Heterodox Economic Journals

Heterodox Economic Journals

General Heterodox Journals

Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

Since its first issue, January 1981, the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy is a peer reviewed journal, which sees economics as political economy. Papers with Keynesian, structuralist, or institutionalist approaches are welcome. The Journal publishes papers on development economics and macroeconomics, adopting a historical-deductive method, as well as papers criticizing economic theory. The Journal also welcomes applied papers containing relevant research, having priority papers on developing countries. In the revisions of the literature the Brazilian and Latin-American relevant authors are not supposed to be left aside. In the case of econometric studies, the technical aspects are supposed to be published only in the journal’s electronic edition.

The papers are published according to the date that they are approved, but some priority will be given to the ones in English. In accepting the submission the Journal adopts as additional criterion the scope of the paper and its interest in publishing it.

The Brazilian Journal of Political Economy will publish papers on political economy and political theory, that is, papers that relate economics or the market with the state or with politics. Papers on developing countries will have priority. The Journal will not consider for publication either excessively abstract mathematical papers, or purely econometric papers with limited scope. TheJournal maintains its pluralistic character, welcoming papers ranging from institutionalist, Keynesian, Schumpeterian, and structuralist approaches, originated from economists as well as political scientists. We emphasize that the authors respect the Instructions for Contributors, particularly with what concerns to the size limits. Papers will be refereed by peer reviewers and, after approved, will be published essentially according to the order of approval.

Link to the journal is available here.

Bulletin of Political Economy

The Bulletin of Political Economy is a peer-reviewed journal. This  Bulletin of Political Economy welcome contributions in all areas of economics.We are actively seeking articles concerned with macroeconomic, monetary and microeconomic issues, international economics, development and structural change, history of economic thought and economic history.Articles that subject to empirical testing new theoretical developments or alternative theoretical approaches with the use of econometric and input-output techniques are particularly welcomed. Short papers, and Notes and Comments on articles published in the Bulletin of Political Economy, are encouraged. All contributions go through a refereeing process to determine their suitability for publication.

More information: https://www.bulletinofpe.com/bulletin-of-political-economy

Cambridge Journal of Economics

The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in 1977 in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, provides a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues. Its focus includes: the organisation of social production and the distribution of its product; the causes and consequences of gender, ethnic, class and national inequities; inflation and unemployment; the changing forms and boundaries of markets and planning; uneven development and world market instability; globalisation and international integration. The editors invite the submission of papers, critical surveys, review articles, and commentaries on contemporary issues and will organise special issues and debates. Strong emphasis is placed on critical perspectives, multi-disciplinary approaches, the provision and use of empirical evidence, realistic analysis and accessibility to non-specialists.

For further information: https://academic.oup.com/cje

Competition & Change

The Journal of Global Business and Political Economy, Competition and Change, is unique in bringing together research and ideas in global business and political economy in ways that will interest social scientists, both inside and outside schools of business and management. It features peer-reviewed articles that use a variety of social science perspectives to develop understanding of broad business issues around globalization and financialization and their impact on economic organization and performance, social conditions, labour and policy frameworks.

For further information: cch.sagepub.com

Contributions to Political Economy

Contributions to Political Economy provides a forum for the academic discussion of original ideas and arguments drawn from important critical traditions in economic analysis. Articles fall broadly within the lines of thought associated with the work of the Classical political economists, Marx, Keynes, and Sraffa. While the majority of articles are theoretical and historical in emphasis, the journal welcomes articles of a more applied character. It also reviews noteworthy books recently published.

For further information: https://academic.oup.com/cpe

Economic Issues

It is the policy of Economic Issues to publish articles on a wide range of subjects and issues of current economic debate. Subject to professional standards being maintained, the journal will allow authors considerable freedom in how they treat their subjects. Papers are particularly encouraged, however, which contribute to public discussion and which are applicable to the practical concerns of decision-makers. Papers which provide an accessible survey of a field of economic debate are also actively encouraged.

For further information: http://www.economicissues.org.uk

Economic Systems Research

Economic Systems Research is a double peer reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the furtherance of theoretical and factual knowledge about economic systems, structures and processes, and their change through time and space, at the subnational, national and international level. The journal contains sensible, matter-of-fact tools and data for modelling, policy analysis, planning and decision making in large economic environments. It promotes understanding in economic thinking and between theoretical schools of East and West, North and South. The journal is non-partisan, factual and problem-oriented. As the official journal of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), it aims to serve as a vehicle of cross-cultural information and contact. Topics within the purview of the journal include linear and non-linear multi-sectoral models of structure and structural change and development, ecosystems and the treatment of depletable resources, environmental and strategic questions, databases and databanks, large-scale computational methods and languages. The journal includes reviews of pertinent literature and special issues on new emerging areas of research in its field.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cesr20

Economy and Society

This radical interdisciplinary journal of theory and politics continues to be one of the most exciting and influential resources for scholars in the social sciences worldwide.

As one of the field’s leading scholarly refereed journals, Economy and Society plays a key role in promoting new debates and currents of social thought. For over 40 years, the journal has explored the social sciences in the broadest interdisciplinary sense, in innovative articles from some of the world’s leading sociologists and anthropologists, political scientists, legal theorists, philosophers, economists and other renowned scholars.

In regular issues, and through issues devoted to special themes, Economy and Society covers questions ranging from economic governance to developments in the life sciences and beyond, and publishes major new work on current issues confronting progressive politics throughout Europe and the Americas, Africa, Australasia and the Pacific Rim.

Find more information here: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/reso20

Economía e Sociedade

Economía e Sociedade aims at contributing to the development of critical reflection in the fields of economics and economic history. Since its inception in 1992, it welcomes a heterodox economics literature, inspired by the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, and Schumpeter, as well as by Latin American reflections on economic development. Economia e Sociedade has been published by the Institute of Economics at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) since 1992.

For further information: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0104-0618&lng=en&nrm=iso

European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention

The European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal which serves as a forum for studies in macroeconomic theory, economic institutions and economic policies. The managing editors aim for productive debates involving one or more variants of heterodox economics, and invite contributions acknowledging the pluralism of research approaches. The submission of both theoretical and empirical work is encouraged. The managing editors contend that a wide variety of institutional and social factors shape economic life and economic processes. Only a careful study and integration of such factors into economics will lead to theoretical progress and to competent economic policy recommendations. This was clearly demonstrated by the inadequacy of orthodox economics, based on neoclassical foundations, to provide suitable explanations and responses to recent financial and economic crises. Since 2023, EJEEP has been published as a scholar-led Diamond Open Access journal in cooperation with Open Library Economics (OLEcon), an initiative of ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany.

For further information: www.elgaronline.com/ejeep

Feminist Economics

Feminist Economics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an open forum for dialogue and debate about feminist economic perspectives. By opening new areas of economic inquiry, welcoming diverse voices, and encouraging critical exchanges, the journal enlarges and enriches economic discourse. The goal of Feminist Economics is not just to develop more illuminating theories but to improve the conditions of living for all children, women, and men. Feminist Economics: advances feminist enquiry into economic issues affecting the lives of children, women and men; examines the relationship between gender and power in the economy and the construction and legitimization of economic knowledge; extends feminist theoretical, historical and methodological contributions to economics and the economy; offers feminist insights into the underlying constructs of the economics discipline and into the historical, political, and cultural context of economic knowledge; provides a feminist rethinking of theory and policy in diverse fields, including those not directly related to gender; includes cross-disciplinary and cross-country perspectives.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rfec20

Forum for Social Economics

The Forum for Social Economics (FSE) is an international quality academic journal sponsored by the Association for Social Economics (ASE). Founded in 1971, the Forum publishes high-quality peer-reviewed papers based on double-blind reviewing. The Forum focuses on the broad application of socio-economic analyses, with a view toward contributing to the development of a modern understanding of social economics. The field of Social Economics has traditionally focused on intersections of economics, ethics and social values, bringing explicit consideration of social, cultural, institutional and political-economic factors into the economic discipline. The Forum also concentrates on relevant policy issues and the implications of alternative policy perspectives encompassing the economy and economic thought. The Forum is a pluralistic and, in this sense, a heterodox journal, publishing work that addresses social economic issues within wider theoretical, methodological, epistemological, historical, normative, and ethical perspectives, as well as institutional, cultural or environmental contexts. It contributes to cutting-edge discussions on the theories, methods and perspectives of modern realistic and complex economic issues; that is, social economics in a broad sense. The Forum also seeks and encourages papers that transcend established disciplinary boundaries.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rfse20

International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education

IJPEE will facilitate communication and serve as a forum for the development of pluralism and its implementation into the classroom. The objectives of IJPEE are:

  • to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas thereby fostering communication within the growing pluralist community;

  • to advance the techniques and concepts of pluralist economics by providing practical suggestions to incorporate pluralism into the classroom;

  • to offer teachers and educators interested in pluralism an outlet for their research; and

  • to change the emphasis of economic education by making pluralism a central feature.

For further information: http://www.inderscience.com/ijpee

International Journal of Political Economy

The International Journal of Political Economy is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes scholarly research in all traditions of political economy. Founded in 1971 by the well-known Marxist political economist, Paul Mattick, who is celebrated for having explored connections between the Marxist and Keynesian approaches to political economy, it has evolved from being originally a translation journal that strove to make available scholarly work from former socialist countries to one that now seeks to build bridges among various schools of political economy that stand in opposition to mainstream neoclassical economics. The journal welcomes individual contributions from a critical perspective, as well as suggestions for special thematic issues in all fields of political economy internationally.

For further information: www.tandfonline.com/loi/mijp

International Journal of Social Economics

The International Journal of Social Economics (IJSE) publishes original and peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical research in the field of social economics. Its focus is on the examination and analysis of the interaction between economic activity, individuals and communities. 

Social economics focuses on the relationship between social action and economies, and examines how social and ethical norms influence the behaviour of economic agents. It is inescapably normative and focuses on needs, rather than wants or preferences, and considers the well-being of individuals in communities: it accepts the possibility of a common good rather than conceiving of communities as mere aggregates of individual preferences and the problems of economics as coordinating those preferences. 

Therefore, contributions are invited which analyse and discuss well-being, welfare, the nature of the good society, governance and social policy, social and economic justice, social and individual economic motivation, and the associated normative and ethical implications of these as they express themselves in, for example, issues concerning the environment, labour and work, education, the role of families and women, inequality and poverty, health and human development. 

For further information: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0306-8293

International Review of Applied Economics

International Review of Applied Economics is devoted to the practical applications of economic ideas. Applied economics is widely interpreted to embrace empirical work and the application of economics to the evaluation and development of economic policies. The interaction between empirical work and economic policy is an important feature of the journal. The Journal is peer reviewed and international in scope. Articles that draw lessons from the experience of one country for the benefit of others, or that seek to make cross-country comparisons are particularly welcomed. Contributions which discuss policy issues from theoretical positions neglected in other journals are also encouraged. Although the International Review of Applied Economicsassociates itself broadly with the non-neoclassical tradition, it is does not identify itself with any specific theoretical or political position.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cira20

Japanese Political Economy

The Japanese Political Economy continues Japanese Economic Studies, a leading journal published continuously since 1972, known as Japanese Economy from 1997 to 2013. The journal is a resource for scholars, students, policymakers and practitioners seeking to understand better the contemporary and historical, transnational and internal change processes in the Japanese and wider Asian economy.

It covers broader economic theories (including Marxian Political economy, Heterodox, Keynesian, Evolutionary, Institutional, and Feminist Economics), historical analysis of capitalism (including periodization of capitalist development and capitalist world system change), and theoretical and empirical exploration of current political-economic issues (crisis, financial instability, socialism, gender, environment and climate change, poverty and income inequality, unemployment, an ageing population, and industrialization).

The JPE welcomes contributions of a broad range of scholarship from multiple theoretical, empirical and methodological perspectives.

For more information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/mjes20

Journal of Australian Political Economy

The Journal of Australian Political Economy provides analysis of contemporary political economic issues. The focus of articles is on Australian economic problems and policy issues, but articles on international topics are also frequently published and authors in different countries are encouraged to submit contributions. Special theme issues of the journal are published from time to time: recent themes have been the state of political economy, superannuation policies, industrial relations reforms and the character of the long boom 1992-2008 . All submitted articles are double blind refereed. The journal appears twice a year, typically containing about six articles, together with reviews and notes on new books.

For further information: https://www.ppesydney.net/journal-of-australian-political-economy/

Journal of Economic Issues

The Journal of Economic Issues has been internationally respected journal of institutional and evolutionary economics since its founding in 1967. The journal has published articles that describe aspects of evolving economic system, economic problems, economic policy, and methodology. The primary mission of the JEI is to present articles that use and develop the core ideas of institutional economics in discussions of current economic problems and policy alternatives. The JEI is the leading journal for ongoing debate of the institutional economic theory and a major forum for discussion of solutions to real economic problems. In each quarterly issue there are articles that deal with timely topics such as proposals for guaranteed employment in industrial economies, the transition of the Central and East European economies, welfare and health care reform, the environmental impact of growth, and problems of economic development. The journal is also open to debates about postmodernism, the rise of feminist theory, the project of rethinking Marxism, and to a wide range of other issues that make heterodox and pluralistic economics a lively intellectual arena.

For further information:
http://www.afee.net/division.php?page=jei or http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mjei20

Journal of Institutional Economics

Institutions are the stuff of social and economic life. The importance of understanding the role of institutions in economic growth is now widely appreciated. The Journal of Institutional Economics is devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money, households and other vital institutions and organizations. It welcomes contributions by all schools of thought that can contribute to our understanding of the features, development and functions of real world economic institutions and organizations. The Journal of Institutional Economics is an interdisciplinary journal that will be of interest to all academics working in the social sciences, particularly in economics and business studies. Contributions from politics, geography, anthropology, sociology and philosophy will also be welcomed.

For further information: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=JOI

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics

A scholarly journal of innovative theoretical and empirical work that sheds fresh light on contemporary economic problems. It is committed to the principle that cumulative development of economic theory is only possible when the theory is continuously subjected to scrutiny in terms of its ability both to explain the real world and to provide a reliable guide to public policy. While the editors expect submissions that reflect Keynes’s method and theoretical approach, the term post Keynesian is broadly interpreted to include the investigation of new problems, theoretical perspectives and policy proposals consistent with Keynes’s vision of the open-ended nature of economic study and reflecting the work of Classical and Marxian economists as well as Robinson, Weintraub, Kaldor, Kahn, Eichner, Heilbroner, Graziani, Sylos Labini, Sraffa, Godley, Galbraith, Minsky, Boulding and others who have contributed to the evolution of the post Keynesian tradition.

For further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mpke20


Metroeconomica is a journal of analytical economics providing an international forum for debate among competing theories and research programs and going beyond the traditional emphasis on market equilibrium/disequilibrium by focusing on economic processes in real time, addressing the role of social institutions, technical change and income distribution, emphasizing the behavioral foundations of economics and from other disciplines, and exploring methodological innovations in economics and related disciplines. The journal is open to empirical contributions related to the above themes.

For further information: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-MECA.html

New School Economic Review

At a time of declining representation of critical thinking in economics, the New School Economic Review aims to be a student-run journal with a content influenced by the history and tradition of the New School. New School s history points to a multidisciplinary and heterodox approach to the social sciences. The early Classical thinkers Smith, Ricardo and Marx realized that the study of economics must be the study of political economy economics within a social and political context. In keeping with this tradition, the New School Economic Review will serve as a medium for critical thinking in economics but with a multidisciplinary perspective encompassing all the social sciences. Furthermore, the NSER will aim to develop a forum for professors, practitioners, and students to discuss current issues in the discipline of economics while sharing insights from other disciplines, as well as debating world political and social affairs.

For further information: https://nsereview.org/index.php/NSER/index

Nova Economía

Nova Economia is the journal of the Economics Department at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil). It publishes articles and book reviews in all areas of economics and related disciplines. Nova Economia adopts a pluralistic orientation and welcomes papers in all research traditions and theoretical schools. Submissions are peer-reviewed and scholarly standards are the sole criteria for editorial decisions. Nova Economia is published three times a year and offers free on-line access to the full articles published from 2000 on.

For further information: http://revistas.face.ufmg.br/index.php/novaeconomia/index

PSL Quarterly Review

PSL Quarterly Review is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an open forum for dialogue and debate on economics and economic policy, along the lines of its predecessor, the BNL Quarterly Review. It welcomes original perspectives and diverse voices, encouraging a critical exchange of ideas. PSL Quarterly Review aims at promoting open dialogue across cultural, ideological and at times theoretical walls in the attempt to understand the complexities of modern societies.

PSL Quarterly Review publishes original contributions in all the fields and from all the schools and research paradigms without any discrimination, provided that they are rigourous in method and relevant in content. Articles are of interest to general economics scholars and practitioners and they are international in breadth. PSL Quarterly Reviewis edited on the track marked by Paolo Sylos Labini, to which it is dedicated. Sylos Labini significantly contributed to the development of the economic science in the XX century, with major contributions on oligopoly theory, the analysis of social classes, civic and economic development and technical change. More information can be obtained on the website ( http://www.syloslabini.info), where many of his writings are freely available.

PSL Quarterly Review was founded in 1947 under the name BNL Quarterly Review, and since year 2009 it is the journal of the Paolo Sylos Labini Association, presently published with a sponsorship of the BNP-Paribas group. PSL Quarterly Review publishes four issues a year, each covering a three-month period.

PSL Quarterly Review is available online free of charge and by subscription in printed form. Readers and authors are required to sign up to use the journal website and read articles, specifying their institution or employer. Their institution s library will be notified of the reader s or author s interest in the journal and it will be encouraged to subscribe to it and to sustain the review.

PSL Quarterly Review accepts submissions at any time of the year. Final decisions will be notified to the corresponding author within 90 days. PSL Quarterly Review occasionally publishes articles commissioned by the Editor or a member of the Editorial Board, but these contributions will be refereed as any other unsolicited paper. Authors are invited to attach a presentation letter to their submission, stating what is the innovative content of the proposed article and why is it of interest to the journal s readers.

PSL Quarterly Review welcomes proposals for special issues and conference proceedings as well. Conference organisers are invited to send a short note of maximum five pages, describing the content and scope of the proposed issue, briefly summarising the single contributions to be included in it, and stating the relevance of the topic and of the major contributions for the advancement of science and for the understanding of modern societies.

For Further Information: https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa04/psl_quarterly_review


Panoeconomicus is an economic quarterly with a general orientation. It publishes original scientific papers, scientific reviews, preliminary reports, conference papers, professional papers, polemics and book reviews about:

  • Economic Theory

  • Economic Policy

  • Economic History

  • International Political Economy

  • Global and Regional Processes in the World Economy

  • Politics of the European Integration

  • Political Economy of Transition.

Only original papers not previously published or simultaneously submitted for publishing elsewhere, should be submitted. Submitted papers need to be prepared according to the Panoeconomicus instructions for authors.

FInd further information here: https://panoeconomicus.org/index.php/jorunal/about

Review of Keynesian Economics

The Review of Keynesian Economics is a peer-reviewed journal, published 4 times a year, and is intended to promote research within the Keynesian paradigm, and is open to all forms of Keynesianism be it old Keynesianism, fundamental Keynesianism, neo-Keynesianism, Post Keynesianism, Sraffian Keynesianism, Kaleckian Keynesianism, or Marxist Keynesianism. We define Keynesian economics broadly as (1) holding that output and employment are normally constrained by aggregate demand, (2) holding that the problematic of aggregate demand shortage exists independently of price, nominal wage, and nominal interest rate rigidities, and (3) rejecting the claim that the real wage is equal to the marginal disutility of labor. This openness to all forms of Keynesianism reflects a desire to avoid intellectual sectarianism.

The journal will be dedicated to the development of Keynesian theory and policy. In our view, Keynesian theory should hold a similar place in economics to that held by the theory of evolution in biology. The journal aims to offer such support by providing a forum for developing and sharing Keynesian ideas. Not only does that include ideas about macroeconomic theory and policy, it also extends to microeconomic and meso-economic analysis and relevant empirical and historical research. We see a bright future for the Keynesian approach to macroeconomics and invite the economics profession to join us by subscribing to the journal and submitting manuscripts.

For more information: www.elgaronline.com/roke

Review of Political Economy

The Review of Political Economy is a double anonymized peer-reviewed journal welcoming constructive and critical contributions in all areas of political economy, including Behavioural economics, Ecological economics, Feminist economics, Institutional economics, Kaleckian economics, Marxian economics, Polanyian economics, Post-Keynesian economics, Schumpeterian economics, Sraffian economics, as well as in the tradition of the theory of the Monetary Circuit. ROPE also encourages submissions in Agent-based modelling and the Stock-flow consistent approach. The Review publishes both theoretical and empirical research, and is also open to submissions in methodology, economic history and the history of economic thought that cast light on issues of contemporary relevance in political economy. Comments on articles published in the Review are encouraged.

For further information: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/64e442e9-2ddd-4b19-8d00-2243f490225c

Review of Radical Political Economics

For forty five years, the Review of Radical Political Economics has been a leading outlet for innovative research in non-orthodox economics. As the journal of the Union for Radical Political Economics, the RRPE promotes critical inquiry into all areas of economic, social, and political reality. The RRPE publishes research in political economy broadly defined including, but not confined to, Marxian economics, post-Keynesian economics, Sraffian economics, feminist economics, and radical institutional economics. The RRPE reflects an interdisciplinary approach to the study, development, and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems. The RRPE welcomes contributions in all areas of political economy and is actively seeking submissions concerned with policy, history of thought, and economics and the environment. All submissions are peer-reviewed. The journal is abstracted and indexed in EconLit, IBSS, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science), and The Left Index, among others.

For further information: http://rrp.sagepub.com/

Review of Social Economy

For over sixty years the, Review of Social Economy has published high quality peer-reviewed papers on the many relationships between social values and economics. Among the subjects addressed are income distribution, justice and equity, poverty, cooperation, human dignity, labour, workplace organization, gender, need, the environment, economic institutions, economics methodology and class. Among the orientations of the authors are social and socio-economics, institutionalist, cooperativist, Post-Marxist and radical, feminist, Post Keynesian, behavioralist, and environmentalist. The Review welcomes discussion about pluralism in economics and about the relation between economics and other social sciences, including sociology, geography, political science, and anthropology - indeed the Review is an obvious platform for interdisciplinary research to be staged.

For more information: www.tandfonline.com/loi/rrse20

Revista de Economía Crítica

Revista de Economía Crítica publishes theoretical and empirical research papers on Political Economy from critical, radical and heterodox approaches. Articles by economists and other social scientists are published on Marxist, post-Keynesian, institutional, ecological, feminist economics, political economy, political ecology, critical development studies, international economic policy, etc. Texts with multidisciplinary and international approaches are especially welcome.

The Journal aims to provide a vehicle for scholarly expression for economists and other social scientists dissatisfied with conventional approaches. The contents and editorial line of Revista de Economía Crítica are aimed at the academic world, as well as other professionals and scholars with a critical approach.

The publication standards and a rigorous peer review system, with anonymous and constructive evaluation by specialists, aim to guarantee the quality and interest of the journal's content.

Revista de Economía Crítica is an open access journal and readers have the right to download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, citing the journal appropriately. The authors retain the copyright of their works.

Find a link to the journal here: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/rec

Régulation Review. Capitalism, Institutions, Powers

The Régulation Review. Capitalism, Institutions, Powers is an international, peer-reviewed, JEL-refereed, econlit-listed journal.

The journal seeks to provide a forum for research in the field of regulationist studies and, more broadly, for the full spectrum of institutionalist approaches in economics and beyond. The journal seeks above all to foster a broad discussion that includes other social sciences such as economic sociology, history, political science, management, etc.

Indeed, a historicized and socially grounded understanding of political economy appears more necessary than ever for a deeper understanding of the alternatives for economic policies and the strategic evolution of business, as well as their effects at the micro, meso, and macro levels. Sustaining global thinking about the transformation of capitalism, given the scales and diversity of its reconfigurations, means bringing together work from a variety of horizons. The journal welcomes research articles in English or French that focus on descriptions of the structural forms of contemporary capitalisms and on investigation of the new dynamics that are involved, as well as on the theoretical and methodological tools that enable these phenomena to be better understood. The review’s ambition is to take into account the most characteristic dimensions of contemporary changes, in particular:

  • Globalization and the constitution of new inter- and intra-state assemblies;

  • New forms of regulation which are set up at various levels (regional, State-Nation, but also new forms of sectorial or territorial regulations);

  • Factors likely to generate new forms of crises, particularly demographic and ecological questions;

  • Integration or marginalisation of countries in the southern hemisphere within contemporary capitalism;

  • New prospects for non-standard micro-economics, organizational studies;

  • Dynamic models…

See more information here

Socio-Economic Review

Socio-Economic Review aims to encourage work on the relationship between society, economy, institutions and markets, moral commitments and the rational pursuit of self-interest. The journal seeks articles that focus on economic action in its social and historical context. In broad disciplinary terms, papers are drawn from sociology, political science, economics and the management and policy sciences. The journal encourages papers that seek to recombine disciplinary domains in response to practically relevant issues, while at the same time encouraging the development of new theory. An extended statement of editorial policy can be found here.

More information: http://ser.oxfordjournals.org

History and Methodology of Economics

Economic Modelling

Economic Modelling - a scholarly journal which came into being in 1984 - fills a major gap in the economics literature, providing a single source of both theoretical and applied papers on economic modelling. The journal's prime objective is to provide an international review of the state-of-the-art in economic modelling.

Economic Modelling has so far published the complete versions of many large-scale macroeconomic models (for advanced and less developed countries and both closed and open economies) which have been developed for policy analysis. Examples are the Bank of England Model and the US Federal Reserve Board Model. As individual models are revised and updated, the journal continues to publish subsequent papers dealing with these revisions, including structural macro-modeling in a VAR framework or in the latest DSGE settings.

The journal publishes policy-relevant theoretical and applied papers in macroeconomics and other fields of economics, such as development economics, energy economics, environmental economics, financial economics, health economics, industrial economics, international economics, microeconomics, public economics, and urban economics. The journal also welcomes cutting-edge empirical papers in heterodox economics.

For further information:  https://www.journals.elsevier.com/economic-modelling

Economic Thought: History, Philosophy and Methodology

Economic Thought, the new online-based journal of the World Economics Association, accepts article submissions from scholars working in the history of economic thought, economic history, methodology of economics and philosophy of economics. The journal welcomes articles addressing all aspects of the aforementioned sub-disciplines with an emphasis on original and path-breaking research. In line with the objectives of the World Economics Association, the journal will seek to support and advance interdisciplinary research that investigates the potential links between economics and other disciplines as well as contributions that challenge the divide between normative and positive approaches. Contributions from outside the mainstream debates in the history and philosophy of economics are also encouraged. In particular, the journal will seek to promote research that draws on a broad range of cultural and intellectual traditions.

For further information: http://et.worldeconomicsassociation.org/

Economics and Philosophy

The disciplines of economics and philosophy each possess their own special analytical methods, whose combination is powerful and fruitful. Each discipline can be enriched by the other.Economics and Philosophy aims to promote their mutual enrichment by publishing articles and book reviews in all areas linking these subjects. Topics include the methodology and epistemology of economics, the foundations of decision theory and game theory, the nature of rational choice in general, historical work on economics with a philosophical purpose, ethical issues in economics, the use of economic techniques in ethical theory, and many other subjects.

For further information:

Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics

The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics is a peer-reviewed bi-annual online publication edited by graduate students at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. The journal invites the submission of academic articles, book reviews, and PhD thesis summaries within the following research domains: methodology of economics (both heterodox and mainstream), history of economic thought, and inter-disciplinary issues relating economics to other fields. Young Scholars (i.e., graduate students and recent PhD graduates) from all over the world are particularly encouraged to contribute. The peer-review process is conducted by both established academics and Young Scholars.

For further information: http://www.eur.nl/fw/english/eipe/journal/

European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (EJHET), a peer-reviewed journal, has quickly established itself as a leading forum for lively discussion on a wide range of issues in the history of economic thought. With contributions from both established international scholars and younger academics, EJHET is entirely pluralist and non-partisan with regard to subjects and methodologies – it does not subscribe to any particular current of thought, nor relate to any one geographic zone. The Managing Editors and Editorial Board and Advisory Board members are drawn from throughout Europe and beyond, and are committed to encouraging scholars from around the world to contribute to international research and debate. The result is a genuinely fresh and exciting journal – a vital purchase for every scholar or library with a serious interest in the history of economic thought.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rejh20

History of Economic Ideas

History of Economic Ideas is a new international series of Quaderni di storia dell economia politica, a journal founded in 1983 to promote collaboration between scholars who share an historical approach to the major issues, the various revolutions which have left their mark on economics and the spread of economic ideas beyond the narrow circle of specialists. History of Economic Ideas rejects the dichotomy between analysis and culture : both aspects are of equal importance for a wider understanding of the subject. In a period such as our own, where paradigms which once seemed unshakeable are now being challenged, a multidisciplinary analysis of the historical development of economics might contribute to shedding light on the issues at the root of current debate. Besides essays and critical surveys, the journal will include archive material and reviews of new books on history of economics.

For further information: http://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=61

History of Economics Review

The History of Economics Review (HER) is a peer-reviewed journal.Although it is the journal of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia (HETSA), submissions are invited from across the full range of the history of economic thought regardless of geography or era. The current Editorial Board is drawn from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe and the US.

Find more information here: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rher20

History of Political Economy

Focusing on the history of economic thought and analysis, History of Political Economy has made significant contributions to the field and remains its foremost means of communication. In addition to book reviews, each issue contains original research on the development of economic thought, the historical background behind major figures in the history of economics, the interpretation of economic theories, and the methodologies available to historians of economic theory. All subscribers to History of Political Economy receive a hardbound annual supplement as part of their subscription.

For further information: http://hope.dukejournals.org/

Journal of Economic Methodology

The Journal of Economic Methodology is a valuable forum which publishes the most current and exciting work in the broad field of economic methodology. The Journal of Economic Methodology addresses issues such as: methodological analysis of the theory and practice of contemporary economics; analysis of the methodological implications of new developments in economic theory and practice; the methodological writings and practice of earlier economic theorists (mainstream or heterodox); research in the philosophical foundations of economics; studies in the rhetoric, sociology, or economics of economics. Peer-reviewed articles form the core of the journal. It also features mini-symposia on controversial issues. The Book Review section offers substantial reviews of key titles, and a Notes and Information section will enable the subscriber to stay up to date and fully informed of international events and developments in the field.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rjec20

Journal of Philosophical Economics

The Journal of Philosophical Economics - J. Philos. Econ. is an interdisciplinary journal that aims at publishing original and theoretically innovative articles. J. Philos. Econ. is committed to deepening the theoretical understanding of conceptual, methodological and substantive debates on economics and its social ramifications. We therefore invite submissions from economists, philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists and development studies scholars. The journal eschews monolithic perspectives and seeks innovative work that is intellectually pluralist. The Editorial Board takes a liberal stance in leaving a fair chance for contributors to provide the readers with a systematic, honest, and thoroughly researched account of an idea deemed fundamental for the advancement of the method of economic inquiry.

Find more information here: https://jpe.episciences.org

Journal of the History of Economic Thought

The Journal of the History of Economic Thought (JHET) is the journal of the History of Economics Society. JHET is a quarterly, refereed journal and welcomes papers that reflect the full spectrum of scholarly analysis within the history of economic thought. The journal also features a regular book review section, which includes reviews by leading specialists. The mission ofJHET is to further the objectives of the History of Economics Society. These are to promote interest in and inquiry into the history of economics and related parts of intellectual history, facilitate communication and discourse among scholars working in the field of the history of economics, and disseminate knowledge about the history of economics. JHET therefore encourages and makes available research in the fields of history of economic thought and the history of economic methodology. The work of many distinguished authors has been published in its pages. It is recognised as being a first class international scholarly publication. All articles are fully peer reviewed. The journal also features a regular book review section which includes reviews by leading specialists.

For further information: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=HET


OEconomia ­­– History / Methodology / Philosophy is a quarterly bilingual (French/English) peer-reviewed journal.

OEconomia ­has a broad coverage, publishing articles in history of economic thought, economic methodology and economic philosophy, but also in normative economics and economic history in relation to history of economic thought. Leading specialists also contribute to a rich and regular book review section freely accessible on the journal website.

The editorial project of OEconomia stems from the established fact that the community of researchers interested in history of economic thought, in economic methodology or philosophy, is a scattered community, as a result of a constant process of specialization over the last thirty years. Within the current context of growing fragmentation and transformations of economics as a discipline, especially in relation to other disciplines, it is time to gather together the insights from the historians of economic thought and specialists in economic methodology and philosophy, in order to put in perspective the transformations of the discipline today and in the past. The aim of Œconomia ­­ is to gather together specialists of those subfields and beyond, with the aim of promoting mutual enrichment of their methods and approaches, and to encourage a wide diffusion of their results. Œconomia ­­publishes regular thematic symposia on topics related to recent developments in economic analysis, economic history and policy.

For further information: oeconomia.revues.org

Papers in Political Economy

The Cahiers d’Economie Politique / Papers in Political Economy - PPE was created in 1974, and is now the main French journal specialized in history of economic thought. It has published and participated in the main theoretical discussions by paying a particular attention to the historical aspects of economic analysis. Considering that the study of past authors and contemporary debates are complementary, the PPE publish papers on history of economic thought, economic philosophy, or papers overlapping fields of history of economic thought and contemporary economic theory or economic history. PEE is a biannual journal, usually published in June and December. One of the two yearly issues is thematic and includes papers presented at a workshop or conference and selected among responses to an open call for papers.  PPE also publishes book reviews. Proposals for book reviews can be submitted to the editorial board, and are refereed by the board or by an anonymous peer referee. For details, see ‘publication conditions’.

Further information: cahiersdecopo.fr/en

Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology

Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (RHETM) is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to a broad range of topics related to the history and methodology of economics. Issues are divided into four parts: a monothematic section dedicated to research articles focused on a particular issue in the journal’s core fields of interest; a section including research articles of a more general nature; a section of newly discovered archival materials; and a section of review essays on recent works in the history and methodology of economics.

Find a link here: https://rhetm.org/

Ecological Economics and the Environment

Biophysical Economics and Sustainability

Biophysical Economics and Sustainability is a multidisciplinary journal, focusing on the effects of natural resource quantity and quality on economies, sustainability, and human well-being. Explores systemic connections and dynamic interactions such as net energy and energy return on investment, earth-society system interactions, and modeling of the depletion of key resources. Examines the relationship between resource quantity and quality with markets, economic growth, urban sustainability, and technological change. Promotes an integrated approach to the global challenges of human well-being and sustainability in a changing global environment. Describes and quantifies the energy and environmental costs of implementing new methods of energy supply through the lens of Energy Return on Investment (EROI). Beneficial for scientists, economists, industry partners, and policy makers seeking objective, multidisciplinary research and commentary on critical issues.

Find a link here: https://link.springer.com/journal/41247

Capitalism, Nature, Socialism

Capitalism Nature Socialism (CNS) is an interdisciplinary, international red-green journal of theory and politics. Key themes are the dialectics of human and natural history; labor and land; workplace struggles and community struggles; economics and ecology; and the politics of ecology and ecology of politics. The journal is especially concerned to join (and relate) discourses on labor, ecology, feminist and community movements; and on radical democracy and human rights. As a journal of theory and politics, CNS s first aim is to help build a critical red-green intellectual culture, which we regard as essential for the development of a red-green politics. To this end, we have helped to establish sister journals in Italy, Spain, and France and we collaborate with like-minded publications, scholars, and activists in Germany, the UK, Brazil, Mexico, India, and many other countries and regions. CNS publishes four times a year. It is edited in Santa Cruz, California, and by editorial groups in Boston, New York, Toronto, and the UK. Roughly half of the journal s editors-at-large live and work in the South. Through formal and informal international networks, CNS has access to the very best red-green thinking around the world. CNS authors include Joan Mart nez Alier, Ramachandra Guha, Enrique Leff, Alain Lipietz, Mary Mellor, Valentino Parlato, Maria Pilar Garcia, Victor Toledo, and other overseas figures in the international red-green, feminist movement, as well as younger scholars and activists whose work CNS is making known to English-speaking readers. CNS is non-sectarian. We are affiliated with no political party or organized political tendency and are open to diverse views within global radical ecology/ecological radical movements. While we are a political journal, we try to maintain high standards of scholarship, as well to encourage discussion and debate about all the themes and issues bearing on our general subject.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rcns20

Ecological Economics

The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the study and management of nature's household (ecology) and humankind's household (economics). This integration is necessary because conceptual and professional isolation have led to economic and environmental policies which are mutually destructive rather than reinforcing in the long term. The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open.

Specific research areas covered include: valuation of natural resources, sustainable agriculture and development, ecologically integrated technology, integrated ecologic-economic modelling at scales from local to regional to global, implications of thermodynamics for economics and ecology, renewable resource management and conservation, critical assessments of the basic assumptions underlying current economic and ecological paradigms and the implications of alternative assumptions, economic and ecological consequences of genetically engineered organisms, and gene pool inventory and management, alternative principles for valuing natural wealth, integrating natural resources and environmental services into national income and wealth accounts, methods of implementing efficient environmental policies, case studies of economic-ecologic conflict or harmony, etc. New issues in this area are rapidly emerging and will find a ready forum in Ecological Economics.

Link to the journal is available here.

Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment

Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment (EPEE) is a quarterly peer-reviewed platform focusing on energy and environmental economics and policy including the economics of public utilities. Contributions from academic researchers, utility managers, and policy-makers ensure a useful exchange of knowledge and experience. This approach is very important, particularly in a period when energy markets and regulatory and institutional frameworks are undergoing rapid change, and environmental issues, both local and global, are becoming increasingly important. The journal is organized mainly into two sections. The section "Observatory" includes articles in which specialists express their views about topical issues of energy and environmental policy. The "Essays" section focuses on scientific papers, mainly concerning the microeconomics and macroeconomics of energy and the environment, as well as comparative analyses of policies. All papers will be included in EconLit and Scopus. EPEE is edited by an international editorial board. The editorial board will be supported by a Scientific Committee composed of some of the leading international experts in the field of energy and environmental economics. EPEE is a fundamental publication on energy and environmental issues characterized by a multi-faceted perspective, an approach which is crucial for researchers, policy-makers and operators in the energy and environmental sector.

For further information: http://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/sommario.asp?IDRivista=10

Environmental Values

Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines, which relate to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. In doing so we aim to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions.

For further information: https://www.whpress.co.uk/EV.html

International Journal of Green Economics

IJGE addresses all aspects of Green Economics, aiming to encourage economic change and positioning Green Economics at the center of the Economics disciplines. Green Economic theories, policies, tools, instruments, and metrics are developed to facilitate a change to the current economic models for the benefit of the widest number of people and the planet as a whole. IJGE focuses particularly on resource management, meeting peoples' needs and the impact and effects of international trends, and how to increase social justice.

International Journal of Green Economics, a peer-reviewed international journal, proposes and fosters discussion on all aspects of Green Economics. It contributes to international research and practice in Green Economics with the aim of encouraging economic change and positioning of Green Economics at the center of the Economics disciplines. Green Economic theories and policies, tools, instruments, and metrics are developed with the aim of offering practical and theoretical solutions and proposals to facilitate a change to the current economic models for the benefit of the widest number of people and the planet as a whole. IJGE focuses particularly on resource management, on meeting people's needs the impact and effects of international trends, and how to increase social justice.

For further information: http://www.inderscience.com/ijge


Journal of Agrarian Change

The Journal of Agrarian Change is the leading journal of agrarian political economy. It promotes investigation of the social relations and dynamics of production, property, and power in agrarian formations and their processes of change, both historical and contemporary. It encourages work within a broad interdisciplinary framework, informed by theory, and serves as a forum for serious comparative analysis and scholarly debate.

Contributions are welcomed from political economists, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, economists, geographers, lawyers, and others committed to the rigorous study and analysis of agrarian structure and change, past and present, in different parts of the world.

As well as original research, the journal features review articles and essays and a substantial book review section. Occasional special thematic issues are published.

More information: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291471-0366

Mother Pelican: A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

The mission of /em The Pelican Web is to collect and analyze knowledge on both obstacles and incentives for sustainable development and, specifically, integral human development; and to publish the monthly, free subscription, open access Mother Pelican, a journal on sustainable human development. The journal provides a monthly digest on current research pursuant to enhancing human development, human solidarity, environmental sustainability, democratic governance, supporting technologies, and both secular and religious non-violence

For further information: http://pelicanweb.org/

Organization & Environment

Given how urgent and politically salient environmental issues are today, intellectual work is needed that promotes environmentally sensitive reflection, inquiry, and practice. Ecosocial research refers to any interdisciplinary study of social organizing as it relates to the natural world. Organization & Environment publishes peer-reviewed research that sets new standards for interdisciplinary thinking about our complex, hazardous, and increasingly unpredictable biosphere and its social dimensions. This research provides a crucial resource for the development of more effective policy formulation and decision-making. Organization & Environment is recognized as a leading international journal of eco-social research and is unique in its emphasis on organizations, institutions, and nature. O&E publishes work that focuses on connections between the natural environment (including animals, plants, air, water, land, and other ecological entities and systems) and formal and informal patterns of organizing (including human production and consumption, human service, and environmental protection and advocacy). O&E s contributors are concerned with environmental damage, restoration, sustainability, and liberation in relation to their complex social causes and consequences. Organization & Environment publishes high-quality work underwritten by diverse epistemological positions in a variety of formats and innovative features. Organization & Environment publishes rigorous and impactful research at the intersection of management, organizations, and environmental sustainability. In service of this mission, it searches for contributions to academic debates that have managerial and policy implications, and that are grounded in sound social science. Manuscripts coming from the business disciplines and related social science fields such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology, history, and law are welcome. Published articles typically engage with, and contribute back to, the relevant literature in central management journals.

O&E encourages submissions that explore novel concepts, advance theory, experiment with new methodologies and designs, and empirically validate theoretical insights. The journal has a keen interest in the study of new phenomena that are not completely explainable with the current knowledge, and the consequent launch of novel theoretical and empirical lines of inquiry. From time to time, O&E uses special issues to spotlight a compelling topic area, bringing together a resonant group of high-quality articles that promote focused knowledge.

For further information: http://oae.sagepub.com/

Evolutionary Economics and Economic Development

Innovations (Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation)

Innovation is defined as the creation and commercialization of a new product and new technologies, the use of new production processes and labor inputs, or the conquest of new markets. The knowledge economy implies that innovation is more and more the outcome of interaction between firms, universities, public institutions, and consumers. Networks of innovation create new knowledge and contribute toward commercializing these, embodied in new modes of production and distribution. Innovation stems from technological, organizational and distributional change.

Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management (JIE&M) is an academic journal dealing with the evolutions and transformations of the economy and society. How do firms conceive innovation processes? How does innovation impact on firms’ competitiveness and performance? The journal hosts contributions on analyzing how innovation can be realized, strategies of appropriation, and those of the diffusion of knowledge on an international scale, where MNCs dominate the context of competition and highly skilled human resources are a precious asset in order to survive.

JIE&M readers also enjoy discussions on the most appropriate management tools in order to have a better understanding of how to operationalize and implement innovation. JIE&M is keen to promote pertinent approaches and methodologies to analyze a firm’s technological opportunities, organizational strategies, and the integrated management of research and development projects, marketing and finance.

JIE&M is devoted to promoting a debate on innovation, both theoretical and empirical. Technological, conceptual, entrepreneurial, economic, managerial and social innovations...

Technological change, entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies, public policies, the evolution of social relations, economic cycles, but also the constant need in our societies for new developments of all kinds, are the issues explored within JIE&M.

For further information: https://innovations.cairn.info/en/


The purpose of Complexity is to report important advances in the scientific study of complex systems. Complex systems are characterized by interactions between their components that produce new information — present in neither the initial nor boundary conditions — which limit their predictability. Given the amount of information processing required to study complexity, the use of computers has been central to complex systems research.

This Open Access journal publishes high-quality original research, as well as rigorous review articles, across a broad range of disciplines. Studies can have a theoretical, methodological, or practical focus. However, submissions must always provide a significant contribution to complex systems.

Concepts relevant to Complexity include:

  • Adaptability, robustness, and resilience

  • Complex networks

  • Criticality

  • Evolution and emergent behaviour

  • Nonlinear dynamics

  • Pattern formation

  • Self-organization

Methods used within the scientific study of complex systems frequently include:

  • Agent-based modelling

  • Analytical methods

  • Cellular automata

  • Computational methods

  • Data science

  • Game theory

  • Machine learning

  • Statistical mechanics

Applications of complex systems may be related to the following disciplines, among others:

  • Computational social science

  • Digital epidemiology

  • Ecology

  • Economics

  • Engineering

  • Socio-technical systems

  • Statistical linguistics

  • Systems biology

  • Urban systems

Work that considers the above methods or applications, but which is not applied to the study of complex systems will be considered out of scope. For the avoidance of doubt, ‘complex’ in the context of this journal should not be considered merely as a synonym for difficult or complicated.

For further information: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/complexity/about/

Development and Change

Now in its fourth decade of publication, and appearing six times a year, Development and Change is one of the leading international journals in the field of development studies and social change. It is truly interdisciplinary in character, covering a broad range of topics and publishing articles from all the social sciences and all intellectual persuasions concerned with development. It is known for publishing unconventional analyses and challenging viewpoints. With a mix of regular and special theme issues, and the newly-launched Forum issue, Development and Change is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of the complete spectrum of development issues. Development and Change is essential reading for anyone interested in development studies and social change. It publishes articles from a wide range of authors, both well-established specialists and young scholars, and is an important resource for: social science faculties and research institutions; international development agencies and NGOs; graduate teachers and researchers; all those with a serious interest in the dynamics of development, from reflective activists to analytical practitioners.

For further information: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14677660

Economic Systems

Economic Systems is a refereed journal for the analysis of causes and consequences of the significant institutional variety prevailing among all developed, developing, emerging, and transition economies, as well as attempts at and proposals for their reform. The journal is open to micro and macro contributions, theoretical as well as empirical, the latter to analyze related topics against the background of country or region-specific experiences. We are particularly interested in empirical papers with significant policy implications.

Find a link here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/economic-systems

Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review

EIER is issued by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics to provide an international forum for new theoretical and empirical approaches to evolutionary and institutional economics. The Review, free from the view of equilibrium economics and methodological individualism, should face the diversity of human behavior and dynamic transformation of institutions. In the Review, economics is used in its broadest sense. It covers from the classic research in economic history, economic thought, economic theory, and management science to emerging research fields such as economic sociology, bio-economics, evolutionary game theory, agent-based modeling, complex systems study, econo-physics, experimental economics, and so on. The Review believes that a truly interdisciplinary discussion is needed to propel the investigation in the dynamic process of socio-economical change where institutions as emergent outcomes of human actions do matter. Though the Review is an official journal of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, it welcomes non-members contributions from all parts of the world. All the contributions are refereed under strict scientific criterion, though the Review does not apply monolithic formalistic measure to them. Evolution goes hand in hand with diversities; this is also the spirit of the Review.

For further information: http://www.springer.com/economics/economic+theory/journal/40844

Industrial and Corporate Change

The journal is committed to present and interpret the evidence on corporate and industrial change, drawing from an interdisciplinary set of approaches and theories from e.g. economics, sociology of organization, organization theory, political science, and social psychology. It is a forum where industrial historians explicitly relate their analyses to the state of the art in the relevant social sciences and propose conjectures and theories. Conversely, economists and practitioners of other social disciplines are encouraged to apply their models to the historical evidence.

The journal covers the following: the internal structures of firms; the history of technologies; the evolution of industries; the nature of competition; the decision rules and strategies; the relationship between firms characteristics and the institutional environment; the sociology of management and of the workforce; the performance of industries over time; the labour process and the organization of production; the relationship between, and boundaries of, organizations and markets; the nature of the learning process underlying technological and organizational change.

For further information: http://icc.oxfordjournals.org/

International Journal of Development Issues

The International Journal of Development Issues is a peer-reviewed journal. The main objective of the IJDI is to publish research output on all important development issues with a focus on development dynamism and a bias for inter-disciplinary approach. In particular, Economics, Politics, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Ecology, Social Work, Commerce, Information Technology, Law and allied disciplines would receive special priorities. The IJDI welcomes publication of papers that are empirically oriented, but with solid methodological foundation based on realism and pragmatism rather than on idealism. It encourages critical analysis of development issues not only from the heterodox viewpoints (such as new- and post-structuralist, neo- and new-institutionalist, etc.), but also from the neo-liberalist viewpoint in orthodox tradition. The IJDI is intended for being an international forum of exchanging viewpoints of a wide variety of perspectives and disciplines. It is expected that the IJDI would be a genuine guideline for socially appropriate policy prescriptions made by the development practitioners and policy makers in both developing and emerging market economies of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

For further information: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journal/ijdi

Journal of Development Studies

The Journal of Development Studies was the first and is one of the best-known international journals in the area of development studies. Since its foundation in 1964, it has published many seminal articles on development and opened up many new areas of debate. We invite articles from across academic disciplines, but priority is given to papers which are: interdisciplinary, and provide critical tests, based on empirical work, of alternative theories, perspectives or schools of thought, relevant to important issues in development economics, politics and policy. The editors also welcome critical surveys of the literature in important fields of development policy and practice. Each issue keeps the reader up-to-date with the latest research and also contains reviews of recently-published books on development.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=fjds20

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

The journal provides an outlet for publication of research concerning all theoretical and empirical aspects of economic dynamics and control as well as the development and use of computational methods in economics and finance. Contributions regarding computational methods may include, but are not restricted to, artificial intelligence, databases, decision support systems, genetic algorithms, modelling languages, neural networks, numerical algorithms for optimization, control and equilibria, parallel computing and qualitative reasoning.

For further information:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-economic-dynamics-and-control

Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination

The Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination provides an outlet for the vibrant and interdisciplinary field of behavioral, agent-based approaches in economics and related areas of the social sciences.

Contributions to the journal focus on the analysis of emergent phenomena and collective behavior in economic and social systems. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: markets as complex adaptive systems, multi-agent models in economics, artificial markets with heterogeneous agents, behavioral models in economics and finance, bounded rationality and its effects, the theory and simulation of agent-based models, models of adaptive agents with artificial intelligence, interacting particle systems in economics, social and complex networks, econophysics, non-linear economic dynamics, evolutionary games, market mechanisms in distributed computing systems, experimental economics, and collective decisions.

Contributions are mostly from researchers in economics, but interdisciplinary contributions from physics, computer science and related fields are particularly welcome. The journal also welcomes the submission of survey papers on topics of interest to our community.

For further information: https://link.springer.com/journal/11403

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

The Journal of Evolutionary Economics serves as an international forum for this new approach to economics. Following the tradition of Joseph A. Schumpeter, it focuses on original research with an evolutionary view of the economy. Articles feature a strong emphasis on dynamics, changing structures, and disequilibrium processes with an evolutionary perspective. The journal also stresses interdisciplinary analysis and theoretical, methodological, and applied work. Topics include industrial dynamics; multi-sectoral and cross-country studies of productivity; innovations and new technologies; dynamic competition and structural change; causes and effects of technological, political, and social change; cyclic processes in economic evolution; the role of governments in a dynamic world; modeling complex dynamic economic systems; application of concepts such as self-organization, bifurcation, and chaos theory to economics; and evolutionary games.

For further information: http://www.springer.com/economics/journal/191

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management

Innovation is defined by the creation and commercialization of a new product and new technologies, the use of new production processes and labour inputs or the entering in new markets. Knowledge economy implies that innovation is more and more the outcome of interaction between firms, universities, public institutions and consumers. Networks of innovation create new knowledge and commercialise it, embodied in new modes of production and distribution. Innovation stems from technological, organizational and distributional change. Journal of Innovation Economics is a lieu of discussion of new innovation strategies of firms and organization which have an impact on the economy and society. How do firms conceive innovation processes? How does innovation impact on firms competitiveness and performance? The journal hosts contributions to the analysis of the realisation of innovation, strategies of appropriation and those of diffusion of knowledge at an international scale, where MNCs dominate the competition context and high skilled human resources are a precious asset to survive. JIE readers will enjoy as well discussions on the most appropriate management tools to have a better understanding of how to operationalize and implement innovation. JIE is keen in promoting a multidisciplinary approach and methodology which illustrate firms technological opportunities, organizational strategies and integrated management of research and development projects, marketing and finance. JIE is devoted to promote a debate on innovation, both theoretical and empirical. Technological change, entrepreneurship, firms strategies, public policies and more in general the evolution of the economies and societies are the issues to be explored within JIE.

For further information: http://riien.univ-littoral.fr/?page_id=268

Oxford Development Studies

Oxford Development Studies is a multidisciplinary academic journal aimed at the student, research and policy-making community, which provides a forum for rigorous and critical analysis of conventional theories and policy issues in all aspects of development, and aims to contribute to new approaches. It covers a number of disciplines related to development, including economics, history, politics, anthropology and sociology, and will publish quantitative papers as well as surveys of literature. The journal provides an outlet for contributions to development theory and for original empirical analyses, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as mixed methods.

In view of asymmetries in knowledge production and circulation in development studies, the journal seeks to include high-quality research from the perspective of those traditionally marginalised in academic publications. In particular, we aim to expand the range of articles by authors from the Global South.

For further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cods20/current

Problemas del Desarrollo

Hacia finales de 1969, momento en que aparece el primer n mero de Problemas del Desarrollo, Revista Latinoamericana de Econom a, el entonces Comit Editorial, formado por Alonso Aguilar, Miguel ngel Bassols, Jos Luis Cece a, Roberto Martínez Le Clainche, Ram n Ram rez G mez y Ricardo Torres Gait n y bajo la dirección del maestro Fernando Carmona de la Pe a consideraron la creaci n de este rgano acad mico como una prioridad importante para incorporar a la econom a al estudio de los fen menos del desarrollo dentro de la llamada teor a del desarrollo . El trabajo interdisciplinario se hac a entonces como indispensable y al que deb an abocarse economistas como los que en ese momento creaban esta revista como una forma de dialogar con soci logos e historiadores. Los trabajos que aparecen en este primer n mero son pioneros a este respecto.

Desde entonces la revista Problemas del Desarrollo, en sus hoy 36 a os de existencia, fue atendiendo los compromisos contra dos para servir de foro a todas aquellas aportaciones que indagaban, sobre todo para el espacio latinoamericano y, en especial, el de M xico los obst culos al desarrollo. Muchas de stas significaron verdaderos hitos en los avances te ricos. Enumerarlas es una tarea que escapa a las posibilidades de este breve evento, ello no quiere decir de ning n modo ignorarlas. En sus p ginas queda memoria de los diferentes procesos de transformaci n econ mica que fueron acaeciendo en una gran parte de los pa ses latinoamericanos y tambi n de las relaciones entre M xico y sus m s cercanos vecinos del norte. Al mismo tiempo, la revista dio testimonio a trav s de muchos de los cr ticos de la econom a neocl sica de algunas de las m s importantes aportaciones que en los setenta empezaron a cuestionar desde los ngulos de la econom a pol tica algunos modelos que ya para entonces manifestaron sus flaquezas.

Desde noviembre de 2002 nos unimos al esfuerzo de la instituci n para ir creando y recreando los problemas del desarrollo con el fin de incorporar en este foro aquellas colaboraciones que la mundializaci n econ mica nos va imponiendo como deberes para inventar y reformar los subsistemas dentro de las diferentes teor as cient ficas. Mientras en los setenta la funci n del Estado se vislumbraba como parte indispensable de la marcha de las econom as del entonces tercer mundo hoy es necesario volver a revisarla y advertir de su debilitamiento en funci n de la creciente desigualdad social que d a a d a contemplamos. Cualquier espacio socioecon mico nacional es hoy una parte integrante del todo en el nivel mundial. El pensamiento cr tico motor en la creaci n de una revista como Problemas del Desarrollo fue y seguir siendo una de las vertientes de an lisis principales de este foro, y mediante l, se incorporar n nuevas herramientas para explicar las diferentes razones que promueven la inequidad social. Nuestras instituciones p blicas de educaci n superior est n obligadas a dar respuesta a muchas de las interrogantes que presenta el desarrollo econ mico en la etapa de la llamada globalizaci n.

For further information: http://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics publishes articles about theoretical, applied and methodological aspects of structural change in economic systems. An important aim is to facilitate communication among research institutes and individual researchers who are actively engaged in the study of structural change. The journal publishes work about continuity and structural breaks in economic, technological, behavioural and institutional patterns. Articles might examine the effects of the incorporation of new technologies, the changing pattern in income-distribution and employment, the interdependence between environmental and economic change, and so on. SCED encourages articles about statistical and econometric techniques suitable for this type of research. The journal also publishes pure theoretical research on the structural dynamics of economic systems, in particular in the field of multisectoral analysis, the application of difference and differential equations and of the theory of bifurcations and chaos to analyse economic dynamics.

For further information: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/inca/525148

Structuralist Development Macroeconomics Bulletin (SDMB)

Structuralist Development Macroeconomics is a “theory that explains economic development as a historical process of capital accumulation, incorporating technological progress and structural change, in which accumulation depends on the existence of profitable investment opportunities offered by sustained growth of demand, which, in turn, depends on the balanced increase of the domestic market and of exports, which, finally, depends on the exchange rate to fluctuate around the equilibrium, instead of being chronically and cyclically overvalued, as is often the case in developing countries. Structuralist Development Macroeconomics thus defined can be understood as the set of models that justifies theoretically the New Developmentalism, defined as a national development strategy alternative to the Washington Consensus.

This bulletin is an electronic journal with two issues per year with the objective of presenting technical analysis of the main themes related to the research goals of the SDMRG. Formally, the issues of this Bulletin will be divided into two main axes: macroeconomics and economic development. The articles published here are shorter in comparison to a traditional scientific paper. However, the analyzes presented will be more in-depth than a newspapers article, but accessible for readers who are not specialists in Economics.

Find a link here: https://sdmrg.com.br/dm-bulletin

Radical Political Economy

Alternative Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research

Alternate Routesis a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published annually in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University by a collaborative editorial committee consisting of faculty and graduate students. Established in 1977, AR has sought to provide an intellectual forum for engaging debate and interdisciplinary inquiry. In working closely with international scholars, labour organizers and social justice activists, the editorial emphasis is on the publication of non-traditional, provocative and radical analyses that may not find a forum in conventional academic or mainstream venues. AR seeks to cultivate a public academic journal and encourages submissions that advance or challenge theoretical and contemporary issues related to political, economic and cultural processes that shape social interactions, as well as works dedicated to progressive political interventions. In addition to full-length articles, AR welcomes review essays sparked by previously published material, interviews with academics or political figures, including media analyses, artistic and cultural works and book reviews. AR publishes primarily special-themed issues and therefore requests that submissions be related to the current call for papers. Submissions should be free of racist or sexist language, have limited technical or specialized terms and be written in a style that is accessible to our diverse readership.

For further information: http://www.alternateroutes.ca/index.php/ar

Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography

Antipode is an academic journal but also more than this. It publishes peer review essays on geographical issues such as place, space, landscape, scale, human- environment relations, uneven development, boundaries, borders and connections. These essays further the analytical and political goals of a broad-based Left-wing geography. The perspective can be Marxist, post-Marxist, feminist, anti-racist, queer, anarchist or green. Antipode also publishes short commentaries (Interventions) and book reviews and review symposia. The journal funds an annual postgraduate scholarship and sponsors annual lectures at major international geography conferences. Recent speakers include Tariq Ali, David Harvey, Gill Hart, Eric Sheppard, Doreen Massey, Ray Hudson, Bob Jessop and Gerry Pratt.

For further information: http://antipodefoundation.org/about-the-journal-and-foundation/a-radical-journal-of-geography/

Capital & Class

Capital & Class provides a critique of global capitalism in the Marxist tradition, reaching out into the labor, trade union, and other radical movements, such as anti-racism, environmentalism and feminism. It is the journal of the Conference of Socialist Economists.

For further information: http://cnc.sagepub.com

Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory

Critique is an independent, refereed, scholarly journal founded in 1973. It attempts to analyse contemporary society from a critical Marxist perspective. Critique takes the view that Marxism has been so degraded by the Stalinist period that much of what has passed for Marxism has ranged between incoherent nonsense and empty if complex scholastic schema. Since socialism in one country is a theoretical and practical impossibility, Critique rejected and continues to reject analyses purporting to show this or that country is or was socialist. Furthermore, Critiqueemphatically insists on the impossibility of an undemocratic socialism. The aim of Critique is to take part in the restoration of the earlier pre-eminence of Marxist thought by encouraging discussion around the political economy of contemporary capitalist and non-capitalist societies. For this purpose, it regards debate around methodology and as a consequence philosophy to be essential. Inevitably, contemporary political economy must also involve debate around the importance of historical events and so Critique encourages contributions of historical analysis. In short, Critique s aim is to publish theoretical work at various levels of abstraction from the most profound to that of analytical description in order to help provide the theory required for socialist change, which with the end of Stalinism is once more on the agenda.

For further information: http://www.critiquejournal.net/

Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory

Historical Materialism is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring and developing the critical and explanatory potential of Marxist theory. The journal started as a project at the London School of Economics from 1995 to 1998. The advisory editorial board comprises many leading Marxists, including Robert Brenner, Maurice Godelier, Michael Lebowitz, Justin Rosenberg, Ellen Meiksins Wood and others. Marxism has manifested itself in the late 1990s from the pages of the Financial Times to new work by Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton and David Harvey. Unburdened by pre-1989 ideological baggage, Historical Materialism stands at the edge of a vibrant intellectual current, publishing a new generation of Marxist thinkers and scholars.

For further information: http://www.brill.nl/hima

International Critical Thought

International Critical Thought aims to cultivate, encourage and facilitate the development and dissemination of thinking and scholarship responding to the profound social, political, cultural and economic changes taking place in the world today. It tries:

  • To provide a multi-disciplinary forum for reflection upon and insight into the major problems facing humanity (energy, environment, poverty, war, etc.), as well as a forge, where living and breathing contemporary experiences can be processed into works of theoretical depth and scholarly rigor.
  • To build a global forum for dialogue not only within the left but also among various other social currents, as an attempt to better integrate different perspectives and reconcile different needs and interests, a task particularly necessary today when none of the existing social and political philosophies have proven entirely right or wrong.
  • To emphasize the position of the Third World and bring attention to the practical, theoretical and methodological efforts made within non-Western contexts, in view of the fact that the future of human development requires cultural diversity to counterbalance the linear evolutionism characteristic of most modern Western theories, including Marxism.
  • To highlight the case of China, whose course strayed from the Russian path in the socialist era and from the American one in the reform period, well demonstrates the possibility and reality of alternative approach, and where historical turning toward a new type of socialism is going to take place, a matter of doubtless significance for the future development of the humanity.

For further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/journal/rict20

International Socialism: A Quarterly Journal of Socialist Theory

International Socialism, a quarterly journal of Marxist theory, has been published since 1958. It contains regular articles on economics, in particular the application of Marxist political economy to contemporary capitalism. It is associated with the Socialist Workers Party in the UK, but accepts contributions from other authors in the Marxist tradition.

For further information: http://www.isj.org.uk/

Monthly Review

Monthly Review takes a Marxist approach to political economy and history. Widely appreciated for its unique blend of scholarship and activism, dedication to historical understanding, and readability, Monthly Review s independent vision of socialism and critical honesty make it an indispensable tool for understanding global capitalism and the prospects for change.

For further information: http://www.monthlyreview.org

New Left Review

A 160-page journal published every two months from London, New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. It runs a regular book review section and carries interviews, essays, topical comments and signed editorials on political issues of the day. ‘Brief History of New Left Review’ gives an account of NLR’s political and intellectual trajectory since its launch in 1960.

All articles published since 1960 are available on the website. Subscribers to the print edition get online access to all articles; two or three from each new issue are available free online.

For more information: https://newleftreview.org/pages/about

New Political Economy

New Political Economy aims to create a forum for work which combines the breadth of vision which characterised the classical political economy of the nineteenth century with the analytical advances of twentieth century social science. It seeks to build on conceptual innovations, such as structuration theory, institutional economics and the new public choice, which have tried to create an integrated analysis, thereby combining parsimonious theories which analyse agency in terms of instrumental rationality with contextual theories which analyse structures institutionally and historically. The main emphasis will be on exploratory and innovative work which draws on different disciplines and addresses core issues in the main constituent elements of its research agenda, namely: comparative political economy; the political economy of the environment; the political economy of development; and international political economy.

For further information: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/13563467.asp

New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry

This journal represents an attempt to explore issues, ideas, and problems that lie at the intersection between the academic disciplines of social science and the body of thought and political practice that has constituted Marxism over the last 150 years. New Proposals is a journal of Marxism and interdisciplinary Inquiry that is dedicated to the radical transformation of the contemporary world order. We see our role as providing a platform for research, commentary, and debate of the highest scholarly quality that contributes to the struggle to create a more just and humane world, in which the systematic and continuous exploitation, oppression, and fratricidal struggles that characterize the contemporary sociopolitical order no longer exist.

For further information: http://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/newproposals/index

Rethinking Marxism

Rethinking Marxism is a peer-reviewed journal produced by the Association for Economic and Social Analysis and published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

The aim of Rethinking Marxism is to stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and social consequences of Marxian economic, cultural, and social analysis. To that end, we publish studies that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory. Our concerns include theoretical and philosophical (methodological and epistemological) matters as well as more concrete empirical analyses - all work that leads to the further development of distinctively Marxian discourses. We encourage contributions from people in many disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives. We are also interested in expanding the diversity of styles for producing and presenting Marxian discourses.

One distinguishing aim of this journal is to ensure that class is an important part, but not the exclusive focus, of Marxism. We are therefore interested in the complex intersection of class with economic, political, psychological, and all other social processes. Equally important is the task of exploring the philosophical positions that shape Marxian analyses.

We are interested in promoting Marxian approaches to social theory because we believe that they can and should play an important role in developing strategies for radical social change-in particular, for an end to class exploitation and the various forms of political, cultural, and psychological oppression (including oppression on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation). We especially welcome research that explores these and related issues from Marxian perspectives.

For further information: http://rethinkingmarxism.org/

Review of Capital as Power

The framework of capital as power offers a radical alternative to both liberal and Marxist political economies. In this framework, capital is viewed not as a productive economic entity, but as the central power institution of capitalist society at large, while capitalism as a whole is seen not as mode of production and consumption, but as a mode of power.

The purpose of RECASP is to critically theorize, historicize and empirically research capital as power and capitalism as a conflictual mode of power. The area of inquiry is wide open, and we welcome big-picture contributions as well more focused research.

For further information: http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/research/recasp

Science & Society

Science and Society: A Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis

Published quarterly since 1936, Science & Society is the longest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship, in any language, in the world. Science & Society is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Marxist scholarship. It publishes original studies in political economy and the economic analysis of contemporary societies: social and political theory; philosophy and methodology of the natural and social sciences; history, labor, ethnic and women s studies; aesthetics, literature and the arts. We especially welcome theoretical and applied research that both breaks new ground in a specific discipline, and is intelligible and useful to non-specialists. Science & Society does not adhere to any particular school of contemporary Marxist discussion, and does not attempt to define precise boundaries for Marxism. It does encourage respectful attention to the entire Marxist tradition, as well as to cutting-edge tools and concepts from the present-day social science literatures.

For further information: http://www.scienceandsociety.com/

Studies in Political Economy

Studies in Political Economy is an international, peer reviewed journal committed to the publication of original work in the various traditions of socialist political economy. Researchers and analysts within these traditions seek to understand how political, economic and cultural processes and struggles interact to shape and reshape the conditions of people's lives.

Established in 1979, SPE has, as a Political Economy Journal, become a major forum for people who identify with the struggles to overcome exploitation, exclusion and oppression in Canada and abroad. SPE is especially interested in work by, for and about Canadians, but it aims to be an international Political Economy journal. It welcomes contributions in every field of political economy and within all the traditions of socialist scholarship, including those which question established paradigms. Those who pursue progressive work within different frameworks will find SPE a venue for communicating with a wide and diversified audience. In addition to regular length academic articles, Studies in Political Economy has an Alternatives section that publishes interviews, short essays on contemporary political issues, review essays and comments on articles it has published.

More information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rsor20


Theseis (Theses) is a referred peer-reviewed quarterly Journal of Marxist economic, social and political theory published since October 1982 in the Greek language. The Journal contributes to the promotion of Marxist academic dialogue and debate as regards issues like value and money theory, economic history, crises, Marxist theories of the state, modes of production, social classes, theories of imperialism and world market, Marxist philosophy. Other issues, like feminist and gender theory, as well as the environmental crisis have also been tackled. Since 2002, Theseis is being published by Nissos Publications (Athens, Greece). The Editor of the Journal is John Milios, Professor of Political Economy and the History of Economic Thought at the National Technical University of Athens (http://users.ntua.gr/jmilios/).

For further information: http://www.theseis.com

World Review of Political Economy

The World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed title to be published by Pluto Journals in close association with the Shanghai-based World Association for Political Economy (WAPE), with the first issue scheduled to appear in spring 2010. This groundbreaking project is the first of its kind: a pioneering collaboration between Chinese academics and a Western left publisher to produce a serious periodical of Marxist political economy. The WRPE is certain to be the essential forum for dialogue, cooperation, debate, and the sharing of cutting-edge research among the leading scholars in China, the English-speaking world, and beyond.

In its progressive approach to analyzing the social and economic problems facing humankind, the WRPE reflects the outlook of its founding organization. The World Association for Political Economy, registered in Hong Kong, China, in 2004, is an international nongovernmental academic body founded on an open, non-profit and voluntary basis by left economists and related groups from around the world. The WAPE secretariat is based at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The present chairman is president of the Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

For further information: http://www.plutojournals.com/wrpe/

Austrian Economics

Econ Journal Watch

The electronic triannual Econ Journal Watch publishes Comments on articles appearing in economics journals and serves as a forum for economics research and the economics profession.EJW watches the journals for inappropriate assumptions, weak chains of argument, phony claims of relevance, and omissions of pertinent truths. Pointed, constructive criticism requires an independent forum and an accessible and timely medium. Other material including essays, reflections, investigations, and classic critiques speak to the nature and character of economics. EJW applies theories of failure in market, government, and organization to the practices and institutions of economists.

For further information: http://econjwatch.org

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics promotes the development and extension of Austrian economics, and encourages the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective. It is published quarterly by Transaction Periodicals Consortium at Rutgers University in cooperation with the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

For further information: https://qjae.mises.org

Review of Austrian Economics

The Review of Austrian Economics has two broadly conceived objectives: (1) to promote the development and extension of Austrian economics and (2) to promote the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective.

For further information: https://link.springer.com/journal/11138

Interdisciplinary Journals

Accounting History

Accounting History is a specialist, international peer-reviewed journal that encourages traditional, critical and interpretative historical research on the nature, roles, uses and impacts of accounting and provides a forum for the publication of high quality manuscripts on the historical development of accounting across all organisational forms. The journal is acknowledged as a premier journal in its field and is a prized resource for academics, practitioners and students who seek to augment understanding of accounting's past and use that understanding to elucidate accounting's present and its possible future development. Accounting History is the official journal of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand and has a collaborative relationship with its Accounting History Special Interest Group.

Unique attributes

As a major international research journal, Accounting History serves to advance an understanding of the interaction of accounting and its socio-economic and political environments within historical contexts. It promotes the study of accounting as a social practice as well as a technical practice and encourages the identification of the impacts of accounting and accounting change on organisational and social functioning and development. Therefore, the use of an array of theoretical perspectives drawn from relevant disciplines such as sociology, economics and political theory is encouraged in conducting critical and interpretive studies of accounting's past. Papers accepted for publication are subject to double-blind review to ensure academic rigour and robustness and to ensure integrity.


Papers that are suitable for publication in Accounting History span a wide range of topics and periods, and a variety of methodological approaches, including biography, prosopography, institutional history, public sector accounting history, business history through accounting records, comparative international accounting history, as well as innovative research methods. Such studies may involve commercial and public institutions as well as social institutions of any genre, including the family home, charities and religious institutions. Studies set firmly in the archive, comprising written or oral sources, and that span both time and space are particularly encouraged. Thematic special issues are regularly published in order to encourage innovative and relevant research in underdeveloped fields of enquiry or within emerging or re-emerging topics in contemporary accounting.

For more information: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ACH

Accounting, Organizations and Society

Accounting, Organizations & Society is a leading international interdisciplinary journal concerned with the relationships among accounting and human behaviour, organizational and institutional structures and processes, and the wider socio-political environment of the enterprise. It aims to challenge and extend our understanding of the roles of accounting and related emergent and calculative practices in the construction of economic and societal actors, and their modes of economic organizing, including ways in which such practices influence and are influenced by the development of market and other infrastructures.

Please find a link here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/accounting-organizations-and-society

Basic Income Studies: An International Journal of Basic Income Research

Basic Income Studies is the first peer-reviewed journal devoted to basic income and related issues of poverty relief and universal welfare. An exciting venture supported by major international networks of scholars, policy makers, and activists, Basic Income Studies is the only forum for scholarly research on this leading edge movement in contemporary social policy. Articles discuss the design and implementation of basic income schemes, and address the theory and practice of universal welfare in clear, non-technical language that engages the wider policy community. The journal s editors represent the forefront of research in poverty, political theory, welfare reform, ethics, and public finance, at institutions such as the University of Amsterdam, Columbia University, the University of Buenos Aires, UCLA, the London School of Economics, and the Spanish Ministry of Public Affairs. BIS is sponsored by the Spanish basic income network, Red Renta B sica (RRB)2, the Spanish Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (IEF)3, and the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)4, and supported by the US Basic Income Guarantee Network (USBIG)5. BIS gratefully acknowledges the support of these organisations and their members.

For further information: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/bis/html?lang=en#:~:text=Basic%20Income%20Studies%20(BIS)%20is,basic%20income%20and%20related%20schemes.

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society

Our aim from the start has been to publish multi-disciplinary international theme-driven research on the spatial dimensions of contemporary socio-economic-political change. The objective is to combine topicality, engaging with the pressing issues of our time, with theoretical advance, contributing to the conceptualization, empirical investigation and explanation of those issues. The challenge over the next five years will be to build on these objectives. To this end, we will be announcing calls for papers on themes falling under a number of generic heads, namely:

  • The Foundations of Regional and Local Economic Growth

  • Spaces of Knowledge Production and Consumption

  • Inequality, Well-Being and Welfare

  • Geographies of Globalisation

  • Worlds of Money and Finance

  • Cities and the Urban Realm

  • Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Spatialities of Economic Regulation and Governance

More information: http://cjres.oxfordjournals.org

Critical Perspectives on Accounting

Critical Perspectives on Accounting aims to provide a forum for the growing number of accounting researchers and practitioners who realize that conventional theory and practice is ill-suited to the challenges of the modern environment, and that accounting practices and corporate behavior are inextricably connected with many allocative, distributive, social, and ecological problems of our era. From such concerns, a new literature is emerging that seeks to reformulate corporate, social, and political activity, and the theoretical and practical means by which we apprehend and affect that activity.

For further information: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/critical-perspectives-on-accounting/

Critical Perspectives on International Business

Critical Perspectives on International Business is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity from trans- and multi-disciplinary perspectives, rather than within specific fields. The journal encourages readers to engage with, and build upon, writings and activities from the broader societal context that challenge the hegemony of global and transnational corporations, of managerial orthodoxy and of dominant academic discourse. In recent years, the business practices and management philosophies of global enterprises have been subject to increasingly close scrutiny by commentators in the fields of journalism and academia. Such scrutiny has been motivated by a growing desire to examine the nature of globalisation, its impact on specific communities and its benefits for society as a whole. Critical Perspectives on International Business provides a space for researchers and practitioners in diverse fields such as management, politics, economics, geography, etc., to come together to examine questions surrounding international business and approaches to management practice.

For further information: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/cpoib

Critical Sociology

Critical Sociology is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research. For over three decades Critical Sociology has been a leading voice of sociological analysis from a political economy perspective. This journal is a must for sociologists and anyone else seeking to understand the most pressing issues of the day as they are informed by race, class and gender. Originally published as the Insurgent Sociologist, formed as a result of the social action of the 1960s Sociology Liberation Movement which erupted at the 1969 meetings of the American Sociological Association, Critical Sociology has been committed to publishing scholarship from a Marxist, post-Marxist, Feminist, and other critical perspectives. Its current editorial mission is to encourage scholarship that seeks to understand contemporary Capitalist society. Today the journal remains one of the few sources of critical research on a wide range of topics within sociology, and increasingly from an international perspective. Recent articles on globalization, economic development, religion, the environment, labor movements, social policy, and the sociology of work reflect the journal s commitment to a broad range of topics, all linked by common goals of critically examining how society functions and of exploring the potential for progressive social change.

For further information: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/crs

Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe

Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe seeks to provide a radical critical analysis that is sympathetic to democratic, labour, feminist and ecologist movements from contemporary economic, social, cultural and political perspectives and developments in the region bounded by Germany in the west and Russia in the east. We are particularly interested in all writing on the social, cultural, and political life of Germany and Eastern Europe which connects the specific problems of the region with the wider issues of world order, globalisation, and inequality. We are looking to combine political commitment, academic rigour, contemporary relevance, stylistic accessibility, and journalistic flair in order to create the kind of publication that straddles the boundaries between academia and social/political debate; addressing itself equally to specialist scholars in the field of Central European Studies, political activists, journalists, teachers, and other interested readers. Debatte, welcomes a variety of submissions from the social sciences, historical and cultural studies; all innovative and original analyses of any aspect of the region falling within the purview of the journal will be considered. All unsolicited manuscripts received will be subject to a rigorous peer review process. We are also interested in features beyond the traditional fare of academic journals, such as documentation, interviews, and eyewitness accounts, and will on occasion translate articles from journals published in the languages of Central and Eastern Europe which would otherwise not be available to our English-language readership.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cdeb20

Economia & Lavoro

Economia & Lavoro is Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini's four-monthly journal of economic policy, sociology and industrial relations, published by Carocci editore. It was founded in 1967 by Giacomo Brodolini with the aim of promoting debate among political, social, cultural and economic stakeholders that share the goal of democratic progress and reform.

In 1971, Economia & Lavoro became the journal of Fondazione Brodolini, and since then it has been carrying on its founder’s action and thought, paying, on the other hand, deeper attention to social changes and new labour issues.

For further information: https://www.fondazionebrodolini.it/en/pubblicazioni/economia-lavoro

Economic Geography

Economic Geography is an internationally peer-reviewed journal, committed to publishing cutting-edge research that makes theoretical advances to the discipline. Our long-standing specialization is to publish the best theoretically-based empirical articles that deepen the understanding of significant economic geography issues around the world. Owned by Clark University since 1925, Economic Geography actively supports scholarly activities of economic geographers. Economic Geography is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October.

More information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/recg20

IPPR Progressive Review

Publishing the best writing in economics, politics, and culture, IPPR Progressive Review explores how we can best build a more equal, humane, and prosperous society. This social science journal provides a pluralistic space to debate where next for progressives, examine the opportunities and challenges confronting us, and ask the big questions facing our politics: transforming a failed economic model, renewing a frayed social contract, and building a new relationship with Europe.

Find a link here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/25732331

Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law

The aim of the IJEBL is to not only provide a forum for solving global economic and business problems but to expose readers to the exciting new developments and thinking that the interdisciplinary approach continues to offer as an alternative to a narrow and rigid econometric approach. We also wish to provide readers with a taste of the books available on the market that can further such understanding through reviews of cutting edge books that contribute to an interdisciplinary approach in each issue. Articles, comments, short papers, letters and book reviews are all welcome. We offer IJEBL as print copies and online.

For further information: http://www.ijebl.co.uk/

Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements

Interface: a journal for and about social movements is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal bringing together activists from different movements and different countries, researchers working with movements, and engaged academics from different disciplines. The purpose is to contribute to the production of knowledge that can help us gain insights across movements and issues, across continents and cultures, and across political and disciplinary traditions: learning from each other’s struggles. Each issue is read by perhaps 20,000 movement activists and researchers around the world (as of 2018).

Interface is open-access (free), globally organised in different regional collectives and multi-lingual. We aim to develop analysis and knowledge that allow lessons to be learned from specific movement processes and experiences and translated into a form useful for other movements – hence our name. In doing so, our goal is to include material that can be used in a range of ways by movements – in terms of its content, its language, its purpose and its form. As a “practitioner journal”, the peer-reviewed elements of the journal have one activist and one academic reviewer each. Other pieces are edited so as to speak to as wide a range of movement participants and researchers as possible.

For further information: http://www.interfacejournal.net

International Journal of Public Policy

The IJPP proposes and fosters discussion on public policy issues facing nation states and national and supranational organizations, including governments, and how these diverse groups approach and solve common public policy problems. The emphasis will be on governance, accountability, the creation of wealth and wellbeing, and the implications policy choices have on nation states and their citizens. This perspective acknowledges that public policy choice and execution is complex and has ramifications on the welfare of citizens; and that, despite national differences, the actions of nation states are constrained by policies determined by supranational bodies, some of which are not directly accountable to any international body. The theoretical approaches welcomed in the IJPP are plural and multifaceted, however a critical stance is favored.

For further information: http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijpp

Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines

The Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines (JEEH) is a journal of political economy and interdisciplinary economic studies. It addresses economic issues in political theory, social dynamics, social science methodology, and philosophy. Today, JEEH has an international audience, and welcomes contributions written by scholars from around the world.

JEEH's goals are:

  • To bring together economics with neighboring disciplines such as law, history, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and anthropology

  • To promote the development of the Austrian approach to economics (Austrian School) and to provide discussion and controversy

  • To reconcile economics with the ethical and policy-oriented principles which make coordinated interaction between human beings possible

For further information: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/jeeh/html?lang=en

Journal of Economic Geography

The aims of the Journal of Economic Geography are to redefine and reinvigorate the intersection between economics and geography, and to provide a world-class journal in the field. The journal is steered by a distinguished team of Editors and an Editorial Board, drawn equally from the two disciplines. It publishes original academic research and discussion of the highest scholarly standard in the field of 'economic geography' broadly defined. Submitted papers are refereed, and are evaluated on the basis of their creativity, quality of scholarship, and contribution to advancing understanding of the geographic nature of economic systems and global economic change.

More information: http://joeg.oxfordjournals.org

Journal of Financial Crime

The Journal of Financial Crime (JFC) publishes authoritative, practical and detailed insight in the most serious and topical issues relating to the control and prevention of financial crime and related abuse. Aims and scope

The articles in Journal of Financial Crime (JFC) are authored by some of the leading international scholars and practitioners in the fields of law, criminology, economics, criminal justice and compliance. Consequently, articles are perceptive, evidence-based and have policy impact.

The journal covers a wide range of current topics including, but not limited to:

  • Tracing through the civil law of the proceeds of fraud

  • Cyber-crime: prevention and detection

  • Intelligence-led investigations

  • Whistleblowing and the payment of rewards for information

  • Identity fraud

  • Insider dealing prosecutions

  • Specialised anti-corruption investigations

  • Underground banking systems

  • Asset tracing and forfeiture

  • Securities regulation and enforcement

  • Tax regimes and tax avoidance

  • Deferred prosecution agreements

  • Personal liability of compliance managers and professional advisers

The Journal of Financial Crime is, with the Journal of Money Laundering Control, the official journal of the Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime.

For more information: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1359-0790#all

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development is the peer-reviewed journal of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. It was launched in January 2000 to provide new perspectives on challenges of human development, capability expansion, poverty eradication, human well being, markets, growth, social justice and human rights. The human development approach recognizes that development is about more than just economic growth. It is also about improving the well being of people, and expanding the choices and opportunities they have. Development policies cut across economic, social and political issues.

The Journal publishes original work in economics, philosophy, social sciences and other disciplines that expand concepts, measurement tools and policy alternatives. It provides a forum for an open exchange of ideas among a broad spectrum of policy makers, economists and academics. It addresses issues at global, national and local levels. Human development is becoming a school of thought for alternative economic approaches, and the Journal will act as a conduit for members and critics of this school.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cjhd20new

Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics

The explosion of information and research that has taken place in recent years has had a profound effect upon a variety of existing academic disciplines giving rise to the dissolution of barriers between some, mergers between others, and the creation of entirely new fields of enquiry. The social sciences have not been immune to the effects of this transformation, but a great deal of relevant information that has been discovered in related fields of study that include inter alia sociology, psychology, history and anthropology, still has yet to be fully incorporated into the central body of economic doctrines traditionally taught in colleges and universities. Economics, as a result, has been shielded from exciting developments that have occurred in the physical sciences, philosophy, technology and mathematics. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics is a forum in which those who wish to expand the boundaries of economic science, are invited to seek out the hidden assumptions that determine the conventional economist s world view, relax them and so evolve a new discipline more appropriate to the contemporary global environment within which the discipline exists, and so enable economists to tackle problems that have been created within that environment. This process of rethinking will be encouraged by papers written by those who wish to contribute, by the editor or members of the editorial board, and attention will be drawn to neglected boundary areas and axioms that may not be self-evident. Papers and comments are also welcomed, again not necessarily from professional and academic economists, in response to the papers and comments.

For further information: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jie

Journal of Money Laundering Control

Journal of Money Laundering Control provides detailed analysis and insight on the latest issues in the law, regulation and control of money laundering and related matters. Journal of Money Laundering Control (JMLC) provides a valuable contribution to both an international academic and professional audience, as authors include not only leading scholars, but those directly involved at policy and operational levels in fighting money laundering.

Coverage includes, but is not restricted to:

  • The legal risks faced by banks and other intermediaries in complying with the law

  • Disrupting organised crime and terrorist organisations

  • Developments in investigation

  • New trends and techniques

  • Underground banking systems

  • Laundering with virtual money

  • The World Bank's Stolen Assets Recovery Programme

  • The use of financial intelligence

  • Cost-benefit analysis of proceeds of crime laws

  • Civil asset recovery

  • Effective compliance management

The Journal of Money Laundering Control is, with the Journal of Financial Crime, the official journal of the Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime.

For more Information: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1368-5201

Journal of World-Systems Research

The main editorial goal of the Journal of World-Systems Research is to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to the analysis of world-systems. We especially want to include works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, civilizationists, evolutionary approaches, international political economy, comparative, historical and cultural analysis. We seek the work of political scientists, historians, sociologists, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and geographers.

We especially encourage works that take theory seriously by confronting problems of conceptualization and making definitions of concepts explicit, by formulating hypotheses, constructing axiomatic theories and causal models. Theoretical research programs that combine theory construction with comparative research are badly needed to take the world-systems approach beyond the stage of a perspective.JWSR will consider studies that utilize a wide range of methods, including both qualitative and quantitative research. We also consider studies based on community based research (see Guidelines for Community Based Research). Any empirical study that is deemed relevant to world-systems analysis may be published even if it uses a very different conceptual framework.

For further information: jwsr.pitt.edu

Local Economy

Founded in 1986, Local Economy brings together policy analysts, researchers and practitioners concerned with local economic policies and social justice. Local Economy aims to make academic research accessible to all working in the broad field of local economic and social change.

From its origins at the Local Economy Policy Unit (LEPU) at London South Bank University, with which it maintains a close relationship, the journal has grown into the premier UK-based journal for those who want to critically engage with problems of local economic development and regeneration that maintain a commitment to grassroots activism, social justice and economic empowerment.

Local Economy is a peer-reviewed journal operating as an interdisciplinary forum for the critical review of policy developments in the broad area of local economic development and urban regeneration. It seeks not only to publish analysis and critique but also to disseminate innovative practice.

One particular concern is with grassroots community economic development strategies and the work of voluntary organisations, considered within the context of wider social, political and economic change.

For further information: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/lec

Mathematical Social Sciences

The international, interdisciplinary journal Mathematical Social Sciences publishes original research articles, survey papers, short notes and book reviews. The journal emphasizes the unity of mathematical modelling in economics, psychology, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences.

Topics of particular interest include the fundamental aspects of choice, information, and preferences (decision science) and of interaction (game theory and economic theory), the measurement of utility, welfare and inequality, the formal theories of justice and implementation, voting rules, cooperative games, fair division, cost allocation, bargaining, matching, social networks, and evolutionary and other dynamics models.

Papers published by the journal are mathematically rigorous but no bounds, from above or from below, limits their technical level. All mathematical techniques may be used. The articles should be self-contained and readable by social scientists trained in mathematics.

For more information: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/mathematical-social-sciences

Momentum Quarterly

Momentum Quarterly is a transdisciplinary scientific journal, aiming to improve the discursive and thematic connection between research and political praxis. Following this basic principle,Momentum Quarterly publishes specifically works that provide a well-founded scientific reflection of political topics and problems, thereby emphasizing thematic and disciplinary openness. By publishing progressive ideas and concepts as well as critical reflections of extant political praxis, Momentum Quarterly tries to balance conceptual autonomy and connection with politics. Contributions from heterodox economists roughly in line with these aims are therefore highly welcome. All papers published in Momentum Quarterly undergo a peer-review process based upon the principle of reciprocal anonymity (double blind), while the final publication decision is made by the executive editors. Momentum Quarterly is an Open Access journal, which means that all papers are completely and free of charge available online. All works are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Germany and can thus be redistributed without further consultations as long as proper credit to the original authors is given. Momentum Quarterly publishes English as well as German contributions.

For further information: http://www.momentum-quarterly.org

On the Horizon

On the Horizon is a strategic planning resource for decision makers in the public and private sector and, in particular, education policy makers, administrators, practitioners, and researchers in post-secondary and life-long learning worldwide.

On the Horizon focuses on the increasingly complex intersection of forces that are impinging on education and learning and to which educators, human resource professionals and all committed to human potential must respond. Areas of interest include the changing needs of an increasingly global society, the economics and business of education delivery, changing policies and practices affecting curriculum content, certification and intellectual property, and rules and regulations governing institutions.

An international journal, On the Horizon, also explores the issues that are emerging as technology changes the nature of education and learning within and among institutions, other organizations, and across geo-political boundaries, as learning increasingly takes place outside of the traditional institutional environment.

For further information: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/oth

Physica A

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications publishes research in the field of statistical mechanics and its applications. Statistical mechanics sets out to explain the behaviour of macroscopic systems, or the large scale, by studying the statistical properties of the microscopic or nanoscopic constituents. Applications of the concepts and techniques of statistical mechanics include: applications to physical and physiochemical systems such as solids, liquids and gases, interfaces, glasses, colloids, complex fluids, polymers, complex networks, applications to economic and social systems (e.g. socio-economic networks, financial time series, agent based models, systemic risk, market dynamics, computational social science, science of science, evolutionary game theory, cultural and political complexity), and traffic and transportation (e.g. vehicular traffic, pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, network traffic, swarms and other forms of collective transport in biology, models of intracellular transport, self-driven particles), as well as biological systems (biological signalling and noise, biological fluctuations, cellular systems and biophysics); and other interdisciplinary applications such as artificial intelligence (e.g. deep learning, genetic algorithms or links between theory of information and thermodynamics/statistical physics.).

Specific subfields covered by the journal are statistical mechanics applications to:

  • Soft matter

  • Biological systems and systems biology

  • Chemical systems

  • Econophysics and sociophysics

  • Traffic and transportation

  • Phase transitions

  • Complex systems

  • Deep learning, genetic algorithms and other methods of AI 

For further information: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/physica-a-statistical-mechanics-and-its-applications

Research Policy

Research Policy (RP) is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to analyzing, understanding and effectively responding to the economic, policy, management, organizational, environmental and other challenges posed by innovation, technology, R&D and science. This includes a number of related activities concerned with the creation of knowledge (through research), the diffusion and acquisition of knowledge (e.g. through organizational learning), and its exploitation in the form of new or improved products, processes or services.All RP papers are expected to yield findings that have implications for policy or management.

For further information: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/research-policy/about/aims-and-scope

Review of International Political Economy

The Review of International Political Economy (RIPE) has successfully established itself as a leading international journal dedicated to the systematic exploration of the international political economy from a plurality of perspectives. The journal encourages a global and interdisciplinary approach across issues and fields of inquiry. It seeks to act as a point of convergence for political economists, international relations scholars, geographers, and sociologists, and is committed to the publication of work that explores such issues as international trade and finance, production and consumption, and global governance and regulation, in conjunction with issues of culture, identity, gender, and ecology. The journal eschews monolithic perspectives and seeks innovative work that is both pluralist in its orientation and engages with the broad literatures of IPE.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rrip20

Social and Environmental Accountability Journal

Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (SEAJ) is the official Journal of The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research. It is a predominantly refereed Journal committed to the creation of a new academic literature in the broad field of social, environmental and sustainable development accounting, accountability, reporting and auditing. The Journal provides a forum for a wide range of different forms of academic and academic-related communications whose aim is to balance honesty and scholarly rigour with directness, clarity, policy-relevance and novelty. SEAJ welcomes all contributions that fulfil the criteria of the journal, including conceptual papers, empirical papers, essays, manuscripts reporting or proposing engagement, commentaries, polemics, and reviews of articles or books. A key feature of SEAJ is that papers are shorter than the word length typically anticipated in academic journals in the social sciences.

For more information: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformationshow=aimsScope&journalCode=reaj20

Thesis Eleven

Thesis Eleven (Thesis 11), peer reviewed and published quarterly, is multidisciplinary, reaching across the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, philosophy, geography, cultural studies, literature and politics) and cultivating diverse critical theories of modernity. Reflecting the broad scope of social theory it encourages civilizational analysis on a wide range of alternative modernities and takes critical theory from the margins of the world system to its centre. Marxist in origin, post-Marxist by necessity, the journal is vitally concerned with change as well as with tradition. Since it was established, the journal has published the work of some of the world's leading theorists including Niklas Luhmann, Alain Touraine, Immanuel Wallerstein, Martin Jay, Richard Rorty and Agnes Heller.This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

For further information: http://the.sagepub.com/

tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique

An open access journal for a global sustainable information society provides a forum to discuss the challenges humanity is facing in the information society today. It promotes contributions within an emerging science of the information society with a special interest in critical studies following the highest standards of peer review. The journal has a special interest in disseminating articles that focus on the role of information (cognition/knowledge, communication, cooperation) in contemporary capitalist societies. For this task, articles should employ critical theories and/or empirical research inspired by critical theories and/or philosophy and ethics guided by critical thinking as well as relate the analysis to power structures and inequalities of capitalism, especially forms of stratification such as class, racist and other ideologies and capitalist patriarchy.

Papers should reflect on how the presented findings contribute to the illumination of conditions that foster or hinder the advancement of a global sustainable and participatory information society. It is the journal´s mission to encourage uncommon sense, fresh perspectives and unconventional ideas, and connect leading thinkers and young scholars in inspiring reflections. tripleC is a transdisciplinary journal that is open to contributions from all disciplines and approaches that critically and with a focus on power structures analyze the role of cognition, communication, cooperation, information, media, digital media and communication in the information society.

For more information: http://www.triple-c.at

Journals with a Regional Focus

Cepal Review

The CEPAL REVIEW was founded in 1976, along with the corresponding Spanish version, Revista de la cepal , and is published three times a year by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, which has its headquarters in Santiago, Chile. The Review, however, has full editorial independence and follows the usual academic procedures and criteria, including the review of articles by independent external referees. The purpose of the Review is to contribute to the discussion of socio-economic development issues in the region by offering analytical and policy approaches and articles by economists and other social scientists working both within and outside the United Nations. The Review is distributed to universities, research institutes and other international organizations, as well as to individual subscribers. The opinions expressed in the signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the organization. The designations employed and the way in which data are presented do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 

For further information: http://www.cepal.org/en/acerca-de-revista-cepal

Cuadernos de Economía

Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance es una publicación cuatrimestral abierta a la publicación de artículos científicos y de referencia relativos a un gran número de materias relacionadas con el análisis económico, tanto desde una perspectiva teórica como aplicada. Cuadernos de Economía está editada por los departamentos de Teoría Económica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y de la Universidad de Barcelona, y forma parte desde 2011 del grupo de revistas editadas por ELSEVIER. Cuadernos de Economía es una de las revistas españolas más citada en el ámbito de la Economía. Cuadernos de Economía acepta artículos en español y en inglés.

For further information: http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-cuadernos-economia-329

Economic Annals

Economic Annals is an academic journal that has been published on a quarterly basis since 1955, initially under its Serbian name of Ekonomski anali (EconLit). Since 2006 it has been published exclusively in English. It is published by the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The journal publishes research in all areas of economics. The Editorial Board  welcomes contributions that explore economic issues in comparative perspective with a focus on Southeast Europe and the wider European neighbourhood. The journal encourages the submission of original unpublished works, not under consideration by other journals or publications. All submitted papers undergo a double blind refereeing process. Authors are expected to follow standard publication procedures [Instructions to Authors], to recognise the values of the international academic community and to respect the journal’s Policy.

Find a link here: https://www.ekof.bg.ac.rs/publications/journals/ekonomski-anali/?lang=en

Economic and Political Weekly

First published in 1949 as the Economic Weekly and since 1966 as the Economic and Political Weekly, EPW, as the journal is popularly known, occupies a special place in the intellectual history of independent India. For more than five decades EPW has remained a unique forum that week after week has brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines.

Find a link to the website here: https://www.epw.in

Interventions économiques

The journal Interventions économiques / Papers in Political Economy is a refereed journal interested in theoretical debates as well as in research results or debates in political economy or socio-economics, as well as analysis of the evolution of society and economies.

The journal publishes articles on all themes, but has particular interest in political economy, socio-economics, work, employment, work organization, working time, local and international development, globalization and international political economy, as well as issues on important authors in these fields.

This journal is recognized and financed by the Social Sciences Research Council of Canada, under its program for Scholarly Journals.

For further information: http://interventionseconomiques.revues.org/?lang=en

OIKOS - Revista de Economia Heterodoxa

A revista OIKOS oferece espa o para um di logo transdisciplinar sobre quest es s cio-econ micas. Recebe contribui es em forma de artigos, ensaios, resenhas, fotografias, imagens, poemas. Busca o reencontro entre a Universidade e a Sociedade. La revista OIKOS ofrece espacio para un di logo transdisciplinar sobre cuestiones socioecon micas. Recibe contribuciones en forma de art culos, ensayos, rese as, fotograf as, im genes, poemas. Busca el reencuentro entre la Universidad y la Sociedad.

For further information: https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/oikos/issue/view/2582

Ola Financiera

Ola Financiera was born with the aim of expanding the scientific research and dissemination of issues of contemporary financial economics. This is an academic effort backed by a large group of university researchers whose career in the analysis of these issues goes back more than three decades.

The dynamic and changing world of financial economics has shown a greater preeminence in the global economic and political future. Power and money are being redistributed in today's world and the social sciences require ever more analysis and accurate information on these issues. A world with a new distribution of power and emerging and declining powers is producing diverse effects in almost all productive sectors and markets of the various regions of the world. There are multiple conditions and that condition the contradictions of the financial world: inflation-deflation-stagflation; changes in relative prices and patterns of consumption and savings; labor flexibility, declines in formal employment and the income of employees, and new production models.

This is the importance of having original and well founded analyses of financial economics, which offers a space for reflection at national and regional levels as well as the tools and knowledge necessary to develop ideas and policies to meet the challenges of development.

Although the topics examined in the journal are diverse and complex, the university reserchers supporting this venture have found an enthusiastic reception among Ola Financiera's readership. The journal is a joint effort between the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of Economic Research at the UNAM, the product of years of dedication to the research and teaching and dissemination in financial economics. This project seeks to maintain the excellence and originality of the work published, and we therefore invite researchers, whether professors or graduate students, to send their contributions.

For further information: https://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ROF


Prokla (Probleme des Klassenkampfes/problems of class struggle), one of the leading and long standing unorthodox Marxist journals in Germany, is now available from the internet. "Journal for Critical Social Science", It is a German peer-reviewed journal that has been covering topics in political economy, politics, social history, and sociology since 1971. The focus is on societal power relations, polarizations in the international system, and the social relationship with nature. Each issue is compiled based on thematic focal points.The older issues from 1971 to 2006 are even freely accessible. Of course Prokla as all left journals is dependent on subscriptions.

For further information: http://www.prokla.de/

Realidad Economica

Realidad Economica is published by the Argentine Institute for Economic Development. It is an open forum for the exposition of ideas of sectors involved and concerned about economic, political, social and cultural issues that have to do with our country and the world in general. Its approach is heterodox its origins being the social sciences and it is directed to a wide public of academics and to society as a whole. It is published regularly every 45 days. Most of its contents are unpublished articles written by renowned authors who work as professors and investigators in Universities and other entities in the country and out of it. There are also articles of general interest as well as bibliographic comments.

For further information: http://www.iade.org.ar/modules/noticias/

Review of African Political Economy

Since 1974 ROAPE has provided radical analysis of trends, issues and social processes in Africa, adopting a broadly materialist interpretation of change. It pays particular attention to the political economy of inequality, exploitation and oppression, and to organised struggles against them, whether these inequities are driven by global forces or local ones such as class, race, ethnicity and gender. It sustains a critical analysis of the nature of power and the state in Africa in the context of capitalist globalisation. ROAPE is a refereed journal committed to encouraging high quality research and fostering excellence in the understanding of African political economy. It contains academic articles, debates pieces, briefings and commentary on current events relating to Africa and an active section of book reviews.

For further information: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/crea20

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Politica

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Politica was established in 1997 by the Brazilian Society of Political Economy in order to provide a space for the publication of Marxist papers, but it is open to other heterodox views. It is read primarily by economics teachers and students. The Review is bi-annual, and it publishes papers written in English and Spanish as well as Portuguese.

For further information: http://www.sep.org.br

Revista de Economía Institucional

La Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Externado de Colombia se ha esforzado por crear y consolidar un espacio de reflexión alrededor de un tema central y de enorme actualidad: la economía institucional. Este esfuerzo está motivado por el convencimiento de que nos encontramos en una nueva etapa de desarrollo del sistema político y económico mundial, cuya comprensión es un desafío ineludible para los científicos sociales, así como para los centros de investigación y las organizaciones que buscan el bienestar social, el desarrollo de las instituciones políticas y un mejor funcionamiento de los mercados. El análisis de esta nueva configuración internacional requiere nuevas teorías, nuevos métodos, nuevas herramientas y un gran esfuerzo para romper las barreras disciplinarias impuestas por la especialización profesional. Los nuevos enfoques han identificado nuevos problemas e influyen cada vez más en la agenda de políticas de reforma de las instituciones económicas y políticas, así como del sistema legal.

La Revista de Economía Institucional es una publicación pluralista, abierta a la discusión y difusión de trabajos teóricos e investigaciones prácticas en estas áreas, de autores nacionales e internacionales. Busca divulgar los trabajos elaborados por investigadores de diversas universidades y centros de investigación del país, y difundir y someter a discusión los avances teóricos y metodológicos que se producen en otros países, con el fin de contribuir a conformar una comunidad académica congregada alrededor del libre examen.

The Revista de Econom a Institucional, from the Universidad Externado de Colombia, in Bogota , is a biannual publication that has the purpose to stimulate research related with political economy, economy and philosophy, law and economics, economic history and theory of games, within the theoretical bases of institutional economics. Revista de Economía Institucional is written in Spanish, although we publish Spanish versions of articles in English, French and Italian.

For further information: http://www.economiainstitucional.com/

Revista de Economía Mundial

La Revista de Economía Mundial (REM) es una publicación editada por la Sociedad de Economía Mundial. Se trata de una Revista científica internacional que se encuentra reseñada en prestigiosos índices internacionales.

La REM nace en 1999 (ver la introducción del primer número ) con el objeto de difundir la investigación científica que sobre Economía Mundial en el sentido más amplio se estuviera realizando fundamentalmente en lengua española, aunque la revista también está abierta a la publicación de artículos en otras lenguas, especialmente en inglés.

La revista tiene la ambición de convertirse en referencia obligada en los estudios de Economía Mundial en el ámbito internacional. Para ello acoge artículos de investigación original, agrupados en secciones monográficas y secciones generales. Pero también da cabida, en sección aparte, a trabajos de revisión, ensayos y otros trabajos. Para garantizar la calidad de la publicación, todos los trabajos son sometidos a un proceso de evaluación de doble ciego.

En la actualidad REM cuenta con el respaldo de un gran número de universidades y profesores de todo el mundo. Muestra de ello es su Consejo Editorial, que refleja una gran diversidad de países, tendencias y especialidades dentro de la Economía Mundial. El afán de difusión internacional de la REM también queda reflejado en que a ella están suscritos más de 200 profesores de muy diversos países y se canjea por más de 40 revistas de todo el mundo.

En la actualidad se publica desde el Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, que amablemente realiza las labores necesarias para su edición en papel. Y a través de esta página Web se difunde en formato electrónico. Se puede disponer del texto completo de todos los artículos publicados hasta ahora, con la única limitación de citar la fuente.

For further information: http://www.sem-wes.org/revista/

Revue Française de Socio-Economie

On attend d'une nouvelle revue scientifique qu'elle définisse dans son premier éditorial ce qui fonde la légitimité de son existence, et plus encore quand cette revue se veut le support d'un domaine scientifique mixte, aux frontières encore à établir et dont la dénomination même est problématique. Cette attente risque d'être déçue ici car, pour le dire tout de go, le collectif de chercheurs à l'initiative de la Revue française de socio-économie (RFSE) a décidé de ne pas attendre d'avoir précisément défini ce qu' est la « socio-économie » pour lancer la revue du même nom.

For further information: http://rfse.univ-lille1.fr/

Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa

Transformation is an established journal serving as a forum for analysis and debate about South African society in transition, as well as the surrounding region, and the global context that affects southern African developments. Various levels of editorial involvement draw in academics from several South African and international universities. The primary focus of the journal is on contemporary society, while acknowledging the need to locate day-to-day movements and the emerging broader patterns into an historical context. Since the first issue in 1987 Transformation has given effect to this aim. It has drawn an impressive array of South African and foreign contributors, and covering many disciplines and a wide range of fields of transition, change and transformation. We invite contributions that are academically rigorous but that also clarify the implications for social transformation of the issues discussed.

For further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02533958808458441

Urbani Izziv (Urban Change)

Urbani Izziv is intended for the dissemination of new knowledge and discussion of contemporary spatial planning issues. Until 2008, each issue had a leading theme. Since 2009 the issues have no longer been thematic. Each issue contains contributions on various spatial themes addressed from various fields and disciplines (e.g., geography, architecture, landscape architecture, surveying, sociology, economics, etc.). These articles present the research interests of the authors within their fields, including: – Spatial planning – Urban planning and design – Landscape planning and design – Regional development – Urban renewal – Management of urban areas – Natural and cultural heritage protection – Environmental protection – Spatial information technology – Housing studies – Traffic studies – Demographic studies for spatial planning – Accessibility for the disabled

Despite its major focus on social science topics, the orientation of the journal is interdisciplinary, encompassing developments and new directions in research fields, thereby strengthening, broadening, improving and synergising skills. In addition to Slovenian authors, the editors strive to ensure a balanced participation of authors, also from other countries in the region and worldwide.

For more information: http://urbani-izziv.uirs.si/en-us/

Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

The quarterly journal Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft deals with both Austrian and international issues of economic policy, economic theory, as well as socio-economic issues from related disciplines such as economic history, sociology, and political science.

The journal is aimed at readers interested in in-depth analyses of economic policy. Great importance is placed on the synthesis of academic research and the socio-economic and political reality. 

Find a link here: https://journals.akwien.at/index.php/wug/about

Work and Industrial Relations

Work in the Global Economy

Work in the Global Economy is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that promotes understanding of work, and connections to work, in all forms and dimensions. This can mean a focus on labour processes, labour markets, labour organising and labour reproduction. The editors welcome wide-ranging contributions that extend and deepen connections between all aspects of the division of labour: from the production networks that underpin the global economy, to the gendered and racial divides that shape how work is allocated and organised. 

Read more about Work in the Global Economy

Economics and Labour Relations Review

The Economic and Labour Relations Review aims to bring together research in economics and labour relations in a multi-disciplinary approach to policy questions. It publishes research that is country-specific or based on regional comparisons, or that analyses global trends. In the context of the severest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the journal encourages articles that critically assess dominant policy orthodoxies, as well as alternative models, thereby facilitating informed debate. The journal particularly encourages articles that take a critical approach to neoliberalism, that adopt a post-Keynesian (heterodox) approach to economics, or that explore rights-, equality- or justice-based approaches to labour relations and social policy.

Link to the journal is available here.

Gender, Work, and Organization

Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday life and society has become more and more widespread. Appropriately social sciences research is reflecting this increasing concern with gender, especially in the field of work and organization where this journal is focused. Gender, Work & Organization is the first journal to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a new international forum for debate and analysis. Contributions are invited from all disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, history, labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology.

For further information: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0968-6673

International Labor Review

The International Labour Review has been the International Labour Organization s (ILO) flagship journal since 1921. As a global multidisciplinary journal of labour and social policies and relationships, the new ILR is open to articles which meet scholarly standards but which are written in a way that is accessible to a wider readership. They may cover any of the fields of interest of the ILO employment and labour markets, training and skills development, social security and social protection, labour law and labour institutions, rights at work and social dialogue. The pages of the journal are also open to all relevant disciplines economics, law, sociology, political science and articles taking an interdisciplinary perspective are particularly welcome. Articles may report on the results of empirical work at national level or drawing on international comparisons; they may offer new conceptual frameworks or review the state of knowledge on key issues. The intention is to attract contributions from all parts of the world, and to inform policy debates on key labour and social issues. In addition to the main articles, a separate section will contain a small number of reviews of major books, and a new Notes, debates and communications section will report on recent and upcoming events of interest to the readership, analyse important recent developments in the world of work, and provide summaries and access to important documents with major policy implications for labour and development. As one of the few journals to come out in English, French and Spanish, with a worldwide readership, the ILR aims to become the obvious first choice for publication of high-quality research by all those concerned with labour and employment.

For further information: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/revue/index.htm

Labor Studies Journal

The Labor Studies Journal is the official journal of the United Association for Labor Education (UALE, www.uale.org). It is a multi-disciplinary journal covering issues related to work, workers, labor organizations, and labor studies and worker education in the US and internationally, including

  • Union organizing strategies

  • Labor movement revitalization

  • New forms of worker representation (labor centers, etc.)

  • Race, gender and “identity” issues and labor

  • Immigration and labor

  • Globalization and labor

  • Labor and political trends

  • International labor movements

  • Labor education practices and approaches

  • Labor and the evolving economy

In addition to articles about the United States labor movement and workforce, LSJ welcomes submissions that are international and comparative. We are interested in foreign based authors who are writing about relevant subject matter in non-US countries, which have significant international or comparative implications for labor studies.

LSJ is interested in manuscripts using a diversity of research methods, both qualitative and quantitative that use ethnographic, theory-building, and formal econometric modeling. The Journal publishes empirical research in order to advance theory that expands understanding and analysis of the field of labor studies. LSJ welcomes innovative and new approaches to the study of workers directed at a general audience including union, university, and community based- labor educators, labor activists, and scholars from across the social sciences and humanities.

The Journal also includes a variety of sections such as:

  • reviews on relevant books, audio-visual, and electronic materials

  • a forum for discussion of issues about work and labor

  • a non-refereed section highlighting innovations in labor education and labor practice

Please find a link here: https://journals.sagepub.com/description/LSJ

New Labor Forum

New Labor Forum is a national labor journal from the Murphy Institute and the City University of New York. Published three times a year, New Labor Forum provides a place for labor and its allies to test and debate new ideas. Issues we explore include (but are not limited to): the global economy’s impact on work and labor; new union organizing and political strategies; labor’s new constituencies and their relationship to organized labor’s traditional institutions; internal union reform and new structural models for the labor movement; alternative economic and social policies; and the role of culture in a new, revitalized labor movement. Our core constituency consists of scholars, journalists, labor leaders and activists as well as community-based activists concerned with the “labor question” broadly conceived. Our readers’ areas of interest cover the entire range of the humanities and social sciences.

Read endorsements from Cornel West, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, and others.

See more at: http://newlaborforum.cuny.edu/

Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation

The globalisation of world trade in combination with the use of information and communications technologies is bringing about a new international division of labour, not just in manufacturing industry, as in the past, but also in work involving the processing of information. Organisational restructuring shatters the unity of the traditional workplace, both contractually and spatially, dispersing work across the globe in ever-more attenuated value chains. A new cybertariat is in the making, sharing common labour processes, but working in remote offices and call centres which may be continents apart and occupying very different cultural and economic places in local economies. The implications of this are far-reaching, both for policy and for scholarship. The dynamics of this new global division of labour cannot be captured adequately within the framework of any single academic discipline. On the contrary they can only be understood in the light of a combination of insights from fields including political economy, the sociology of work, organisational theory, economic geography, development studies, industrial relations, comparative social policy, communications studies, technology policy and gender studies. This journal aims to bring together insights from all these fields to create a single authoritative source of information on the new global division of labour, combining theoretical analysis with the results of empirical research in a way that is accessible both to the research community and to policy-makers.

For further information: http://www.cybertariat.com

Work, Employment and Society

Work, Employment and Society covers all aspects of work, employment and unemployment and their connections with wider social processes and social structures. The journal is sociologically orientated but welcomes contributions from other disciplines which addresses the issues in a way that informs less debated aspects of the journal s remit, such as unpaid labour and the informal economy. The journal adheres to high standards of scholarship but sees no conflict between accessibility and scholarships; submissions must be clear and free from jargon.

For more information: http://wes.sagepub.com/

Popular Journals


The purpose of Challenge is to present a wide range of views on international economic affairs in the belief that an informal dialogue will result in more rational and effective public policy.Publishes timely heterodox research on contemporary and historical economics, providing Keynesian and other ideas, information and public policy proposals.

For further information: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/MCHA20/current

Development Dialogue

Development Dialogue is addressed to individuals and organizations in both the South and the North, including policy makers, international institutions, member of civil society, the media and the research community. Development dialogue is intended to provide a free forum for critical discussion of international development priorities for the 21st century. The Journal reflects the outcomes of the Foundation s seminars, but is also a forum for contributions to the ongoing debate.

For further information: https://www.daghammarskjold.se/development-dialogue/

Dollars & Sense

Dollars & Sense challenges the mainstream media s account of how the U.S. economy works by publishing popularly written, critical articles in an accessible format. We print articles by journalists, activists, and scholars on a broad range of topics with an economic theme: the economy, housing, labor, government regulation, unemployment, the environment, urban conflict, and activism. D&S publications question the assumptions of traditional academic theories and empower people to think about alternatives to the prevailing system. We cover issues that are ignored by mainstream media and misunderstood by orthodox economic analysts. The magazine includes regular reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the corporate media's coverage of the economy.

For further information: http://www.dollarsandsense.org

Real-World Economics Review

The Real-World Economics Review (formerly the Post-Autistic Economics Review) is an email-delivered economics journal working against economics uncontrolled use and treatment of mathematics as an end in itself , and the resulting autistic science , the repressive domination of neoclassical theory and derivative approaches in the curriculum, and the dogmatic teaching style, which leaves no place for critical and reflective thought. PAER favors engagement with empirical and concrete economic realities, prioritizing science over scientism, a pluralism of approaches adapted to the complexity of economic objects and to the uncertainty surrounding most of the big economics questions, and initiating reforms to rescue economics from its autistic and socially irresponsible state.

For further information see here.