an academic discipline. As a result, many Americans elected to go to Germany in pursuit of an advanced education in political economy, having been inspired by the unmatched international reputations of theorists of the GHSE. After they returned home, these German-trained Americans challenged the dominant status of classical orthodoxy and revolutionized the discipline of economics in the US by importing the ideas, methods, and approaches of the GHSE. In doing so, they established the first dedicated political economy departments, graduate programs, and chairs at American universities and colleges. Although the precise magnitude and value of the influence of the GHSE is impossible to quantify, there is no doubt that Americans are deeply indebted to this school of thought for its contributions to the early development of the discipline of economics in the US. The chapters examine what has been lost since: the current mainstream in economics has eliminated many of the features that were once so important to the discipline that it has effectively limited contemporary economics to a small fraction of the complex organism defined by the German Historical School. This situation has facilitated the poverty of the leading economic school of thought, as well as the discipline of economics in general.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Legal Foundations of Micro-Institutional Performance: A Heterodox Law & Economics Approach

by Sarah S. Klammer and Eric A. Scorsone | 2022 Edward Elgar Publishing

The aim of The Legal Foundations of Micro-Institutional Performance is to introduce the reader to a different way of thinking about economics that will allow them to both understand and apply legal concepts to economic analysis. To this end, it adopts and further develops Wesley Hohfeld’s legal framework of jural (legal) relations as a tool of analysis. This analytical tool, as built into the Legal-Economic Performance framework, provides specific direction in identifying and describing interdependence among economic agents (including rights, duties, liberties and exposure to various acts).

The framework adopted and developed in this book relies on the concept of interdependence – that all economic agents are tied together in a legal system given the inherent interdependent nature of transactions in a complex modern global economy. The authors start by developing this framework and then apply it to a variety of settings and empirical examples. Using this new method, economists will be able to reshape their analysis to account for how legal systems and specific legal rules impact economic performance and outcomes.

This approach will be of great interest to graduate and advanced undergraduate social science scholars, faculty interested in the intersections of law and economics and the application of legal concepts to impact analysis, and practitioners in the fields of policy, law and economics.

Please find a link to the book here.

A History of Ecological Economic Thought

by Marco P. Vianna Franco and Antoine Missemer | 2023, Routledge

Contributing to a better understanding of contemporary issues of environmental sustainability from a historical perspective, this book provides a cohesive and cogent account of the history of ecological economic thought. The work unearths a diverse set of ideas within a Western and Slavic context, from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment to the late 1940s, to reveal insights firmly grounded in historiographical research and of import for addressing current sustainability challenges, not least by means of improving our grasp on how humans and nature can generously coexist in the long term.

The history of ecological economic thought offered in this volume is rich and diverse, encompassing views that are bound by the observance of the tenets of the natural sciences, but which differ significantly in terms of the role of energy and materials to cultural development and the normative aspects involving resource distribution, social ideals, and policy-making. Combining the approaches of independent scholarly figures and scientific communities from different historical periods and nationalities, the book brings elements that are still missing in the scarce literature on the history of ecological economic thought and highlights the underlying threads which unite such initiatives.

The book brings a fresh look into the historical development of ecological economic ideas and will therefore be of great interest to scholars and students of ecological economics, environmental economics, sustainability science, interdisciplinary studies, and history of economic thought.

Please find a link to the book here.

Mutant Ecologies: Manufacturing Life in the Age of Genomic Capital

by Erica Borg and Amedeo Policante | 2022, PlutoPress

Mutant Ecologies traces the spinning of new synthetic threads into the web of life. It is a critical cartography of the shifting landscapes of capital accumulation conjured by recent developments in genomic science, genome editing and the biotech industry.

CRISPR crops, fast-growing salmons, heat-resistant Slick™ cows, Friendly™ Mosquitoes, humanised mice, pigs growing human organs – these are but a few of the dazzling new life-forms that have recently emerged from corporate and university laboratories around the world, all promising to lubricate the circuits of capital accumulation in distinct ways. The deliberate induction of genetic mutations is increasingly central to business operations in a number of sectors, from agriculture to pharmaceuticals.

While the Nobel Committee recently proclaimed the life sciences to have entered 'a new epoch', the authors show how these technological innovations continue to operate within a socio-historical context defined by the iron rules of capitalist competition and exploitation. Capital no longer contents itself with simply appropriating the living bodies of plants and animals. It purposefully designs their internal metabolism, and in that way it redesigns the countless living vectors that constitute the global biosphere. It is driving a biological revolution, which will ripple through the everyday lives of people everywhere.

Please find a link to the book here.

Principles of Institutional and Evolutionary Political Economy: Applied to Current World Problems

Phil O'Hara | 2022, Springer Nature

This is the very first book to explicitly both detail the core general principles of institutional and evolutionary political economy and also apply the principles to current world problems such as the coronavirus crisis, climate change, corruption, AI-Robotics, policy-governance, money and financial instability, terrorism, AIDS-HIV and the nurturance gap. No other book has ever detailed explicitly such core principles and concepts nor ever applied them explicitly to numerous current major problems. The core general principles and concepts in this book, which are outlined and detailed include historical specificity & evolution; hegemony & uneven development; circular & cumulative causation; heterogeneous groups & agents; contradiction & creative destruction; uncertainty; innovation; and policy & governance.

This book details the nature of how these principles and concepts can be used to explain current critical issues and problems throughout the world. This book includes updated chapters that have won two journal research Article of the Year Awards on climate change (one from the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, EAEPE); as well as a Presidential address to the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) on corruption.

Please find a link to the book here.

Social Movements and the Politics of Debt Transnational Resistance against Debt on Three Continents

Christoph Sorg | 2022, Amsterdam University Press.

It would have been hard to miss the pivotal role debt has played for contentious politics in the last decades. The North Atlantic Financial Crisis, Global Recession and European Debt Crisis - as well as the recent waves of protest that followed them - have catapulted debt politics into the limelight of public debates. Profiting from years of fieldwork and an extensive amount of empirical data, Christoph Sorg traces recent contestations of debt from North Africa to Europe and the US. In doing so, he identifies the emergence of new transnational movement networks against the injustice of current debt politics, which struggle for more social and democratic ways of organizing debt within and between societies.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Insights from the History of Economic Thought

by Spencer J. Pack | 2022, Edward Elgar Publishing

In The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Spencer J. Pack brings his authority as a scholar and entrepreneur advisor to this study of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies from the perspective of the history of economic thought. Major theorists analyzed in depth include Aristotle, Smith,Law, Marx, Keynes, Rothbard and Hayek, and the book draws extensively upon the ideas of Schumpeter, Galbraith and Sraffa. The book argues for reconceptualization of the basic microeconomic categories into rental, sale, and financial asset prices along with a reconsideration of Keynes’ general theory to his special theory and Rothbard’s relationship to Rousseau. The author posits that intense theoretical and practical struggles will continue over who should control the quantity of money, the cause of the capitalist economy’s instability, and who or what is more dangerous- concentrated centers of private wealth and private enterprises or the contemporary state.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Rise of the Capital-state and Neo-nationalism: A New Polanyian Moment

by Oleksandr Svitych | 2023, Brill

What explains the rise of populist nationalism in the contemporary phase of globalized development? Drawing on Karl Polanyi’s study of the great transformation, The Rise of the Capitalist State and Neo-nationalism argues that populist nationalism is a societal reaction to the pro-market structural changes in the political economies of nation-states – conceptualized as the capital-state transformation. Oleksandr Svitych shows that there is an inextricable link between free market reforms, declining state legitimacy, and identity-based mobilization. Examining four case studies (Australia, France, Hungary, and South Korea) through a mixed method approach, the book finds that discontented voters gravitate toward populist neo-national political forces and embrace identity-based solutions – often in exclusivist and scapegoating forms – to harness their anxieties and insecurities triggered by the capital-state restructuring. Populist nationalism of both the left and the right has emerged to compensate for the real and perceived inability of the state to shield citizens from the corrosive effects of market fundamentalism. The Rise of the Capitalist State and Neo-nationalism contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of the interrelated nature of state, capital, and identity politicization through a broader social theoretical perspective.

Please find a link to the book here.

The Trillion Dollar Silencer: Why There Is So Little Anti-War Protest in the United States

by Joan Roelofs | 2023, Clarity Press

The Trillion Dollar Silencer investigates the astounding lack of popular protest at the death and destruction that the military industrial complex is inflicting on people, nations, and the environment, and its budget-draining costs. Where is the antiwar protest by progressives, libertarians, environmentalists, civil rights advocates, academics, clergy, community volunteers, artists, et al? This book will focus on how military largesse infests such public sectors’ interests.

Contractors and bases serve as the economic hubs of their regions. State and local governments are intertwined with the DoD; some states have Military Departments. National Guard annual subsidies are large. Joint projects include aid to state environmental departments for restoration, and government-environmental organization teams to create buffer zones for bombing ranges. Economic development commissions aim to attract military industries and keep the existing bases and corporations. Veterans Administration hospitals are boons to their communities

Universities, colleges, and faculty get contracts and grants from the DoD and its agencies, such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The Minerva Initiative. Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs are subsidized by the DoD. Civilian jobs in the DoD provide opportunities for scientists, engineers, policy analysts, and others. Every kind of business and nonprofit, including environmental and charitable organizations like The Nature Conservancy and Goodwill Industries feeds at the DoD trough via contracts and grants.

Individuals, arts institutions, charities, churches, and universities succumb to the profitability of military-related investments. Pension funds of public and private employees are replete with military stocks. Philanthropy is another silencer. The DoD itself donates equipment to organizations, especially those of youth, and lends equipped battalions to Hollywood. The weapons firms give generously to the arts and charities, heavily to youth and minorities. They also initiate joint programs such as providing tutors and mentors for robotics teams in public schools. Our militarized economy is destructive and wasteful. How can we replace the multitude of dependencies on military funding and restore the boundary between it and civil society? Surely a first step is to see how military spending results in the complicity of civil society in its pernicious outcomes. That is what this book tries to reveal.

Please find a link to the book here.

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

Economic POlicies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master's programme on the (digital, socioeconomic, ecological) transition processes with a pluralist approach and interdisciplinary perspectives.

The main objective of the programme is to give birth to a new generation of international experts, able to define and assess economic policies and evolve within different political, social and regional contexts. Towards this objective, the EPOG+ Master’s programme goes beyond the reach of standard economic theory to include various heterodox/institutionnalist political economy approaches.

The full partners (degree awarding institutions) include a wide set of prestigous institutions:

It also involves more than 30 (academic and non-academic) associated partners in Europe and the world.

The very best students from all over the world will be eligible for scholarships awarded for 2 years by the European Commission, based on our selection:

More details here.

Application Deadline: 30 January 2023

Virtual Q&A Sessions for the Economics MA Program at the University of Denver (online, Dec 2022 - Feb 2023)

14 December 2022, 18 January 2023, 8 February 2023 | online

The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) invites you to join an Online Q&A session with Dr. Yavuz Yasar (Economics Program Director), Jamie Dinneen (Economics Program Coordinator), and Heidi Ippolito (CAHSS Graduate Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator). During this session we will share information about the application process, the Economics graduate experience, and answer any lingering questions you might have. Be sure to review the Graduate Bulletin (http://bulletin.du.edu/graduate/schoolscollegesanddivisions/arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/economics/) before attending each session.

Please note: all Q&A Sessions are the same, so you only need to attend one.

Please register in advance for the events, more information is available on the official website.

For Your Information

Comments on the history of the Review of Keynesian Economics on its tenth anniversary

The text below is provided by Tom Palley.

This Fall (October/November 2022) marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Review of Keynesian Economics (ROKE). The founding co-editors were Louis-Philippe Rochon, Matias Vernengo, and I. At the beginning of 2018 Louis-Philippe Rochon stepped down to become sole editor of the Review of Political Economy and he was replaced by Esteban Pérez Caldentey.

Since then, ROKE has further enhanced its reputation, becoming a leading heterodox economics journal as measured by its Clarivate citation score. It also has premier standing for official research assessment purposes in France, Italy, and Brazil.

Active plans for the journal were set in motion in late 2011 and the first issue was published in Autumn 2012. That first issue includes a founding statement by the three co-editors which lays out the motivation for establishing the journal, its scope, and its purpose. The statement is on ROKE’s website. I think it has aged very well and there is not much in it that I would change today. I encourage people to read it.

Louis-Philippe Rochon was instrumental in the journal’s creation. In 2011 he approached Matias with the idea of creating a new journal, and he also provided the business contact to Edward Elgar which publishes the journal. Without his entrepreneurial energy, ROKE would not have come into being.

That said, the name and scope of ROKE are attributable to Matias and I, and there is a fun story behind that. In November 2011, we attended a conference organized by Jamie Galbraith at the University of Texas on the euro crisis. Matias invited me to discuss Louis-Philippe’s proposal to co-found and co-edit a new journal.

After the conference was over, we met at a café in Austin airport. Louis-Philippe’s proposal was for a new journal that was to be called something like The Post Keynesian Journal of Endogenous Money and Banking. I told Matias that I was not interested in participating in a journal on money & banking, but I was interested in participating in a journal on macroeconomics that sought to change the climate of thinking and direction of thought.

Recall that in 2011 the global economy was still feeling the aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis. My view, which I still hold, was the economics profession bears a substantial responsibility for that crisis because of the economic theory and policy advice it had peddled over the prior four decades. Given that, I thought there was need for a journal that would provide a platform for challenging and changing the economics status quo. That journal would be an enduring piece of intellectual social capital.

Matias agreed with that, and we started thinking about possible names. I proposed Journal of Keynesian Economics, but Matias pointed out the acronym for that would be JOKE (which Matias said was also the reason Paul Davidson opted for the name Journal of Post Keynesian Economics in 1979). We then both simultaneously proposed Review of Keynesian Economics (ROKE), and the rest is history.

From the beginning, a central feature of the ROKE project has been its pluralist disposition. Robert Solow wrote approvingly of that when he accepted to be a board member, describing ROKE’s task as one of effecting “cultural change” in economics. The rationale for pluralism is the net through which we filter economic ideas is not capable of winnowing ideas down to just one school of thought. Consequently, we are obliged to live with many. That does not mean anything goes, but it does mean multiple positions may pass the tests of logical and empirical consistency.

With the tenth anniversary, Matias is stepping down as a co-editor but will continue as ROKE’s book editor. Professor Julia Braga of the Federal Fluminense University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has agreed to be a new co-editor.

SASE: Nominations for Executive Council

Every year, SASE holds an election for one-third of the seats on its Executive Council.

As such, the Nominations Committee now announces an open call for nominations. All current SASE members may nominate other scholars (SASE members and non-members alike) or themselves.

The Nominations Committee will collect the names sent as well as names generated directly by the Committee itself; it will strive to maximize the diversity and balance of the ballot (and subsequently, of the Executive Council) by considering various factors, such as gender, ethnicity, national origin, seniority, geographic area of appointment, academic discipline, research field, and research methods.

In order for nominations to be considered for inclusion on the ballot, they must include the email address of the nominee (as potential nominees will need to be contacted by the Committee) and be sure that the nominator's SASE membership status is up-to-date (SASE membership information here).

The vote will take place by virtual ballot before our next annual conference in Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July.

Nominations for Executive Council seats should be sent by email to one of the Nomination Committee members with the subject "SASE Call for Nominations."

To learn more about Executive Council membership duties, click here.

The deadline for sending in nominations is 15 February 2023

SASE Nomination Committee 2022-2023:

Monika Krause (Chair), London School of Economics, UK.

Michelle Hsieh, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US.